Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

252: Herrscher Of Knowledge: Broken, Am I A Funny Character?

"Mei Mei, this gray snake...... Who is the 'she' he mentioned?"

Kiyana asked Mei curiously, and Mei also gave a very high-quality answer

"I do not know."

"The words of 'they' are easy to understand"

Bronya also said: "After all, at this point in time, the people who have stopped the stigmata plan from returning to Earth... basically. We are the only ones."

"So in other words, the 'she' in Gray Snake's mouth represents one of us?"

Ulandle analyzed: "However, single-player combat or something... It's not like the strategy we will carry out in the future.

When they were operating on the moon before, even if they really needed to divide their troops into two groups, they would at least maintain a two-man team for exploration, solo combat... No matter what they think can happen.

"I'm afraid, it's very likely that some accident happened halfway."

Fu Hua said calmly: "Let's continue reading, it should be mentioned later.

Everyone nodded and continued to look down.

I saw that the screen on the screen suddenly went dark, and when it was turned on again, a brand new scene had appeared——

On a building under the deep sea, a blazing blue beam of light descended from the sky. After the light dissipated, Lu Sanjia, Fu Hua, and Xier who were still on the moon successfully returned to the earth.

After a brief conversation, Bronya began to plan a course of action, and separately investigated and explored Haiyuan City.

【"Then... How about assigning the first team of Kiana and Mei, the first team of the squad leader and Shi Zhi's "Five Six Three" Herrscher, and the first team of Xier and Bronya?"

Bronya quickly worked out the arrangement, crossing her arms and explaining why she was assigned this way: "Qiana's team can start to investigate the nature of the nearby space and find ways to contact the outside world; the squad leader's team may have There is a way to monitor the impact of the Stigmata Project on ordinary humans and the world; Xier and Bronya are more familiar with the Abyss City in the past, so they are suitable for searching for various resources that anti-entropy once left here.”]

"Wow~ Bronya... the future you, you feel so mature!"

Rosalia looked longingly at the rational and mature Herrscher of Truth Bronya on the screen, her expression could not hide her envy: "Obviously, the figure looks the same as in the past, but only changed to a new look With a single ponytail, the temperament of the whole person has changed a lot!"

"Seriously, I almost don't recognize you!"

"The first half of the sentence is redundant..."

Bronya said with a blank face, and then coughed twice, with an undisguised pride: "However, you are right. In the future, Bronya's temperament will undergo earth-shaking changes After all - maturity is synonymous with adults.

"Sister Bronya, the single ponytail looks really cool!"

Xi'er also blushed slightly and chuckled: "The temperament has indeed matured a lot!"


Bronya nodded thoughtfully, and at the same time decided in her heart...... After returning to the real world, she must try a single ponytail!

In the screen, everyone has no opinion on Bronya's arrangement. Before departure, Fu Hua also specifically told everyone to be vigilant


Qiyana nodded: "When we need to contact, let's use the Herrscher of Consciousness to build Zheng's consciousness network.

Fu Hua suddenly closed his eyes and fell into a brief silence.

Kiana: "?"

"Ah, nothing."

Fu Hua opened his eyes immediately, and explained to Qiyana who was puzzled: "It's just that the Herrscher of Consciousness said——"

"Okay, okay! You old antique, you don't need to pass everything on to them, do you?"

However, before Fu Hua could finish speaking, Zhi Bao showed up and interrupted her.

She looked at Qiyana and held her head high pretending to be arrogant: "Ahem. In short, you have to remember that all of this comes from the benefits brought to you by the great Lady Herrscher of Knowledge!"

"I don't want a name, and I don't want to make a profit—but you have to remember that the benefits I give you are things that others can't even give. Do you understand?"

Qiyana didn't hold back, and laughed out loud: "Yes. Thank you, Ms. Herrscher of Knowledge."

Herrscher of Knowledge: "?"

"Okay, novel, now is not the time to be talkative.

Fu Hua interjected from the sidelines and returned to the topic: "Since everyone's division of labor is relatively clear, let's do what Kiyana said, and act as soon as possible."]

"...Why, Bronya always feels..."

Bronya squinted at the Herrscher of Knowledge standing beside Fu Hua and Hua, and made a sharp comment: "The Herrscher of Admonishment is gradually becoming a funny character...


The Herrscher of Knowledge widened his eyes and stared at Bronya: "What are you talking about?! Funny character? Me? How is this possible!"

"Don't tell me, it's really funny every time I listen to Xiaoshi's speech!"

Kiyana nodded seriously: "Even the mature and stable me in the future can't help but laugh out loud!"


The Herrscher of Knowledge pursed his lips, a little speechless: "What I said is so funny! It's obviously because your smile is too low!"


Mei, who had been sullen all this time, didn't hold back in the end, and burst out laughing.

The Herrscher of Knowledge immediately stared at Mei: "Hey! You...!"

"Cough, cough, good knowledge."

In the end, it was Fu Hua who comforted Xiao Shi: "Everyone is just joking, we all know that your role among us has always been very important.

"Hmph! Look! Even Old Antiques recognized my value, yet you dare to ridicule me as a funny character!

The Herrscher of Knowledge clenched her fists: "Listen, Ms. Herrscher of Basic Knowledge, I————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————"

"Can't be funny and don't know how to be funny! Do you understand!"

She snorted, still unconvinced: "Besides, if I hadn't worked so hard to build that Herrscher consciousness network for you, I'm afraid you wouldn't even be able to communicate remotely!"

"Indeed, for this, I should thank Ms. Herrscher of Knowledge."

Mei seemed to be apologetic for not being able to hold back her laughter just now, and nodded repeatedly: "Thanks to her, we can have the option of splitting up.

Bronya turned into Doudouyan: "That's right, everything is due to Ms. Cailier."

Kiyana also seemed to be teasing a child: "Ms. Herrscher is the best!"

The Herrscher of Knowledge scratched his head, showing doubts on his face: "? Why do you feel that one or two of you...are perfunctory me?"

Hua: (turns head and covers mouth)"

Alicia: (holding back a laugh)"

Padophyllis: "(Hold it, Miss Ellie! Don't laugh!)"

What's the Don't Laugh Challenge?!

Closer to home, after assigning the teams, you all started to act separately.

Mei and Qiyana stayed in place to detect the nature of this part of the space, while Bronya, Xier, Fuhua and Herrscher of Knowledge set foot on the passage to the upper space together.

In the middle of the lift, Bronya sensed that Xier seemed to have something on her mind, so she couldn't help but asked her about it.

【"What's the matter, Xier?"

"Ah. I was thinking...Kevin, what kind of person is he?"

Hearing Xier's question, Bronya's eyes naturally fell on Chen Hua.

Fu Hua: "...Indeed, to you, he almost only showed the face of an 'enemy'.

Herrscher of Knowledge: "I heard that when Xi'er met him in the Sea of ​​Quantum, he pretended to be a big snake?"]


Alicia was taken aback, then turned to look at Kevin: "Kevin, can you still become a big snake?"

Kevin:.......This is a side effect of the Chimera Project. "

"If I remember correctly, the big snake in the mouth of the Herrscher of Consciousness should refer to one of the incarnations of the final-level Houkai Beast, Fentian."

As one of the executors of the Chimera Project, Mebius is naturally quite clear: "As for the name, I remember it should be called 'Kukulkan and Tela Locke.

0, like Coatel, is an intermediate product of the Chimera Project, and is more suitable for the specialized existence of the Quantum Sea..."

"Terra Locke?"

Bronya was taken aback for a moment: "Is it the one who was killed by Bronya with the reloading bunny?"

Mebius nodded: "That's right, that's it."

"I see!"

Hei Xi suddenly realized: "That's why he chose this form, is it because it is convenient to act in the sea of ​​princes.


Fu Hua nodded: "So at that time... he probably just chose a relatively normal-looking avatar.

"Blind. I knew it, you old antique, you are going to start talking about other old antiques again."

The law of knowledge complained on the side: "If you want me to say, if you have the ability to express straight to the point like me, how could things get to where they are today?"

"Whether it's a test or a responsibility—as the pioneers of pre-civilization, what can't we sit down and talk about for thousands of years?"

Zhibao spread his hands, with a puzzled expression on his face: "If you can't reach an agreement once, you can still talk twice or three times! Kevin is the same, he should come to our Shenzhou more often, and experience what peace is the most important!"

Bronya couldn't help complaining: "......This shouldn't be a problem that can be solved by drinking tea."]

"Although the Herrscher of Knowledge talks about sitting down and talking, peace is the most important thing..."

Bronya glanced at Zhibao sideways: "But in fact, she and Kevin met twice, the first time they had a big fight when they disagreed, and the second time they surrendered without even fighting.

"Then, what's the matter!"

The Herrscher of Knowledge seemed to be poked in pain, and his expression became like a child throwing a tantrum: "At least for the first time, I did have a good talk with Kevin first, and after the fight, it was a friendly farewell!"

"Besides, it's even more so the second time! In order to show that I don't have any malicious intentions, I raised my hands and surrendered first! Otherwise, like that stubborn old antique, he started the [Collapse Form] fight to the death as soon as he came up. Isn't it just to make trouble for nothing!"

Fu Hua:

"So, say it again—"

The law of knowledge put his hands behind his back, raised his chest and raised his head imposingly: "I call the person who knows the current affairs a hero!"

【"But... the long time, it is indeed easy for people to lose their basic communication skills."

Fu Hua explained: "For example, after waking up from the refuge, Kevin, Su, and I maintained a constant communication..."

"But over time, this communication becomes once every few months, once a year, until once every ten years."

Xier asked in surprise: "But...why is this happening?"

Fu Hua sighed: "Because the time is too long."

0.1 "During hundreds or thousands of years, there will always be some unexpected events that will break the rules made by man. At this time, we often find that the rules made in the past seem to be complicated.

It's just red tape. "

"But if too many things are regarded as red tape, the final result... as you can see."

"Have you seen Bronya in Taixu Mountain?"

The Herrscher of Knowledge shook his head and sighed: "This old antique, even the children don't know how to play with them."】

"That's it!"

The Herrscher of Knowledge himself agreed with what he said in the picture: "As long as Old Antique cared about those traitors back then and stayed with them more, he wouldn't be betrayed by them together.


"Even if there are really a few rebellious guys in there, based on the situation at the time, as long as one of them can't bear to attack you, with the super-changing factor and the ability of Shenyin, you can completely recover in an instant!"

——— Kill them all!”


Fu Hua sighed with emotion: "However, if I didn't have that kind of experience, I might become like Kevin now." 11

"Eh? Don't!"

Qi Bao refused with a face full of refusal: "Squad leader must not become like that!

Fu Hua smiled lightly and shook his head: "Don't worry, I will never do it again. 11

Begging for a wave of evaluation votes and flowers after a long absence! By the way, I wish my family members the truth!

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