Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

178: Alicia Returns! The First-Timer Of The Lawrence!

At the moment when the door was opened, Raiden Mei seemed to hear memories from the past that belonged to the real Alicia

【"Okay, let them accompany you as 'Alysia' from now on."

"Even if I leave, these four crystal flowers will never wither. So..."

"Everyone, have a smile, okay?"

This is Alicia's voice, and this is her conversation with the four heroes present on the final stage—

"Come on, Velvet."

"Sorry, I really told a big lie... I hope the Thirteenth Herrscher, this statement won't cause you too much trouble.

"After all, I'm such a special existence... Telling the truth, I'm afraid it will only cause more confusion."

This is Wei Wei's voice, she took the crystal flower that Alicia gave her——

"Don't worry, Alicia, I'll cover it up with several lies...to protect your secret.

"It is not difficult for me to deceive the world, or even deceive history. The Thirteenth Herrscher, let it become a blank page in the book."]

["Then, Alponia..."

"Although the deepest place no longer exists, I know that it still exists in the deepest part of your heart, right?"

"The silk thread of fate can no longer bind your footsteps, so, once in a while, get out of that cage and take a look?"

Aponia's voice sounded—

"For me, the deepest place is outside the cage. However, that is not important anymore. …

"I've already stepped into the sun."

"Because...you are here."]

【"Eden... this time, we really have to say goodbye. 17

"I'm sorry, I kept it from you before, you don't hate me, do you?"

Eden's voice was full of parting sentimentality—

"How come, love."

"I know you, maybe the person who knows you best in this world."

"And...don't have to say goodbye.

"You're still here, aren't you? You'll be with heaven and earth...forever.

She said: "Then, no matter where you are, no matter what you become, I will sing for you..."

"Until, the last moment."]

【"As for Kevin...Actually, I have nothing to tell you.

"You are a true hero, the well-deserved leader of the Thirteen Heroes. If there is one person who can support mankind to a future without collapse, then...that person must be you.

"However, I have one last request, which is the question you have been refusing to tell me the answer to..."

"I really want to know - Kevin, if you shed your tears, do they freeze?"

There was a trace of panic in Alicia's voice: "Oh..."

"I'm just asking, don't you really cry... Be a little more boyish, okay?"

"But, thank you, now... I know the answer."

"Look, it's really freezing..."

"But...it's so warm."]

Among the people in the question and answer space, there was a faint sobbing sound, as if someone was crying.

"Sister Ellie... woo woo..."

Patuo had already cried like a tearful cat, and the tears kept falling.

Although she already knew about Alicia's ending, she still felt her heart was pierced when she witnessed this scene with her own eyes.

"...Hmph, idiot."

Mebius also turned around, as if she didn't want others to see her expression clearly.


Sakura lowered her head, her expression seemed to be in silent mourning.

Not only them, but everyone who witnessed this scene fell into silence in unison, the atmosphere was solemn and solemn.

This scene is not something that happened on another timeline, but what they have experienced in their original generation.

"Okay, you don't have to be so sad."

Alicia comforted everyone's emotions: "These things happened a long, long time ago...Everyone, please smile, okay"||?"

["Ah... I wish this moment could last forever.'

"But no show lasts forever, right? So now, let's put a perfect end to it.

Alicia smiled with tears in her eyes: "If, in the distant future, everyone sees a Herrscher like me..."

"You must find a way to tell me, in that case... I will be very happy!"

"Because I will know that people in the future will not have to face the difficult choices we have today.

"Because I will know that the footprints we leave in the world will eventually become another person's light in the future."

Alicia said softly: "Tragedy is not the end, but the beginning of hope."

"Only human beings can think this way, and only human beings can turn such beliefs into reality.

"So, please tell me, the end of this story..."

"Have I... become 'human'?"

Of course—the people in the audience said.

Wei Wei: "Isn't this the fact before us?"

Albonia: "Tonight, there are no Herrschers here anymore."

Eden: "Because the person who sleeps here forever, and who will be sung to future generations, is the noble and proud warrior of Moth Chasing Flame, the founder of the Thirteen Heroes..."

Kevin: "The flawless person—Alicia."]

"So, is this the future Kevin's real purpose in inviting me to join World Snake?"

Mei wiped away the tears that shed inadvertently, and raised her head: "In order to fulfill Alicia's...last wish?"


"Is that so? Kevin, thank you!"

Alicia clapped her hands, trying to ease the atmosphere: "I'm really happy to meet a 'similar' like Mei!"

Kiyana: "Woooo... Miss Pink Fairy..."

Eden: "I didn't expect Kevin to have such a considerate side, so it's no wonder Mei fell in love with him.

Su: "Kevin, even after going through so much, nothing has changed..."

Feather Rabbit:

Bronya: "Miss Feather Rabbit, do you have anything to say?"

Yutu: "No, nothing."

In the picture, with the end of the dance party, Alicia's final farewell is announced—

【"Finally, it's time to say goodbye"

Alicia seemed reluctant to say: "Because I am a Herrscher, I might be able to do it.

"But because I'm human, I can definitely do it."

"Then, my friends, my confidants, my most important companions

"Alicia's curtain call has to be sparkly and beautiful, so..."

She spread her arms and smiled beautifully: "Please bid me farewell for the last time!"

Then, the stars began to turn.

There were originally countless glowing filaments gathered there. That is the thread of fate that only Albania can see.

And now, those thread lifts are disappearing into nothingness bit by bit.

It seems that there is a pair of hands that line up the stars [is erasing the future that was originally drawn away.

In the dark, Eden's voice sounded——

"That's a story that happened a long, long time ago..."

"One day, He fell from the sky. People looked up and saw the starry sky.

"Xingyue sent God's daughter, she is willing to be a companion of man.

"The long wind turns into her light car, and the whole world becomes her garden. Birds carry the seeds of kindness, and hundreds of flowers weave love songs."

"This is how she was born into the world, walked on the earth, grew up with mankind, and germinated with the world."

"Now, the time of the end is approaching."

Alicia took the words and continued to confide

"Now, the time to go home has come.

"So farewell, beautiful world.

"After that, stars will shine, because I have been here now."

"Thereafter, there will be a hundred flowers blooming, because I leave from sleepiness."

"Please weave my arrows, my flowers, and my love into new seeds, and bring them to the withered earth.

"Then, let it bloom the eternal and unblemished...humanity."

Alysia poured out as if she hadn't whispered a ballad——

"My name is Alicia..."

"The original Herrscher, the Herrscher of Man."]

Mei in the picture pushed open the door, and after a burst of brilliant light, she couldn't help closing her eyes.

What caught everyone's eyes was a grand stage.

And across the gorgeous garden, in the center of the stage - pink flowers decorate the pink sky, everything seems to be the girl's favorite color and cloth E

Looking beyond the long stairs, a flawless girl in a wedding gown seemed to be waiting for someone to arrive.

There seem to be cherry blossom petals falling on the sky, and even the air is filled with the fragrance of blooming flowers, which is refreshing.

【"Welcome~ Noble and pure soul, you have finally come here."

The girl turned around slowly, the smile on her face was still so pure: "Self-introduction, should it be unnecessary?"

"Well, this is the last time..."

The soft radiance sprinkled on the girl's delicate and flawless face, the pure smile bloomed like a flower, and the long pink hair fluttered in the wind, like an angel descending into the world—

"Hi, how do you feel?"】

"Wow~ Sister Ellie, this dress...is so beautiful!"

Patuo looked at Alicia's Herrscher dress enviously: "And, it seems that even the hair has grown a lot!"

"That's right~ To be honest, it's also the first time I've seen my own Herrscher appearance."

Alicia also expressed her satisfaction: "Sure enough, even if I turn into Zizi, I'm still very cute~"

"Right ~ Eden?"

"Well, yes love.

Eden nodded gently: For me, no matter what you become, you will always be the most beautiful and shining one in my heart.

"Oh, I'm so embarrassed to say it~"

Alicia covered her cheeks pretending to be shy: "Thank you~ my good Eden!"

Mebius: "Alysia in the form of Herrscher...It seems to be of great research value~ Hiss~"

"Dear Mebius, don't think about these things at a time like this~"

Alicia smiled: "How about it? Would you like to wear a pink skirt and dance with me~ I will be very happy~"

"Don't do it."

Mebius refused without thinking: "Whoever wants to go, I won't go anyway!"

"But then again..."

Bronya folded her hands on her chest, and her eyes turned into bead eyes: "Sure enough, as long as the hair grows longer and the clothes are updated after being legalized..."

"Is this also the effect of Houkai energy?"

Is it really impossible to collapse?

On the screen, when Mei slowly opened her eyes, she saw Ellie the Fairy beside her.

Fairy Ellie told Mei that now she has entered the deepest part of her memory

And Alicia was waiting for her in the auditorium at the end of the paradise.

And what she has to do is to do the best for the guests, attend this grand banquet in the most beautiful appearance, and then let everything end perfectly

[Mei asks: "The most beautiful look...how do I do it?"

"Although dressing up is also very important, but this is the world of memories after all, you need to decorate yourself with more memories related to her.

Fairy Ellie followed the temptation: "Although you are already very close to Alicia, there are still many things you don't know?"

"You have to experience her life, understand her emotions, witness her choices, resonate with her heart, and finally... understand everything she has done!"

"——Only by giving your heart, you will not disappoint the princess in the castle!"

Fairy Airi knew that Mei had gone through one battle after another before that, so she must be very tired, so she told her that it would be fine to take a rest even if she wanted to.

After all, this is a space for thinking, and there is still a lot of time here.

But Mei just shook her head and declined her kindness——

"Thank you, Fairy Ellie. But...it's okay.

Mei said: "Since Alicia has already stepped onto the stage, as a guest, of course I can't make the main character wait too long, can I?"

"Wow~ You said a very romantic line!"

Ellie, the fairy, looked a little happy, and then raised her head proudly: "But I already knew that cute humans would say that, and then, it's time for me to show my talents!"

"———Lovely human, are you ready to open the storybook called "Alicia"?"


Mei nodded: "Anytime."

Fairy Ellie raised her staff: "Then——let the fairy magic bloom gorgeously for the last time!"】

"Mei Mei~ You have to hurry up!"

Alicia clasped her hands together, her expression full of anticipation: "Keep a girl waiting too long on a date, but it will hurt her heart~"

Kiyana thought: ........Dating or something..."

Mei: "......Uh, I" I will do my best!

"But what about Ellie's past?"

A look of expectation appeared on Eden's face: "I also have some expectations."

Patuo: "Yes, yes! We have always been curious about what Ellie looked like when she was a child!"

Gracie: "Sister Alicia's appearance when she was a child... I want to, take a look..."

Mebius: "A born Herrscher...should be different from a human child when he was young."

Alicia: "This is it~ hehe~!"

Mebius was angry: "Hey what the hell!".

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