Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

361: Qi Bao: Only Boring People Talk About Other People’S Hobbies

Leaving aside what happened in the question-and-answer space, although Kiana and Kevin on the screen tried their best to catch the beast that stole the baseball bat, they were eventually escaped by it

Still, Kiyana was happy that she at least got her baseball bat back.

Kiyana happily thanked Uncle Kevin while waving a baseball bat.

Perhaps it was because Qi Bao was immersed in the joy of regaining what was lost, she didn't notice at all that Kevin in front of her was blushing and hid the weapon behind her back.

And this move just made Qiyana recall the appearance of him facing the battle, so she asked with a smile——

【"Uncle is so proficient, he must have a lot of experience!"


"Yes, yes! Really skilled!"

Alicia nodded, with a surprised expression on her face: "Kevin, why are you so proficient!"


Sakura couldn't help sighing: "It seems that even if there is no collapsed world line, Kevin's physical fitness is far beyond that of ordinary people.

Su also seemed to recall the past: "Kevin's motor nerves have indeed been revealed since he was very young."

Mebius: "After all, he is the only successful experimenter of the 'Chimera Project', even if he is not collapsed, his physical fitness is far beyond ordinary people.

Cosmo: "..... handsome."


Padufelice tilted her head and scratched her head in confusion: "Is there any inevitable connection between Boss Kevin's physical fitness and his proficiency in using the bubble gun?"

On the other side, hearing Kiyana's question, Kevin turned his head away, as if wanting to skip the topic.

He really wanted to throw the bubble gun on the ground and pretend he didn't have it. But the smooth body and comfortable feel of the gun clearly told Kevin that the gun must have been cherished by the owner.

For a while, he couldn't let go of 06's hand, so he could only hold it in embarrassment——

【"This bubble gun was just picked up by me on the road, I...

"But, uncle, the bubble gun looks like it would suit you!

Qiyana said bluntly: "I'm not talking nonsense! The uncle's expression just now is as devoted as when I was playing the game!"

Kevin opened his eyes slightly, staring at Qiyana:?"

Kiyana said confidently: "I understand you! You can only show such an expression when you are doing something you really like!"

"(....She was sincere and didn't mean to laugh at me.)"

Kevin thought to himself, and couldn't help asking: "Don't you think that the bubble gun... is a bit childish for adults?"

Unexpectedly, Qiyana had an inexplicable expression on her face: "Who said that liking should be divided into ages, even an adult like an uncle, can't he have the right to like bubble guns?"

Kevin was slightly hesitant: "However, adults should like something that is meaningful to life..."

"As long as you like it, you will feel happy, so it is very meaningful to the uncle's life!"

Qiyana said sternly: "Only boring people talk about other people's hobbies, because they don't have their own dreams, and they can only take pleasure in denying others.

————Have the courage to pursue what you like, that is the real life!"]

"That's right! Have the courage to pursue what you like, that is the real life!"

Qiyana nodded again and again, with a proud smile on her face: "Hehe~ As expected of this lady, what she said is so philosophical!"

.......Indeed, Bronya also admired the idiot Kiyana. "

Bronya's voice was full of exclamation: "It's actually possible to say such a thing, and it's not said in the state of the Herrscher of Fire."

To be reasonable, if Kiyana, who has experienced many hardships and grown into the Herrscher of Fire in the main world line, said these words, "Bronya doesn't think it's a big deal.

However, this was said by the idiot Qiyana who didn't collapse, and didn't experience those sufferings, and it was shocking in an instant!

"I didn't expect that Qiyana would say such reasonable words..."

Teresa burst into tears suddenly: "Wow, it seems that so many years of education have not been in vain!"


Ji Zi's voice was also choked with sobs: "Our hard work has not all been in vain.

Mei: "...Uh, why does it sound weird?"

Not all in vain? Does it mean that a lot was in vain?

Fu Hua agreed: "A child can be taught."

The Herrscher of Knowledge also expressed his point of view: "So people nowadays pay attention to 'meaningful' in everything they do. Watching movies must be meaningful, and traveling must be meaningful—it's really troublesome. Stay A lot of memories, moving forward happily, isn't that enough?"


Fu Hua nodded: "Xiaoshi is right."

And in the picture, after listening to Kiyana's words, Kevin, after being silent for a while, the expression on his face is no longer confused

【"I see."

"What's the matter, uncle, am I wrong?"

"No, your words are very interesting."

Kevin looked directly at Kiyana: "I think you will grow into a happy adult."

Kiyana suddenly smirked and scratched her head: "Of course! Hehe~"

Kevin said honestly: "I rarely meet young people like you."

"How come, everyone is like this. I have a friend who likes to play games, and she still regards games as her dream!"

Kiana thought of Bronya.

"Cool." Kevin commented.

"So, uncle, don't have too much psychological burden, just be frank!"]

Kiyana put the baseball bat on her shoulder, and patted Kevin's shoulder with the other hand, pretending to be a "comer".

"Qiana, your friend who likes to play games..."

Mei asked as if she had a tacit understanding: "It must be Bronya.

"Of course! Who else but her!"

Kiyana had a natural expression: "However, I always feel that Bronya in any world seems to like playing games very much!"

"This is the gold content of [Metal Gear Cloth Spike]!"

Bronya is confident: "It is also the end of the world line! Bronya who doesn't like playing games is not a Herrscher of Reason!"

"Well, is there any necessary connection between the two?"

Teresa was stunned: "It seems that there is no such thing at all?!"

"However, it always feels like a dream to see Kevin and Kiyana standing together and talking happily together so calmly."

Alicia clasped her hands together, with a happy expression on her face: "After all, in the world line that collapsed, Kevin and Kiyana..."

Halfway through, Alicia couldn't continue.

But everyone present understood that in that world line, because of the stigmata project, it was impossible for Kevin and Qiyana to talk about lighthearted topics like this and face each other with smiles.

What's more, in that world on the verge of doomsday, perhaps one of them is destined to die.

"Oh! Don't talk about those topics that spoil the atmosphere at this time!"

Zhibao forcibly changed the topic: "Isn't it good for everyone to stay together and watch these happy plots happily?"

Fu Hua agrees: "I think so too."

Hua: "Me too. 21

Everyone either nodded or acquiesced in agreement.

And on the other side—

【"....……Okay, I know."

Facing Kiyana's enlightenment, Kevin nodded seriously.

"Not bad, it looks like this!"]

Qiyana smiled recklessly, as if shrouded in a warm light in the dark underground space.

——It’s just ‘as if’.

Of these two people, one is a white-collar worker who has lived in the concrete forest for a long time, and the other is a student who happened to be taught wild survival skills in school.

Living in the dark underground cave, how to return to the sunny surface is the most important thing for the two of them to solve——

【"No, no, the first problem we have to solve is to find food!"


The original good atmosphere was broken in an instant, and Kevin opened his eyes slightly, looking at Qi Bao, who was listless with his hands on his hips.

"That's right! Because I'm really hungry..."

Kiyana slumped her shoulders, and her voice became weak.

Kevin was at a loss: "I've searched the area, and there are no edible plants. Do you have any clues?"

"We can hunt!"

Qiyana's eyes lit up: "For example, that fat animal just now can run so fast with my baseball bat in its mouth, its meat must be delicious~!"

Kevin said euphemistically: "We should probably...find the exit first. In this case, it may not be a wise choice to expend a lot of energy to capture a lively beast."

Qi Bao began to chirp: "Wuwu, but I'm too hungry to walk..."]

Qiyana, who was still in high spirits just now, slumped down along the wall after saying this, as if she was starving.

Bronya: "It's true at a glance: I'm identified as a pure idiot Qiyana."

Mei couldn't help but chuckled: "777 Sure enough, Kiyana is Kiyana.

Teresa nodded seriously: "Yes."

"However, isn't it pretty good?"

Jizi crossed her arms, her expression softened a little: "Anyway, there is no crisis of collapse in this world, so innocent and carefree like this, it might be better to say that she is the best Kiyanaba."

Qibao clutched her stomach: "Mei Mei~ I'm hungry too!"

On the screen, Kevin was a little embarrassed.

Now he has two tasks in front of him, one is to find the exit, and the other is to solve Qiyana's food problem.

Just when he was hesitating and not knowing which task to choose, Qiyana suddenly let out a surprised voice

【"Hey, is that for food!"

In the gap between the gravel bricks not far away, there is a star that flickers on and off.

"I'll take a look, I'll take a look!"

Qiyana jumped up on the spot and ran to that position excitedly. She leaned down and slid one hand into the gap between the broken bricks.

Kevin wanted to help, but Qiyana said no. During the conversation, she had already managed to get the things in the gap.

On Qiyana's hand lay a power bank in the shape of a ten-song tripod - at first glance, it was something that an adult would not own.

"Maybe someone lost it here." Kevin guessed.

"Although it looks like something Bronya would have..."

Qiyana scratched her head, her expression was a little confused: "But it's not right, if it's Bronya's thing, I should be familiar with it."

Kevin's analysis: "Maybe... everyone has their own secrets."

"That mustn't be Bronya. She'll share all the things she likes with us!"

Qiyana immediately vowed: "Oh, the phone is dead, first charge the phone, I will ask her personally!"]

At this moment, the picture on the screen suddenly stagnated as if frozen, and then the electronic synthesized sound that everyone is familiar with——

【Question 6: Among the following options, who is the real owner of the power bank?】

【A: Bronya Zajcek】

【B: Cosmo】

【C: Wei Wei】

【D: Teresa Apocalypse】

PS: Qibao[My Mouth Replacement.jpg.

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