Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

343: Void Manzang: Otto, You Have Changed!

Destiny, the main classroom.

The rapid sound of high heels hitting the ground sounded, and as the automatic door opened, a white-haired girl with braids and dressed as a secretary hurried into the main classroom, with an anxious expression under the goggles.

"Master Bishop! Five minutes ago, three strong Houkai energy reactions were detected near the Oceania branch, and the energy intensity is even higher than that of the Fourth Herrscher that appeared before!"

"Okay, I get it now."

Compared to Amber's urgency, Otto looked quite calm, and even crossed his legs and poured himself a cup of coffee: "Amber, I know you are in a hurry, but take it easy

-I probably have a good idea of ​​the situation. "

While talking, Otto called up the video—three girls with distinctive color matching and costumes, the blazing fire, the conquering thunder and the cool Jiong motorcycle came into view.

Undoubtedly, the energy responses of the three Herrschers were none other than the Lüsanjia who had been rewarded for answering questions with him in the question-and-answer space before.

Your Excellency Bishop, you seem to have known it for a long time?"

Seeing Otto's calm appearance, Amber couldn't help feeling a little curious.

You must know that the existence of Herrscher's level can destroy the world at every turn!

Back then, whether it was the first Herrscher or the second Herrscher, Bishop Otto basically acted in person, which shows the importance of the Herrscher!

However, four Herrschers appeared in one breath this time, but Bishop Otto was still sitting on the chair in the main classroom with his old god, drinking coffee leisurely.

Mount Tai collapsed in front of him without changing his face, as expected of Master Otto!

"How could it be? I only know now."

In the question-and-answer space, Otto did guess that Kiana and the others would also gain [power from the future] [but in fact, this was indeed the first time he had seen it in reality with his own eyes.

"Then, do you need to inform Lord Ulandal to go to the Oceania branch immediately for support?"

Amber asked: "However, even if Master Youlandal faces four Herrschers at the same time, I'm afraid..."

It is true that Ulandal, as the most powerful Valkyrie with Destiny, is definitely capable of fighting against Herrschers, but if she faces four Herrschers at the same time... this is not 1+1+1 +1 difference, but a geometric multiple rise!

Even Ulandal might be completely defeated!

"There is no need to inform Ulandal."

Otto waved his hand: "Amber, go and inform the Valkyries in Oceania to keep them as far away from the battlefield as possible, and never get close."

"Also, tell Changguang again to let her continue to study the power I gave her, and don't be distracted by other things.

"Hey.........Yes, I understand."

Although she didn't understand why Bishop Otto issued such an order, but out of trust in the bishop, Amber finally didn't ask the doubts in her heart, nodded, turned and left.

In a blink of an eye, only Otto was left in the main classroom—of course, there was also the number one God's Key, Void Manzo, who couldn't be called a human being.

"You've been getting weirder lately."

In the main classroom where the silence was restored, Kongkong Wanzang suddenly said, "What happened to you?"

"Have it?"

Otto picked up the coffee noncommittally, and took a sip: "But why do I feel that I haven't changed from the beginning to the end?"

"...That proves that your knowledge of yourself is too superficial."

Kong Kong Wanzang taunted mercilessly: "You don't have to pretend in front of me. You and I have been bound for five hundred years. In these five hundred years, I have witnessed your every word, deed, and every move. Say——in this world, the one who knows you best may not be you, but me


Otto couldn't help laughing: "Void Wanzang, why haven't I seen you say such a thing before, could it be because my change made you feel a sense of crisis?"

Void Wanzang was silent for a moment: ...So, you are admitting your change?"


Otto shrugged: "It's not so much a change, but a new idea?"

"New...ideas...?" Void Wanzang was taken aback.

"That's right."

Otto nodded happily: "Void and ten thousand possessions, you should also know that the life of Otto Apocalypse lost its meaning as early as 500 years ago, and his only insistence on living in the world today is , is Kallen Kaslana."

"In the past five hundred years, he has done all kinds of bad things, devoid of conscience, killed one hero after another, and destroyed one family after another. In the final analysis, everything he did was for his own selfish desires."

...... You are really merciless in your evaluation. "

"Haha, that's because I have self-knowledge."

Otto smiled softly: "Come back to business, the reason why I have done so many evil deeds and forged so many evil results is just to save the saint who died five hundred years ago— — Kallen Kaslana."

"........... But now you say that you have a new idea?"

Kong Kong Wanzang sneered: "Why, don't you want to say... I have suddenly awakened, and I plan to change my past mistakes and start a new life, giving up my long-cherished wish of being born?"

"How come~"

Otto shook his head with a smile, and the expression on his face immediately became serious and firm: "In the past five hundred years, I have experienced a lot and changed a lot, but the only thing that remains the same - is the determination to resurrect Kallen .

"So, what exactly are you going to do?"

Kong Kong Wanzang lost his patience and asked straightforwardly.

"It's very simple, when you find a way that is easier to achieve your goal, and that way has absolute possibility, then of course you will not consider other directions.

Otto spread his hands and smiled happily: "And I just discovered such a road."

"What way?"

Kong Kong Wanzang asked, "Why don't I know?"

"That means you don't understand me well enough, Void Ten Thousand Zang."

Otto didn't answer directly: "It seems that even after five hundred years of being together day and night, you still can't fully see my thoughts, can you?"

Empty Void:

"Okay, okay, don't be too angry."

Perhaps because of the exceptionally good mood, Otto rarely comforted it: "At the very least, when my long-cherished wish is fulfilled, you will be able to be freed, have a body of soul steel, and completely leave me, won't you?"

...... Oh, I hope so. "

Kong Kong Wanzang sneered: "I don't have any hope now.

"Haha, all right. Then I'll give you one more word—"

Otto paused, and then said: "Wait, and hope."

On the other side, the main battlefield in Oceania

"This...is this really Bronya...?"

Cocolia stared blankly at the ducks and ducks on the screen who drove the ghost fire motorcycle crazily towards the pile of Honkai beasts, with a dazed expression.

Although she and Bronya haven't seen each other for a long time, she is still her daughter who gets along day and night, so she knows her quite well—the silver-gray Roman roll, silver-gray eyes and small body.

Who else could it be if it wasn't Bronya!

"Bronya...became a Herrscher?"

Cocolia was a little shocked: "Also, this one can respond...is it the First Herrscher?"

She knew that the First Herrscher of Law, the Herrscher of Law, is the current leader of the anti-entropy, and it should be on the body of the anti-entropy leader, so why did he go to Bronya?

Or, before she knew it, Bronya had reached a py deal with another anti-entropy faction and became the new Herrscher of Reason?

...... Bronya, what are you hiding from me. "

Cocolia crossed her arms and looked at Bronya in the picture with a serious expression, thinking it was time to ask her in person.

With the passage of time, the Lu Sanjia on the main battlefield has easily wiped out the hordes of Honkai Beasts, from the beginning to the end without breaking a sweat!

"It's done~!"

Qiyana clapped her hands briskly: "Hey~ Bronya, you killed too few Honkai Beasts! Sure enough, you have to watch Miss Ben!"

"Stupid Kiana."

Bronya complained: "Why do you think this place hasn't been burned to ashes by your flames? If Bronya didn't extinguish the fire while destroying the Houkai beast, this place would have been completely burned by your flames."

"Qiana, you are currently using the power of the Herrscher of Fire, so be careful not to overdo it."

Mei's advice also came from the communicator.

Kiyana raised her head, found Mei riding on Benares, and greeted happily.

"Since we've settled here, let's go back~!"

Kiyana snapped her fingers, and a portal suddenly appeared in front of them. When she was about to get in, she found that Bronya stayed where she was, and she couldn't help but feel a little strange.

"Bronya, what's wrong with you?"

... Kiana, sister Mei, you guys go back first. "

Bronya said: "Bronya, there is a little personal matter that needs to be dealt with.

"Private matter?"

Kiyana blinked: "Bronya still has private affairs?"

Mei asked worriedly: "...Is it all right, Bronya?"

"It's okay, sister Mei."

Bronya shook her head: "Sister Mei and Qiyana should go back first, and Bronya will contact you after finishing the process."

......Okay, but be careful, Bronya. "

Mei reminded: "After all, our Herrscher's time is not permanent."

Mei is naturally relieved of Bronya in the state of Herrscher, but after all, the state of Herrscher has a time limit. If some difficult things cannot be resolved within the time of Herrscher, then once Bronya Changing back to the form of Yamabuki, I am afraid that he will have to face an even greater crisis.

However, Mei knew that if Bronya used the Herrscher of Truth experience card, she would definitely be able to escape even if she ran to the Sea of ​​Quantum and encountered Kevin.

After all, his strength has been weakened a lot after being trapped in the Sea of ​​Princes for thousands of years.

Even if Bronya can't fight, it's okay to run away...probably.

As for the combat power of the present generation, apart from Ulandal, there is only the unknown Otto left.

But Ulandal has no reason to confront Bronya, and Otto also knows about the question and answer space [the reason is that if he plans to come forward again, it is impossible to remain indifferent until now.

"Bronya understands, Bronya will be careful."

Bronya nodded, watching Mei and Qiyana leave.

Immediately afterwards, she drove the heavy-loaded bunny towards a certain direction, and this direction was exactly where Cocolia was!

When Bronya came to Cocolia in front of Cocolia driving the heavy-loaded bunny, Cocolia seemed to have been waiting here for a long time——

"Bronya, my daughter."

Cocolia, who was wearing a military uniform, stared at Cloth in the form of the Herrscher of Law.

Loni (Qian De'ya) had a gentle smile on her mature and beautiful face: "It's been a long time."

.Cocolia.......Mom. 17

Bronya also looked directly at Cocolia, and even in the spoiler of the question and answer space, they failed to reach a reconciliation in the end.

In the real world, Bronya also didn't know how to face her.

But for Xi'er, she had to face her former mother directly.


Cocolia asked softly: "You really...became the Herrscher of Reason?"

She had heard Rosalia and Lilia discussing about Bronya in secret before. At that time, she just thought that the two sisters missed Bronya, so they did

It's just a dream.

Unexpectedly, Bronya actually changed so much.


Bronya nodded: "Bronya knows what you want to ask, but before that, Bronya needs you to promise Bronya one thing.

"......What's up?"

"Bronya is going to Haiyuan City and enter the Sea of ​​Princes.

Bronya looked directly at Cocolia's shocked face, and said word by word: "Bronya, I decided to rescue Xi'er!"

Although considering that the body of Kevin may be in the sea of ​​quantum, Bronya can't wait - she really wants to rescue Seele from the sea of ​​quantum as soon as possible

Then take her to drag the car!

What's more, now that she already has the Herrsrscher of Truth experience card, the big deal is not to collide with Kevin head-on, and run directly after rescuing Xi Chuan!

PS: I have been asking for a wave of flowers and comments for a long time, I don’t know if someone noticed that we changed the cover.......

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