Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

314: Rita: Theresa-Sama Is Very Cute... Sorry For My Gaffe.

On the other side, following the guidance of Eden, the St. Freya sightseeing group also came to the underwater scenic spot, so the strange landscapes in the seabed also appeared in the eyes of everyone in the question and answer space.

Surrounded by transparent glass windows, looking up at the crystal clear dome, the water waves are reflected in the sunlight. Schools of fish of various colors shuttle among the reefs and corals, and occasionally jellyfish swim slowly towards the light where the sea and sky intersect.

"Wow~ What a beautiful underwater view~!"

Alicia applauded cheerfully: "Although I just look at it through the screen, I can still feel this beauty firsthand~!"

"Oh, what a pity, why is there no view of the seabed in the paradise of the past?"

"After all, Paradise of the Past is not a scenic spot for people to visit."

Viale Conductor shrugged: "However, maybe the experts have a way to transform the Paradise of the Dead? Specially design a sea area or something like that?"

Weiwei Expert: "Please don't add unnecessary work to me, I want to apply for labor arbitration."

"That's right! We thought of a good idea!"

Patofelice raised her hand: "Can I ask little Gracie to help draw some underwater creatures~ Anyway, with Gracie's ability, those sea creatures don't need to live in a real underwater environment~!"

Gracie: Undersea creatures? You can draw them. "

Aponia: "Gracio, don't force yourself."

"It's all right, Mama Alponia."

Gracie shook her little head, and said in a childish voice: "I am very happy to help everyone.

"Little Gracie is so sensible~!"

Alicia couldn't help but leaned forward and rubbed Gexiu's cheek: "Let me touch the most"

Gracie: "Um...uh..."

On the screen, while a group of St. Freya sightseeing group was admiring the seabed scenery, they discovered a strangely dressed staff member—Grey Snake.

He quietly appeared in front of everyone, and slowly opened his mouth——

【"Like waves move back and forth, like the sun and the moon go back and forth, all things are reborn in the cycle, even the dark night can't deprive the brilliance of recovery.y

Hui 180 Snake suddenly looked at Qiyana: "Little girl, do you still want the plastic bottle in your hand?"

Qiyana was taken aback: "Ah, what? No, no more. You must be the staff here, right?"

"Who am I? I perform myself in a hesitation. The louder my voice is, the less I can say. I am just the actions I perform. ——Thank you for the plastic bottle, the name is just a code, if necessary Call me Gray Snake."

Gray Snake skillfully put the plastic bottle in Qiyana's hand into the snakeskin bag behind her, and stood in front of everyone as if nothing had happened.

Theresa: "Then, Mr. Gray Snake, is there any best tour route here? There are so many forks in this area, and the map is not accurate, you will get lost at every turn.

Gray Snake: "It's very interesting, isn't it, we are born trapped in the high wall, you hate it, denounce it, but then you gradually get used to it [even you will applaud the existence of the high wall."]

"This gray snake, why does he always like to read some words?"

Qiyana looked disgusted, with her hands on her hips, her expression was super fierce: "Are you bullying this lady, I don't understand!"

Bronya: "It really fits Gray Snake's personality..."

Ai Huberian: "This guy, no matter which world line he is in, likes to say some profound and difficult speeches."

Teresa: "I always feel that it is not an exaggeration

Otto: "Me?"

Raven pinched his chin, thinking: "Grey snakes are not the same as gray snakes. I remember one gray snake even paralyzed the entire gray snake network when it was extremely angry."

Not only the people in the question-and-answer space, but even St. Freya and the others on the screen were complaining about the character design of the gray snake. When they didn't know what to do with the gray snake in front of them, Ulandal And Rita suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

"Eh? Yolandale, Rita?"

Qi (ageb) Yana was a little surprised: "I didn't expect you to appear here!"

Urandale herself was also surprised: "Yeah, to be honest, I didn't even think of it.

Rita clasped her hands together, with an elegant and polite smile on her face: "Master Ulandal's clothes are so pretty~"

Youlandelle scratched her head: "Uh...really."

Rita: "Yes."

Rita has already decided in her heart to find a chance to prepare a similar dress for Ulandal and let her wear it!

Then take pictures like crazy!

Rita: "Hehe~"

"Rita, your smile..."

Dull Goose blinked blankly: "It's a little scary..."

"Oh, yes.

Rita quickly restrained her expression, and an elegant and polite smile reappeared on her face: "Sorry, I lost my composure just now."

In the picture, Ulandal told St. Freya and her team that they went here because they heard there was an illegal building here, and they were going to bring Mr. Gray Snake, who had a lot of flammable items, back to the management office for fire safety education— —

【"Well, since that's the case, I'll go with you."

"Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Gray Snake. Everyone, let's go first."

Urandale bid farewell to everyone, and Kiyana responded loudly by waving her arms.

"Goodbye, Yolandale, Rita!"

Rita also bowed respectfully: "Goodbye, Miss Kiyana, lovely Lady Teresa, and everyone from Santa Freya."

Watching them leave, Teresa finally couldn't hold back anymore, and began to complain.

"Why did she have to add the word 'cute'!"

"Of course it's because you are very cute, auntie, hey, don't hit me!"

Qiyana quickly hid behind Mei: "Mei, why don't we go too, I want to see if there is a big shark ahead!"

Yai nodded fondly: "Okay, then let's take a slow tour along the route that Gray Snake just took."】

"Tsk! I didn't expect Rita in this world line to be so scary!"

Teresa shrank her neck, her expression slightly withdrawn.

Rita showed a meaningful smile: "Lovely Lady Teresa "Did Rita scare you?"

Teresa: ………………………I can’t help but want to take out Judas, okay!”

At the same time, after everyone on the screen left, another pair of children appeared in this area.

Impressively, it was Cosmo and Gracie who sneaked into the spiral maze. The two were like children who stepped into the aquarium for the first time, lying on the glass and watching the underwater creatures excitedly——

【"Cosmo, the moons are swimming in the sea."

"Well, that's the moon jellyfish. They don't have the color Song Jin to reflect the light around them.

Gracie blinked: "There is no color...... Is it because they don't know what color they like? Just like adults."

Cosmo was stunned: "Like an adult? Why do you say that."

Gracie replied obediently: "The adults who ask for drafts are always changing their needs, and in the end they will return to the original version. Adults, don't you know what you want?"]

Mebius suddenly fell down: "Puchi!"

"Ah! Sister Snake! Sister Snake, what's wrong with you, Sister Snake!"

Pa Duo was startled, and looked at Mebius, who was lying on the ground, not feeling well: "Sister Snake, you, you, you, are you alright?"

"Oh, why did Mebius suddenly vomit blood and fell to the ground?"

Alicia was also taken aback: "Doctor Su? Doctor Su! Save Mebius!"

Su: "...According to my many years of medical practice experience, it should be due to qi and blood attacking the heart, presumably because I remembered something that made me extremely angry.

Hua: "So, it was Dr. Mebius who vomited blood and fell to the ground in extreme anger......

While everyone was busy carrying Mebius, Cosmo and Gracie on the screen were still having a conversation.

【"Cosmo, can I explain to Mama Aponia why I am procrastinating?"

"So it's to explain the delay. Is it the one from a month ago?" Cosmo asked.

"No, it was before sister Alicia took us to shoot the video."

Gracie shook her head: "But, Mama Aponia told me, children should be punctual."

Cosmo: "(Why does Aponia bring up punctuality? Is it implying that I was late for the last party? I just don't want them to know that I was too immature to show up early because I was looking forward to it.)"

"(Actually, I have been squatting behind the porch waiting for everyone to arrive, do I have to explain to her? Will this be a bit deliberate?"

Before Cosmo could figure out how to answer, Gracie asked again: "Cosmo, are you running out of homework for winter vacation, so you are hiding from Mother Aponia here too."

Cosmo: (It turns out it’s because of this... But how would Aponia know that my winter homework is about to be late? Is it because I was too anxious when I read comics these two days, and I was too obvious in front of her ?)"】


Alicia's expression was subtle: "It seems that even in this unbroken daily world line, your personality still hasn't changed much.

Su sighed softly: "It seems that my psychological counseling for Cosmo still doesn't work..."

Gracie raised her head, as if speaking for Cosmo: "Because Cosmo is Cosmo."

Cosmo: ... Gracie. "

Patofelice laughed and said: "Haha~ Even in this world line, the relationship between Mo and little Gracie is still so good!"

Mei nodded: "Yes, it's really enviable."

In the picture, after a long time of thinking, Cosmo spoke slowly and concisely.

[...Winter vacation homework, there is still time. "

"Cosmo, if Mama Aponia asks, what shall we say?"


Cosmo thought for a moment: "It can be said that the canned food ate up the winter homework."

Gracie: "Last time I told Mama Alponia that the cans merged my layers, so I delayed the draft. Mama Alponia would not believe such an excuse."

Cosmo continued to think about the reason: "Then...Professor Mebius wanted to study my math problem, but accidentally lost it."

Gracie: "With Rhine here, Mebius Aunt never loses anything." 1

Canned food: "No meow!"

"Wow! Canned food! Canned food, don't be angry! This is just another world line! Another world line!"

Patuo hurriedly comforted the canned food that had exploded: "Amo, little Gracio, children must not lie! Especially the behavior of wronging a good cat in order to avoid responsibility!"

Cosmo:.Forget it.

Gracie: "Well, I see. Sister Padu, canned food.

Canned food: "No meow."

Pa Duo smiled: "Canned said I forgive you~!"

Gracie: "And Mebius Aunt too.

Mebius: "(fainting)".

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