Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

306: Mei: Are You Teaching Me How To Cook?

"Isn't this a sub-question?"

Viale Conductor swore: "With the character of Dr. Mebius, it goes without saying that he is doing an experiment~!"

"Back then, there was a saying in Moth Chasing the Flame—Dr. Mebius was either doing an experiment, or he was on the way to do it."

"But, this is Sister Snake from another world line."

Pa Duo guessed: "Will there be some differences in personality?"

"If Mebius' robot hasn't come out before, maybe some people will doubt it."

Wilwe Conductor spread his hands: "But now it has been shown that Mebius who is obedient and works hard is not the real Mebius at all!"

Mebius gave Wei Wei a sideways look: "Since you are so sure, why don't I give you the opportunity to choose the question and answer this time."

Wei Wei snapped her fingers: "No problem! I choose A: do the experiment!"

However, when Wei Wei confidently answered the options, the answer given by the question and answer space made her stunned——

[The answer is wrong, the correct answer is B: eat ice cream]

[Punishment measures: After returning to reality, Wei Wei's personality switching ability will reduce the stability]

"Etc., etc!"

Wei Wei Conductor quickly stretched out her hand: "By the way, if it's not an experiment, I admit it. Why is the correct answer actually eating ice cream! Even if it's option C, sick and hospitalized, or even option D, I can accept it!"

To be reasonable, let’s not say that Mebius itself is not suitable for the option of eating ice cream. Just look at the scene of their Golden Garden construction team working in this icy and snowy place...Who is in the winter? And eat ice cream!

Is it so weird!

"What? Can't I eat ice cream?"

Mebius asked back to 06: "Vilvi, I'm a little curious. In your heart... what kind of person am I?"

Wei Wei: "Uh, a stubborn person?"

Mebius raised his eyebrows: "Hello!"

And with the end of the question and answer, new content about the message board also appeared on the screen, and the person who left the message was undoubtedly Wei Wei——

[ID: The only designated architect of the spiral maze

[Tucao] Professor Mebius, come in for me

@梅伯伯斯生物实室, the robot is doing very well~

Like: Forum User K, Dr. Su from Emergency Department

The only designated architect of the spiral maze: @梅伯乌斯生物实室, don't hide and keep quiet [I know you're watching:)

Don't ask Master Qian if you have anything to do: @梦伯乌斯生物实验实验实验实验室, @梅伯优斯生物实验室, @梅比乌斯实验, @被比乌斯实验室!

Mebius Biology Lab: Oh? Miss me that much? I'm just taking a little leave of absence. Because of a toothache, I'm currently queuing up to register at the dentist.

Mebius Biological Laboratory: Neighbors, don't be too rude to a patient~

AAA Maomaoxia Purchasing Agent: Woohoo, Sister Snake, it was the ice cream I sold you yesterday, did it cause your tooth decay?

Ke Rhine: Professor, stop staring at the phone screen, the ice cream will melt if you don't eat it.

Mebius Biological Laboratory: ..... Gram Rhine!]

"Doctor Mebius, it's really unkind of you to do this!"

Wilwee Conductor is straightforward: If you say that you can’t come with everyone due to urgent matters, that’s fine, but judging from the content on the message board—you have free time at all! In this case, come here with everyone Wouldn't it be nice to experience a new life in a spiral maze?"

Mebius was also quite straightforward: "No, I'm not interested.

Paduofelis also complained in a low voice: "To be honest, we are tired just looking at it...

Su: "Correct."

Kevin:......not cool"

Qian Jie: "Huh! Black-hearted contractor!"

Alicia: "As long as I can be with everyone, I am happy no matter what I do~"

"Sigh, indeed, Alicia is the only one who can justify her painstaking efforts to bring everyone back together."

Viale Conductor shook his head and sighed pretentiously, then cheered up again: "But it doesn't matter, as long as everyone works hard to build this spiral maze, we can enjoy it together!"

Su: "However, we are still in endless construction, which is amazing."

Accompanied by Su's words, everyone raised their heads one after another, only to see that the civil servants on the screen were still working hard, wearing summer clothes in the ice and snow, and the instigator of all this—— Wei Wei, was acting as a Harsh Overseer!

【"Okay, everybody cheer up and strike while the iron is hot, we..."

Weiwei put her hands on her hips, and was about to continue giving orders, but Patuo Maomao, who had already been unable to hold on, weakly raised her hand.

"Sister Wei Wei, after working for so long, we must have something to eat before starting work, right? We are too hungry to stand up..."

Wei Wei said righteously: "Don't focus on the empty stomach, but look into the sky..."

"We all have to learn from Kevin. Not to mention working hard, he also has a good mental outlook. Look, Kevin is still standing upright. This spirit is worth learning for all of us!"

Wei Wei handed the trumpet in her hand to Kevin: "Come on, say a few morale-boosting words into the trumpet!"

Kevin took the speaker and was silent for a moment: "Let's eat first."

Wei Wei: "Uh, then... shall we eat first?"

Patofelice: "Yeah!"]

As soon as this remark came out, the construction team members seemed to be injected with full vitality, ready to cook for the fire.

Those who were lying down and those who were sitting jumped up on the spot, and moved boxes full of ingredients with all their hands, and even those who were frozen went straight to the stove with firewood.

Lawyer of Knowledge: "Sure enough, I answered that sentence - the person who cooks, the soul who cooks."

Kiyana touched her stomach, and looked at Mei at the side pitifully: "Mei, I'm hungry too..."

"Good, Kiyana."

Mei reached out and rubbed Qibao's head: "After returning to the real world, I will cook for you.

So Kiyana also cheered happily: "Yeah!"

On the other side, Padufelice also wagged her tail, looking forward to the time of cooking——

【"Delicious~ delicious~ Hehe, I heard that Master Qian personally bought the ingredients this time!"

Alicia also looked forward to it: "And, it's Master Qian who cooks himself!"

Although Su still had his eyes closed, he could feel the anticipation in his heart: "Qian Jie, I'm sorry."

Qian Jie snorted coldly: "Come on less [save some energy to eat."

At the center where everyone's hungry and eager eyes gathered, Qian Jie carefully cut open the seal of the carton with a knife repeatedly wiped, and carefully unwrapped the kraft paper wrapping the ingredients—or is it "should have wrapped the ingredients"?

Qian Jie frowned and looked at the container: "What is this box of paper?"

Kevin also came up together: "Look at the watermark, it should be Sakura's quarterly revenue statistics."

Padofelis burst into tears immediately: "Whoa, what's going on! Canned food, we're going to be hungry!"

Canned food: "Meow ow!"

Amidst the powerless wailing, Qian Jie seemed to remember something. He tore off the courier slip on the carton and repeatedly confirmed it against the light.

Finally, a sigh came from under the mask.

Qian Jie: "Sakura, I am sorry for you."

At the same time, there are still 10 minutes before the quarterly revenue report meeting.

Nervous junior: "Sakura, Senior Sakura, I'm going to report in a while, how do we...

Sakura closed her eyes and sighed for a moment, then took out a bottle of jam from the container: "Try this jam first, it's delicious, it can make the brain secrete some dopamine."

The nervous junior suddenly became less nervous: "As expected of Senior Sakura, there is a countermeasure so soon! And then?"

Sakura: ...Then, let's think of a way. "]

Sakura: "I didn't expect that I would be a worker in another world line... It seems that no matter in that world line, I can't escape the fate of working for others...

"Oh! Didn't you think Brother Jie is a professional chef in this world line!"

Patuo was a little surprised: "It's amazing!"

Mei Yi felt a little worried: "Uh, is Qian Jie's character really all right?"

As the Herrscher of Rice in Legendary, Mei thinks she has a lot of experience in cooking, and also knows that cooking is a job that requires a lot of patience.

And Qian Jie... Leaving aside the world line for now, just Qian Jie in the Paradise of the Past, Wenpi September's personality is very popular!

It doesn't look like she's being patient.

Qian Jie: "Raiden Mei, do you have any questions?"

Mei shook her head again and again: "No! Not at all!"

"Could it be that Qian Jie actually has a talent for cooking?"

Alicia looked at Qian Jie with some expectation: "Qian Jie, do you want to consider coming to the kitchen for a try?"

Qian Jie snorted coldly: "Hmph, I'm not interested."

Weiwei Baiwei, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke up: "Someone wants to take my job? Even if it's Qian Jie, I won't back down.

Bronya said on the side: "It's like if someone taught Sister Mei to cook, Sister Mei might not let it go.

Mei: "???"

Kiana was also surprised: "What? Someone taught Mei how to cook?"

Rita smiled: "If it's cooking, Rita has some experience~"

Urandale agrees: "Indeed, Rita's cooking is delicious."

Kiyana rarely refuted her elder sister's point of view: "No, no! The rice cooked by Mei is the best!"

Mei: "Okay, okay, Kiyana, there is no need to argue about this kind of thing."

Weiwei Baiwei: "In this case, how about waiting until Miss Rita also comes to the Paradise of the Dead, and how about the three of us competing?"

Just as everyone was discussing who is the real Herrscher of Rice, the familiar electronically synthesized voice sounded again on the screen, signaling the arrival of a new round of questions and answers—

【Question 5: Among the following options, who is the culprit who made the Golden Garden construction team unable to eat?】

【A: Sakura】

【B: Qian Jie】

【C: Wei Wei】

【D: Padophyllis】

PS: I’m going back to my hometown for the Chinese New Year, so I wanted to secretly save a wave of manuscripts, but in the end, I made a mistake in updating chapters. 307 is sent out, and now the content has been modified, you can read it again. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................Ss to be very sorry, ah ah ah !! Orz !!!!.

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