Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

285: [Bud ​​Crow Music] Raven, How About...You Come With Me?

【"So far, when you face me, you have two wins and one loss--I'm going to get the field back.

Raven wandered in the shadows, only the voice rang in Mei's ear: "If you underestimate the enemy, you will be taught a lesson?"

Mei seemed to let out a laugh that she had seen through long ago, but her mouth was not forgiving: "Then you should have said 'Farewell' just now."】

The crazy thunder light mixed with dark red sharp wings intertwined in the station, and the raven relied on its flexible body to shuttle through the thunder and lightning, just like a real raven.

In contrast, Raiden Mei simply waved the blade, and the ferocious thunder was accompanied by thunderous roars, as if using the power of the Herrscher of Thunder

"Puchi, this is totally a beating!"

Kiyana couldn't help laughing out loud: "Mei, you put too much water! You obviously hit me so hard before!"

"After all, Miss Raven is just an ordinary stigmata awakener. If she strikes too hard, she might end up with some kind of lifelong disability..."

The gentle cooking lady didn't know that she had unknowingly attacked the dodo with her words: "If this problem really happens, I might have to take care of Miss Raven for the rest of my life.

When Qi Bao heard that someone might want to compete with her for Mei, she immediately shook her head.

"Forget it, as expected, it's better to be gentle."

.......I say you two. "

Raven coughed twice: "Did you forget that the person who was sharply commented by you is also in the question and answer space.

"Perhaps, being defeated by his juniors may be Siora's fate."

Braunni recalled the scene when he defeated Siora, and couldn't help but began to criticize sharply: "Now I'm going to be deflated again.

As soon as Braunni's words fell, Raven 103 was shot down by Mei and fell to the ground, half kneeling on the ground.

And Mei, also pointing at her condescendingly with a dagger——

【"I said earlier, you are not my opponent."

Mei put the knife back into its sheath, reached out and pulled her up.

"Well, at least this time there's no bullying after it's over—I've had enough."


Raven stood up following Mei Yi's hand, and slowly let out a breath: "Three to one, Miss—I hope I can still turn things around."

She looked at Mei, stepped aside and said, "...you can go."

Mei stared at Raven silently: "I still don't understand. After all, why did you come to see me?"

Raven spread his hands: "It's all said to be a coincidence...Although, a coincidence may not be taken advantage of by others."

Mei frowned: "?"

"For myself, I really just want to chat with you."

Raven went on to say: "—People are like this, thinking that they are just hiding what is in their hearts and not saying it; but when they want to express it quickly, they find that they have no listeners at all."

Mei looked at the raven who seemed to be lonely, and suddenly sent an invitation:...how about you come with me?"]

"Wow~ Mei has become so bold!"

Alicia was the first to live in Bengbu, and made a surprised voice: "You actually invited a beautiful girl so straightforwardly, and your attitude is so domineering!"

Patuo also nodded aside: "Yes, yes, I said it after beating him down!"

Mei: "

Raven crossed his arms and commented: Indeed, this is really beyond words. "

"Especially when someone of the same sex who is younger than me says something like this...and this same sex (ciab) just beat me down not long ago..."

Mei: ".

Qi Bao bit her lower lip lightly and burst into tears on the spot: "Mei woo woo my Mei."

I thought Mei was here to explore Siwon's power, but I didn't expect that it was actually a secret rendezvous with an old lover!


Carol also exclaimed: "Wow~ I didn't expect that the captain in his youth would act in such a domineering style! Is this still the captain of Wentiao I know!"

Timido covered her small mouth: "It's hard to imagine that the personality gap between Captain Mei's past and future... would be so big!"

Bronya complained: "Sister Mei's image has changed subtly now."

In fact, not only everyone in the Q&A space was shocked by Mei's speech, but even the raven in the picture was also shocked by it.

She stared blankly at Mei, the expression on her face seemed to be a little moved and she wanted to agree, but she turned her head away in the end, as if feeling a little shy

【"Forget it, you are going to save the world. That is something only young people are willing to do, and only young people can do it."

Raven rejected Mei's offer: "I'm probably getting old—I just want to wait for the world to save me."

"If you really have the heart, then say something nice to me in the future that belongs to you, and help me get a chance to be released from prison on bail.

She paused for a moment, then continued with deep meaning: "Also... the time has come."

Mei was taken aback: "Time?"

As soon as the words fell, Mei felt a sense of dizziness, which was extremely familiar.

That's what it's like to face Alponia.

That's how it felt when facing Yutu.

Now, this feeling is emerging again.

"Oh, I forgot to remind you. Sometimes...... physical fatigue makes it easy for the spirit to be taken advantage of."

The voice of the raven seems to be far away in the sky, as if it is close at hand.

Mei Lei supported her forehead, feeling her body was heavier than ever before, and her consciousness also became blurred.

"Raven, you..."

"What's the matter, this is considered even - you beat me twice more "I'm more... I also let you sleep twice more."]

"Huh~? Did Raven just want to say, I'll sleep with you twice?"

Alicia said the words of tiger and wolf, which made Mei, who was still a cook, blush.

"Alicia...you, what are you talking about!"

"But if you think about it carefully, the future me seems to be planning to say that."

Raven put one hand on his hip: "Oh, this is really... a heinous crime."

Mei was even more ashamed: "Why, why is Miss Raven..."


Qi Bao couldn't bear the atmosphere where she was the only one not present, so she changed the subject: "Speaking of which, it seems that since Mei became a Herrscher, she has often been successfully attacked by this kind of mental attack..."

Bronya nodded seriously: "Yeah [Sister Mei's success rate of being attacked by this kind of mental attack so far is almost 1000%.

The Herrscher of Knowledge sharply commented: "It seems that although Mei has already 'can do everything', she is still not very good at mental attacks."


Seeing Mei on the screen, she had lost all consciousness before she could even realize where she had made a mistake.

On the contrary——in this flat space where the slightest murmur would echo, Mei didn't make any sound when she fell down.

She disappeared under a burst of purple light.

It was just like what Raven saw with his own eyes when the stigmata project was just launched.

And another [worker behind the scenes] is also strolling here at this moment.

"Ah! It's the gilded gray snake!"

Qiyana pointed out: "He really appeared here too!"

I saw the gilded gray snake walking in front of the raven, and the gentle expression of the raven when facing Mei, now became cold again, and the voice became indifferent——

【"Now.....the final work is done, right?"

"Indeed, but I'm afraid you won't be able to retire honorably."

Gray Snake said indifferently: "In view of your rebellious behavior just now, I decided to remove you from the world snake immediately."

Raven frowned: "...Rebellion? Are you kidding me?"

"You did what you were supposed to do, but you also said what you shouldn't."

Gray Snake opened his mouth slowly: "In my opinion, you are simply trying to give her a 'hint', so you don't shirk my mission."

"Huh. You're probably the most boring gray snake I've ever seen."

Raven sneered noncommittally: "Then... what do you plan to do for me?"

"If you're lucky, she'll fall into an eternal sleep... I can forget about the past due to my past friendship."

Gray Snake's tone was still as indifferent as an iceberg, like a robot with no emotion: "If it was the other way around, she would have escaped with your help..."

"I can spend more effort to bury the two of you together in the near future."]

"Sure enough! I knew that with the relationship between Raven and Mei, I would definitely not really be an enemy!"

Alicia clapped her hands happily, and then her expression turned a little worried: "However, this gray snake really feels boring."

"Dear Mebius, when did you develop a gray snake with this personality?"

Mebius snorted softly: "Beforehand, this gold-plated gray snake was not made by me, and I don't really like this kind of overly rational guy."

【"Forget it, I really don't like mechanical heads very much."

Raven waved his hand, because he lost interest in continuing to communicate: "Then... if there is nothing else..."

"Hehe. Run for your life before the results are revealed. Natasha Siora."

The gold-plated gray snake let out a low laugh: "...Now, you are also the 'mortal enemy' of the world snake."】

"Oh, it seems that my life is really miserable.

Raven sighed: "I have worked for the World Snake for most of my life, but in the end I was not only kicked out, but also became the 'mortal enemy' of the World Snake.

"I'm afraid there is no beater worse than me in this world.

"Sorry, Miss Raven."

The cooking lady Mei said guiltily: "It's all because of me..."

"Don't worry about it, miss."

Raven waved his hand: "Anyway, that is my own decision. I am afraid that when I made such a choice, I have already considered the worst outcome." So I can't blame others

"Hey, if I had known this would be the end, I might as well have agreed and left with Miss Mei at the time."

PS: In the end, Liyue Leishen still lost to Daowa Leishen (tears)

In a blink of an eye, it's the end of the month again, do you still have extra evaluation tickets and flowers for your family... ORZ.

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