Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

134: Mei-San Who Beat Mebius To The Ground? Snake Is Angry!

"Mei Mei!"

Chongchong is a little psychologically unbalanced: "Even I haven't touched your horns yet...how can you touch other women..."

Mei: "Uh...it's not me, it's another me..."

Mei is also quite aggrieved, obviously the one who made the choice was another self, why somehow she started to blame her.

And this pink fairy lady, just let her touch the horns.

He even showed off with a trumpet everywhere!

She doesn't care about such things!

"Oh~ Mei Mei, after you return to the real world, I must let Hua take you to the Paradise of the Past!"

Alicia couldn't wait to speak: "I really want to touch your horns too, Riding, it must be very comfortable!"

"No, no, no!"

Chongchong hugged Meiyi anxiously: "Mei's horns can only be touched by me!"

"Oh, dear Kiyana, don't be so stingy~ Big deal, I'll let you touch my fairy ears too, how about it?"

"Ahem! You two are enough."

Mei coughed heavily, not wanting to dwell on this topic any longer: "Let's talk about the business."

"About the deep place I mentioned on the screen...what is that place? Why would I rather sell my horn to get there?"

This is also the point that Mei is most curious about right now. What is the reason why she can make a deal with Alicia and go to the deepest place at the expense of her shame and body?

"If i remember correctly......"

Fu Hua frowned and pondered: "The deepest place seems to be where Aponia is staying?"

Zhibao echoed: "That's right, it's where Aponia is staying."

"...Yes. As Hua said, the deepest place is indeed the 070 where I am staying..."

As if slowing down the speed of speech by 0.5 times, Aponiya whispered softly: "It's just that even I don't know what Mei's purpose is to go to the deepest place..."

"Could it be that you just want to see Alponia?"

Alicia covered her mouth pretending to be surprised: "Oh my God, I didn't expect Mei to be such a passionate woman. It's not enough to have me and Kiyana, even Albonia wants to get involved?"

After hearing this, Chongchong was startled: "What, what?!"

Mei: "...It's almost done, Alicia...

Mei is helpless towards this pink goblin lady, and she doesn't know how her future self will deal with her. I'm afraid she won't be easily handled!

From Thunder Bud 1, it became Thunder Bud 0!

At this moment, the electronic synthesizer sounded again, signaling the start of a new round of questions and answers

[Question 8: "Hey, look who is here? "Miss Mei who beat Mebius to the ground" Among the following options, what is the reason why Mebius advocated Meibius?]

【A: I like to eat meals cooked by Raiden Mei. 】

【B: I want to touch Raiden Mei's corner. 】

【C: I want to invade Raiden Mei's body, so as to leave the paradise of the past. 】

[D: I envy Raiden Mei's tall figure, so I want to keep it for myself. 】

"Why do I have the illusion that I have entered a wolf's den?"

Mei looked at the question and answer on the screen, a little confused.

Chongchong even hugged Yayi tightly, with vigilant eyes: "That's right! Why are all of you Yingjie so interested in Yayi?! This kind of thing is absolutely strange!"

"Oh, isn't it normal (abai) for someone to like a beautiful girl like Mei?"

Alicia smiled slyly: "Especially dear Mebius, she likes to play with this kind of tall big sister the most~"

.Almost done, Alicia. "

Mebius put on a cold face: "I might be interested in Raiden Mei's Herrscher body, but what kind of tall figure do I envy? Don't be kidding!"

Snake, snake, I used to be very slender!

Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, don't bully the poor!

Alicia happily said, "Look, look~ Dear Mebius is starting to talk hard again~"

Mebius frowned, almost breaking his defense: "Alicia!!!"

"Okay, okay, no kidding~~

Alicia perfectly grasped the snake, and coughed twice to change the subject: "Then, from the perspective of dear Mebius——what is the reason why you like Mei~?

Mei's expression was a little subtle, and she subconsciously reached out to cover her head: "You don't want to touch my horns again, do you?"

Kiyana made a big cross between her hands: "Daba!"

"Hmph! Do you really treat me like a child?"

Mebius snorted softly, with a look of disgust on his face: "How could I be interested in a person because of such a boring thing?"

As a demon scientist, apart from the existence related to his own research, there is nothing that can interest Mebius!

No! Absolutely not!

But there is one thing to say, the role of Raiden Mei should be the substantive manifestation of the awakening of Herrscher's power, and it is closely related to her Herrscher's power.

If she can really feel it, it may be quite helpful to her research... Ahem!

Seeing that Mebius had been silent for a while, Fu Hua whispered: "Mebius, I think option C is very likely.


Mei was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously raised her head to look at option C. After reading the answer to option C, her eyes widened involuntarily.

She turned to look at the monitor: "Squad, monitor, is what you said true?"

"Well, based on what I know about Dr. Mebius, she does seem like someone who would do such a thing."

Fu Hua paused, and then said firmly: "No, it should be said that she is such a person!"

"I agree with what Old Antique said."

As Zhibao, who has all of Fu Hua's memories, also stood up, and it is rare to reach a unified point of view with Fu Hua: "Dr. Mebius, this guy used to study my old antiques as experimental subjects before! Pass the experiment of the Herrscher of Corruption!


"No, don't say it so scary!"

Mei became more and more worried about her future self, and said in her heart that if she met such a demon scientist, she might really suffer serious injuries!

As soon as he thought of this, Mei couldn't help clasping his hands together and praying silently.

Hope everyone is ok.jpg

"I said you guys are secretly talking bad about me.

Mebius snorted coldly, but didn't pursue it. Instead, he stretched out a slender finger and pointed to option C on the screen: "I choose C, hehe~ I really feel quite impressed by the Herrscher's body." interested~"

"Also, I'm a little tired of the Paradise of the Past, which hasn't changed a bit in these tens of thousands of years."

[The answer is correct, congratulations to Mebius for getting the Peace Star x1]

[Peace Star (Unknown): Has the ability to fulfill all wishes. 】

"Fulfill.....every wish...?!"

Not only Mebius, but everyone in the Q&A space was stunned, looking at the peace star in Mebius' hands in disbelief.

"Is it true? Can wishes come true? Can everything come true?"

Padufelice yelled: "This is too powerful! It's even more omnipotent than the omnipotent Honkai!"

Eden: "Indeed, no matter how you say it, it's too... unimaginable."

Qiyana had a sudden thought: "If that's the case, if you make a wish to eliminate the Houkai, will the Houkai really disappear from the world?!"

"If that's the case, it's too simple, isn't it?"

Teresa's expression was shocked: "That day's destiny can be changed to enter the entertainment industry..."

In order to save Tianming, who was on the brink of bankruptcy, the Valkyries chose to debut and become idols...

"Hmph, is this so-called Peace Star really that magical?"

Adhering to the idea of ​​not believing rumors or spreading them, Mebius hesitated for a moment, and then said slowly: "In this case, then make a wish——resurrect the real Klein......"

Accompanied by Mebius' words, the Peace Star suddenly flashed a faint light, and immediately turned into a pile of gravel flowing down from Mebius's song at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, the description about Peace Star has also been updated——

[Peace Star·False: Has the ability to realize all wishes, but False is an exception. 】

Mebius: ".

"Are you kidding me?! The rewards in the question and answer space can still be fake?!"

Mebius gritted his teeth angrily: "Obviously all the rewards given to others are real rewards! Why am I the only one who is fake!"

"Puchi! Haha, Dr. Mebius' luck is too bad!"

Chongchong was the first to stop, clutching his stomach and laughing: "Even the rewards in the question and answer space can be fake!"

Bronya: "Is there a possibility that the rewards given by the question and answer space are all real, but there is a counterfeit setting in the Peace Star itself..."

Zhibao: "That is to say, there is still a real peace star?"

Fu Hua: "If this is the case, then if the reward for the next question and answer is the real Peace Star, doesn't it mean that we can really realize all our wishes by relying on it?"

"However, if Peace Star really has such a powerful ability, it must be really hard to get. 27'

Alicia didn't seem to care much: "Instead of pinning our hopes on this illusory peace star, it's better to work hard ourselves!

Eden agrees: "Ellie's right, there's no such thing as something you don't get for nothing."

"Hmph, I'm just a little angry because I was tricked."

Snake began to speak stiffly: "Besides, even if this is a real peace star, I will not use it to directly achieve the result I want, at most let it create a way for me to reach the result

"By the way, have you forgotten something?

Mei's complexion was a bit uneasy, and she pointed to the screen that gradually began to play: "Mebius, you really want to occupy my body!"

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