Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

287: Leilu Personality Vs Raiden Mei! Inazuma Civil War Reappears!

In the picture, another "Mei Lei" who looks exactly like Mei Lei appears in front of everyone, with an arrogant and powerful expression.

It seems that she has inherited the title of the so-called "Queen of Thunder".

If it was changed to the past, Mei Raiden might still feel afraid, but she has already experienced all kinds of hardships and witnessed many heroic deeds. At this moment, she will not flinch even in the face of the "Herrscher Personality" that once made her feel afraid. .

And through the dialogue between the two, everyone in the question-and-answer space also knew that the resurrection of the "Herrscher Personality" was due to the stigmata project.

But Raiden Mei still feels strange about something——

【"You are very different from other 'Herscher Personalities' I know. We don't have any past that can make a person schizophrenic. And—"

Lei Dian Mei paused, looked up at the Herrscher Personality: "————Since it is the Herrscher Personality, why is your stubbornness only reflected on Kiyana? Compared to you, even the customers seem vicious many."】

"Hey, hey! Mei, what do you mean?!"

After listening to Shibao, he expressed his displeasure: "Am I very 'vicious'?! Don't forget! I have been helping you all the time! Mei, you actually arranged me like this behind your back!!!"

Zhibao turned his head and snorted, unhappy!


Mei scratched her head in embarrassment, although the person who said these words was not her at this moment, but her in the picture... But even if she said that, the Herrscher of Knowledge would not calm down .

In the end, it was Da Xian'er who came forward to appease Shi Bao: "Okay, Xiao Shi, Mei is just giving an example, and didn't mean to target you."

Mei nodded again and again: "Yeah!"

"Hmph, Old Antique! If you want me to tell you, you are so easy to talk about!"

Instead, Zhibao began to criticize Fu Hua, pointing at her: "Think about all the betrayals you have experienced in these years! But if you are a little bit tougher, "540" and a little bit more domineering! How can there be such a thing? Messy? It’s better to be like me, to report revenge on the spot! Why don’t you talk about a gentleman’s revenge after ten years?”

Fu Hua:

"However, if you think about it carefully, it seems that the relationship between Sister Mei and Herrscher's personality earlier is quite similar to the relationship between Xi'er and another Xi'er."

Bronya suddenly thought: "Sister Mei, who got up early, is as gentle and soft as Xier, and sister Mei's Herrscher personality is the same as the other Xier, strong and arrogant."

Hei Xier murmured: "Hmph, it's not to protect a certain coward..."

On the other hand, in the face of Mei's questioning, Lei Lu's personality also showed full arrogance—

【"Hmph, don't get me wrong, it's not that I can't get used to your weakness and incompetence. Besides, didn't you also know a [Alicia'?"

Mei was silent for a moment, and retorted: "I'm afraid there is still a big difference between you and 'Alicia'.

.Although we have been together for so long, in the final analysis, I have never really understood you. "

"—Conversely, you are the same."

"Hmph, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Lei Lu's personality snorted coldly: "The wings are hard, and you have sex with me?"】

"Oh~ So Mei means—you know me very well~"

Elysia Gale smiled cheerfully: "I'm so happy~"

Kiyana is not to be outdone: "Mei, Mei also understands me very well!"

Mei: "...uh."

"However, I didn't expect Mei's other personality to be so fierce."

Alicia was a little surprised: "How should I put it? There is an illusion that a mother is teaching her rebellious daughter a lesson.

Mei was a little confused: "Daughter in the rebellious period?"

On the screen, facing the reprimand of Lei Lu's personality, Mei still looked calm and calm, and did not panic at all.

【"If you knew, you wouldn't greet me in such a strange way."

Mei slowly said: "Those imaginations that rewrite life are not only illogical, but also prove that you don't understand me at all, let alone Qiyana."

"So much so that I can't help but guess——"

"After the 'emergence', you did die for a while... Therefore, when the stigmata planned to 'reappear' you, you only inherited my 'knowledge' but did not gain the corresponding touch


Lei Lu snorted coldly: "Patting your own chest, can you say that you don't want those things?"



"It seems that because the content of Herrscher's personality imagination is too OOC, even Sister Mei can't stand it anymore."

Bronya commented sharply: "It's no wonder that sister Mei can refuse so decisively."

Mei breathed a sigh of relief: "Let me just say, that kind of picture... absolutely cannot be imagined by me..."

Qiyana was inexplicably sad: "Could it be that Mei doesn't want to live this kind of life with me?"

Mei: "Uh... this, this..."

Timido lowered his head and murmured: "...No, no... Captain Mei and Captain Bronya are the genuine CP... The others... Others can't wow......!"

Carol was visibly taken aback: "Whoa! Ti-Tip!"

[The personality of the Lawrence asked her: "I will give you my power...what am I doing for you?!"

"For Kiyana."

Mei closed her eyes: "Because of this - the ones given to us by the Stigmata Project... are not qualified at all.

Lei Lu frowned and remained silent.

But Mei has already seen through the confusion in her heart: "You are confused because you don't know Qiyana well enough."

"A person's character is his destiny—you can try to understand the meaning of this sentence from a positive perspective."

Mei looked at her: "For example, facing the so-called 'doomsday', Qiyana can only make one choice—to use her own power to prevent it from coming.

"It's not about the result, it's an attitude in life."

"That's just because you are too incompetent."

The personality of the lawyer said coldly: "Because I don't have the ability to solve the problem, I watched the other party sacrifice for it, and then argued that... the other party's nature is like this,

She made a sneering voice: "You... are so cowardly and hopelessly weak."]

"Mei is not cowardly!"

Qi Bao retorted loudly: "Mea Yi is obviously the bravest and bravest!"

Alicia also echoed: "That's right! Mei is not cowardly at all!"

"Kiana, Alicia..."

Seeing the two speak for themselves, Mei couldn't help being deeply moved: "Thank you."

And as expected, facing the cynicism of Herrscher's personality, Mei in the picture is still calm——

【"It seems that you really slept too long."

"So much so that today - the weaker one among us is you instead."

Mei looked straight at Herrscher's personality without fear: "Before I came here, I met a friend."

"She came to me as a 'loser', and seemed to use herself as a counterexample, trying to emphasize to me that any type of 'love', they are not a mechanical idea, but an understanding based on respect .”

"...But honestly, she's just doing more than that."

Mei folded her hands on her chest: "If I haven't even learned this until today... then it would be a mistake to go back to Kiana."

"And you, those unrealized possibilities you showed..."

Mei stared at Herrscher's personality: "No matter what the motive is, the result is to belittle Kiana's personality [and also to humiliate everything that Melisia has shown me. 1

"The face of a loser..."

Raven murmured Mei Yi's evaluation of her: "Miss, so in your eyes - I am a loser."

"No, that's not the case! Miss Raven!"

Mei shook her head desperately: "I, I really don't think so... Ah, although, maybe, probably... the future me may indeed have such a little thought... ...but I really didn't mean that...!"

"The future Mei sister has indeed become quite powerful in various aspects."

Bronya folded her hands on her chest and turned on the pea-eyed mode: "Sure enough, no matter how gentle a person is, there is also a scary side...

"Yeah, I really didn't expect...the captain actually has such a side..."

Carol was also amazed: "When I go back, I must have a good communication with the captain! She used to have such a personality!"

Mei refused with a full face: "The most, best is not to!"

On the other side, the debate on Mei and Lei Lu's personality continued, and they even talked about the Thirteen Heroes who chased the fire.

And Mei also defines herself as their "student", but Leilu's personality dismisses them, declaring that they are just a group of losers.

"No! Ying Jie are not losers!"

The Mei in the question-and-answer space and the Mei in the picture reached a surprising agreement at this time, negating the statement of Lei Lu's personality.

And Mei in the picture emphasizes that in her view, she is the same as Yingjie and others, what she has to do is not to do it for her, but to do her best.

As for who is the one who puts a full stop to destiny, it doesn't matter.

【"not important?"

Herrscher's personality snorted coldly: "You obviously think that Qiyana is the one who wrote the period."

"Not thinking, but reality."

Mei said slowly: "No matter what aspect you look at, she is the most suitable."]

"Oh? Could it be that Mei also thinks that I will become the Herrscher of the Last End?!"

Kiyana looked at Mei with some surprise, and Mei just shook her head in bewilderment.

"If you want me to say, this is basically an explicit statement."

Zhibao spread his hands: "The current situation is that Kevin is carrying the final strength. If we don't have the final strength, even if we can really stop the stigmata plan, we can't defeat Kevin? If we can't Kevin, even stopping the stigmata plan won't help, will it?"

"Also, didn't you say that before?"

Tesla also said: "The second-generation Moonlight Throne Project is a plan implemented mainly by Qiyana. Someone needs to master the power of the end. One is to prevent the real end from coming, and the other is to In order to be able to compete with Kevin who has mastered the ultimate power."

"Except for Qiyana, it seems that everyone else is not very capable of carrying the power of the end, right?"

The Herrscher of Knowledge glanced at Bronya: "Could it be possible to let Bronya's small body carry it?"

Bronya: "... If it is the future Bronya, there is a chance... After all, 8>50000.

Fu Hua:

Zhibao: "Hey, hey! Why do you poke someone's sore spot if you disagree with me!"

[The personality of the Herrscher was a little surprised: "You........haven't planned to stop her at all? Even if you lose her because of it? Lose everything?"

....... Of course I will try my best not to let that happen.

Mei was silent for a moment

Then he said: "But, this is definitely not a reason to hold back.

"Everyone will encounter various problems in their own life...and as long as you face the problems directly, you must take risks."

"No one can suddenly do something beyond their own ability just by shouting."

"And 'I can't do anything' - is also not an excuse for one to avoid problems.

Mei rubbed her chest with her hands: "...For me, Kiyana is indeed still the 'origin of the world'."

"But that's why—the life she wants is more important than the life I want."

"The kind of future you have shown me...that is only your own, the happiness of a weakling.

Mei stared at the Herrscher personality who fell into silence, and continued: "Qiana...she has already become a strong person."

"-----me too."】

"Woohoo! Mei!"

Kiyana was moved and hugged Mei tightly: "I am really happy to be called the 'origin of the world' by Mei!"

"Sure enough, for Mei, Kiyana is the most important person..."

Alicia pretended to be sad and wiped her tears: "And I was just abandoned like this.

Mei: "Uh...Alicia...."

"However, this also declares that sister Mei will gain a new power, right?"

Bronya pointed out: "After all, Sister Mei said the password just now.

"I can't do anything—can I?"

Shibao quickly answered: "The password of the Lawrence is nothing new these days. I didn't expect to be able to use it again after so long in the past."

"According to this battle [Explore Siyuan], the power that Mei will acquire next is the power of Siyuan, right?"


Fu Hua's rational analysis: "After all, the engraving of Ying Jie inherited by Mei contains the engraving of Alysia who is the Herrscher of Origin.

"Will Mei inherit my power?"

Alicia opened her eyes wide, with a surprised expression: "Okay, okay~ I can let Mei inherit my power, which means that from now on, Mei and I will always be together and never be separated~ In this way, It's also very good~"

Leaving aside the questions and answers for the people in the space, on the other side of the screen, Herrscher personality fell into a brief silence after listening to Mei's words, and then spoke again

【"You should have not forgotten your promise."

"of course not."

Mei nodded: "Compared to this world, you are more important - because of this, how can we define each other's life at will?"

"If we can't let the other party reach a 'better state' for her... then all our efforts, isn't it a great mockery instead?"

Herrscher personality: "...even if there are many crises, even if the ground is full of thorns?"

Mei responded firmly: "Even if there are many crises. Even if the ground is full of thorns."

"I will do my best in my own way and do my best to help her out of danger.

Seemingly having nothing to say anymore, the Herrscher personality snorted softly: "Okay."

"You may be right—I may just be a bluffing, stagnant existence.

"However, because of this..."


The sound of the sword being drawn out of its sheath was heard, accompanied by a flash of lightning.

The personality of the Herrscher looked straight at Leiden Mei, who had grown to be able to take charge of his own side: "Leidian Mei, we... need a real settlement."]

"Hey! Captain...are you going to fight another captain?"

Carol was a little shocked: "Why, why? Can't you sit down and have a good chat? Obviously the conversation just now went smoothly?"

"Maybe it's because the women of the Raiden family always like to use fighting to solve all problems?"

Zhibao crossed the dimensional wall and made complaints: "Isn't the pair of thunder gods next door the same?"

Mei: "Huh?"

Bronya reminded: "The Herrscher of Knowledge, don't say something you don't understand at all."

"Well, there are Mei on both sides... What should I do? It's so tangled..."

Qi Bao looked at the two people who were fighting fiercely on the screen in embarrassment: "Who should I cheer for?"

Alicia: "This is a battle for 'Mei', so let's all work hard!"

Kiyana felt that Alicia's words made sense, so she simply cheered for both sides: "No matter! Mei, come on! Come on with the same viciousness you beat me on the rooftop!"


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