Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

148: The Funeral Of Ying Jie? Alicia Is Dead!

"Hey! Speaking of which, didn't Miss Star Gazing say that she came up from Hyperion?"

Qiyana woke up suddenly: "Does this mean that Miss Star Gazing is still with the captain in the end?"

"It goes without saying, it must be like this."

Teresa said, "Right? Miss Stargazing!"

"We did meet again in the distant future...but..."

Guan Xing shook his fan, and the figure of the vampire who looked exactly like himself appeared in his mind, and his mood became unhappy: "Forget it, don't mention it."

"Huh? Why didn't you mention it all of a sudden?"

Qiyana scratched her head: "Is it my illusion, I always feel that Miss Xingxing's tone seems to be a little bit wrong."

......Maybe, something happened in the future. "

Meiyi moved closer to Qibao and reminded her in a low voice: "It's better not to mention it again."

Ji Zi: "All in all, the encounter between the captain and Miss Xingxing is really quite a romantic story."

Alicia: "Yes, it's really enviable~"

"Ahem, thank you, thank you.

Hearing everyone's praise, even stargazers rarely felt a little bit of shame and happiness, but they still put on a calm appearance in order to maintain the character design.

Brownie rolled her eyes wildly while watching, while Rita covered her mouth and smiled lightly.

At this moment, the electronic synthesis sound in the question and answer space sounded again——

【Question 2: Among the following options, who is the first Yingxu memory to die?】

【A: Kevin】

【B: Alicia】

【C: Eden】

【D: Albania】

As soon as this question and answer came out, almost all the Yingjies were shocked.

Su: "The first to die..."

Alicia: "Ying Jie memory?!"

Patofelice: "This, how is this possible?!"

"As memory, how could we possibly die?"

As the builder of Paradise of the Past, Wei Wei felt very strange about this: "This kind of thing is absolutely strange!"

"Squad leader, why did the Yingjies react so strongly?"

Qiyana looked at Fu Hua in surprise. After all, among them, the only one who was most familiar with the heroes was the squad leader who was also one of the ten main bases of chasing water in the pre-civilized era.

Recognition Treasure is also considered one, but with her personality, she may not be able to tell you the answer honestly.

"Let me explain."

Wilwey Conductor volunteered: "Because the Paradise of the Past is a data world made up of memories, in other words, as long as the memory data of heroes still remain in the Paradise of the Past, there will be no real death. "

"—Even if the current memory dies accidentally, it will be regenerated by the data structure immediately."

"However, the Q&A space clearly pointed to the word 'death'."

Mebius said: "That is to say, someone can delete relevant data in Paradise of the Dead in real time.

"But someone who might have this ability..."

Mebius narrowed his eyelids [Looking at the relevant master Eleven Alicia] Aponia Vilvere.

Wilwee Conductor raised his hand and surrendered first: "Let me tell you first, although I am the builder of Paradise of the Past, I also know how to delete Yingjie's memory, but that button is not on me!"

Aponia: "..... What I can influence is only a corner of this paradise in the past life. Even I can't do such a thing as killing Yingjie's memory.

Alicia tilted her head in distress: "Well, although I can indeed do similar things..."

"But if I really do this, it's not as simple as just dying an Ying

"It's the big explosion of the entire paradise~!"

Alicia made an exaggerated bang gesture.

"We suddenly thought of a conjecture, but it's not necessarily true.

Paduofelis suddenly thought of a very possible but somewhat whimsical conclusion: "Is there a possibility that this matter has something to do with Sister Mei?"


"What does it have to do with me?"

"Because if you think about it, wasn't there a question and answer before, asking who is the main person who caused the destruction of the Paradise of the Past?"

Patuo explained: "Then, the correct answer is Miss Mei."

"Besides, all Yingjies have memories, so it's impossible and won't do that kind of thing!"

Although the Ying Jie in the Paradise of the Past may not be very harmonious, they have lived together for tens of thousands of years, if they wanted to do it, they would have done it long ago.

Not to mention that everyone has no motive at all!

...It seems quite reasonable!" Mei was a little confused: "Could it be that it really has something to do with me?"

"No. It must be related to you, Raiden Mei."

Mebius bluntly said: "It's just that the only thing that can't be determined now is how to do it?"

Mei: "I...... I never thought of doing this kind of thing!"

"I think it's too early to draw conclusions."

Fu Hua stood up and upheld justice for Mei: "I don't think Mei is that kind of person."

"Hmm~ I think so too!"

Alicia also echoed: "There must be something wrong!"

"That's it!"

Qi Bao hugged Mei tightly: "I believe Mei will never do such a thing!"

Eden: "Everyone, instead of guessing out of thin air here, why don't we choose the most likely answer first, and then see what kind of screen picture the question-and-answer space will give us."

"I agree!"

Alicia spoke first, and the others agreed one after another: "So, who should we choose first?"

Staring at the four options on the screen, Alicia couldn't help but fell into a dilemma.

————I think, no one should attack the lovely me, right?"

Qian Jie: "I choose D."

Alicia: "?"



Under the circumstance that no one expected, Qian Jie, who had never spoken much, opened his mouth and chose option D straightforwardly.

"If the memory is also facing death, it will definitely kill Alponia first!!!!!!!!!"

Qian Jie, who seemed to be furious, roared like a wild beast: "Ah! Bo! Ni! Ya! I will kill you once! Do it! Over and over again!!! It's not enough!!!!!!

[Wrong answer, the correct answer is B: Alicia]

[Punishment: The mask worn by Qian Jie will turn pink for 24 hours]

"? The first Yingjie memory to die, is it me?!"

Alicia's expression was shocked, and then she became a little sad: "Oh, I didn't expect that I, who is so cute and beautiful, would one day be targeted by jealousy

"Yeah, who will attack Ellie?"

Eden tightened his gloves unhurriedly, put down his wine glass, and his expression became serious: "It's really, it's very curious."

"That's right, who is going to attack Miss Pink Goblin!"

Kiyana also nodded in agreement.

"about this point--"

Fu Hua raised his head and stared at the screen that started to play: "I think we will know the answer soon."

In the picture, what is presented in front of everyone is Leiden Mei who is fighting fiercely with monsters.

From her attire, it can be seen that she is still in the paradise of the past at this moment, and the blazing red electric light is accompanied by thunderous roars, wiping out all the monsters around her!

"Bud 1 is so handsome!"

Qi Bao clapped her hands, her eyes full of love.

"Yeah~ Mei is really amazing~"

Alicia also clapped very cooperatively.

On the contrary, Mei himself was a little embarrassed: "Yeah, it's not as powerful as you say..."

And after eliminating these monsters, there was a clear applause from behind Mei, she looked back, and saw Alicia sitting on a high stone wall, watching her with a smile——

【"As expected of Mei~"

Alicia supported her arms, jumped down lightly, raised her hand to wipe her bangs on her forehead as she landed smoothly, and smiled like a spring breeze: "But... it's still a few seconds behind me. Oh~"

.These enemies are also your [memory], right? It seems that they don't welcome me. "

Mei looked calm: "But I didn't expect that even you would be attacked."

"Don't be so surprised, this place is a bit different, but after all, it is also a part of [Paradise of the Past], and the principle is the same as other areas you have seen, there is no difference."

Alicia put her hands behind her back, moved her legs towards Mei, and stood in front of her: "Oh yes, I haven't officially introduced you yet. I was caught by this group of young people in the middle of the talk just now."


Alicia coughed lightly, and then said with a smile on her face: "Welcome to the deepest secret of Paradise of the Past, preserved by [Deepest Place]

"Comprised of the memories of 'Alysia', it completely restores the world of 'Alysia''s heart that 'Alysia' loved all her life~"

"As you can see, it is like the condensation of all beautiful things, a peaceful and eternal fantasy fairyland, a flawless paradise at the end of all ideals."

Alicia slowly said the name: "I don't know if the name [Eternal Paradise]... can make you full of curiosity~?"】

"Wow~ so the future me and Mei have established such a deep bond~"

Alicia herself was a little surprised: "Even Eternal Paradise has even told Mei!"

"Yeah." Eden echoed: "It can be seen that Ellie really likes Miss Mei.

Mei: "......Uh, thank you.'

Qi Bao: "Well, Mei is mine!"

"Oh, Mei~ I forgot to ask.

Alicia smiled wickedly: "I like you, so you—do you like me too?"

Mei: ".

Qiyana (Qian Hao Zhao): "!!!"

"Mei~ why don't you talk~"


Faced with Alicia's question knowingly, after all, Mei is not the powerful and domineering Thunder Bud 1 in the future, and she is a little overwhelmed.

Although she does have a natural liking for Alicia, but the liking in Alicia's mouth... always feels weird.

Don't dare to talk nonsense!

"Anyway, anyway, let's move on!"

["Eternal Paradise... This is your memory space. 21

"Aren't you very excited?" Alicia winked: "Among the successors, you are the first person to come here, and also the first person who can appreciate Alicia's whole heart~"

"Mei, it doesn't matter if you act more cheerfully...?"

"Frankly, I don't feel anything."

Mei shook her head, staring at Alicia with even a trace of suspicion: "You can know the truth when you come here? Based on what I know about you, I'm afraid it's not that simple.

"My God, why do you think that?"

Alicia's eyes widened in surprise: "Who made you like this?"

"——Look, even my other identity, I have already told you openly?"


Mei crossed her arms, looked at Alicia with scrutiny, and read out her other identity—Miao—

"The Thirteenth Herrscher."]

Family members, long-lost request for a wave of flowers and evaluation votes! ORZ.

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