Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

266: Long Time No See, Alicia.

Mei Lei on the screen is still recalling her past.

Now that she has experienced too much, she also has a new perspective on the immature self in the past and the things she has experienced

【"I thought, maybe at the beginning, I really just lacked a 'real friend'."

"Of course, she doesn't have to stand up for me when the classmates are discussing, and she doesn't have to lend me my umbrella when I forget it. She only needs to... as long as she can chat with me during the lunch break, and share each other's ideas by the way. convenient...

Mei said softly: "After that, recalling this period of time, at least, it won't be painful."

Kiyana nodded: "...Yeah."


Mei was deeply surprised by Kiyana's reaction.

She originally thought that 'Qiana' would have a lot to say about this topic, about the sweet dreams she had.

'Qiana' looked at Mei with a strange face: "What's wrong, Ying?"


Although doubts remained in her heart, Mei didn't say much, just shook her head slightly. 】

"very strange………"

Not only Mei on the screen, but even Mei in the question-and-answer space had doubts about Qiyana's reaction: "Qiana's reaction... seems a bit too indifferent

"That's right! This is the past between Miss Ben and Mei! At that time, even Bronya hadn't appeared yet!"

Even Qiyana herself questioned the reaction of 'Qiana' on the screen: "There are still many topics to talk about, but I didn't expect the sister in the screen to say "Yeah, it's not salty." Words that are not light will pass by!"

"Fake! That 'Qiana' must be fake! Get away from Mei!!!"

Bronya: "It's true at a glance: identified as a pure fake Qiyana."

"However, even though that Mei has already noticed Kiana's abnormality, she still continues to endure this sense of disobedience.

Alicia thought: "Sure enough, Mei still enjoys this atmosphere, right?"

"Isn't the dream created by the Stigmata Project just to make everyone's most desired wish come true?"

Mei said: "Perhaps, for that me-letting Alicia be the tour guide, leading me to play with Kiana and Bronya in the amusement park "is her biggest laziness?"

"Really~ That's really an honor~!"

Alicia smiled and clapped her hands, and then said: "However, it's hard to say whether Mei can wake up in this way..."

Kiyana clenched her fists: "Come on! Mei! You must see through this false dream!!"

Bronya also shouted: "Sister Mei, come on!"

The future Herrscher of Thunder did not disappoint everyone's expectations. After continuing to search for the second treasure, her inner sense of disobedience became more and more serious. Finally, under Alicia's guidance, she realized that This is actually just a dream.

And at the moment when Mei revealed the essence of the dream, Kiana and Brony, who were stared at by her, disappeared immediately

【"This way of exiting as if someone pressed the 'delete button' is really not romantic at all."

Alicia said with some sentimentality, as if recalling something.

Mei also nodded slightly sadly: "...Yes."

Then she took a deep breath and looked directly at Alicia: "Long time no see, Alicia.

Alicia smiled briskly, with her hands on her hips: "Hi~ Long time no see—"

"Although I really want to answer this way, I'm afraid I'm not the 'Alysia' I want to see the most when I'm dressed."

"Ok, I know."

Mei naturally also understands that this place is just a dream created by the Stigmata Project, and whether it is Kiana and Bronya just now, or Alicia who is still standing in front of her, it is just a dream. It's just a [false person] constructed with the help of the memories in her mind.

But even so, I still feel relieved when I get dressed: "I'm just...just saying it like this once."

"Oh, then didn't I destroy Mei's beautiful wish. No, no, I have to say it again!"

Alicia pretended to be serious and coughed twice, then opened her eyes and looked at Mei, showing a smile as gorgeous as flying flowers: "Long time no see, Mei~"

.......um, long time no"】

...... Woohoo! I always feel a little moved!"

Patuo wiped away her tears: "At first we thought it was impossible for Sister Mei and Sister Ellie to meet again!"

"Yeah, it can be seen... When I saw Alicia, I really felt a long-lost nostalgia."

Mei also nodded in agreement: "Even though, she herself knows... the Alicia standing in front of her now is not the Alicia she had seen before."

"I knew it, Mei really can't forget me~"

Alicia smiled slightly: "Actually, I can't forget Mei~ Ever since I met Mei, I have always wanted to say a lot to Mei!"

"If there is a chance, let's have a good chat alone~"

Kiyana: "!!!"

【"However, Mei's satisfaction with the image of "Guide Eri" is indeed very real~"

Mei glanced at her: "...Do you have other images?"

"Of course, I have thirteen images in total, and each image has more than one style. However, what image 'I' will appear in depends on the

'Tourists themselves'.

Alicia blinked: "For example, if Mei has the deepest relationship with Qian Jie, then I will automatically become the image of "the butler Qian Jie to guide Mei~"

Mei couldn't help laughing: "...Why did I guess that you would use Qian Jie as an example?"】

"The butler Qian Jie? This image is unexpected and a little joyful~!"

Alicia covered her mouth and smiled lightly: "Speaking of it [I remember that Eden should have designed a few sets of butler costumes for the boys in Paradise? Why don't you let Qian Jie wait for a try?"

Eden smiled: "Of course, it's just... I don't know if Qian Jie will accept it."

Qian Jie: "——huh?!"

"So, before Alicia deliberately took the future me to play the game that I used to play with her, and repeated what I said in the conversation... all in order to guide the future me and let her realize It's all a dream till now, isn't it?"

Mei recalled all the experiences before, and suddenly realized: "No wonder! I'm afraid if it weren't for these reasons, I might not be able to see through this dream until now."

"It's mainly because Mei's observation ability is careful enough to discover these small details~!"

Alicia smiled: "Otherwise, no matter how much I do, it won't help!"


Patuo was a little curious: "Why didn't Sister Ellie tell Sister Mei directly that this is a dream, but use this secret method?"

Bronya guessed: "Maybe, it has something to do with the Stigmata Project?"

In the picture, Alicia continued to lead Mei to search for the third treasure. They came to a place and found a letter that seemed to contain important content. But after it was opened, nothing was written on the letter paper, but it was crumpled instead.

【"What's going on? My intuition tells me there must be something hidden here."

Alicia also felt a little surprised.

Mei, however, shook her head: ".....it doesn't matter, let's look further."

The two searched in other places again, and they came to a pile of weeds, which seemed to be hiding something, but when they got closer, there was nothing.


Guide Ellie:

Mei: "(Always feel that the efficiency is even lower now?)"

Alicia pouted dissatisfiedly: "Mei, I heard what you were thinking!"]

"This kind of setting that can hear the voice of the heart is too stupid."

Mei couldn't help complaining: "It feels like it can be used as a brain hole to write related types of novels!"

Bronya: "This... Bronya is hard to say..."

Kiyana pinched her chin: "Will someone really write a novel with this kind of subject?"

The law of knowledge spread out his hands: "The voice is flowing, there are probably quite a few people who wrote it!"

Sakura touched her donkey ears: "I don't know why, but I'm more interested in light novels recently...

While everyone was discussing the subject of the novel, Mei and Alicia came to a place again, where they saw a rather delicate wooden box exuding a sense of quaintness.

【…………How could it be here?”

Mei opened the wooden box, and a lavender amulet was quietly placed in it.

"Mei, what is this? It looks very chic."

"This is what my mother begged for me—"

Mei hadn't finished speaking, but the abnormality revealed in Alicia's voice made her stop talking.

She turned her head to look at Alicia's flickering figure, and slightly opened her eyes wide: "Guide Ellie, you..."

"Oh, although it was a bit sudden...but it seems that I was discovered."

Ellie smiled as if she had expected it.

"Did you...know this would happen?"

Mei asked: "Since that's the case...before we..."

"If you tell the truth from the beginning, I'm afraid I will be recognized as a foreign object by the dream immediately before you figure it out, and then I will be deleted tragically.

Alicia blinked: "Of course, if you use some special methods—such as suddenly crashing into Mei's arms, and then take the opportunity to give Mei the little purple who wrote the truth and my heart, maybe you can do it too." worked?"

"However, even if this method is really feasible, I really don't want to choose it."

"Since Mei hopes to be able to play in the amusement park with Kiana and Bronya under the leadership of Alicia, how can I" end this difficult dream early?"

Mei: "I..."

"Although as a tour guide, it also serves as an extension of the 'imprint'...I'm afraid I can't continue walking with Mei."

………… Ask for flowers………………

"However, I believe in Mei!"

Alicia rubbed her chest with her hand, and showed a brisk and joyful smile to Mei: "If it is Mei, I will definitely find the real treasure~"

"Because, today's sudden stop today is because of the romance of Yudian~!"]

"No, that's not it! It's been a long time since we met again!"

Patofelice's eyes widened in astonishment: "Why do you have to say goodbye all of a sudden! This is too much!"

"That's right! Mei and I still have a lot to say!"

Alicia also felt very regretful: "Oh, sure enough—good times are always short.

Mei also sighed helplessly: "...Yes."

"But, it's okay~!"

Alicia suddenly blinked playfully: "Since Mei wants so much to be able to play in the amusement park with Kiana and Bronya under the leadership of Alicia, it's just a matter of time to return to reality." After the world, I will take you to the amusement park of Eternal Paradise to have fun together~!"

"You can experience claw machines, balloons, roller coasters and the like!"


Kiyana is gearing up: "It's just right, Miss Ben wants to see whether Bronya is stronger or Miss Ben is more powerful!"

Bronya's eyes rarely showed a trace of competitiveness: "When it comes to games, Bronya will never lose!"

"Hmph~! That's not sure, let me show you the power of Kaslana's spear fighting technique!"

Leaving aside the two arguing in the question-and-answer space for the time being, Mei on the screen, after adjusting her emotions, started to investigate the found items again, trying to find useful clues from them.


After some in-depth research, she finally succeeded in finding the so-called 'third treasure' - it was a pink crystal flower.

It floated in front of Mei, and suddenly flew into the distance, as if it wanted to lead Mei to go somewhere, and a girl's voice was faintly heard from inside——

[In order to welcome the good, you choose to change. 】

[In order to gain strength, you learn to persevere. 】

[For the unity of body and mind, you start to grow. 】

Finally, after arriving at the final destination, Crystal Flower stopped moving forward, but stayed where she was.

And Mei finally stretched out her hand and touched it.

At that moment, another familiar voice sounded in my mind.

["The end of the game is also its beginning, just like the 'spiral' - makes sense, right?"

Hearing this familiar voice, a trace of surprise flashed in Mei's eyes: "... Weierwei?!"

"Hello, 'Miss Tourist, who has inherited all the engravings...well, maybe it's Mister?"

The pink crystal flower turned into a compass and fell into Mei's palm: "First of all, I must congratulate you. The compass you see now-it is the real treasure of the game, and it is also a gift from me. Your token'."]

"Oh~ It looks like these words are left by the real 'Vilvi'~"

Viale Conductor raised her eyebrows: "I never thought that even after 50,000 years, I would still have such a high appearance rate...my works, my inventions, and my The voice....Ahh~ I really don't know whether to say happy or what~"

Velvet expert pointed out: "It is my work and invention.

Velvet Barilla: "Why is there no work of mine?"

Weiwei Great Magician: "Baiwei's works........have been degraded by nature after 50,000 years. It's better to say that the food that can still exist after 50,000 years...really... Can it be regarded as a decent food? Herrschers don’t dare to eat indiscriminately when they come!”

Wei Wei Ji Evil snorted coldly: "Then it might really be the Herrscher of Rice."


【"In short, the 'triggering' of the treasure hunt game requires some kind of special predicament. And as your reward for clearing the level, I will also take on the role of 'tour guide' and take you out of this place."

"The principle of this is difficult to explain, but you can write down a sentence for the time being-"

Wei Wei's voice reveals absolute confidence: "If I can use truth to create falsehood, I can naturally use falsehood to pave the way for truth.

"Since you have inherited all the engravings of Yingjie, then for you, neither the end nor the stigmata plan is the end of human destiny.

"And the other thing, which is about her...

Vilvet paused, then suddenly changed the subject: ...Forget it, let's stay at the 'real back door' before explaining. "

"—However, don't expect too much, okay?"]

"Should it be said that he is the chief technician of the pre-civilization era?"

Tesla commented: "The tone sounds really easy, and even the things that will happen 50,000 years later are expected."

Wilwe Benwo smiled awkwardly: "Actually...not as powerful as you said..."

Einstein reminded Tesla: "Dr. Tesla, don't forget - the Moonlight Throne was developed by Miss Velvet.

"I know, I know! You don't talk and no one treats you as dumb! It's just because you are a wage earner!".

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