Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

220: Rita Is Dead? Stargazer...Is Dead Too?

Although he knew in his heart that something was wrong with the stargazer at this moment, the captain remained calm and tried to convince the stargazer

【"As expected of the captain, you can still deal with it calmly at this time, which can make Gu a little bit interested... But it is true that Gu is the Sage King."

Although he said he was interested, there was no star in his star-gazing eyes, and he just looked at the captain coldly.

Those eyes were like a black hole, devouring everything with light, the captain couldn't help shivering.

Before the captain figured out what happened, he heard Guan Xing invited him to sit with him, and also let the two defeated generals—the hero master and the pirate master stage a scene of cannibalism. .

"I just want to see what the result will be when the sharpest spear meets the strongest shield...you should be very clear that you have no right to refuse."

The captain scolded angrily: "Mr. Stargazing! You.....you are betting on human life!"

Who knew that after listening to Guan Xing, instead of being angry, he smiled, his eyes were full of contempt and cruelty.

"Haha, the whole world can be used as a bet, so what is a mere two lives?!】

In the picture, Guan Xing looked down on the two killing each other from above. After one of them won the final victory, she mercilessly killed the other on the spot!

There is cruel indifference between the brows.

"Guan, how did Mr. Guan Xing become like this?"

Everyone in the question-and-answer space was shocked when they saw that the articulate and unforgiving girl who used to be a kind-hearted girl had turned into such a cruel and cruel appearance. .

This kind of thing is absolutely weird!

Fu Hua and Ji Zi also nodded, looking a little uncomfortable.

Fu Hua: "Indeed, seeing the King of Heroes with the same voice and appearance as my own, being mercilessly killed by Stargazing, I still feel somewhat delicate in my mood."

Ji Zi also nodded approvingly: "Yes, what happened to cause Mr. Guan Xing to change?"

"Auntie........... won't it become like this in the future?!"

Qiyana couldn't help feeling a little worried, and glanced at Teresa.

"What are you thinking, no matter what happens, I will never become like this!"

Teresa shook her head decisively, denying Kiana's guess.

"Honestly speaking, the appearance of Miss stargazing is really creepy..."

Even Braun, who always liked to tease stargazers, his expression became serious at the moment: "Also, I always feel that Miss Stargazer in the picture is full of sadness, despair and anger..."

"Yeah yeah!"

Patuo nodded: "Mr. Stargazing doesn't even call the captain 'Mr. Assassin' anymore!"

Rosemary: "Master Stargazer..."

On the screen, after executing the King of Heroes and the King of Pirates with her own hands, Guan Xing slowly walked back to the steps from the audience. She calmly took the handkerchief handed over by the maid, wiped the blood on her face, and then leaned forward leaning back in the chair—

【"Ha...that's the end."

Stargazer seemed to breathe a sigh of relief and waved his hand. The maid beside him silently brought two wine bottles and filled them.

"Captain, try it. Although it is not a peerless famous wine, it is also a well-known good wine in the Huang Kingdom. Because of its clear taste, it got the name of Spring Tea."

"Captain, why don't you speak?"

The captain opened his mouth, but he still felt dry and unable to speak...

Stargazing didn't care too much: "It seems that the captain was frightened... I'll punish myself with a drink first... Huh?!"

Guan Xing raised his head and just took a sip, his expression turned aside, and he threw the wine cup on the ground, followed by a crisp cracking sound.

The wine glass in front of the captain was also blown to the ground by the stargazer.

"Today is Qixi Festival, and it's not Suqiu and winter. What you drink is the taste of the spring, so why drink this wine warm?"

There was a hint of anger on Guan Xing's expression: "This wine has been ruined for nothing! Come on, order it!"

The maid who just poured the wine knelt on the ground and kowtowed. Then another guard came up and took the maid away. 】

"So, he killed someone so easily!"

Teresa's expression was a little angry: "How can you kill innocent people like this!"


"Mr. Xingxing, why did you become like this?"

Qiyana and the others were also shocked. If it was said that she executed the King of Heroes and the King of Pirates in such a cruel way before, it was justified because of the rivalry between the kings.

But right now, just because a glass of wine is not to one's liking, it seems too...inhumane to execute people on the spot!

It can be called a tyrant!

Undoubtedly, the stargazer in the picture is far from the well-known Mr. Stargazer.

The captain also obviously noticed the abnormality of stargazing, and when he was about to ask her why, he suddenly found that Rita, the prime minister of the Huang Empire, had never appeared until now, so he couldn't help asking——

【"By the way, Rita...isn't the prime minister here..."

Guan Xing was picking up his wine glass, but his movements suddenly froze, that is, he didn't speak.

She rubbed the wine glass back and forth, then filled it up again on her own, facing the sky far away.

"Have you noticed too..."

The captain followed her gaze, only seeing a star that was flickering and dimming, and the faint voice of stargazing sounded in his ear—

"Rita is dead."]

After telling the news, the captain seemed to be in disbelief for a while, and fell into a daze.

However, Guanxing just continued to tell, after the captain left, Fudou broke through the seal on a certain day to take revenge on the Huang Empire.

In order to protect the people of the Huang Empire, Guanxing sought help from the King of Heroes and the King of Pirates, but they chose to sit on the sidelines, waiting for Fudou to fight with the soldiers of the Huang Empire, and then sneak in.

When Guan Xing finally arranged a new formation and re-sealed Fu Dou, Ying Tower——was already dead.

【"Gu saw Rita's sickle by the river, and there was no trace of Fudou there, only the petals rising and falling with the water."

Stargazer's voice was very soft, as if she was remembering: "Rita is lying in the water, as if she has fallen asleep quietly."

"She has wounds all over her body, but the wounds have stopped bleeding a long time ago."

"Gu hugged Rita, the clothes on her body were soaked, but her body became very light, as if she had already flowed from her body......

"Looking at the prime minister, I suddenly feel that I don't know her anymore, but I don't know why."

Guan Xing said softly: "Holding her alone, thinking and thinking, thinking that the shadow of the sickle by the river will gradually disappear, and the stars will rise from the sea, casting a cold chill."

"—Gu, I finally understand."

"Whenever Rita looks at Gu, Gu always feels that she is smiling, because her eyes are always smiling."

"However, Gu can no longer see her eyes."】

"I see, it's no wonder Mr. Star Gazing hates Pirate King and Hero King so much..."

Kiyana suddenly realized: "If the other two countries could send reinforcements at that time, maybe Rita would not have died.

"So, will Miss Stargazing take revenge on the Pirate King and the Hero Lord?"

Braun knew it in his heart: "It seems that the death of that Rita has dealt a considerable blow to Miss Stargazing."

"It's no wonder that today's Miss Stargazing is so magnanimous to Miss Rita, who has no clear background, no clear intentions, and who always likes to push the boundaries..."

Rosemary: "Hehe~ Miss Braun, you might as well make your words clearer~"

Guan Xing waved his fan, pretending to be indifferent: "...this woman can only help us find that guy, there is not much friendship between us, just a simple

"Oh, so in the eyes of Mr. Xingxing, Rita is just a simple 'trader'?"

Rosemary pretended to be disappointed and sighed: "This is really sad."

"Wait a minute!"

Teresa interjected: "If it is said that Mister Guan Xing treated the King of Heroes and the King of Pirates like that for revenge, then why was the beautiful girl who was pouring wine put to death...he can't have any hatred with Dr. Liu Xing, right? "

As soon as the voice fell, everyone heard the heavy sound of something falling on the ground from the screen, accompanied by the clear and mournful sound of broken porcelain.

Teresa looked up quickly, and what caught her eyes was the stargazer who fell to the ground after being poisoned, with a trace of blood spilling from the corner of her mouth!

"Hey! Mr. Xingxing is poisoned!"

…… Ask for flowers………

Kiyana's eyes widened in surprise.

"I'm afraid it's because of the glass of wine that Mister Guan Xing drank before.

Braun opened his mouth to explain.

And the fact is exactly the same, the watching star on the screen admitted that the reason why she knocked down the wine cup in her hand and the captain's wine glass before was to prevent the captain from being poisoned like her.

"Ah? Isn't that maid from the Huang Empire? Why did you poison Mister Guan Xing?"

Kiyana scratched her head with a puzzled expression.

Bronya: "Stupid Qiyana, of course it's because that maid is the inner ghost of the neighboring country.

"Now the truth is finally revealed."

Brauni said: "Even though Miss Gazing was overwhelmed by anger and hatred, she didn't become the kind of tyrant who killed innocent people indiscriminately.

"—Otherwise, 'Mr. Assassin' will be disappointed in you."


In the picture, Guan Xing is paralyzed on the ground, being held in the arms of the captain.

Perhaps because of dying, stargazing at this moment is no longer as cold and indifferent as before.

She told the captain that she was convinced that the person she was looking for was him.

And tell the captain where Mr. Iron Fist is, hoping that the captain can find a way to change history by awakening Mr. Iron Fist

【"This is just my guess, but it is because of you that I dare to guess like this......


A trace of bright red blood spilled from the corner of Guan Xing's mouth, and his speech became intermittent, like a candle in the wind: "So, if it were you, you would definitely be able to change all of this..."

She tightly grasped the captain's wrist, her expression seemed to be pleading: "Find Mr. Iron Fist...wake her up. 17

"If it were you, you must be able to find a way...

"Save the Huang Empire... save Rita... save... save... me..."

There was a trace of pain in Guan Xing's expression, and he choked up his voice: "I still remember... what you and I said at that time..."

"See you in that distant future.——So, please take me to the real future where I can meet you..."

"Please, because...guest...sir...sir..."

"Ah! Mr. Guan Xing is dead too!"

Pa Duo exclaimed: "Why, why did it suddenly become the end of the group destruction!"

"——This kind of thing is absolutely strange!"

"So, in the end, we can only pin our hopes on the captain!"

Teresa looked at the screen

The captain in the scene, after Guan Xing died, the soldiers of the Huang Empire began to arrest the only captain who was in the same room with Guan Xing before his death, and the captain was barely surrounded by soldiers,

Came to the place where Mr. Iron Fist said by Stargazer.

——and successfully met Mr. Iron Fist.

"Hey! This, this is not right!

Tesla's expression was startled: "This Mr. Iron Fist, why does it look so similar to mine!?"

"Indeed, especially the twintails and spectacle frames."

Einstein commented sharply: "It is simply the finishing touch.

"Damn it! Is my old lady just a puppet in other worlds?!"

Tesla became angry: "It's not fair! I want to sue you for violating my portrait rights!!"

Stargazing: ...Is there no possibility? It is not that Mr. Iron Fist infringed on Miss Tesla's portrait right, or that Miss Tesla infringed on Mr. Iron Fist's portrait right

Tesla was stunned: "What, what?!"


[Frederica Nikola Tesla has been silenced]

Leaving aside the questions and answers about what happened in the space, before being captured by the soldiers on the screen, the captain finally activated Mr. Iron Fist who had been sleeping all this time.

After the encrypted start switch, he successfully traveled back to the past——

["Charging... charging is complete, start positioning..."

"Anchor point positioning, positioning complete, transferring...transfer is successful, calculating release time..."

Accompanied by bursts of fragrance, the captain gradually opened his eyes.

What came into his eyes was Guan Xing who had just died in front of his own eyes.

"Stargazing!!" Wan】.

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