Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

346: Alicia Must Have Done It.Jpg

"Oh~ Auntie, there is nothing to be ashamed of!"

Kiyana was almost smiling, and began to comfort Teresa: "Isn't it just to act like a magical girl? Although it may be a bit suspicious of pretending to be young at your age, don't you usually like to pretend to be young, so it's okay." Big deal!"

"My lady has already gotten used to it~!"

..Qiana, shut up now!!!"

This kind of consolation seemed to add fuel to the flames. Teresa knelt down on the ground, and her whole body was plunged into darkness, as if she had lost her color.

I have to say that this social death video is really terrible-for Teresa.

After everyone teased Teresa for a while, the electronically synthesized voice in the question-and-answer space also sounded again, indicating that a new round of questions and answers is coming——

【Question 2: Among the following options, who was the first to initiate the movie co-produced by Chasing Fire Thirteen Yingjie?】

【A: Hua】

【B: Eden】

【C: Gracie】

【D: Alicia】

"A movie co-produced by Thirteen Yingjie?"

Qiyana tilted her head, and a big question mark appeared above her head: "Yingjie, have you ever filmed a movie together?"


Mei raised her arms, her expression was a bit delicate: "Although I don't know what this so-called movie is about, what is surprising is...a quite determined feeling involuntarily emerged in my heart." And the answer..."

Bronya also nodded approvingly: "Yes, Bronya already has the answer."

Eden also agreed, and smiled softly: "Zero Sanqi, who can have such a leisurely and carefree person, is indeed her~"

"It goes without saying!"

The Herrscher of Knowledge raised his hand and pointed his index finger to the sky: "Alysia must have done it!"


Mebius snorted softly: "Who else can do such boring things, except her. 11

"Oh~ dear Dr. Mebius, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand at all~*"

Alicia put her hands behind her back, showing a innocent and innocent smile: "What did I do~"

"Hmph, stop pretending for me, Alicia."

Mebius snorted again, then turned his gaze around Alicia, and raised his head to face the big screen in the question-and-answer space: "I choose: Alicia."

[The answer is correct, congratulations to Mebius for getting a new costume: Daughter of Zhanbi]

"Hey, why do I get all these useless rewards?"

Mebius didn't hide his distasteful expression at all: "It's hard to answer the question once, can't we give some more practical rewards? For example, Herrscher experience card or something?"

"Oh~ Mebius, don't you like this new dress?"

Alicia blinked: "I feel very suitable for you~! Really!"

"Forget it, I hate clothes that you like the most."

Mebius glanced at her sideways, and waved his hands impatiently: "Okay, okay, don't stare at me like that...Hey! No photos allowed!"

On the other side, as the questions were answered, a new picture gradually appeared on the screen.

This time the screen did not directly display the content as in the past, but a countdown-like screen appeared, and the familiar face did not appear on the screen until the countdown reached 1.

What caught my eye was Miss Pink, who was wearing a cool summer dress. She seemed to be recording a Vlog with a camera. There was also a cat-like special effect on her already delicate and pretty face.

"Tsk! It really is Alicia!"

Mebius clicked his tongue, and his expression was very unhappy: "This guy, can't you be a little quieter!"

"Hey, doesn't it mean that Mebius doesn't want to have a good time with everyone?"

Alicia pretended to be sad: "But, I really want to spend this short but wonderful time with Dr. Mebius, who is cute, arrogant and stubborn!"

"Ah! I see! Dear Dr. Mebius must be being arrogant again, right?"


"Hmm~ It must be like this~! In fact, Mebius also longs to be with everyone in his heart, but he is too embarrassed to say it because of his personality~ That's why he put on such an awkward posture, Right~?"

"Hey! What nonsense are you talking about!!!"


Mei wiped the sweat off her face: "... I always feel that everyone is a little familiar with the development of this kind of plot."

Ji Zi nodded seriously: "Yes, this is probably Huanxi's Enemy?"

The Herrscher of Knowledge sharply commented: "Just like Qiyana and Bronya?"

"Huh? Who and Bronya are lovers of joy!"

Kiyana put her hands on her hips and used stare!

"Bronya and Kiyana are not happy friends."

Bronya also summoned the reloading bunny to express her opposition.

"Ah, yes, yes, you are not."

Zhibao didn't refute, just nodded perfunctorily.

On the other side, Alicia is also smiling and greeting the screen

【"Hello~ cute little fans, how are you all?"

"I haven't uploaded a video for almost ten hours, everyone should miss me a little bit, right?"

Alicia smiled happily, and raised a slender finger: "By the way, did you notice that I am different today, Miss Fairy?"

"Qingqian! Today, it's the first time for me to show off this cute swimsuit~ Oh, I'm a little fascinated by seeing it, I can feel everyone's attention!"

"That's right, Miss Goblin, whom everyone loves, is finally releasing the much-anticipated summer special—"

"Sunshine, beach, sea breeze, and the healthy and reddish skin of young men and women! Starting today, the ten-week island trip will begin!"】

"Looking at the situation, Alicia still seems to be playing the role of a beauty blogger."

Mei looked at Alicia's appearance on the screen: "That's great, no matter which world line Alicia is in, she will always look so carefree.

"That's right~ This is the essence of Alicia~"

Alicia blinked: "How about it, Mei~ Do you want to learn from me too~!"

Mei scratched her head: "Uh, this shouldn't be something you can learn..."

【"Look, look, the sea behind me is like a sapphire, shining in the sun. Should I dive first or surf? I can't wait~"

Alicia said excitedly: "Okay, then everyone will follow me, let's meet up with my little friends first."

"Ah, I saw it just as I was talking—Hua! I'm here~"

While talking, Alicia ran towards Hua: "Okay, then let's hurry to this summer adventure——"

In the process of Alicia rushing to Hua, the narration sound of the same Alicia came from the screen——

"At that time, no one could have predicted that what should have been a relaxed and pleasant seaside trip would become what it is now..."]

"Hmm? What's the situation!"

Paduo Felice's expression froze for a moment, and she shrank her shoulders subconsciously: "Judging from Sister Ellie's tone, it shouldn't be..... the plot this time is also a knife!"


Mei was also shocked: "It's a knife again? No way!"

"Thinking about it carefully, it seems that most of the plot endings we have seen so far are knives, right?"

Teresa tried her best to recall the plots she had seen in the past: "Even if the plots in other worlds that are not intrinsic worlds, it seems that there are more knives!"

Padofelis covered her head with a broken expression: "I, I, I, I, I won't die again in this world line, will I? Huh! Maomao just wants to live, what's wrong with Maomao!"

This kind of thing is absolutely weird!

"Calm down, Phyllis

Alicia comforted Maomao: "It will be fine, don't worry! This is a movie led by Alicia, and it will definitely have a happy ending!"


Maomao raised his head, tears streaming down his face.

"Of course~ Yingjie people don't lie to Yingjie people!"

Ellie patted her chest vowingly, and touched the cat with a smile: "So, don't be afraid~ It's okay!"

"Well, since Sister Ellie has said so, then let's believe Sister Ellie!"

Mao Mao straightened up, rubbed her face vigorously, and continued to watch.

On the other side, as if to indicate the arrival of bad luck, Alicia suddenly let out a sigh of regret—

【"Ah...the phone and camera are completely out of battery.

At the same time, Alicia's narration sound also came from the screen, as if setting and introducing the characters inside—this is Alicia, the heroine as you can see.

She is a freelancer who runs an account with the nickname Miss Pink Fairy' and is well-known on the Internet... One of the residents of the 'Golden Garden'

Hua: "This is too bad. There is no way to communicate with the outside world."

This is Hua, a college student who is about to graduate, and is currently looking for a job. His specialty is ancient Chinese martial arts. It is also one of the residents of the 'Golden Garden'. 】

"Oh! It's really a very rigorous setting!"

Alicia in the question and answer space commented happily: "Especially the sentence [Youth and beautiful heroine], it is so appropriate!"

Mebius looked disgusted: "It's almost done, Alicia."

"However, the monitor's introduction looks rather ordinary."

Bronya sharply commented: "At the very least, we should add the future Immortal Red Kite, the squad leader of St. Freya Academy, the guardian of the Herrscher of Knowledge, etc."

Herrscher of Knowledge: "Huh? What is the guardian of the Herrscher of Knowledge? Hey! Bronya, explain it to me!"

Hua: "College students who are about to graduate...?"

Fu Hua:

"However, there is one thing to say, Old Antique's summer dress is quite nice.

The Herrscher of Knowledge looked up and down at the summer suit on Fu Hua's body, and nodded with satisfaction: "That's right. Old Antique, I want it too, give me one!"

Fu Hua looked at the summer dress he was wearing on the screen, and shook his head: "...I'm sorry. I can't do anything."

Mei: "?"

【"Woo...how did things turn out like this?"

Along with Alicia's mournful cry, the narrator (Alicia's voice) also gradually began to explain the settings

One day in early summer, a mysterious letter was sent to the Golden Garden, and its owner and twelve young residents were invited to the island as guests.

I thought it was good luck that fell from the sky. but did not expect]

"Roll, pole, pole!"

Kiyana hurriedly raised her hand: "Young? By the way, if this is a movie made by Ms. Pink Fairy, then the real ones are still the heroes of Chasing Flame Moths, right?"

"In other words, they must be at least tens of thousands of years old... Can this be considered young?"

"Don't worry about these details~ Kiyana~"

Alicia smiled slightly: "The so-called young means young in mentality and appearance~ Otherwise, even little Gracie can be called Aunt by you, and Mebius can be called grandma by you It's over."

Gracie tilted her head, with a confused look on her face: "Am I a... aunt?"

Mebius retorted: "What grandma! Call me sister!"

【"Well... We have been stuck on this beach for a while, not only did we not see other people, and there were no boats.

Compared to the depressed Alicia, Hua remained calm: "The road leading to the depths of the island is still blocked by strange artificial walls, and the mobile phone has no signal 5.4, and now even the electricity is gone.

"—To sum it up, we should be a stranded island."

Alicia heard the words, and immediately let out a tearful voice: "No, my vacation! My vlog! My playback volume!"

"Now is not the time to worry about that..."

Hua sighed: "Okay, let's go to Phyllis first and see if she has any food."

Suddenly, rustling sounds came from behind the two of them, and a huge pincer-shaped creature walked towards them.

Alicia's eyes widened immediately, with a look of interest on her face: "Wow! What are these? They look so cute!"

Hua stared at the group of little things, and asked uncertainly: "Crab?"

A monster that appeared suddenly approached the two——

"Alicia, be careful! They seem to be hostile to us!"

Hua quickly put on a fighting stance, and directly carried out a body transformation!

However, Alicia had already walked over, holding a piece of seaweed that she didn't know where to pick: "Come~ eat this seaweed, be good~"

Hua sighed helplessly: ".....well, I can only drive them away."]

"Huh? Isn't this the transforming pose Miss Pink taught the squad leader before?"

Qiyana watched Hua's transformation on the screen, and couldn't help but widen her eyes.

"Oh~ Seeing Hua's movements are so proficient, I must have secretly practiced many times in private~"

Alicia smiled happily: "You did a great job ~ Hua!"

Hua: "...I'm not, I don't..."

Cosmo: "...handsome."

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