Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

162: Cos Becomes Alicia's Herrscher Of Corrosion? Everyone Was Furious!

"Extremely evil personality, is this considered to be eliminated?"

Patuo couldn't bear it: "Why did it have to be like this......"

"Everyone is Miss Wei Wei, right?"

This kind of thing is absolutely weird!

"Little Patuo, things don't go as planned. Most of the time, things don't go as you wish."

Wilwe Conductor sighed: "In the final analysis, even the genius Wilwei has things she can't do."

"But in this way, we will really disappear...

Weiwei Expert said: "After all, even the extremely evil who occupies half of her thinking... Oh no, maybe it's more appropriate to call her [Confidence] now?"

Wei Wei Ji Evil: "Hmph, if you didn't insist on blocking me, I would be able to solve the Herrscher of Corrosion by myself.

Velvet I: "Big, everyone, don't quarrel...

"By the way, now that the situation about [Confidence] Wei Wei has been clarified, then—"

Alicia raised a finger: "Is it possible to let this Wei Wei join the big family in the future? After all, our era has long since ended!"

Although the extremely evil Wei Wei in the picture ended up disappearing, everyone in the question and answer space is intact.

After figuring out the truth about the extremely evil personality, and now that they are all just memories in the paradise of the past, and have no connection with the real world, then the extremely evil will come naturally, and there is no need to continue to be imprisoned, right?

Velvet Bem was the first to express her opinion: "I think it's possible. Actually, I'm thinking of doing that too."

Wei Wei Conductor: "Since even the [Self] agrees, then I naturally have no objections~

Wilwe Great Magician: "Oh, now, the time allocation for the body needs to be adjusted again.

Wei Wei Expert: "I don't care, as long as you don't add any burden to me."

Weiwei Baiwei: "Except for cooking, you can allocate the rest of the time by yourself."

Wei Wei, who overlooked the stars: "I don't have any objections either. Model five should have no objections either.

Velvet‧Model Five:"

Weiwei Jixie: "You guys...huh, stop being hypocritical here!"

"Uh, I'm really sorry for imprisoning you until now."

Wilwe Ben stood up and apologized: "If possible, I have always wanted to make it up to you......"

Wei Wei waved her hands impatiently: 01 "Okay, okay, anyway, the final decision is still in your hands, I can do whatever you want with me.

"It's not disposition."

Wilwe Ben I shook her head, solemnly: "This is... your compensation."

Wei Wei Ji Evil was silent for a moment, then turned her head: "Hmph."

Bronya accurately commented: "She, is she making trouble?"

Mei: "Just like children treat their parents?"

Qiyana: "Just like Xiaoshi did to the monitor?"

Zhibao: "Hey! Kiyana, what did you just say?!"

Fu Hua: ".

Leaving aside the space for questions and answers, the images on the screen are still playing continuously.

With the disappearance of the extremely evil Weiwei, Weiwei who has become a "spiral" will eventually dissipate with the disappearance of the extremely evil.

After giving the deep black crystal flower to Mei, she also said her final farewell

【"Now, there is only one last thing I can do in my plan."

Weiwei stared at Mei: "If I remember correctly, the conductor should have mentioned to you that she alone cannot interpret the inscription [Spiral] to you at all."

"Actually, so do I."

"But now, maybe...you will be able to witness the end of the [spiral]."

Spiral Velvet explained softly: "[We] will be one and become [Complete] Velvet.

Mei asked: "What's next... What can I do?"

"Remember when you swapped 'all'?"

Wei Wei smiled lightly, and it seemed that the voices of all personalities sounded at the same time: "Just open your heart.

At that moment, the voice belonging to Velvet the great magician sounded: "That's how it is now, lovely audience~"

When Mei heard this voice, she couldn't help being a little surprised: "...it's you."

"That's the trick of magic—before you're surprised, it's already done."

The voice of Velvet Great Magician was as high and full of passion as ever: "Listen up. This is my last performance, and you... are my best assistant!"

"——are you ready to leave?"

"Then, do I need to ask for your consent?"

There was a bit of soft emotion on Mei's face: "The great magician."

"Of course—but I allow it."

Wilwe Great Magician smiled: "After all, there won't be any show that never ends, right?"

"Ah, let me learn about the villain too—"

"Farewell, my dearest audience!"

Wei Wei blinked: "——Is that what you said?"

Can't help but smile: "Exactly."]

Weiwei Great Magician: "Oh, it's time for the curtain call, and there should be thunderous applause at this moment!"

The Valkyries of St. Freya applauded quite applaudingly, and the heroes in the Paradise of the Dead, headed by Alicia, also applauded.

With the exit of Velvet the Great Magician, another one is Velvet Expert——

【"Hmph, noisy guy."

Although Wei Wei expert's words sounded like he was complaining, there was a helpless smile on his face.

Seeing her smile, Mei couldn't help saying, "This is the first time I see you smiling."

"Don't get me wrong, I'm proud of myself."

Velvet expert said: "A chess player deserves praise, right?"

Mei: "I agree."

Velvet Expert: "That's good."

"However, since you are so humble."

She paused, and looked at Mei with a hint of unstinting approval: You did a pretty good job. "

Mei understood: "It's better not to force yourself?"

Weiwei Expert smiled: "Hmph...don't push yourself too far."]

"This expert lady, it seems that this is the first time I saw her laughing?"

Compared with Mei's slight surprise in the picture, the rice cook who answered the space was shocked.

"Indeed, even we are seeing her smiling for the first time!"

Wilwe Conductor complained: "I even thought that experts never laughed."

"I guess, this should be my finally liberated smile." Wei Wei expert in the question and answer space still has a serious face that grandma doesn't love and uncle doesn't love: "Don't get me wrong, after all, all the work burdens are piled up On me, and always messing with me from time to time... I really can't figure out what kind of person can laugh in this situation.

Mei wiped off her sweat: "That...is really difficult"

【"Oh! Ms. Mei! Is it finally my turn?"

This time, it was Wei Wei Conductor that Mei often saw.

"It is you......"

Mei recognized her at first sight: "Conductor... I finally know your name."

"So, this time.....I can see all the Viales, right?"

"Including that... Arming Kevin Model Five?"

"I'm afraid it's going to be hard—she's a shy person, and she's never been very confident about her appearance."

Viale Conductor spread her hands in regret: "And, at the speed of her speech.....you may die on the spot with us before the conversation ends!"

Mei: "...that's really a pity."

Wilwe Conductor: "No way, the situation is special. It's the only way."

"So... is there anything else you want to tell me? Anything."


Mei thought for a while, then said uncertainly: "Goodbye?"

"No wonder your colleague wasn't too pleased—it's a little too casual, indeed?"

Viale Conductor shook her head, then regained her spirits: "Okay...then, goodbye."]

"Sure enough, that's how it should be!"

Wilwe Conductor nodded in satisfaction: "When we say goodbye in the end, we still have to say the word goodbye!"

Mei: "Yes."

【...Although it's a bit strange to say such a thing when we first meet. "

Weiwei Baiwei looked at Mei, with an expression of pity: "But I always feel that you and I get along well."

......Maybe I hope so. '

"It's really a pity that I couldn't invite you to taste my craftsmanship."]

Mei: "Miss Baiwei, maybe we can exchange ideas here.

Velvet Barilla: "Yeah, I think so too."

Qiyana leaned in front of Bronya and whispered, "Is this the sympathy between the cooks?"

Bronya nodded seriously: "I didn't expect that someone would dare to share cooking experience with Sister Mei!"

Herrscher of Rice, you really thought he was just kidding with you, didn't you?

【"As for me... there is no need to say too much."

Wei Wei, who looked down at the stars, said softly: "Accept... the real [Spiral] inscription."

The moment the voice fell, Wei Wei of the Spiral also appeared again: "Finally, come back to me.

"The end of the spiral, which is where it started—makes sense, right?"

Wei Wei chuckled: "Create falsehood with truth, reverse meaning with contradiction."

"To disassemble yourself is to become yourself."

"Only by creating opposition can we step into unity."

Wei Wei of the Spiral gave the engraving of [Spiral] to Mei: "Take it, get dressed...the real Spiral inscription."

"This is what I can do.....all set up. What I can do...you can do the same."


"Let's go and uncover all the mysteries."】

"All of Wei Wei merged into one, this scene—even for us, this is the first time we have seen it.

Wei Wei I stared at the engraving of the [Complete] Wei Wei on the screen, with an expression that seemed to be filled with emotion: "Unexpectedly, things that could not be accomplished in reality were really realized in other futures."

"Yeah, all the Velvets merged into one, and became a new and complete Velvet again. 11

Wilwe Conductor nodded in satisfaction: "This scene is indeed worth witnessing."

Weiwei Great Magician: "This, I am afraid, is the [magic show] that belongs to Weiwei alone!"

Velvet Expert: "Finally, I won't be the only one responsible for all the work in the future..."

Everyone witnessed the arrival of this scene, the dazzling white light in the picture enveloped Mei Lei, she closed her eyes, and let her body wander in the realm of thinking


At the moment when she was about to return to reality, she seemed to have heard the conversation between Wei Wei and Alicia

["Arming Kevin, Model 666."

Alicia's expression was surprised: "To be able to delete the entire Paradise of the Past at once is really a terrifying invention! Weiwei, you have to think about the conditions for its activation, Riyu."

"Well, it's an expert's design, but...it's up to me to decide.

Weiwei nodded: "It's about everything left by Thirteen Yingjies, whether it's all passing, or the minority obeying the majority... I don't think it's the best choice."

"But it's hard to imagine now, what kind of situation ... will make us have to enable it."

Alicia was distressed: "Well, this is a bit troublesome."

"So, I think

Vilvet paused, then looked at Alicia: "Alicia, since you are the one who let us keep this story.

"——The person who put an end to it should also be you."

Alicia slightly opened her eyes: "You mean, let me decide?"

"Well, take it as... a stage I prepared for you."

Wei Wei said softly: "You helped Wei Wei keep her secret and didn't tell anyone about [me].

"Then your secret...... I also hope that it can be opened in the grandest way, and then..."

"Call the curtain in the best possible way."

Alicia raised a slender finger to her lips: "Well... the ending of the story, I never thought about it. 107"

"Now you have to think about it carefully."

A flower-like smile bloomed on her face: "However, in my aesthetics...you understand.

"There is always only one answer~"

Hearing this answer, Wei Wei laughed: "Then I probably know."

-----I believe you. "]

"This is the conversation I had with Wei Wei back then!"

Alicia put her hands together: "Oh, it's really nostalgic!"

Velvet I: "Yeah, it always feels like...just yesterday."

"But in this way, Mei should also return to reality, right?"

Alicia watched the pictures on the screen transform and reorganize, and finally returned to reality.

And Mei, who just took over the spiral engraving, is still not quite used to it, but the Herrscher of Corrosion seems to have noticed the disappearance of Wei Wei

Yinzheng Mei is moving forward.

Although Mei tried her best to destroy this group of monsters, but the number was too large, and the spiral engraving was too heavy on her body. In addition, she had just experienced a

The double exhaustion of returning to reality after hard work made Mei unable to hold on any longer and fell to the ground.

Mei...how did you faint again...?"

Qiyana was stunned: "How do you feel that you passed out more times in the paradise of the past than in reality!?"


Bronya: "Don't be embarrassed, sister Mei didn't fall down because of a mental attack this time, but because she was too tired."

"Sister Mei, hold on!"

Paduo Feilisi cheers for Mei: "Don't fall down at this time!"

"Yes! Mei, stand up quickly!"

Alicia is also cheering for Mei: "You can't stop here!"

Just as everyone was cheering for Mei, there was a faint sound of high heels hitting the ground in the picture, accompanied by a familiar, but absolutely impossible at this moment

The voice that appeared——

【"Hmm~? Is it over so soon?"

Although the pain from the brain was still severe, Mei was still shocked beyond measure by the appearance of this voice.

But then she realized that the person in front of her was absolutely impossible to be the person she thought.

Because Wei Wei had already told her that all the data about [her] had been deleted by the enemy.

So at this moment, the voice I hear can only be a 'pretender' who is occupying the magpie's nest

The Herrscher of Corrosion appeared in front of her in the most 'malicious' appearance.

"Oh, are you still alive?"

"Then, should I say that?"

Mei struggled to get up, her gaze gradually moved upwards.

What caught her eyes was that face that was extremely familiar in her impression, but gave her a completely different feeling at this moment.

Although the other party was smiling, he couldn't feel the slightest bit of familiarity and warmth.

She stared at Mei, and with her very familiar face, sent out a seemingly friendly greeting.

"Hi~ How do you feel?"】.

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