Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

223: The Captain Elopes With Stargazing? Rita Was Silent!

【Come again, how many times do you want to come again?】

The captain gradually realized that no matter what he did, there was always a force holding him back, but he knew nothing about it.

Whenever he eliminates each cause and erases the original effect, a new cause is born from it and a new effect is produced.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break free, because he was just a pawn on the chessboard——

【Who is the chess player? Are there other bystanders in this chess game?】

【When they see this, will they also feel numb?】

【I don't know where the ending of this story will go...Or, this story has no ending at all?】

【It just occurred to me that my original purpose was to return to Hyperion... However, it doesn't matter anymore. 】

[I didn’t realize until now that even if you said that I was the “Mr.

[The "Mr. Assassin" you speak of is not me...Mr. Stargazing. 】

The monologue belonging to the captain echoed in the question-and-answer space over and over again, full of suffocating despair and helplessness.

After going through countless times of reincarnation and countless times of life and death, the captain witnessed the death of Guan Xing over and over again, and tried to save time and time again in vain.

In the question-and-answer space, some sentimental Ying Jie and the Valkyries were already sobbing, and weeping sounded from time to time in the dead-silent space.

As the party involved, Guan Xing even covered her face with a fan, and turned her head away, not wanting everyone to see her sad and tearful scene.

"Everyone, don't patronize and be sad."

In the end, it was Braun who took on the task of comforting everyone: "Although the captain's process of saving Miss Stargazing was extremely difficult, at least he succeeded in the end, didn't he?"

"Otherwise, how could Miss Gazing Star be standing here?


Bronya nodded and touched the tears in the corner of her eyes: "Mr. Stargazing exists here, which proves that the captain succeeded in saving her in the end."

"That's what I said..."

Teresa clutched her aching chest and sobbed softly: "But it doesn't feel sad!"


Pa Duo knelt down and wiped the cat's tears from the can: "Even if you know the final outcome is good, but seeing how difficult the process is, you can't help but feel bad for the captain's experience!"

"However, even though Master Captain has experienced so many failures and pains, he still hasn't given up."

Rosemary said softly: "As expected of the captain."

In the screen, after the captain experienced countless failures and countless reincarnations, Xiaote gradually and completely turned on other functions as he continued to try.

And the turning point happened like this——


[...Warning, about to wake up, the dialogue module is recovering...

With the restoration of Tesla·Zero’s dialogue module, the picture on the screen has also changed to a river surface, with slender reeds on both sides, the starry sky dotted with the reflection of the river surface, and several river lights rippling on the river surface along with the ripples. superior.

Xiao Te stood on the lake and walked slowly——

【"——I have spent the future with you, but I have never known your past."

"You at that time, just like you now, bear the life and death of others."

"For as long as you live, you are constantly being forced to repeat the past."

Xiao Te whispered about the experience of the captain: "You are still in pain, but you have never forgotten your pain.

"And I finally came to your past, and wrote the beginning notes for that long journey through the 'fragments of the world'."

"———Cry, drive."

"If you feel pain, just cry like a child until you are exhausted." 々.

"Pain is not terrible, the terrible thing is that after getting used to the pain, you can no longer feel the pain."

The scenes that the captain has experienced echo in front of his eyes, laughter, sadness, anger and pain...

It comes to mind like a revolving lantern.

"Because you no longer put yourself in the position of a witness, but become a bystander."

"Just like me now, witnessing the tragedies you went through."

"—but to understand human beings, one must not just watch from the sidelines."

"You have to stand with them and watch what they're watching."

"———This is what you said to me in the distant future."

Xiao Te said: "Now I am trying to stand beside you, what are you looking at?"

"If there are other bystanders, they must be full of expectations for you at this time, expecting you to overcome more deaths until you reach a happy ending where no one is injured."]

"That's right! We all look forward to the captain's happy ending where no one gets hurt!"

Kiyana waved her fist and shouted with all her strength: "So, Captain, you must work hard!!!"

Mei also took a step forward: "Captain, come on!!"

Bronya put her hand on her chest: "Bronya, I believe the captain will be able to do it!"

【"This story has nothing to do with saving and being saved. Its ending is constantly being repaired and new cracks are born.™

"And you're the one who repeats, repeats, tries again, and goes through the pain."

Xiaote stopped slowly: "Things that cannot be done will not be achieved because of persistence, and miracles will not happen because of the saying 'I can do it'.

"I know, in fact, you also know—even if you are desperate enough, but now you don't have such ability."

Xiao Te turned around and faced everyone: "But I am here, trying to provide you with an opportunity to break the situation.

"This is the meaning of my... existence here."]

As Xiaote's voice fell, the perspective changed back to the captain's side again.

The captain slowly opened his eyelids, as if waking up from a long slumber, unable to tell the difference between reality and illusion for a while.

After going through consciousness mapping again and again, the time for each mapping to regain consciousness becomes longer and longer, until the sound of stargazing and worrying sounds around me.

【"Don't talk yet, take a good rest...... I asked the maid to bring an ice basin, and the room will be more comfortable later."

Guan Xing wrung out the towel, trying to wipe the captain's drenched face.

However, the captain's emotions had long been on the verge of collapse, and he just shook his head in resistance: "Don't...touch me."

"Don't look at me like that..."

"I'm back, and I failed again. I can't bear that kind of eyes full of expectation."

Stargazing stared at the captain, his eyes full of worry: "Mr. Assassin..."

"I'm not Mr. Assassin!"

The captain rudely interrupted Stargazing: "Mr. Assassin in your memory can do everything, but I——

"Nothing can be done!"]

"Could it be that the captain is going to become a Herrscher too?!"

When Qiyana heard the captain's words, she suddenly exclaimed: "You actually uttered this classic line!"

"It's hard to say whether I will become a Herrscher..."

Braun said: "But I believe there will be a turning point soon."

Sure enough, while the captain was talking with Guan Xing, Xiao Te, who had been in a deep sleep, suddenly woke up.

She explained to the captain and Xingxing the true identity of the group of gray snakes—the self-discipline management program from the world.

If you want to avoid the death of Guan Xing, the only way is to let Guan Xing and the captain leave this world together and go to Hyperion.

And Xiaote also discovered that the captain actually restarted it tens of millions of times in order to save Stargazing!

"Thousands, tens of millions of times?!"

Not only other people in the Q&A space, but even Guan Xing himself was stunned: "Mr.

"Even after thousands of failures, I still never give up."

Rosemary spoke slowly: "It is precisely because of this that a miracle can be triggered in the end.

In fact, as Rosemary said, according to Xiaote's setting, Xiaote will never wake up unless the captain reaches the restart threshold.

"Boss, the captain must be too cruel to himself!"

Even Qiyana and the others expressed shock. Although they witnessed the captain's desperate appearance, they didn't expect him to be so desperate!

Tens of millions of failures, this is definitely something that no one can persevere!

Teresa: "My God..."

"The captain is really amazing!"

Alicia clasped her hands together, her eyes were full of admiration: "Obviously just a mortal, without any great power, but this firm and unyielding will. Even I feel admiration for it!


Fu Hua nodded: "Captain, you are indeed admirable."

Ji Zi echoed: "Captain, you are really amazing."

On the screen, even though Guan Xing is reluctant to bid farewell to this world, but in order that the self-discipline management program will no longer threaten the lives of her and her people, she decides to leave with the captain.

At parting, she wanted to see Rita one last time—

So, the captain and Guan Xing gently opened the door, and Rita was lying on the table taking a nap, with the pen and paper still on the side.

Guan Xing stood at the door for a while, and finally took a blanket and gently covered Rita.

She stood behind Rita, just watching her quietly

[The captain asked softly: "Aren't you going to wake her up?"


Guan Xing wanted to stretch out his hand several times, but finally withdrew his hand back.

She watched Rita who was sleeping peacefully [shaking her head lightly: "That's all right."

"Of course...it's the same, I'm really...not good at saying goodbye."

Stargazing whispers: "We're all in a world where we're always leaving without permission..."

"... let's go."

Seeing Guan Xing's sad look, the captain decided to be a bad guy, dragged her out of the room, and gently closed the door.

In the distance, Tesla·Zero shone with a strange light.

The captain looked at the stargazing, she seemed to say something, but she didn't make a sound, only her lips moved slightly

"Let's meet in the not-too-distant future."]

After stargazing on the ship, after a while, Rita woke up under the call of the guards.

The lights came on, and Rita slowly raised her head.

The guard told the Prime Minister that the celebration was about to begin, Guan Xing nodded to show he understood, and then asked——

【...By the way, where is Master Stargazer?"

"This subordinate is about to report to the Prime Minister that His Highness has not been seen in Huang City.

Rita looked up, as if suddenly aware of something.


"Master Prime Minister, what's wrong with you?"

Rita shook her head lightly: "It's okay, I think Mr. Stargazer was fascinated by something again, and forgot the time for a while, so let's go out of town."

"Should I send someone to look for it?"

"No need...you step back.

It wasn't until the guard's figure had completely exited the hall that Rita raised her hand to gently stroke the blanket on her body, and looked at the small blue folding fan on the window sill.

"Master Stargazer..."

She muttered to herself: "This time, it seems that you have been going for a long time..."]

"Until the end, Mr. Stargazing still couldn't say goodbye to Rita himself..."

Teresa felt a little regretful: "Leaving without saying goodbye or something."

"This farewell, I don't know if they will meet again in the future.

(Good Zhao) Mei is also a little sentimental.

"By the way, does Miss Rosemary really have nothing to do with Prime Minister Rita?"

Kiana asked curiously.

Guan Xing didn't speak, but also aimed suspicious eyes at her intentionally or unintentionally:


However, Rosemary just showed a mysterious smile and said nothing.

"However, in the end, he succeeded in saving Mr. Xingxing!"

Alicia clapped her hands happily: "You really deserve to be the captain!"

"To be honest, I kind of want to meet him~"

Alicia raised a slender finger to her lips [seemingly imagining: "I don't know what the real face of the captain is like? Where is he now?"

On the surface of the stargazer, the alarm sounded quietly, but the alarm sounded quietly in his heart: "Why, Miss Alicia, from your tone... it seems that you are very interested in that guy?"


Alicia smiled and blinked lightly.

"Me me me!"

Qiyana couldn't wait to stretch out her hand: "My lady is very interested in that captain! I want to see his true face!"

Mei nodded, "Me too.

Bronya: "Bronya too."

Ji Zi: "Speaking of which, if you're the captain, you can think about it... After all, I'm almost 30..."

Teresa: "...Almost done, Himeko."

Stargazing is a little bit Bengbu: "You, you...!"

Rosemary on the side smiled cheerfully, making it clear that she was admiring the angry look of the stargazers.

And Braun took out the camera that had been prepared, and took pictures!

The stargazer became angry from embarrassment: "Hey! Braun, no photos are allowed!".

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