Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

248: The Q&A Space Broadcasts The Latest 6.3 Version Pv!

"Bronya's armor is too cool..."

Kiyana wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth, feeling a little distracted: "That.....Bronya, can you..."

Bronya frowned solemnly: "No."

Kiyana's eyes widened: "Hey! Miss Ben hasn't said anything yet!"

"Even if the idiot Qiyana doesn't say it, Bronya can guess what you want to say."

Bronya squinted at her: "Surely you want to borrow Bronya's Herrscher of Reason core again?"

Mei was stunned: "...I always feel like I have heard similar conversations somewhere?"

It seemed that the two of them had had similar conversations before.

The law of knowledge said casually: "It must be at the place where the flames burn forever.

"Just, just borrow it!"

Qiyana still wanted to struggle again: "Anyway, I can use the core of the Herrscher of Reason, so I'll just return it to you if you enjoy it a bit!"

"It's a big deal, I'll lend you the core of the Herrscher of the Sky or the Plague Gem! This is the head office!"

Qiyana clutched her chest: "If I remember correctly, Miss Ben has it in her body right now!"

"That's not OK."

Bronya sternly refused: "The core of the Herrscher of Reason represents a kind of inheritance, it is not as simple as a Herrscher core."


Kiyana lowered her head in frustration: "Okay."

On the other side of the screen, clips are still playing continuously. After the clip of the Herrscher of Truth is played, the screen turns again and arrives at the home court of Lei 28 Dian Mei.

The first thing that appeared in front of everyone was a wooden box. After the box was slowly opened, the compass inside was revealed.


Wei Wei Conductor couldn't help but be taken aback when he saw this compass: "Why does this pocket watch look familiar?"

"Oh, I remembered!"

After contemplating for a moment, she slapped her head suddenly: "This pocket watch seems to be the first thing I repaired by myself when I was still learning mechanical knowledge.

"At the time, I wasn't even a member of the Flaming Moths."

As if recalling the long past, Wilwe Conductor's tone was full of nostalgia and emotion: "Thinking about it carefully, I was really naive at that time - not only did I believe

-One day I will be able to understand the things I want to understand, and I even believe that the whole world is like this watch, no matter where it is broken, it can always be repaired.

"But, why does Wei Wei's pocket watch suddenly appear in the picture?"

Mei expressed a little strange: "Could it be that Wei Wei will appear in the next battle on Earth?!"

"This... Maybe it's not possible."

Expert Weiwei shook his head: "After all, the real Weiwei died on the moon as early as 50,000 years ago."

Just when everyone was expressing their doubts, the screen continued to play, and the next second appeared—Alicia with a loudspeaker.

Although it's just a flash of back, but the familiar appearance Fu is undoubtedly her!


Mei was startled: "Why does Alicia even appear in this picture?"


"No, look carefully——"

Raven, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke: "In this picture, there is also a piece of text - it says 'the compass you see now...it is the real treasure of the treasure hunt game.

Bronya nodded: "Indeed, Bronya saw it too."

Raven and Bronya are also top mercenaries in the world after all, so they are naturally more aware of such details than ordinary people.

"However, the real treasure of the scavenger hunt...what does it mean?"

Alicia raised a slender finger and pressed it against her lips as if thinking: "Could it be, do you want me to be a tour guide with a loudspeaker?"

Soon this question was answered, because as the screen turned, these items turned into a magnificent crystal... flowing past Mei's face.

"Oh! It's Mei!"

Alicia clapped her hands briskly, looking a little happy: "And, it looks like the Herrscher of the Rich!"

"So, could it be that these things are all related to Mei?"

Weiwei Baiwei frowned slightly: "Think about it carefully, the future Mei has successfully obtained all the inheritances of the Thirteen Heroes, so her own power should also undergo brand new changes, but it won't be until the Battle of the Moon Not only did Mei not show any inheritance related to the Thirteen Heroes, even the Herrscher of Thunder's own power could not be fully displayed for a long time."

"Could it be——!"

Kiyana seemed to have thought of a possibility, and her eyes widened in surprise: "After Bronya, Mei will awaken a new power!"

"It's very possible~!"

Alicia smiled all over her face: "Maybe, it might have something to do with me."

Kiyana made an unbelievable voice: "Don't do this kind of thing!"

Mei helped her forehead helplessly:

At this moment, the picture on the screen freezes here, accompanied by the electronic synthesizer sound that everyone is familiar with——

【Question 10: Among the following options, who did Raiden Mei fight alone after returning to Earth?】

【A: Natasha Siora (Raven)】

【B: Alicia】

【C: Mysterine Shaniat (Feathered Rabbit)】

【D: Kevin Kaslana】

"After I returned to Earth, did He Huai fight alone?"

Mei watched the question and answer on the screen, and her expression couldn't help but fell into deep thought: "Well, Kevin should be excluded first, after all, even if I add Kiana and Bronya to face Kevin, it can't be said that I am fighting with Kevin. He's fighting..."

"In my case, it's definitely not possible~"

Alicia smiled slightly: "Leaving aside the timeline in the picture, both the real Alicia and the memory are gone, even if I really appeared in front of Mei, I would definitely not Become enemies with Lao Yi!


Alicia paused for a moment, then gave Mei a wink: "My dear Mei~ You must not be willing to fight me with swords, right?"

Kiyana's expression turned cold, and she subconsciously hugged Mei tightly: "Hey! What, what do you mean by your good clothes!"

Alicia: "Hmm~"


"Is it unlikely that it will be me?"

Yutu also spoke: "After all, I already said in the spoiler on the moon that the next thing about the Stigmata Project has nothing to do with me, so I think I won't continue to interfere, right? "

"What do you mean by what you say... I can't be the last person, can I?"

Raven couldn't help complaining: "Don't be kidding, okay? I'm just an ordinary mercenary. It's impossible to fight against the mighty Herrscher of Thunder!"

Leaving aside whether she can beat it, Raven feels that it is impossible for him to be so overwhelmed that he can fight against a perfect Herrscher. This is not pure courting of death!

It's okay to deal with ordinary people, but to fight against the Herrscher...that's to highlight a person who doesn't want to live!

"_—I declare in advance that I cherish my own life very much, and I will never be so foolish as to challenge this Herrscher of the Society to a one-on-one fight."

"That's not certain."

Bronya has a deep meaning: "If Bronya remembers correctly, when she just entered the question and answer space, the question and answer space revealed that in this timeline, Sister Bud and Miss Raven will become very good friends. friends.


Raven was stunned, with disbelief evident in his tone: "I.....befriended a Herrscher? Or is it a very good one?!"

Bronya nodded: "Although it sounds unbelievable, it is true."

Mei also agreed: "It's like this. It was a question and answer that appeared when I just entered the question and answer space. 987 "Really or not..."

Raven muttered to himself: "This kind of thing is absolutely strange!"

So Mei immediately put her hands on her chest, and said sincerely, "Miss Raven, I'm not lying.


Fu Hua:

"Well, let's not care about the relationship between me in another timeline and this Miss Herrscher of Thunder. 11

After a while, Raven managed to recover and calm down the shock in his heart: "Even if this is the case, it shouldn't have much to do with the options of this question and answer, right? Rather, if that me and Leiden Mei She is really a very good friend...then I have no reason to fight her!"

"That's right... that's right..."

Mei was now in a difficult situation: "Then, will I and Zhun fight alone?"

"Pick the persimmon softly -- Bronya thinks sister Mei would choose A better."

Bronya said quite humiliating words: "After all, there are three left... The possibility is too low."

Alicia and Yutu, one sacrificed himself as early as 50,000 years ago, and the other is still watching the show on the moon and Prometheus 17.

As for Kevin Kaslana, he knows it all.

Just like someone said———Exclude all impossibilities, and what remains, no matter how absurd, must be the truth!

Raven's expression was a bit speechless: "...Let me say, although I am indeed no match for the Herrscher, don't you guys think too much of me..."

"Then... I will choose?"

Mei felt that what Bronya said was quite reasonable, and she didn't know which answer to choose, so she simply followed Bronya's suggestion: "I choose A: Natasha Siora (Du crow)!"

[The answer is correct, the new costume of those who got it from Mei Mei of Thunder - Hundred Ghosts and Tianming


No way? Is it really her?!.

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