Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

409: When Honzo-Eri Meets Honji-Mei! The Famous Scene Reappears!

"Well, the plot this time always feels quite heavy..."

Qiyana twisted her body with some discomfort: "So, it seems that I haven't seen that kind of sad plot for a long time!"

"Who said it wasn't?"

Those who know the law spread their hands and said bluntly: "Because the plot of the final chapter of Mi○you is too slow, the question and answer space has no other choice but to play some other plots ~ to fill up the scene."

"To the point."

Bronya fully affirmed: "I don't know if we can see Qiyana become the Herrscher of the End or let Sister Mei use the power of the Herrscher of Origin this month.

"Mei Mei! I found that not only Herrscher of Knowledge, but also Bronya occasionally say some difficult-to-understand words!"

Qi Bao tugged at Mei's sleeve, and whispered, "Can you understand what they are saying?"

"Honestly, I don't understand either..."

Mei shook her head inexplicably, and looked at Fu Hua: "Squad leader, can you understand me?"

Fu Hua shook his head, and Teresa and Auntie at the side also expressed that they couldn't understand what they were talking about at all.

"However, I always feel that they are talking about some higher-dimensional things..."

Teresa pinched her chin: "Jizi, what do you think?"

Ji Zi shrugged: "Don't ask me, I'll see with my eyes."

While everyone in the question-and-answer space was still discussing, the picture on the screen changed again, and a brand new scene appeared.

Alicia looked up at the figure that appeared on the screen, her expression was filled with surprise, and she pointed her finger.

"Everyone, take a look! It's the lovely fairy lady~"

When everyone heard the words, they raised their heads one after another, and the one who caught their eyes was indeed Alicia!

"It's really Ellie-san!"

Padufelice blinked in surprise: "Which world line is this?"

"Who knows~"

Elysia lifted up a strand of fine hair cheerfully: "Anyway, since Miss Goblin is here~then this story must have a happy happy ending~"


Mei's expression is a bit subtle, thinking about the story about the Paradise of the Past that she saw in the Q&A space...it's hard to say that it is a Happy End.

"Huh? Mei, do you have any questions~?"

Alicia put her hands behind her back and looked at Mei with a smile [wink three times.

"No, nothing."

Mei shook her head again and again, staring at the screen intently.

Immediately afterwards, she opened her eyes slightly, because as the angle of view on the screen zoomed out, Mei's figure also appeared in it.

"Wow! Mei is here too!"

Qiyana immediately cheered excitedly, but then realized something was wrong: "No! Miss Pink Fairy and Mei are both there, why is there no me!"

——This kind of thing is absolutely strange!

In the picture, Mei and his party are being surrounded by villagers with goblin ears, and the atmosphere is on the verge of breaking out.

At this moment, Alicia came forward to make a rescue, took Ya and the others outside the village, and asked them if they were scared.

Alicia said that the characters of the goblins are just more straightforward, and there is no malice——

【"Although I think they are just expressing their fear of strangers. As long as this strange feeling is eliminated, they will fall in love with you again and again.

Alicia looked at Mei, smiling even more happily: "Especially my Mei, who can gain anyone's favor just by cooking."

"What's more, no elf can refuse such a beautiful horn... Hey, where are your horns, Mei? What about your beautiful horns?"

Mei looked confused: "What feet... Do you have that special hobby? Sorry, I'm not that kind of person."

Alicia's eyes widened in astonishment, and she asked regretfully, "That, Gale, surrender to me, isn't there?"

Mei: ".."1

"Oh~! Without the double horns, Mei is not a complete Mei for Miss Fairy!"

Alicia's expression was very sad, and she pretended to wipe away her tears: "Mei, my good Mei, woohoo (pretending)."

.cough cough. "

Mei coughed twice, ignoring Alicia while pretending to wipe her tears, while glancing into her eyes from time to time, she analyzed solemnly: "However, from this clip, it can be seen that Alicia in the picture is very It might be the Alicia in that mainline world, or the Alicia who experienced that incident."

"So, Miss Goblin is not dead, is she?"

Kiyana raised her hand: "She just came to another brand new world?"

Eden commented: "This is really, quite a romantic ending."

"But sister Mei, it should not be sister Mei in the main world."

Patuo scratched her head: "After all, looking at Sister Mei's appearance, it really seems like she doesn't know anything.

"If you look closely, you will find that the clothes on Alicia's body are even the uniform of the fire moth."

Bronya pointed out the second point: "If Bronya remembers correctly, this uniform should be designed by Miss Eden herself."

"That's right~ it was designed by Eden!"

Alicia smiled slightly: "Oh~ From this point of view, it really is Miss Goblin herself~"

Mei glanced at her: "Aren't you still crying just now..."

Alicia pretended to be shocked and opened her eyes wide: "Eh? So Mei likes to see me cry? Mei, you are very mean~!"


On the other side, Alicia also guessed that the Mei in front of her was not the Mei she was familiar with——

[(This appearance and voice are undoubtedly Raiden Mei, but......

After Alicia figured out the key point, the smile reappeared on her face: "I was abrupt, maybe I missed Mei's cooking skills too much.

"Seeing you dressed like this, my first reaction is of course, 'Ah Mei is finally going to make dessert for me'."


Mei's expression was a bit subtle, she looked at Alicia: "So, Miss Fairy..."

"Mei forgot about me, so sad."

Alicia suddenly showed a sad expression.

Mei faltered and said: "Uh [we should...don't know each other."

Alicia smiled indifferently: "It's just a girl talking to herself~"

"I'm Pink's Fairy, Alicia, you can call me Ali~"

Mei asked bluntly: "Miss Allie, since you brought us here, you must know something."

"It's really sharp~"

Alicia clapped her hands: "No matter where you are, you are worthy of being my Mei~!"]

"Hey, hey! What is your Mei!"

Qi Bao's vinegar jar was overturned, and she hugged Mei Yi: "It's obviously my Mei Yi!"

Mei immediately blushed, trying to break free from Kiyana's hug: "Don't, don't do this, let me go...!"

Bronya shook her head when she saw it: "Idiot Qiyana, at least pay attention to the occasion."

0...... Ask for flowers......

"However, as expected, Mei of this world doesn't know me."

Seeing Mei Raiden on the screen say 'we don't know each other' outright, even Alicia couldn't help but feel a little sad: "Although I know it will end like this, it still makes people feel sad. ....."

"Actually, I don't think it matters."

Breaking free from Kiana's embrace, Mei comforted Alicia softly: "Even if I don't know Alicia in another world, I can still become good friends with Alicia again. It's like entering the past Didn't the me in World Paradise keep my guard up when I first met Alicia, but I became good friends in the end.

"I believe that if it is Alicia, she will be able to do it."


Alicia blinked, and the expression on her face was very touched: "I didn't expect Mei to be so comforting! Miss Goblin, I am really happy!"

Mei scratched her head shyly: "I'm just telling the truth."

"Woohoo! Don't say anything, my dear Mei~ let me hug you!"

Alicia also hugged Mei, rubbing back and forth.

"Ah! I want me too!"

Kiyana, who had just been freed by Mei, rushed forward again, and hugged Mei together with Alicia.

......You two, almost enough for me!"


There was a flash of thunder, and the two let go of their arms with screams.

On the other side, Alicia introduced the contradictions in this world to Mei and others—that is, the contradictions between humans and fairies.

Legendary A long time ago, a demon king appeared on this land, and humans and goblins joined forces to seal the demon king together in order to fight against the demon king.

But with the passage of time, the conflict between humans and goblins has intensified, and finally there is a faint stance of war that is about to come.

In order to prevent the war between humans and fairies, Alicia invited Mei and others to join her in finding the key props that can stop the war between humans and fairies—the concentric sword and bow.

【"The sacred object of the demon king is sealed in Legendary, it is a thing called Concentric Sword and Bow."

Alicia said: "That is the ultimate weapon used by humans and elves. As long as you find it, you can prove the history of humans and elves working together to defeat the devil.

Mei questioned: "It's been so many years, it's impossible that no one has looked for it."

"If you don't have a firm belief, you won't have the courage to embark on the journey of seeking evidence. But after the few successors set off, no one has heard of them.

Alicia explained: "The sword and bow of the same heart is the proof of the friendship between humans and elves. It still stands on Mount Siwon, where the demon king fell."

"And I have been waiting for the beautiful girl who shares my heart to go to Siyuan Mountain together and witness this glorious history again."】

"Uh, Elder Sister Ellie, this is basically expressly expressing that I want Elder Mei to go with you."

Padufelice scratched her head, even she could hear Alicia's subtext.

Alicia stuck out her tongue: "Hey~★"

Goose: "

"But, honestly, Lord"

Alicia showed anticipation: "I really want to hear those classic lines spoken by Mei from this world line! ———Gangfeng, surrender to me!"

"——Respond to me, Alicia!"


Hard, hard, fist hard!.

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