Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

371: Mei's Exclusive Weapon Is A Kitchen Knife? Everyone Is Happy!

Leaving aside the noisy atmosphere in the question-and-answer space for the time being, after the question-and-answer selection is completed, the picture on the screen returns to the action plot, and the figure of Mei is in sight.

At this moment, Mei also changed into a new set of clothes like Kiana did—Ye Yu Chunlan, which perfectly set off her tall and graceful figure.

"Wow! Isn't this Mei in Leilu's form!"

Qiyana opened her eyes wide: "After changing clothes, you actually turned into the Herrscher form?"

"It's Mei with horns~!"

Alicia rubbed her hands, her expression was a little ready to move: "I really want to touch the horns! I care so much!"

Mei: "..

In the picture, Mei seems to be waiting for something, and beside her are Padu and Su, who are holding fishing rods.

【"Pado, what's going on with you?"

Padofelis signaled to keep her voice low: "Shhh-sister Mei, now is the critical period, and fishing is the most anxious thing to do."

"Ok, I know."

Mei's expression was a bit perplexed: "But, we've been fishing all morning, and we still haven't caught anything."

"Sister Mei, just trust us!"

Padofelis vowed: "Fishing in the sun in winter, fishing in the middle of the afternoon, when it comes to fishing, we are professionals!"

"———Look at Brother Su's calm look, you can tell at a glance that you have already caught a lot of big fish!"]

"Fishing...uh, why does that sound weird?"

The Herrscher of Knowledge crossed his arms and tilted his head: "Pado, aren't you implying something?"


Patofelice scratched her head blankly: "What can we hint at?"

"...well, it looks like I'm surfing the web too much.

Zhibao spread his hands: "Let's continue to look at 06."

In the picture, the canned food excitedly ran quickly from Padufelis's side to Su's fish bucket, and saw that the bucket was so clean that there was not even a single dried shrimp in it, so it couldn't help crying.

Padufelice understood the cat language in an instant, and couldn't help but utter the same wail—

【"Ah? Even Brother Su has nothing! It's over, it's over, I'm going to be hungry now!"

Pa Duo panicked immediately, and said with a mournful face: "I thought Brother Su was so calm, it was because he had a plan in his chest, and he had already reaped a big fish!"

Su, however, was not in a hurry, calmly: "Phyllis, in life, you have to maintain an attitude—if you can have it, it's very good; if you don't, it's also very good.

"Gain and loss are just relative terms. When you think you are losing the fish, you are actually getting the fish."

Pa Duo was stunned when he heard it, and even his expression became [-]: "Su... Brother Su, we don't understand what you said at all. We only know that we can't catch any more fish Fish, you're going to be hungry!"

Mei reminded Pa Duo: "Pa Duo, we fish to complete the ritual of 'Fish Leaping over the Dragon's Gate' that Su Shang and Xiao Shi said, not to eat fish."]

While the three of them were talking, Can Tou stared at a certain bush for a while, and then quickly hid behind Mei.

All of a sudden, several strange Chinese creatures rushed out from behind the bushes, surrounded by the three of them.

Su also expressed his own opinion out of unknown circumstances——

【"Shenzhou is really vast and rich in resources, and there are countless rare species. It is extraordinary and wonderful.

Mei, on the other hand, felt that something was wrong: No, I'm afraid it's a bad thing!"

Padofelice continued to cry: "Ahhh, now is the critical moment for fishing, if we are disturbed like this again, we will be even more hungry! No, no, they will fill our stomachs!!!! "

At this moment, Mei slowly took out a peerless sword from her chest——

"It seems that it's time to use this precious sword to repel them."】

At the moment when Mei was about to pull out the sword - the picture on the screen suddenly stood still as if time had stopped flowing.

At the same time, the familiar electronic synthesizer sounded again, accompanied by a new round of questions and answers

【Question 10: Among the following options, what weapon does Mei use?】

【A: The key to death】

【B: Magnetic Storm·Slash】

[C: The Third God's Key·Seven Thunders of Cleansing Sin]

【D: A kitchen knife】

"Wow! They are all Mei's exclusive weapons!"

Alysia blinked: "With the special weapon in hand, I have the world!"

Qiyana also agreed: "I feel that apart from option D, it is more than enough to take any one to deal with the crisis!"

"However, it seems that none of them have exceeded the limit."

The Herrscher of Consciousness glanced at it: "Forget it, it doesn't matter, after all, it's not going to the abyss to fight the infinite, even if it doesn't exceed the limit, it doesn't matter."

Mei: "?"

I don't know why, sometimes what the Herrscher of Knowledge says makes people puzzled, it feels a bit like complaining about something indescribable!

It's like breaking through the dimensional wall!

"By the way, is there a possibility—"

Bronya suddenly said: "The real correct answer is probably D option."


As soon as this remark came out, others were a little surprised.

Teresa asked Bronya directly: "Bronya, why do you say that?"

"First of all, everyone knows that this world line is a world line without Honkai, so those Honkai weapons must be excluded."

Bronya said: "However, except for option D, the other three weapons are almost all driven by Houkai energy or even directly use Houkai energy as a material. This is theoretically impossible. impossible."

Ji Zi thought for a moment, then nodded seriously: "Correct.

"Also, even if there are weapons of the same name that do not rely on the Honkai power in this world line, but think about other people's weapons——water guns, baseball bats, and various model toy guns. They are all weapons with no actual lethality."

Bronya continued: "If Sister Mei suddenly held a sharp and powerful Taidao, wouldn't it seem a bit out of place?"

Ji Zi nodded: "...It hits the nail on the head."

"Finally, the plot of this world line seems to be based on a funny and relaxed atmosphere. So there will be no real danger or large-scale scenes."

Bronya finally concluded: "In summary, Bronya thinks the correct answer may be option D."

As expected of the future Herrscher of Reason!"

Tesla couldn't help applauding: "Bronya, you have lived up to the leader's trust!"

Xi'er also clapped her hands happily: "As expected of Sister Bronya, she analyzed clearly! It's amazing!"

Rosalia even gave a thumbs up: "Sister Bronya, cool!"

Lilia also started imitation mode: "Sister Bronya, handsome."

Kevin: "?"

Cosmo: "?"

"If that's the case, then listen to Bronya.

Mei also thought it made sense, she looked up at the options on the screen, and whispered her answer: "I choose D: a kitchen knife."

[The answer is correct, congratulations to Raiden Mei for obtaining the exclusive weapon of the Herrscher of Rice: a kitchen knife. 】

Mei: "...Huh?"

Mei was stunned, lowered her head in a daze, and looked at the black iron kitchen knife in her hand.


Alicia Bengbu: "I didn't expect Mei's exclusive weapon to become a kitchen knife. This world line is so interesting!"

The Herrscher of Knowledge also nodded seriously: "As expected of the Herrscher of Food, even the exclusive weapons are so unexpected but reasonable.

Mei's face was red, and she bit her lower lip lightly: ".......Woo!"

And as the questions were answered, the pictures on the screen began to flow again——

I saw Yai lightly caressing the short knife in her hand, the knife was silvery all over, the knife was shaped like a moon, and it was a high-quality kitchen knife.

Holding the kitchen knife tightly, Mei couldn't help but think of what the owner of the kitchen knife said when he solemnly handed it over to her——

【"Do you know that there was once a chivalrous man who possessed a treasured sword, and when he wielded that sword, the mist shrouded it like a celestial realm, allowing this chivalrous man to roam the world without any disadvantages, and everyone in the world feared his reputation?"

Xiaozhi is like a storyteller, with a passionate tone!

Mei was stunned for a moment, and shook her head blankly: "I don't know about this...."

Zhibao continued: "Did you know that in ancient times, there was a hero who relied on a precious sword to achieve great success in sword skills when the heroes were competing for the throne, and finally dominated the world and achieved eternal supremacy? 17

Mei still shook her head: "I...don't know either."

So Xiaoshi took out a kitchen knife from behind, and solemnly handed it to Mei: "Now, I will pass on this knife to you, and I hope you can comprehend the peerless knife skills in it, and live up to the expectations of the common people."

Mei stared blankly at the kitchen knife in her hand: ... Is this the good knife you just mentioned that can sweep the rivers and lakes and rule the world?"

"of course not."

Xiaozhi shook his head: "It's the dishes that those two people love to eat come from this good kitchen knife. Don't let me down, just complete the task well."

Mei was speechless and could only remain silent.

Xiaozhi continued to fool around: "The forest is quite dangerous, but fortunately you have my ancestral kitchen knife. You see, this is cutting vegetables, this is chopping vegetables.

"Okay, you have already comprehended this ultimate sword technique, and you can complete the task I entrusted to you."】

".....Although Xiaozhi speaks clearly and logically..."

Mei blinked, her expression was very delicate: "But why do I have a strong feeling of being cheated?"

"Hey! Mei, that's just your illusion! Illusion!"

Zhibao patted Mei on the shoulder, confident: "I assure you, everything I said is true, there is absolutely no falsehood!"

"Think carefully, has your great Herrscher of Knowledge Yasuda ever lied to you?"

"It seems that...you really haven't lied to me?"

Mei thought about it for 567 times, and said uncertainly.


Xiaozhi raised his head: "Besides, I don't want to be famous and I don't want to make money, so why do I lie to you kids when I have nothing to do?"

Mei was taken aback: "Children?"

Bronya: "If Bronya remembers correctly, a certain Herrscher of Knowledge was born less than two and a half years ago, right?"

"Little Heizi, what are you implying?"

Zhibao snorted, then turned his head to look at Mei, with a sincere expression and a sincere tone: "Anyway——Mei Lei, I'm not lying."

Fu Hua:

On the other side, under Mei's superb knife skills, the group of strange Chinese creatures were finally driven away.

And Pa Duo can continue fishing with peace of mind, but after the battle just now, Mei seems to have thought of something——

【"However, the creature that suddenly appeared just now inspired me."

Mei casually rolled up a strand of fine hair, with a look of thought in her eyes: "Since they can be attracted by these Common corn baits, then if we can make better baits——"

Su interjected: ——you can attract even bigger strange beasts. "



Patofelis also agreed: "Of course it attracts bigger fish! Sister Mei is right, when it comes to fishing, bait is of course the most important thing!"

Mei continued: "Well, so instead of blindly waiting for the fish to take the bait, it's better to make the best bait now."

Su: "It's really rushed to go fishing this time, so let's use the materials in hand to make the best bait now." 17

"Okay! Next, let's start the fire and make the bait!"

Patofelice cheered excitedly and dropped the aldehyde!]

"Uh, although I am quite confident in my cooking skills..."

Mei's expression was a bit perplexed: "But making fishing bait...is it really okay?"

"Don't worry, sister Mei!"

Paduofelis smiled: "Sister Mei, it must be fine!"

"Yeah! I also believe in Mei!" Qi Bao echoed.

"Mei, please do your best~!" Alicia also cheered for Mei.

"Hey, I hope you won't be disappointed..."

Even so, Mei's confidence is still somewhat lacking.

"But now, Mei is back to her old job..."

The Herrscher of Knowledge whispered. .

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