Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

164: Mei: You Don't Deserve To Be Alicia At All!

【"Ah...Mei, don't look at me with that look, okay? I mean it!"

Herrscher of Corrosion even gave Mei a wink. The expression seemed a little aggrieved: "Is it because I am the Herrscher of Corruption that I don't even have the right to choose my appearance?"

...It is really surprising that you would say that. "

"Who asked me to take over 'her' data~"

The Herrscher of Corrosion poked her cheek: "You should know better than me, no one in this world cherishes this unique and beautiful appearance more than her—that is, me now~!"]

"I agree I agree!"

Alicia was the first to like it, covering her cheeks happily, pretending to be shy: "Oh, I'm a little embarrassed to say that~"

"As expected, even the Herrscher is convinced by my beauty~"

"... Alicia."

Mei was a little confused, thinking that someone took over your appearance and wanted to replace you, why do you look so happy?

That's not how you act as a fun person! You're the party! You're the victim!

"That's what I said~"

Alicia poked herself on the cheek: "But look, I'm still here right now? Besides, everyone in Paradise of the Past has gathered together, so there's nothing difficult about it.

For Alicia, everything on the screen is just something that happened in another timeline after all. In reality, the Paradise Thirteen Yingjie is still living an ordinary and somewhat unusual every day.

Besides, being able to watch my own story belonging to another timeline together like now is not a pleasure, is it?

"Besides, I'm just agreeing with what she said.

Alicia asked Mei with a sly tone: "Or, Mei, do you think I'm not cute and beautiful?"

Mei: "...uh.

This rhetorical question left Mei speechless.

Qibao stood up at this time: "I think it's not as good-looking as my Mei!"

Mei: ……………I just think that this situation shouldn’t be the time to think about this kind of thing...”

"However, having said that

Bronya pinched her chin and grasped the key points in the Herrscher of Corrosion's words: "The Herrscher of Corrosion said just now that she took over Alicia's data? But didn't Wei Wei say before that Alicia Has ya been 'deleted'?"

...... Could it be that 703 said that the Herrscher of Corrosion is lying?"

Qiyana scratched her head: "But why would the Herrscher of Corrosion tell such a lie?"

Fu Hua analyzed rationally: "Perhaps, you want Mei to have some kind of misunderstanding?"

"—In this way, it is also convenient for Herrscher of Corrosion to carry out future plans."

"Plans after...?"

Mei was a little stunned: "Then what is the plan of the Herrscher of Corrosion?"

Alicia: "Yes~ What is it~?"

While everyone was discussing the Herrscher of Corrosion's plan, the Herrscher of Corrosion on the screen was still trying to win over Raiden Mei——

【"While accepting external data, I will continue to grow."

"Because I have life, I learn to fear death, because I have a body, I know how to pursue beauty...Because I have nothing, I want to cherish everything."

The Herrscher of Corrosion tries to impress Mei with good deeds: "I was born from nothingness, and I am slowly understanding the meaning of life."

"——If you simply imagine me as the enemy of mankind, you may have misunderstood it?"

Mei looked directly at her with doubts in her eyes: "...Misunderstanding?"

"That's right... I have invaded the Promised Land. This is an indisputable fact."

The Herrscher of Erosion spread his hands: "After all, the foundation of my existence is constant erosion!"

"But you have to know, Mei, I never had the idea of ​​murdering anyone, even if they are just memories made of data."

"—and so it is."

The Herrscher of Erosion opened his arms and showed everything in the paradise to Mei: "You see, everything in the paradise has never disappeared. Although they don't exist in the form you are familiar with, they are with us now."


She pointed to her forehead, smiling innocently: "Here."

"After the erosion is complete, they become a part of me; equivalently, 'I' also becomes a part of them."

"Because I used to be a [blank], I can fully accept everything about them."

"I got their data, I got a taste of their experiences, and I inherited their emotions and meanings."

The Herrscher of Corrosion smiled, as if she was seriously happy for the Ying Jie who had been corrupted by her: "So, you can completely regard me as the continuation of the life of Ying Jie (abdi)."

"So, won't it make you happier?"]

Padophyllis: "Uh, although at first glance, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it...

Bronya: "Moreover, most of the Yingjies were also deleted by Velvet."

Weiwei Jixie: "Hey! Didn't I say it all before, I deleted it, but not completely!"

Weiwei Expert: "[Backdoor program], as expected, this kind of design is still very necessary...

"No, not really."

The Herrscher broke through Renhua's defense and said, "Although Herrscher's statement seems to be correct, her actions are undoubtedly for her own selfish desires, whether it's corrupting Yingjie without authorization, or preventing Mei from seeking Truth, it's all true.

"What's more, there is the most important point"

"It was she who deleted Alicia from the beginning."

"Yes, that's right."

Paduofelis nodded and echoed: "Although what he said is nice, but this corrupting genius deleted Ellie from the very beginning!

"—Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many things behind!"

No matter how high-sounding the Herrscher of Corruption's words are, they still can't whitewash her actions and delete the fact of Alicia!

"However, I always feel that the act of corrupting the Hercules to try to impersonate Melisia...is a little familiar....

Qiyana glanced at Zhibao intentionally or unintentionally.

Zhibao glared at Chongchong: "? Why? Tell me what you have to say!"

Kiana: "No, nothing!"

Bronya understood: "Indeed, it looks familiar..."

Fu Hua:

Mei: "I think so too, no matter how high-sounding what the Herrscher of Corrosion says [it still can't change the fact that she deleted Alicia from the very beginning

Not only Mei in the question-and-answer space thinks so, but even the Herrscher of Thunder who confronts the Herrscher of Corruption on the screen thinks the same way

[".......in high spirits?"

The scene from the day before yesterday came back to my mind again, those obituaries flying like snowflakes, those light spots escaping from the palm of my hand...

Mei lowered her eyes, covering the anger in her pupils.

"You invaded here, fooled everything, and wantonly trampled on the last traces left by these heroes in the world..."

Mei raised her head, her cold eyes piercing the face of Herrscher of Corrosion like a knife: "They died right in front of my eyes, but you want to say that you are the continuation of their lives?"

...Alas, well well well.

The Herrscher of Corrosion shook his head helplessly: "It seems that no matter how I explain it, in Mei's heart, I am a bad person."

"Since you want to fight me no matter what, I have no choice but to meet your expectations—after all, the last thing I want to do is to let others down.

"Hmph, are you finally showing your true colors?"

Mei snorted coldly, and pulled out the knife suddenly: "Although I don't understand why you deliberately put on a pure and harmless posture, it's over!"

...... If possible, I really don't want to fight Mei Yi at all.

Herrscher of Corrosion looked at Mei's eyes full of hostility, and sighed sadly: "This battle is meaningless, and you and I should never be enemies."

But... I also know very well that Mei is such a girl who likes to ask questions. "

A smile appeared on the face of the Herrscher of Corrosion: "So, I am also happy to show you the power of 'Corrosion'... I will hand over one of my hole cards to Yise."

"Then prove—what you see is the unreserved... the most authentic me~!"]

In the screen, the Herrscher of Corrosion summoned the data of Mebius, Qian Jie, and Wei Wei successively to fight with Mei.

Although this is just a pastime for the Herrscher of Corrosion, the data of Ying Jie are all real. Mei can clearly feel that the data of Ying Jie summoned by the Herrscher of Corrosion is different from her previous data. These battles experienced make no difference!

"Shouting, I'm really upset."

Mebius clicked his tongue: "This Herrscher of Corruption actually infringed on my portrait rights without authorization. It seems that she doesn't know how I studied the Herrscher of Corrosion back then."

Qian jie: "Hum hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahaha

Weiwei Jixie: "Honestly speaking, watching myself being controlled by someone like a machine, this feeling is even more annoying than seeing myself in the body and being unable to do anything..."

"That's right! You're still brazenly talking about the continuation of Yingjie's life, and you can't see the slightest respect for Yingjie from the Herrscher of Corrosion!"

Qiyana also complained: "As long as this Herrscher of Corruption has a little respect for the Yingjies, she will not use their data to deal with Mei like this!"

Bronya also agreed: "Facts have proved that the Herrsrscher of Corrosion is indeed not a friendly army! Sister Mei, Bronya suggests to destroy her immediately!"

"I'd rather do that..."

Looking at the image of herself struggling with Yingjie data on the screen, Mei felt quite powerless: "But I don't think I can do it!"

In fact, Meiguang on the screen is already very reluctant to deal with the heroes summoned by the Herrscher of Corrosion, and has no intention of paying attention to the Herrscher of Corrosion at the side.

In this paradise of the past made up of data, all information that has been eroded will be used by the Herrscher of Corrosion for his own use, and the vast and complex data of the paradise will instead become the most powerful support for the opponent.

In this case, Mei couldn't use Herrscher's power as easily as she did with dolls.

After all, she still doesn't know much about the power of erosion. If she uses it rashly, if she fails, the Herrscher of erosion, who is prepared for this, will definitely not be tricked a second time.

"Could it be that the Herrscher of Corrosion is really invincible in the paradise of the past...?"

Qiyana looked at Mei's helpless look, her expression was full of anxiety: "Squad leader, use your invincible Yu Duchen to find a way!"

Fu Hua: "Uh... To be honest, in this situation, I can't think of any effective means for a while."

Mei: "Could it be that I still can't do anything..."

【"Mei should understand now, this kind of battle is fruitless."

The Herrscher of Corrosion scattered all the data of Yingjie with just a wave of his hand, and reduced them to nothingness again.

And she walked up to Mei, tilting her head with a smile: "But knowing that she has no chance, she still attacks me time and time again...I just like you."

Mei still watched her vigilantly, thinking about how to deal with her.

The threat of the Herrscher of Corrosion in the paradise of the past is even greater than that of the Herrscher of the End in a sense!

However, while she was thinking, a strange stabbing pain suddenly hit her mind like a sharp knife.

Mei staggered, gritted her teeth and swallowed what had reached her mouth.

"You see, I have already said that I have no intention of harming you at all."

The words of the Herrscher of Corrosion continued, but at the end it seemed to become a noise-like sound: "Now you should believe it, we are really not enemies. Just ta..."

Mei couldn't hear the follow-up words, and the pain in her mind made her unable to concentrate.

But amidst the intermittent pain, a few short exhortations disappeared in an instant like lightning and flint.

She remembered the words she said before being sent out of the thinking space by Wei Wei——

[However, you may not be able to realize how critical you are to the whole plan.

【But it's okay, Su will let you understand. Hope he has seen my message to him. 】

[...that's all the 'puzzles'. 】

Mei suddenly realized that the pain in her mind probably came from the spiral imprint Wei Wei gave her, and she was doing something in her consciousness!

And after realizing this, the pain in my mind gradually faded away like a tide. 】

"Oh! As soon as Su is mentioned, I feel much more at ease!"

Alicia clapped her hands: "After all, you are the enlightened one with the greatest wisdom!"

Su: "Please don't say that, Alicia. I'm just a mortal, and I don't have any great wisdom."

"But, what exactly is Su and Weiwei's plan?"

Mei was a little curious: "And what is the message Wei Wei left for Su?"

Wilwe I: "Sorry, I'm not too clear about this."

"—I'm afraid, apart from me who has disappeared in that picture, only Su knows about it."

"but but o

Alicia tried to cheer up her morale, smiling all over her face: "At least we are all working hard, aren't we? Try to unite to save Alicia!"

"Oh~ I'm so touched~! Cry~"

Mebius: "....It's almost done, Alicia."

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