Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

200: Recognition Treasure Crashes And Tucao! All Members Of Lu Sanjia Were Dizzy!

"Have you finally uncovered the existence hidden behind the memory fragments?"

Kiyana is gearing up: "According to Ms. Ben, it must be the Feather Rabbit!"

"Well, Bronya also thinks it's Feather Rabbit."

Bronya also nodded, expressing her agreement: We were brought into this strange space by Yumen.

Mei: "I think so too."

This time, the thoughts of the Lu Sanjia were almost surprisingly unanimous!

Yutu: "Oh, I didn't expect that I would be so distrusted by everyone, I feel a little sad.

In all honesty, Yutu felt that she really wanted to have a good relationship with Lu Sanjia and others, otherwise, she didn't need to make so many silly things.

It is to bring them into this inexplicable space again, to help them release their spiritual shackles and the like.

"Uh, Miss Feather Rabbit, it's not that we are hostile to you... It's just that we don't know your purpose very well, so we maintain a skeptical attitude..."

Mei, who is still a gentle cook now, also feels that this is not good for the rabbit Yu who once helped them, so she can't help but explain: "After all, in the future, we are responsible for the entire earth's human beings."

If after this duel, the Lu Sanjia still loses to Kevin in the end, then no one can stop the Stigmata Project, and it also means that the vast majority of human beings in the world will become as if 】In such an existence, only a very small number of people can maintain themselves and live in a false world.

This situation is what Lu Sanjia does not want to see, and it is also what everyone, including Kevin, does not want to see.

"All in all, such a happy decision!"

Kiyana couldn't wait to speak: "My lady chooses A: Feather Rabbit!"

[Wrong answer and the correct answer is C1 Prometheus 17

[Punishment measures: After returning to reality, within 12 hours, Qiyana will not be able to eat the meal cooked by the Herrscher Mei]

"What! Don't let me eat Mei's cooking?!"

Kiyana looked like the sky was about to fall: "Don't wow about this kind of thing!"

Mei: "Qiana, now is not the time to talk about this..."

"By the way, why is the answer Prometheus‧17?"

Bronya expressed doubts: "If Bronya remembers correctly [the Prometheus of the Intrinsic World. Hasn't No. 17 completely fallen into a long sleep with the replacement of the Houkai Will?"

"The other Prometheus‧17 from the lunar world bubble has also disappeared with the disappearance of that world bubble.

In the picture, Bronya was also shocked by the sudden appearance of Prometheus No. 17

[Bronya opened her eyes slightly: "This voice...Prometheus?"

Prometheus: "You can call me by that name. It's unbelievable—but if you want to understand the weakness of the feathered rabbit, it will be more beneficial to hear me finish the topic just now."

"Then, Bronya only asks one more question."

Bronya asked: "Your world bubbles, it

"It's still irreversibly gone. Dr. May is the same. I'm just lucky enough to be 'alive' for the time being in the form of data."

Prometheus seemed not to want to get too entangled in this issue, and instead said: "Then, let's stop this topic. Being sad about the past will not help people move towards the future

Especially, based on the new information I have now learned...."

"If you still want to resist or even subvert the [Stigmata Project] in this world, then the power of the Herrscher of Reason is a cornerstone of it.

Bronya looked surprised: "The Herrscher of Reason... is the cornerstone?"

"True. But that's a long story... and it's not good to keep talking about these memories that can hardly be described as 'beautiful'."

Prometheus said: "...Let me do a little more manipulation of the space you are in."]

"Well, why does it sound like Bronya is talking to herself..."

Qibao uttered the words that broke the dimension wall, and the neighbor Mei was stunned: "Watch out for your hands and feet, Kiyana..."

Bronya: ……………………… But, where did Kiana and Mei go?

Although Bronya and Prometheus returned to the place where they first entered the memory fragments, it was strange that they could not see Kiana and Mei, Bronya questioned Prometheus, and Prometheus Hughes said that she just moved Mei and Kiyana to a place where it was more convenient for them to escape the predicament, and also explained that Hare Rabbit had already focused on the power of the Herrscher of Reason, so she just made more targeted actions. some adjustments.

Bronya asked why she was so familiar with Yutu, and Prometheus said that the reason why he could appear in front of her was because Yutu had adopted a certain method to allow her to survive the dissipation of the world bubble

【"So... Yutu is your savior?"

"Since I have no intention of repaying her, your description is not accurate."】

Qiyana: "Wow! To say so with peace of mind that you don't want to repay the favor...Prometheus, you are really heartless..."

Bronya: "But, Kiyana, Prometheus is artificial intelligence."

Yutu: "...Although I really don't intend to ask anyone to repay me, but I still feel delicate when I hear someone say that."

After a conversation with Prometheus, Bronya in the picture finally convinced the other party.

The world seemed to experience some kind of tiny distortion in an instant. When Bronya came back to her senses, her two partners had returned to her side as before departure.

For the sudden appearance of Prometheus, Mei and Qiyana also expressed their shock, but Prometheus didn't want to continue explaining what happened.

She told Ritsu Sanjia——[This is not only the moon, but also the interior of the core of the Herrscher of Reason]

It also explained the relationship between [Humanity] and [Civilization], [Story] and [Narrative], [Hersherrs] and [Stigmata Project]——

【"Similar things have actually happened many times in history, haven't they?"

Prometheus tilted his head: "Whether it's your history or our history, the meanings woven by people affect human beings all the time."

"There will always be people who live and die for what they believe in;"

"There are always people who live for money and die for money."

"These things that determine life and death, whether 'faith' or 'money'... are all invented by human beings themselves.

Prometheus continued to talk about those reasons: "For example——Compared with Dr. Mei's thoughts, the existence of Dr. Mei is irrelevant; It doesn't matter who the lawyer is.

"As for the Herrscher of Law who has passed down three generations—"

Prometheus looked at Bronya: "This fact is even more obvious. I mean, if the people standing here are Joeys or Yang, they will definitely have the same distress and thoughts as you, Bronya. To resist, isn't it?"]


Qiyana's mind was stunned when she heard this, and her eyes turned into circles: "I feel my head is itchy, it seems that I am going to grow my brain..."

Mei supported the crumbling Qibao: "...uh."


Bronya also covered her head: "...So the future Herrscher wants to understand so much knowledge?"

Einstein: "Although I can understand what Prometheus said, it should be incomprehensible to the vast majority of people present."

Tesla: "Philosophical knowledge that is too profound and complicated really sounds muddled..."


Zhibao yawned, and couldn't help complaining: "Can this kind of clip be skipped directly? Why do you have to play some scenes that everyone can't understand? Let me tell you, just fast forward to the beginning of the fight, that kind of blood boils The scenes are what everyone really likes to watch!"

"However, with the current situation of Qiyana and the others, even if they face Kevin again, they will not be able to win."

0 for flowers...

Fu Hua explained: "Moreover, if we fail again this time, maybe we really have no chance."

【"Of course, fortunately, this contradiction is not irreconcilable.

Prometheus added one last sentence.

Mei was thoughtful, and answered her: "You want to say... the Herrscher of People?"


Prometheus nodded: "Think of what people think and do what people do - such Herrschers undoubtedly still belong to civilization and belong to human beings who need to constantly create fictional things. If Qu can overcome the end

"Then this is the best answer to the contradiction called 'Hangkai'."]

"So, Ellie is the 'best answer'?"

Pa Duo was about to fall asleep when he heard it, and after hearing the word "herrscher of people" in a daze, he woke up immediately: "herrscher of people" is the best answer to solve the problem of Honkaipo? "

"However, as I said before - Alicia will never have another one."

Ulandal shook her head: "Also, even if Alicia sacrificed herself in the end, she still couldn't save the era of civilization she was in..."

"But, it is precisely because of Alicia's appearance that we can create so many miracles in this era of civilization, isn't it?"

Mei retorted: "I believe that Alicia's sacrifice is by no means in vain. As we who have inherited the title of 'Herserscher of People', we will definitely be able to fulfill her wish!"


Qiyana supported: "Yes! That's right! This lady can definitely do it!"

Bronya: "Bronya won't give up either."

Alicia: "Wow~ Thank you Mei, thank you everyone!"

【"So, this is what you said-the power of the Herrscher of Reason is the cornerstone of the plan to resist the rate marks?"

"If we stop at 'fiction,' then you've drawn conclusions for the topic. But since we're dealing with 'reality,' some more microscopic analysis may be the really important link.

Prometheus paused: "However... we have been standing here for a long time. For the sake of operational efficiency—how about talking while walking?"

"Bronya doesn't care."

Bronya glanced at Kiyana who was standing aside and scratching her head: "But, maybe Kiyana is tired from standing?"


Qi Bao seemed to have just recovered, and scratched her head: "I'm not such an impatient person."]

"That's right! Miss Ben is not such an impatient person!"

Kiyana patted her chest: "Bronya, if you get tired of standing up, just say so! Why are you still chasing me!"

"Bronya has to emphasize—"

Bronya pointed to herself: "Bronya, fly in the air."

"When people encounter things that they are not interested in or can't understand, if they focus on things for a long time

If you focus on the above, you will indeed feel more tired than usual.

Fu Hua looked at Qiyana: "I'm afraid that those conversations just now are completely incomprehensible to Qiyana, right?

"Who, who said that!"

Kiyana pursed her lips, still poised: "Ben, Miss Ben can still understand a little bit!

"But in the subsequent conversations, Kiyana hardly said a few words.

Bronya squinted at her: "Bronya is talking to Prometheus.

... Although I don't know why, Bronya just feels tired in her throat. "

I have cut out as many key points as possible in this content, but it is still too much.

There is no way, the following content is almost all about these, if I want to skip it, I will skip it all at once, which will affect the perception.

So I try to pick some things that are convenient for the characters to complain about, and they are really critical.

You can also see that this chapter of mine is basically short dialogues + large-scale character complaints. It is because too much content in it is memories and philosophical explanations.

It's ignorant...ORZ.

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