Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

236: Ladies Otto? Died On The Spot!

"Lady Green Lily?"

Teresa was a little surprised: "What the hell is Mrs. Green Lily?"

Everyone was also stupefied. They didn't know why such a question and answer popped up suddenly, and the meaning was completely unclear!

"Could it be mother?"

Kiyana pinched her chin and blinked: "After all, isn't the title Mrs. generally used to describe married women? It seems that there is no suitable candidate among the remaining options except mother.

"Cecilia... Mom, does she still have this title?"

Dull Goose was also stunned: "Ms. Green Lily...why do you choose such a title...?"

"Why is Bronya also on the list?"

Bronya's expression became sharp: "Bronya~ I'm going to call FOI!"

Xi'er: "Xi'er is also very strange, why is sister Bronya on the selection-item..."

"In terms of universal rationality... I don't know the correct answer..."

Fu Hua also said that he couldn't figure it out: "It's just that I'm curious about one thing. What does option C... mean?"

Otto: "

"Ha! Do you still need to guess the answer to this kind of question?"

Zhibao made an arrogant voice: "Isn't it obvious at a glance!"

Alicia's eyes widened in surprise, and she looked at Zhibao: "Wow! Is Xiaoshi so powerful? Then... who is it?"

Recognition Treasure is decisive: "Of course it is Otto!"

Everyone: "?"

Otto: "?"

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Compared with the subtle gazes of everyone looking at her, Zhibao returned a surprised look: "Please! Use your brains and think about it carefully. This question and answer is about Pi?"

Mei raised her hand: "Ms. Green Lily."

"That's right! I've already told you that it's Mrs. Green Lily! But why does Otto appear in the options!"

The Herrscher of Knowledge reversed thinking: "Isn't this obviously implying that the correct answer is Otto!"

Qiyana opened her mouth slightly: "It seems to make sense, but it seems to be a little unreasonable...

Bronya: "So that's the case, I probably understand the situation."

Meiren was dizzy: "Is there something wrong with my understanding? Why can't I understand what the Herrscher of Knowledge is saying?"

Teresa: "Uh, how about...just choose C?"

"Trust me, that's right!"

Zhibao gave a thumbs up and grinned: "If there is a problem, I will take care of it!

Bronya squinted at her: "Then why don't you choose?"

"I.....I don't want to get involved with Otto..."

The Herrscher of Knowledge scratched his head: "Otherwise, I would have chosen it long ago!"

"Well, monitor, what do you think?"

Mei turned her head and looked at the monitor.

After hesitating for a moment, Fu Hua decided to believe in Zhibao.

So she stepped forward and replied in a deep voice: "I choose: Otto Apocalypse. "

[The answer is correct, congratulations to Fu Hua for getting the Valkyrie Armor·Yunmo Danxin Experience Card x1 (24 hours)]

Otto: "?"

Otto was really startled now, he really didn't expect it to be himself... Mrs. Green Lily?

This kind of thing is absolutely strange.

But as the pictures on the screen played next, everyone understood why Otto was called Mrs. Green Lily.

It turned out that when Otto assisted Karen in sneaking in, she changed into a woman's outfit to attract the guard's attention, especially in the picture where Karen stepped on slender high-heeled shoes, lifted the skirts on both sides, and squeezed her throat The buzzing scene left everyone in the question and answer room speechless on the spot.

Teresa covered her eyes: "Slightly...a bit hot eyes..."

Fu Hua pushed his glasses: "Indeed, I can't bear to look directly at it.

Einstein: "...Hiss, luckily Dr. Tesla hasn't lifted the gag yet."

Youlandelle nodded solemnly: "...I didn't expect the bishop to be interested in women's clothing, well, I've learned a lot."

Rita covered her mouth and smiled lightly: "However, the bishop's taste is really unique. This costume perfectly conceals the bishop's characteristics as a tall man, coupled with his mastery of falsetto... it can be seen Come out, it seems that we have been in touch for a long time.

Kiyana: "Puff! (Laugh)"

During the long silence, Einstein spoke out what everyone was thinking: "It can be seen from this that Otto really has deep feelings for Karen Kaslana."

Even if you completely disregard your own image, there is no one left!

...... Well, I admit, this is indeed one of my black history. "

Otto folded his hands on his chest. Although he was publicly executed and died on the spot, he didn't seem to care at all, but there was a trace of nostalgia in his eyes: "Oh, now I think about how naive I was back then."

"I thought I could make Kallen happy by doing this, and that I could help her...but in the end...it was just a dream after all."

【"I really don't understand, how could you be so awkward at that time."

Kong Kong Wanzang's sharp comment: "Wouldn't it be good to just tell her all your thoughts? The whole history may change because of this.

"Maybe. But what did you want me to say to her?"

Otto chuckled and asked back: "Are you saying that I am using human experiments to research new drugs? Or do you want me to quote the economic theory hundreds of years later to inspire her that 'robbing the rich and giving to the poor does not solve the essential problem'?" ?”

"If it wasn't for that...even if I told her straight up why I did it - what good would it do?"

"—Will she change herself because of it, or will I change myself because of it?"

Kong Kong Wanzang was silent for a moment, and answered him: "...But in fact, none of you have changed anyone."]

The memory about Otto continues, but it is not so much Otto's past as Karen Kaslana's short life past.

And Otto's so-called gentle actions back then, in the end, only accelerated the death of Kallen Kaslana——

The pictures about the past slipped by like a rolling wave, and finally stopped in front of a tombstone, and the name on it was impressively written: Kallen Kaslana.

["Oh, she's dead."

Kongkong Wanzang said: "That is indeed your end."

"Five hundred years have passed by in a hurry... Now, you finally have the chance to change this moment."

"—Ah. Or does time never actually pass for you?"

Otto sighed faintly, his brows and eyes were full of misty memories: "Yes...she died.

Kong Kong Wanzang was a little dissatisfied: "...Huh? Hey, are you listening to me?"

Otto didn't respond, but continued to say to himself: "We always subconsciously believe that the person we love is immortal and immortal. Although our mind understands that the other party is only a flesh and blood body, our emotions don't matter. No matter how you want to accept that.”

Void Wanzang: "...You mean to say that human beings will always be frightened by death in some way."

"Yes, we fear death so much that the panic that comes with that fear . . . creates more unnecessary deaths.

Otto spoke softly, with a solemn and solemn expression: "Discrimination, abuse, murder, war... who among us is not dominated by the fear called 'death', and this shadow falls on others in advance up?"

Void Wanzang: "But can you be alone? You are more deeply involved in this quagmire than anyone else—it's just that what you fear is not your own 'death'.'

Otto looked up to the sky: "Yeah, that's why I'm just a bishop at best...and Kallen is a saint in people's minds."]

Tesla sharply commented: ".... Huh, this Otto has done so many bad things, but he speaks a lot of truths!"

Einstein was a little surprised: "Huh? Dr. Tesla, your ban has been lifted?"

"Released, but it seems that I was specifically warned that if I do it again next time, I will be permanently kicked out of the question and answer space.

Tesla cursed: "It's really T...ry (try hard, in order to ensure a good atmosphere in the question and answer space..."

Teresa: "It's because Dr. Tesla's words are sometimes too intense. After all, there are children here."

Otto: "Indeed, my dear granddaughter, don't you learn from Dr. Tesla!"

Tesla: "Shut up! You... um...."

Tesla, who almost started spraying subconsciously, covered his mouth in time, and continued to watch the follow-up with his mouth tightly pursed—

……… Ask for flowers……

【"Do you still remember the letter I wrote to that 'Walter'?"

Otto suddenly asked Void Wanzang, and said slowly: "——We are too fragile, so that we can only exchange for a short-term peace by threatening each other, and we have to use order to exchange for peace."

High-sounding words like 'ethics' to cover up those utterly despicable motives. "police

He smiled contemptuously: "This sentence still holds true today. After all, human beings always repeat the same mistakes—even turning a blind eye to the fact itself


Considering the destruction of the pre-civilized era, what Otto said is indeed correct.

Originally, the era of pre-civilization did have the ability to end Houkai. However, due to the struggles and differences among human beings, the development of Houkai eventually became stronger and stronger. When the human side reacted and wanted to unite again—— But it was too late.

The coming of the end makes everything futile.

Otto stared at himself and Void Wanzang on the screen, and said softly: "Humanity's greatest enemy has never been Honkai—it's human beings themselves.

【Void Wanzang: "I think I have to remind you that these statements can also be used to criticize yourself."

"That's right, the void is myriad possessions."

Otto admitted frankly: "Whether it is K423, Urandale, Theresa, or Walter...you can say that they all inherited the mantle of Kallen from different angles.

"Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and everything is a straw dog——for the world before us, it really doesn't need Kallen's brave heart to beat from the grave.

Kong Kong Wanzang: "...Some people pretend to be confused while pretending to understand. But you, maybe you should be called—— pretending to be confused while pretending to understand.

Otto laughed loudly: "This is what you don't understand... Void and hidden."

"The so-called human emotion - it is originally a desire that would rather harm others than oneself, and would like to release it."

"It's just that in terms of general definitions, [good people] are good at using reason to control emotions after all, while [evil people] are used to letting emotions dominate their rationality.

"As for the so-called [rational villains]...they turn their lives into a machine that only calculates benefits, and they don't even deserve to be called

And for 【人】. "

Kong Kong Wanzang asked: Is that so? I think you happen to be such a [rational villain] now.

Otto still chuckled: "I'm not denying that I'm not worthy of being called a human. It's better to say that I know very well that I am a master of this kind of dross."

"Didn't I say... Humans have always emotionally believed that those we love are immortal and immortal."

"And I am just a siege who allows this emotion to dominate my rationality, and therefore does not calculate the benefits."

He seemed to be laughing at himself, laughing at everything.

But then his laughter subsided, and he turned his head to look in a certain direction as if feeling something: "—Look, the first person who wants to settle accounts with me is already close at hand


The picture on the screen changed again, echoing in the old church again.

The crisp sound of high-heeled shoes hitting the ground sounded, Otto turned around slowly, and watched the blond girl walking in front of him with Xiao Rong's eyebrows raised.

The usual, unpredictable smile appeared on his face.

"Ah! It's Urandale!"

When Kiyana saw her elder sister, she immediately subconsciously called out: "But, judging by the expression on Youlandelle, it seems a little unfriendly!

Zhibao nodded seriously: "Indeed, the aggressiveness is full!"

Rita: "It seems that Master Ulandal has learned some truths.

Otto squeezed his chin and analyzed rationally: "Oh, it's not like Yolandelle really came to settle accounts with me, right? She probably doesn't know her true identity now, right?"

Urandale was as solemn and frowning as she was on the screen: "... Bishop Otto, please forgive me. Even if I didn't know my true identity at that time, with you

Everything I have done before is enough to constitute a reason for me to question you. "

Otto laughed: "Okay, okay, I knew that with your sense of justice, you would never sit idly by."

"——From this point of view, if I want to achieve my goal in the future...I'm afraid I will have to face your level."

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