Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

369: Qian Jie: Huh? (Element Awareness)

All in all, as the questions and answers were answered, the picture on the screen returned to the scene of the noisy holiday symphony.

And just like the correct option given by the question-and-answer space—Graceu named the beast [Mud Elephant], and expressed his desire to draw it.

Bronya naturally readily agreed. After all, her family Xier is a loyal fan of Gracie. The smoother the drawing is completed, the happier Xier will be as a fan.

It's at this point that Kevin reminds everyone ~ there are other beasts wandering around.

Following Kevin's reminder, everyone noticed that the huge paw prints, mixed with traces of broken stones and soil clods, extended all the way to the depths of the forest——

["Almost forgot, we're tracking - this big guy!"

Kiyana slapped her head, showing a look like she just woke up from a dream.

Kevin also answered: "If it also goes berserk, that would be bad."

"That's right, it's not too late, uncle, let's go!"

Kiyana was eager to try.

Bronya also reminded: "Stupid Qiyana, be careful.

The figures of Kiana and Kevin disappeared into the depths of the woods: "Okay, I got it!"]

"Hey, hey, this plot...does it imply something?!"

The Herrscher of Knowledge rubbed his chin with a suspicious expression on his face: "Kevin and Kiyana embarked on a journey to defeat monsters—to be honest, it's very strange!"

Especially when I think of Qiyana, who became the Herrscher of the End in the main storyline, and Kevin, the Karma who gained the power of the End, this inexplicable sense of déjà vu becomes even stronger!

——Mi○you, are you really not implying anything?!

"Xiaoshi, what's the matter?"

Kiyana looked confused: "Isn't it just to hunt down that beast with Uncle Kevin, as for the neurotic look?"

"No, no, the point is not here at all!"

The Herrscher of Knowledge was about to continue talking, but suddenly smacked his lips: "Tsk, forget it. Anyway, we will see the result when the time comes!"

Kiyana: "?"



There was a trace of worry in Mei's eyes: "Although Kiana in this world line looks quite powerful, is it really okay to deal with that ferocious beast?"

After all, there is a limit to human power, unless you are not human!

But there is no Honkai power in that world line, and Qiyana is not a Herrscher, but a serious human being.

It's unrealistic to think of it as a human body to compete with wild beasts, right?

"Oh, don't worry~ Mei!"

With one hand on her hip, Qiyana patted her chest confidently: "Miss Ben, I will definitely get it done with ease~!"

"That's right, Mei, don't worry~!"

Alicia also echoed: "Besides, isn't there Kevin?


On the other side, with the departure of Kiyana and Kevin, Bronya, Cosmo and Gracie and their group also embarked on the journey again, while Kiyana and Kevin continued to track the big guy, Finally caught up with it!

The two lay in ambush in the dense bushes, and looked at the [strange creature] rubbing its neck on an old tree.

The stature of [Strange Creature] was much larger than what the two of them had expected. Apart from four huge claws, a head and a long neck, there was also a pair of sail-like wings.

Kiyana poked Kevin——

【"Uncle, look——"


Kevin whispered: "It looks very disturbed, we should be more careful."

"Don't worry, look at mine!"]

Kiyana probed to observe the movements of the [strange creature], while tiptoeing up the tree she had chosen.

According to her plan, since the word "Fu" has the effect of calming animals, no matter what happened before, as long as the word "Fu" is pasted, everything will be fine!

Now, she only needs to find the right position to jump down and slap the word "Fu" on its forehead.

So, Kiyana climbed onto the tree branch directly above [Strange Creature]—


Maybe Kiyana was about to jump off the branch with all her strength, but a fruit on the top of the tree, as if inspired, fell instead of Kiyana.

Boom——The fruit was impartial, and it just hit the head of [Strange Creature]. It looked up and was looking at Kiyana who was holding the branch.

"Ahh." Kiyana's movements froze.

"Not good!" Kevin reacted first, took out the water gun and started attacking!]

"If I'm not mistaken..."

Bronya paused, and after confirming again and again, she continued: "This so-called strange creature should be Benares, right?"

Mei nodded: "It is indeed Kurikara."

Teresa was stunned: "Isn't this world not broken? Then what's going on with this companion beast?"

"I know you're in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry. Theresa."

Jizi comforted Teresa's excited emotions: "Maybe, it's just because Benares in this world line is not a Houkai beast, but an ordinary... [strange biology】?"

Teresa: "...what the hell?!"

"By the way, can Kiyana and Kevin, who are Common people, really beat Benares?"

The Herrscher of Knowledge raised his eyebrows: "Isn't it possible to achieve the BE ending here?"

Fu Hua grabbed Shi Bao: "Xiao Shi, don't say anything that is not conducive to unity!"

Although everyone in the question-and-answer space had the same concerns about this, fortunately, Qiyana and Kevin in the other world line were not vegetarians. Although it was indeed difficult, they finally managed to force Benares back.


The roar of [Strange Creature] has not stopped, it vibrates its huge wings, and it seems to rush out of the forest!

Seeing this, Qiyana immediately reminded——

["Oops, it looks even worse!"

Kevin also showed a serious look: "If it goes to the town, it will be really bad."

Kiana said: "We have to make it quiet fast!"]

The two exchanged glances, and sprinted along the shadow of the [strange creature].

Not long after, from a distance, they saw that [strange creature] plunged into a cave.

Kiyana was panting while listening to the sound of the cave.

In the cave, apart from the faint whistling of the wind, it seems that the sound of flapping wings can also be heard, which is as vague as the dim light that flickers on and off in the darkness deep in the cave.

Kevin's expression became a little worried——

【"I don't know if it leads to the town......"

"Oh, if it leads to a small town, wouldn't it be bad!"

Qiyana's eyes widened, and she took the lead: "Uncle, why are you still hesitating? Chase!"]

So, the two plunged into the dark cave, chasing the traces of strange creatures with only the sound of the wind and the faint phosphorescence.

But it didn't last long, I didn't go far, turned two or three corners, and unexpectedly—

【"It actually came out?"

Qiyana looked incredible: "Fortunately, the cave only leads to the forest, not a small town."

"No, we can't say right now, it won't go in the direction of the town."

Kevin shook his head and made a suggestion: "Since you can't find the whereabouts of the [strange creature] for a while, it's better to go to the town as soon as possible and tell the residents the news.

Kiyana showed joy on her face: "Not bad...not bad...!"

Kevin said modestly: "This is just due vigilance, no praise."

"No, no, it's the taste of the food!"

Who knew that Qi Bao wasn't talking about Kevin at all, she licked her lips greedily: "It's very fresh, as if someone is making soup, it smells really good!"

Kevin: 1

"Soup? It's Mei!"

When it comes to cooking, Kiyana immediately thinks of the Herrscher of Rice in Legendary: Mei Lei: "Mei must have done it!"

"Could it be that we are finally going to meet Mei!"

Kiyana's eyes lit up immediately: "Great!"

"Don't be so eager to confirm, Kiyana."

Mei shook her head helplessly: "It may also be Master Qian."

Lawyer of Knowledge: "Be bold, maybe Master Qian and Mei are cooking together?"

Qian Jie: "Huh?"

At this moment, the picture on the screen suddenly froze, and at the same time, the familiar electronic synthesis sound sounded again, accompanied by a new round of questions and answers.

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