Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

240: Zhenqi To The Rescue! K Qi Called Her Sister So Awesome!

"Tsk! Sure enough, this kind of thing was still too reluctant for Bronya at that time.

Tesla frowned worriedly: "That's right, after all, there are multiple Moonlight Thrones that need to be fully powered, even with the blessing of Kiana and the others... Bronya can It takes a lot of effort to make it…”

"If it is in the form of the Herrscher of Truth, Bronya must be able to do it easily."

Bronya also expressed her opinion: "Unfortunately, at that time Bronya hadn't finished eclosion yet."

"Sister Bronya...should be fine...?"

Although she knew through the previous spoiler that Bronya's life would not be in danger, Xier still felt worried when she saw Bronya falling freely from a height of 100 meters.

In the picture, Xier rushed over in time, and finally successfully caught the falling Bronya at the last second.

However, at this time, Bronya had already lost consciousness and created the Moonlight Throne out of thin air... After challenging something that the Herrscher of Reason had never done before, her body and mind were completely exhausted at this moment.

Xi'er could even feel that Bronya in her arms was so angry, as if her soul would disappear at any moment.

"How to do how to do?!"

Qi Bao was already in a panic: "Bronya, it won't be impossible to wake up again!"

"Stupid Kiyana

Bronya glanced at her, as if looking at a fool: "If Bronya really can't wake up again, then the only ones who will fight Kevin on the ball in the future are you and Sister Mei."

"Oh! Yes!"

Only then did Kiyana slap her head in a sudden realization: "I almost forgot that Bronya will fight Kevin with us in the future, and even complete [Emergence], becoming the real Herrscher of Reason!"

But then she scratched her head in doubt: "But, in this way—how did Bronya recover? Obviously, looking at Bronya's current appearance, she is exhausted. !"

"About this issue, I believe we will know soon."

Bronya raised her head and watched the follow-up on the screen

On the screen, when everyone was at a loss, Hei Xier suddenly told Xier that she had a way to save Bronya.

Heixi told Xier that she can give Bronya vitality by guiding the power of the black abyss and white flowers, so as to restore her physical condition—

【.......I see. "

After listening to Hei Xi's words, Xi'er nodded, and her eyes gradually became firm: "However, please let me come with you too!"


Hei Xi was stunned: "Is now the time to fight for this?!"

"No...I mean, I can feel..."

Xi'er said cautiously: "You... seem to be a little bit brave.

Hexi: "...huh?"

"Perhaps you do know how to use its power, but you don't have much confidence in the cost of using this power..."

Xier said the part that Hexi concealed:...you don't actually know, but whether relying on your own strength is enough to save Sister Brioni. "

"——So, please, let me help you too. Let's save Sister Bronya together!"

After a brief silence, Hei Xi sighed: "Oh, I really admire you."]

Hei Xi, who couldn't resist Xi'er, obediently listened to Xi'er's opinion in the end, and the two of them guided the power of Heiyuan Baihua to treat Bronya who fell into a coma.

So Xi'er lightly closed her eyes, and followed the guidance of another self in her heart...

She felt the vitality of Bronya in her arms, and also felt the wonderful but familiar power not far away.

She weaves strength into threads that connect the two.

With the connection of power, Heiyuan Baihua also gradually showed its unique power zone.

I saw that Bronya and Seele were surrounded by blooming flowers, full of vitality.

And Seele hugged Bronya who was in a coma from behind, letting her lean in her arms, matching this wonderful scene, it was like a dream!


Kiyana stared wide-eyed, staring in amazement at the scene full of Cecilia flowers around her: "Xi, Xi is so amazing!"

"It seems that Heiyuan Baihua and Xi'er are very compatible."

As the current user of the Black Abyss White Flower, Youlandal was surprised that Xier was able to guide the power of the Black Abyss White Flower to such an extent.

In fact, not only her, even Otto was surprised by this.

"Oh, I didn't expect Miss Nao and Heiyuan Baihua's compatibility to be so high."

Otto sighed sincerely: "It's really surprising.

Teresa is a little PDST: "Grandpa! I warn you, don't do anything to Seele!"

"Haha, Teresa, you must think too badly of Grandpa."

Otto smiled indifferently: "No matter how you say it, Dad won't do anything to such a young child.

Teresa didn't believe it at all: "Humph!"

On the screen, through the power of the black abyss and white flowers, Bronya finally regained her sobriety. Although she fainted again soon, she was different from before. At this moment, she had recovered her steady breathing.

Xi'er finally breathed a sigh of relief. She was about to thank Hei Xi, but she couldn't hear another response from herself for a long time.

【"Another me? Are you okay? Another me!"

Xi'er's voice was full of anxiety, she waited for a long time before finally hearing Hei Xi's exhausted voice——

"...Tsk, it's so noisy, I'm fine.

"Ah.....Scared me to death..."

Hearing Hei Xi's voice, he felt relieved.

...I was also inexplicably tired. "

Hei Xi's voice was full of exhaustion, but he still cheered up and explained: "The black abyss and white flowers consume——should it be called 'life force'? In short, the price is indeed different from what I imagined. .”


There was a hint of cunning in her voice suddenly: "Speaking of which, were you in a hurry just now~?"

Xi'er nodded her head solemnly, and her tone could not hide her worry: "Of course! You can't scare me like this next time!"

(Wait? Why did she admit it directly? How can I answer the conversation?)”]

Bronya commented sharply: "This is probably the so-called natural suppression of black belly."

Hexi: "Huh?!"

Seele: "Well, what is sister Bronya talking about...?"

"It's nothing, Xier just needs to keep the status quo."

Thinking of how pure and innocent her sister Xier was, Bronya couldn't help but sigh.

She smiled softly: "In short, thank you for saving Bronya, Xiwu."

"No, it's okay!"

Xi'er was a little flattered: "Xie'er is also very happy to be able to help sister Bronya!"

In the picture, Xi'er sees that Hei Xi has not responded for a long time, so she can't help but continue to speak

【"Did you hear that, circle?"

.....well, well, yes yes yes. I am the obedient Xier, and I will listen to everything in the future—"

Before Hei Xi finished speaking, she was interrupted by a sudden sound.

At the same time, Qiyana also noticed something strange, she raised her head in shock, staring at the existence that looked like a huge gear that appeared from the shattered light curtain, her eyes widened slightly.

"what is this..……..?!"】

"——Hey, are you kidding? It's just because of cornbread? Isn't this the thing we saw in the second Honkai?"

Tesla stared at the huge gear enchantment presented on the screen with disbelief on his face.

Einstein said: "Only from the structural point of view...that is indeed the 'Divine Enchantment'."

"Divine Enchantment?!"

Teresa was stunned. Others didn't know that she knew best in her heart, because the enchantment of divine grace was the nirvana she used to deal with Sirin during the Second Houkai War!

"This is also... the power of the Herrscher of Binding!"

Compared with the reaction from the reverse (ciaf) entropy and Teresa, the reaction from Ying Jie's side is even more dark and turbulent.

Because they knew very well in their hearts that the end of this so-called divine trouble was the biggest reason why the fusion fighters of the Flaming Moths were almost wiped out back then!

Almost without exception, all the fusion fighters who entered the barrier were declared dead the moment they entered.

Even heroes like Qian Jie and Hua can't resist their constraints!

"This is bad.....

Alicia murmured: "Kiana, run!"

"In that case, wouldn't the situation be worse than before!"

Qiyana exclaimed: "Hurry up and take everyone out of there! The future me!"

Just like what Qiyana in the question-and-answer space thought, after learning about the danger contained in this enchantment, Qiyana in the picture immediately came to Bronya and the others, but at this moment they were exhausted. Strength, not to mention leaving here quickly, even if you want to stand up, it is very difficult.

Qiyana tried to use the power of the Herrscher to resist this enchantment, but at this moment she was still bound by the power of restraint, unable to use the power of the Herrscher at all.

At the same time, the barrier is getting closer and closer to them.

Just when Qiyana didn't know what to do, a small floating ship appeared in front of everyone, and the person riding on it was Teresa!

At this time, she was holding the oath of Judas, and she faced the enchantment straightly, her eyes were firm.

She told Einstein and Tesla that she could use the oath of Judas to open the enchantment of divine grace, and offset this enchantment, thus saving Qiyana and the others.

["Ms. Teresa, you should know what the 'Divine Enchantment' means to you who are equivalent to a 'Fusion Warrior'."

Einstein said seriously.

"I know."

Teresa nodded slightly: "During the second collapse, I already experienced it once.

"Tsk, haven't you seen that imaginary number seed? To match the strength of that..."

Tesla looked anxious and couldn't help shouting: "You will definitely die yourself!"

Teresa did not deny: "...Maybe."

Einstein continued: "After the enchantment is opened, the engine of the spaceship driven by the Honkai energy will also stop. Even we can't remotely control it in Hyperion.

"I know." Teresa just continued to nod, but there was no other reaction.

The speed of the floating ship carrying her did not slow down in the slightest.

A trace of sadness appeared on Tesla's face:

Einstein closed his eyes: "It seems that we can't stop you.

Teresa: "Thank you for your understanding, Doctor."]

"Theresa, stop messing around and come back!"

Otto's voice rarely became serious, and he knew very well in his heart that the power of the Herrscher of Restraint can be said to be fatal to Theresa!

Once she enters it, she may even die on the spot! Even the collapse of Vishnu

Beast factor, also can't save her!


Qiyana's expression was also full of worry.


Ji Zi also looked at Teresa's relentless look, and tensed her fists.

Everyone in the question and answer space tensed their hearts, watching Teresa's desperate appearance in the picture.

In the picture, the floating ship flies straight towards the imaginary seed in the sky. The radio signal, which was already getting weaker and weaker, was now silent.

The surroundings are so quiet, except for the monotonous mechanical noise.

In a trance, Teresa seemed to recall all the past, which was the agreement she made with Cecilia—an agreement to protect those children.

She took a deep breath, her eyes were firm and fearless

【"Judah, my old friend, you have always been omnipotent. So..."

Teresa stroked Judas' oath, her voice was awe-inspiring: "Finally, help me one more time!"

For a moment, Judah's oath radiated dazzling light, and countless chains galloped out of Judas, forming a space like a barrier chain in midair.

The gears mesh and rotate, just like a machine with a strict structure!

Teresa's dignified voice sounded——

"Oath of Judas, zeroth power rating."

"Divine Enchantment, directional expansion!"】

This is what happened in an instant——

The chain of God's Key hit the Imaginary Seed accurately, and the chain reaction caused all the gears covering the sky to lose their power.

disintegrate, dissipate, collapse

The power of restraint has lost its effect, and Otto's church is no longer guarded by any barriers.

Teresa Apocalypse, achieved the victory she expected—at the price she expected.

"Big aunt!!"

Kiyana called Teresa anxiously, but it couldn't reach her ears on the other side of the screen.

"Big aunt!!"

Urandale also subconsciously called out in desperation.

However, after opening the enchantment of divine grace, Teresa's consciousness has been plunged into endless darkness, almost unable to support anymore, she fell straight from a thousand meters high.

This height, if she bears it with her current physical condition, the consequences will be disastrous.

"It's over, it's over! Who will save Auntie!"

Qiyana watched this scene nervously, and saw Teresa's petite body falling from the sky and falling straight down.


Otto stared at the screen tightly, tension appeared in his eyes for the first time.

At this moment, a blazing and warm white radiance penetrated the clouds and swayed down.

The beam of light enveloped Teresa, preventing her body from falling, but slowly floating in mid-air.

And in that beam of light, a familiar figure caught Teresa and held her gently in his arms.

"This, this is......?!"

Kiyana stared in shock at the girl who caught Teresa on the screen, and almost blurted out

"elder sister?!".

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