Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

136: Kos Demon Society Dead? Open The Door! Chasing The Fire Moth To Check The Water Meter!

In the screen, Mei Raiden finally entered Mebius' laboratory under the guidance of Alicia after going through a battle.

As soon as she stepped in, she heard the evil laughter from the snake——

【"Oh~ sister big sister, we are back here again~"

Mebius stared at Leiden Mei like a poisonous snake eyeing its prey: "Do you still remember the place where we first met?"

"Mebius, don't you want to experiment on me?"

Lei Dian Mei looked at her coldly, without any fear: "But there is no operating table here, and it doesn't look like a laboratory at all."

"Operating table?" Mebius sneered: "The experiment I want to conduct...is not that simple~"

Lei Dian Mei frowned: "Oh, sure enough...the so-called 'gift' was a lie from the very beginning."

"Lies... Sister big sister, why aren't you?" Mebius sneered, "Actually, you have no intention of leaving Paradise of the Past at all. The suspicion is only for the sake of making fun of you." Know my real purpose."

"Since we're not being honest with each other, it's better not to hang on to it.

"Remember what I said to you when we first met?"

Mebius smiled menacingly: "Sister big sister~ what I want...is for you to take me out of here!"]

"Oh! I didn't expect Mebius to really want to abandon us and leave the paradise of the past?"

Alicia covered her mouth sadly: "Mebius, do you hate us so much? Do you want to leave us so much?"

Mebius rolled his eyes: "...I just hate you, Alicia."

"But I really like you, Mebius~!"

Alicia smiled, took the initiative to walk to Snake, leaned forward slightly and approached her, smiling "May 1st".

"What, what?!"

Snake seemed to be in a stress response, and was forced to retreat half a meter by the headlights on Alicia's chest, with a look of vigilance + guard: "If you have anything to say, just say it, don't get so close!"

"Oh! When I think of my dear Mebius wanting to leave us, I want to get closer to you~!"

Alicia stepped forward again, and continued to approach Snake: "After all, if one day you really leave the paradise of the past and never come back, "we will all miss you very, very much!"

"Tsk! I told you to stay away from me!"

Snake was forced to the corner all the way, and her expression became a little annoyed: "Okay, okay! The one who wants to leave is the 'Mebius' in the picture, what does it have to do with me!"

Alicia blinked: "But, aren't you all Mebius?"

"So what, even from a genetic point of view, we are all [Mebius], but from a psychological point of view, she and I are not the same person at all!"

Snake Snake is worthy of being a scientist, and when he speaks the truth, he still says the same thing: "Stay away from me!"

"Hmm~" Alicia blinked slyly, and deliberately oppressed Snake, then straightened up: "But, why is Dr. Mebius in the picture so eager to leave the paradise of the afterlife?"

"Shout, who knows."

Snake sat up impatiently: "Maybe it's because of what happened in the future that I want to go to the real world."

"That's true. After all, in the real world, even the Stigmata Project is about to enter its final stage... As the original proposer of the Stigmata Project, Dr. Mebius naturally wants to witness it with his own eyes, right?"

Alicia nodded, and then shook her head again: "However, the idea of ​​occupying Mei's body is also very bad!"

Mei immediately echoed: "I agree!"

Chongchong also echoed: "I agree too!"

Fu Hua: "I think so too.

Hua: "Indeed."

"What's the use of telling me this?"

Snake looked dismissively: "Again, that Mebius has nothing to do with me. If you really want to protest, just go to me and say no."

Shibao: "Dr. Mebius is still very good at shirking responsibility."

"The Herrscher of Knowledge..."

Snake licked the corner of her mouth, with a malicious smile on her face: "Since you, as a Herrscher of Consciousness, must be able to directly enter the Paradise of the Past? Do you want to visit the Paradise of the Past after returning to the real world? "

"No! No!" Zhibao shrank his shoulders, as if he was a little scared: "I don't want to be like this old antique, tied to the operating table by you every day and played with over and over again!

Fu Hua:


Thinking about it carefully, they are really speechless!

"Ah! Look! Dr. Mebius in the picture has transformed!"

Suddenly, Chongchong pointed to the screen and said loudly.

Everyone looked up, and saw that Mebius had turned into a huge half-human life form, which looked quite oppressive!

"I didn't expect Dr. Mebius to directly activate the [Man-made Collapse] form. It seems that this time it is inevitable!"

Su's expression was a bit dignified: "I don't know if Miss Leiden Mei can resist it."

"Su, I've wanted to say it since a long time ago..." Mebius squinted at him, and couldn't help complaining: "How do you see it with your eyes closed?"


【"This is the true posture of 'artificial collapse, the fusion fighter...'"

Raiden Mei looked up at the huge half-human life form, and could vaguely see the outline belonging to Mebius, her expression was a little shocked.

But immediately she calmed down and regained her composure: "I saw it with my own eyes, although it is indeed a bit surprising, but..."

She pulled out the sword, and the sword was filled with ferocious thunder, just like her awe-inspiring expression at the moment: "It's nothing more than that!"

"Hehe~ But that's it?" Mebius sneered arrogantly: "You really like to joke, Sister Herrscher."

"Don't you think...you still have a chance to stop me?"

"In the past, what the three Ying Jie could do together, do you think you can do it alone?"

Leiden Mei responded calmly: "If you don't try it, how will you know?"

"Hehe...hahahaha......very good, very good...I like people like you.

As if feeling that she was already sure of winning, Mebius laughed mockingly at Leiden Mei, she lowered her head, and stared at Mei, who seemed extremely small compared to her at the moment: "You know that in the experiment, what kind of Is it easier for people to survive?"

"It's not the kind of person who goes to the operating table with worries and hopes—it's the kind of person who is already in despair from the start and doesn't want to let his life go on."


Raiden Mei was not afraid: "Return the words, Mebius!"

"Hehe~ Then let us see if the one who leaves here today will be "Mebius Raiden" or "Mebius!"]

In the next second, the two people in the picture began to wrestle together, and it was inseparable for a while!

"Wait a moment!"

Mei suddenly said: "I remember that Mebius is not a scientific researcher? Why does he seem to have such a high combat effectiveness!"

You must know that she has become a complete Herrscher of Thunder in the picture. Even if she is not as good as those fusion fighters of the combat department in terms of combat power, she should be more than enough to deal with scientific research personnel like Mebius, right?

But in the end, it seems that it is more difficult to deal with than imagined!

"Besides, the three Yingjies joined forces to stop Mebius in the collapsed form. Could it be that the collapsed form will increase the strength of the Yingjies?!"

"Yes, the collapsed form can indeed greatly increase the physical strength of Ying Jie."

Fu Hua answered Mei's question: "But as a disadvantage, it will also completely disappear Yingjie's human sanity and reduce him to the same kind of existence as the Honkai Beast.

"But.........this Dr. Mebius still looks sober even after the collapse!"

Chongchong pointed out the key to the problem: "This is too strange!"

"Hehe~ What's so strange about this?"

Mebius responded casually: "At the end of the day, I was responsible for the operation of the fusion soldier, and I am very clear about the results and effects of this operation."

"—Then, it is naturally easy to find a way to counteract the side effects."

"This, if this is the case, doesn't it mean that Mei's situation is very dangerous?!"

Qiyana was a little anxious: "Mei! Come on! Don't lose to this bad woman!"

Mebius let out a haughty laugh: "Stop struggling, it is impossible for me to lose to a mere Herrscher when I activate the 'man-made collapse' form."

As soon as the voice fell, the screen on the screen turned into an offensive, and turned into Mebius lying on the ground in disgrace, declaring his complete defeat.

Obviously, he was beaten to the ground by Mei Lei.

Alicia: "Ah, Mebius lost..."

Hua: "I lost so quickly..."

Su: "It seems that the Herrscher of Thunder is stronger than we imagined..."

Kevin: "Cool."

Cosmo: "...handsome."

Gracie: "Mobius Aunt, why are you lying on the ground? Your stomach will catch a cold.

Mebius:․ Tsk!"

Not only the Yingjies, but even Yai himself was shocked.

My heart said that she hadn't exerted any strength yet, so why did you lie down?

In the picture, Mebius is talking with his assistant Klein [Shi Klein also played the video of the real Mebius before entering the freezer in front of Mebius' memory.

The main body of Mebius, who had experienced the death of Alicia, only sounded deeply exhausted from the tone of her voice. She told the memory of her heart, eager to get the understanding of the memory.

Even at the end, I hope that Mebius, who is a memory, can say goodbye to himself.

【"I don't know how long has passed since you saw this video? Is it thousands of years, or tens of thousands of years? Or...longer?"

"Everything I know, everything we remember...by the time you see this video, it should have already become dust that blows away.

"But for you, it's just the beginning."

The former Mebius said softly: "You are my most perfect creation and the most special existence.

"From the moment you were born, you have fulfilled...my lifelong pursuit."

.......Mebius...the other me in this world..."

"Say goodbye to me, okay?"]

She bent down and stretched out her hand, trying to hold the hand that Mebius extended.

Mebius, who was a memory, also fell on the ground, struggled to get up, and stretched out his hand forward.

However, at the moment when the hands of the two were about to overlap, Mebius of the memory clenched his palms tightly, and countless black spikes between Setsuna penetrated the image and completely shattered it.

She let out a wild laugh, laughing at the fragility of the body

Weak, sneering at his incompetence as the main body, and declaring that he is the real and only Mebius.

Immediately afterwards, Mebius activated the mechanism in this area, trapped Raiden Mei here, trying to completely erase her existence.

And myself, run away!

"This Mebius is really too baby!"

Chongchong reprimanded angrily: "Obviously I lost! I still think of playing these tricks!"

"Oh, who told me to be a scientific researcher?"

Mebius didn't care about Chong Chong's reprimand: "After all, compared to force, wisdom is my real weapon, isn't it?"

Mei was a little worried: "I, I should be fine..."

As the screen gradually became dark, the picture changed again, and we came to the queen of Letian, who passed away.

Alicia and Mebius are talking, and the content——is naturally about Raiden Mei.

Mebius told Alicia bluntly that Raiden Mei had completely ceased to exist, but the response he got was indeed Alicia's confident smile.

【"No~ Mebius."

Alicia said: "How can someone who can interest you and me so easily be yours?"

"Alicia, there must be a limit to self-righteousness, right?"

Mebius snorted coldly: "Do you really think you can save her?"

"Ah, by the way, didn't you always want to see me in pink?"

"I'm in a pretty good mood today."

Perhaps thinking that it was impossible for Raiden Mei to escape from the gradually annihilated area, Mebius made a rare promise: "If she can survive from Le

If it comes out of the soil, I'll wear it for you to see right away, how about it?"

The moment the voice fell, the crisp sound of high heels hitting the ground sounded.

Leiden Mei appeared in the hall and stood 3.3 behind Mebius.

"———Okay, then you can wear it."】


Qiyana clutched her stomach, and was amused by Mebius' two consecutive slaps in the face: "Every time Mebius finished speaking, he was immediately slapped in the face by reality, it's too funny

Ha ha ha ha!"

Mebius had a cold face with a gloomy expression.

"Puchi...... It seems that my dear Mebius is not very lucky

Alicia was also a little awkward, and joked: "Oh, poor Dr. Mebius, because the plan failed repeatedly, he was so angry that he broke down, crying and making noises, blah, blah, blah, blah.

,poor thing!"

"Where did you see me crying and fussing?!"

Snake was a little bit defensive: "Hmph! That Mebius himself is useless, what does it have to do with me!"

"If it were me, Leiden Mei's body would have already been in my pocket!"

"This is starting to be stubborn again!"

Chongchong leaned close to Meiyi's ear and whispered, "It must be!"

"To shut up!"

Mebius naturally heard it, and his eyelids twitched.

The crowd continued to tease Snake until she was so angry that she gritted her teeth and turned to leave before giving up.

At the same time, electronic synthesis sounded again.

[Question 9: "Open the door! Moth Chasing Fire, check the water meter!" ——As a member of the Thirteen Fire Chasing Heroes, may I ask why Cosmo and Grace are inseparable and often stay together


【A: Because Cosmo especially likes girls under the age of 10. 】

【B: Because Cosmo especially likes girls under the age of 11. 】

【C: Because Cosmo especially likes girls under the age of 12. 】

[D: Because Cosmo especially likes girls under the age of 13. 】

Cosmo: "???".

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