Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

412: Alicia: I Am Really Lucky To Meet You.

With the elimination of the Demon King, the world finally ushered in the long-lost peace.

The relationship between humans and goblins has also been completely improved. Although there will inevitably be some friction and disputes between the two parties, everyone will no longer hate each other and exclude each other.

Under the leadership of Alicia, they jointly established a beautiful and harmonious homeland.

After that, Mei found Alicia, and Alicia also told Mei a very long story——

Long, long ago, when monsters ravaged the land, the land was trampled on and the villages were frequently attacked.

Humans and fairies attack each other for limited survival resources.

The land is watered with blood and tears, and wisdom is buried with hatred.

Fortunately, several like-minded heroes were born, and they realized that the essence of hatred between humans and goblins lies not in each other, but in this cruel world.

They walked hand in hand in this dangerous world, traveled more than half of the land, and finally found the source of all disasters—the demon king of Mount Siyuan.

They plucked up the courage to overcome all difficulties, and launched an attack on the devil king in the mountains for the common future of human beings and goblins.

However, they are just common people and elves, without power beyond common sense, and without artifacts to change the world. The power of the demon king almost made them flee in panic.

At this moment, everyone who had the same vision as them felt that they had added some insignificant help to this crusade that had no chance of winning.

Some of them are humans, some are goblins; some are blacksmiths, and some are farmers. The only thing in common is that they all understand that the devil is their common enemy, and they are willing to sacrifice their lives together for the future of everyone.

——So, a miracle happened.

Everyone's beliefs converged into an unrivaled force, and gorgeous crystal flowers bloomed among the crowd. The bright light illuminates Siwon Mountain, and also illuminates the dawn of the otherworldly paradise.

【"Based on all the previous information, you are the elf who led those 'braves' to seal the devil again five hundred years ago and created the concentric sword and bow Legendary."

Mei deduced her own conclusion, looked at Alicia with a smile and said nothing: "But the devil has not been really eliminated, so you have entered the current time point to completely eliminate the devil.....Alicia , are you also carrying out the mission of improving the relationship between humans and goblins?"

"Should I say...only half of it?"

Alicia raised a slender finger and pressed it to her lips as if thinking: "I was indeed the one who led them to seal the devil again, but we couldn't leave this world. I have been looking for a way to completely eliminate the devil. But I can't find a companion with strong strength."

"So, Alicia, Padofelis, you have existed in this world for five hundred years?"

Mei stared at Alicia: "You really are..."]

"Five, five hundred years!"

Mei in the question-and-answer space was a little startled: "Didn't you think that Alicia and Patuo have already spent five hundred years in this different world....

"Five hundred years...well, although it sounds like a long time."

Patofelis scratched her head: "But when I think about the fact that we have spent 50,000 years in the Paradise of the Past, there is nothing to be surprised about."

"Besides, isn't Ellie and Canned with us?"

Patuo turned to look at the can on his shoulder, and asked with a smile, "Right? Can."

Canned food: "Meow~!"

"I didn't expect Miss Pink Fairy to have made so many contributions to this different world.

Kiyana was a little moved: "As expected, you are indeed Miss Goblin!"

"Eri, even in another world, she still maintains her original appearance.

Eden also sighed: "It's really consistent."

"Hehe~ As expected of me~!"

Alicia accepted everyone's compliments without humility, and raised a strand of pink hair: "Even in a different world, Miss Fairy will respond to everyone's expectations~!"

"—Of course, I have to thank Mei from another world~"

Alicia blinked: "If there is no Mei from another world, even Alicia may not be able to successfully destroy the devil in the end.

"Yeah! As expected of this lady's Mei!"

Qibao nodded again and again, unable to restrain her joy.

"the most important is--"

Alicia raised her eyebrows, and a sly smile appeared on her face: "When the other world uttered the classic sentence——[The wind, surrender to me], both Qiang and the momentum are quite impressive. Feeling oppressive! As expected of Mei!"

#*:...Well. "

"So to say....…."

Alicia's eyes lit up, and she fell into fantasy again: "Suddenly, I was a little curious, what would it be like if Hua or Fu Hua said the line [I will, reverse all phenomena]~!"

"What should I do? I care so much~!"


Fu Hua:

"Huh? What's this!"

When Zhibao heard this, he immediately showed an excited smile: "The Herrscher of Basic Knowledge can be shown to you now! I will—reverse it... woohoo!"

"Forget it, Xiaoshi."

Fu Hua quickly covered Xiao Shi's mouth to stop her messing around.

On the other side of the screen, Julisia also truthfully answered Mei's question

【"Yes, five hundred years is a long time, but it is also short."

Alicia's eyes flashed with emotion: "We are... electronic ghosts, that's what they said."


"At the beginning we were confused about this world, and the battle to defeat the devil also ran away."

Paduofelis scratched her head embarrassingly: "But Sister Ellie said that since you are here, let's enjoy it, and we will get used to it slowly.

"As a result, we have lived here for too long, and we all regard ourselves as people in this world. Unexpectedly, Sister Ellie really found a way to eliminate the devil, that is to find a way to be completely with myself..."

"It's not good to say some things directly~"

Alicia smiled and interrupted Patuo's words. 】

"Haha~ Sister Ellie is really shy!"

Paduofelis couldn't help laughing.

"Oh, Phyllis is also true, this is a girl's secret, how can you tell others casually."

Alicia pretended to be shy and complained: "Especially the person involved!"

Mei scratched her cheek in embarrassment: "...uh, but I already know."

"Is Alicia shy too?"

Mebius looked disbelieving: "Come on [Is this some kind of cold joke?"

Kevin: "cool...."

"Kevin...please don't say that word anymore, it's getting colder all the time."

Sakura couldn't help complaining, shrinking her shoulders.

In the picture, Alicia looks at Mei, with a bit of nostalgia in her smile

【"Mei, you are so similar to her, but completely different. If there is a chance, I really want to have an afternoon tea with you [Let you evaluate my new clothes separately.

But... life is always full of regrets. You are not like us. "

Alicia said with regret: "We are electronic ghosts, and we are already a part of this world. You still have your own, important people, and a life and mission that we cannot interfere with."

Paduo Feilisi also laughed: "It's convenient to do business with Sister Mei, but we can't always occupy Sister Mei, you still have important things to do?"

"Let's say goodbye, we and the canned food are ready to ship."

Canned food: "Meow~!"

Mei stared at them, with a hint of reluctance in her smile: "Goodbye, Paduofeilisi, canned food.

"Parting is not for the end, but for the future, when you recall it, you can feel proudly——"

Alicia said softly: "I am really lucky to meet you.

"Well, Alicia, thank you for assisting us in completing this difficult task."

Mei nodded vigorously, and responded to her: "I am so lucky to have met you."


"I think so too~!"

In the question-and-answer space, Alicia happily said, "I'm so lucky to have met Mei~"


Paduofelis had tears in her eyes: "Sister Ellie, didn't we agree that it will be a happy ending!"

"Oh, it's not like everyone is still alive!"

Alicia also laughed subtly: "In a sense, (Li Zhao) is also a happy ending!"

"I think the meaning of [beautiful] is not whether everyone can survive, but whether the inheritance of hope and will can continue...

Mei whispered: "And judging from the situation on the screen, this is indeed a happy ending."

"Oh~ As expected of Mei, what you said is awesome!"

Alicia clapped her hands clapping, which made Mei feel a little embarrassed.

In the screen, when Mei and the others left the Paradise, they explained to their companions that they mistakenly entered a project called "Devil Storybook", where they saw electronic ghosts named Alicia and Padofelis .

However, when they tried to investigate the relevant information called "Devil King Story Book", they didn't find it.

Instead - a fairy tale called "Crystal Flower".

Mei was taken aback for a moment, and then a faint smile appeared on her face——

【"That is really a beautiful fairy tale..."】

PS: Originally, I wanted to write a story about Shibao coming to the Benger World Line, but only Shibao and Beichen Mei met in that part, and I never met Afu at all, so after thinking about it, I decided to forget it.

In addition, continue to ask for a wave of evaluation votes and flowers. I don't know when the final chapter of the drama will come down...

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