Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

428: Dance Under The Moonlight? Stargazing Failed!

Watching Yuexia Chuyu's sad appearance, the captain flipped through his wallet——

【……… Well, it’s okay, if it’s just ice cream and Homu dolls. "

He raised his head and stared at Yuexia: "For words like 'satisfaction', let's wait until you are truly satisfied."

"If you want to go, I will take you there now."

"Although the wallet is not rich, it is still possible for you to taste the ice cream yourself."

The captain thought about their date: "We can also go to the Houmhoom Amusement Park together, where there are all kinds of Homu dolls.

"——The night is still long, I will always be with you."]

"Oh, I didn't expect the captain to be so bold when he took the initiative~!"

Alicia smiled in surprise, as if interested: "Straightforward and unambiguous!"

The Herrscher of Knowledge gave a thumbs up: "Amazing!"

"Haha~ As expected of the Captain."

Rosemary can't help but smile too.

"When it's time to make a move, be unambiguous, awesome!"

Braun also nodded seriously.

Guan Xing snorted coldly: "Hmph, this guy is quite good at pleasing girls."

【"By the way, let's meet here tomorrow night too."

The captain said excitedly: "What we can't finish tonight, we can do tomorrow night, the night after tomorrow..."

"......I can not do it."

Unmistakable assertion.

Just four words easily wiped out the captain's whim of sympathy and self-satisfaction.

"I'm running out of time and I have to leave the city tonight.

Yuexia said sadly: "Vampires are something that shouldn't appear in front of the lights, and...the more humans there are, the harder it is to restrain yourself..."

"She is such a sad creature."]

In the picture, the girl was talking like this, her voice gradually lowered, mixed with the sound of the wind, it seemed a little indistinct.

The captain moved his lips, but he couldn't put it into words after all.

He knew that what he should do at this time was just to play the role of a good listener.

And the girl slowly told the captain about her life experience, that unknown secret

The girl is a doll made by the grandfather.

From birth, her life has no meaning.

Except for a room full of books like a cage... Grandpa didn't give her anything.

Only her grandfather and her sleeping sister were the ones she could occasionally talk to.

She was required to drink blood packs frequently, and to drink her sister's blood every two weeks.

Everything is Grandpa's wish, so she has continued to live like this.

Because I was born for this, because I am being needed.

Because my sister would wake up after sucking blood every time, only at this time can she feel the meaning of her existence.

Even so, she still has a wish - she wants to go out and see the world depicted in the book.

Even if it's just for a glance.

With the help of her sister, she escaped from the cage she had been in since birth.

However, she thought everything was too simple.

The human world was outside, and she found it increasingly difficult to restrain the urge to drink other people's blood. She tried her best to force herself to restrain it, but her body's instincts easily shattered her efforts.

When she came back to her senses, only the fresh blood at the corner of her mouth could replace her memory and tell her what she had done.

Having said that, the girl slowly raised her cheeks.

There was no emotion on her face that was equal to the weight of the words... But it was this strange calm that exuded the depression of "all rash words of comfort are in vain".

"I didn't expect that Yuexia's life experience would be so sad..."

As if empathizing with her, Mei wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"However, why does this story sound a bit déjà vu...?"

The Herrscher of Knowledge folded his hands on his chest, with a somewhat suspicious expression on his face: "Also, her grandfather... who the hell...?"

Teresa couldn't help but have doubts: "No...is it really him...?"

"Huh? Little Teresa, what are you talking about?"

Otto said with a smile on his face: "Let Grandpa listen to it, too~?"


Lawrence of Knowledge:

【"Now, you understand."

Yuexia whispered: "She is gradually losing her feelings as a human being, and even... I don't know how long she can be herself.

"So before that, at least, she wants to see with her own eyes the place that her sister has described to her countless times."

The moonlight fell on her long hair calmly, and a long silence enveloped the entire roof.

For a moment, the captain remembered the "White ghost" that Himeko mentioned, but the one in front of him who was quietly attracted by the moonlight was just a helpless Common girl.

"......I gotta go.

Yuexia said softly: "Thank you for fulfilling my wish."

"No... what I did was not such a remarkable thing." The captain shook his head, hesitating to speak.

"So, will you listen to my willful request at the end?"

Teresa looked at the captain: "Dance with me, right here."]

Under the moonlight, the girl stretched out her hand to the captain. Although the expression was still emotionally thin, I don't know if it was an illusion—the soft atmosphere around her conveyed a faint smile.

——This must be the first and most authentic appearance of the girl.

The captain thought to himself, and gently took her hand, as if it was something illusory and fragile.

In the question-and-answer space, everyone watched the captain dance with Yue Xia, with different expressions on their faces.

Yuexia Chuyong stared blankly at this scene, the expression on his face seemed to recall the past.

Rosemary Ta also watched this scene with fascination, the dancing posture of the two was reflected in her pupils.

Delta opened his mouth wide in shock, his expression filled with disbelief.

Braun took the camera prepared in advance and took pictures of this scene.

And with her eyes, she glanced at the stargazers beside her from time to time.

I saw that Guan Xing remained silent and said nothing.

Under the face covered by the fan, I don't know what kind of expression is hidden.

Although according to Brauni's guess, it must not be very good-looking.

【"I escaped with my sister, but I escaped from her again."

Yuexia spoke softly about her heart: "Her gentleness makes me depend on her, but it also makes me uneasy.

"Does she really need me?"

"Reassuring but uneasy, uneasy but heart-warming.

"As if my emotions don't belong to me, I've never been able to feel grounded.

Yuexia's narration is as green and clumsy as her dance steps, but this time it is no longer indifferent and indifferent like telling other people's stories.

——But it really contains my own emotions.

"After all, I am just a puppet made by my grandfather for my sister's resurrection."

"But... do dolls also have such emotions?"

"Would you? Tell me, I'm completely lost."

The white-haired vampire raised his face, showing an expression as if he was asking for help.

"(It's not a puppet, these troubles and struggles are the proof that you are really alive.)"

These were the words that the captain was unable to utter that night. He stared at the girl with an expression that seemed to be asking——

"Tomorrow, let's go to HomuHomu Amusement Park together tomorrow. Just another night, I still have..."

——Also, and………… There are many things I want to tell you.

The last half of the sentence was hidden in the captain's heart, and he didn't say it out.

The girl was silent for a while, and finally nodded. 】

"Why...why didn't the captain say that from his heart!"

Kiyana stomped her feet vigorously, looking anxious to death: "Ming (agfg) Ming feels that it would be better to say it!"

"Maybe it's because the captain thinks it's not appropriate to say it right now?"

Mei said uncertainly: "Or some other reason."

Bronya analyzed rationally: "Is there a possibility that the current captain is simply immature, so he has stage fright?"

"Well, it's really a pity, but it's okay!"

Alicia raised a slender finger, thinking optimistically: "Anyway, we can continue to meet each other tomorrow, maybe when the time is right, the captain will speak out what is in his heart!"

"Yes, yes! Although the current overall atmosphere is somewhat sad, we believe that this time the ending must be happy! There is absolutely no knife!"

Pa Duo, who was already scared by the knives in the previous plot, began to think wildly: "There will be no knives, right?"

Can: "Meow!!"

In the picture, when the captain wakes up, the empty room is already stained with thick night.

The captain could no longer remember how they parted last night and how they returned to their room.

In a hazy state of consciousness, he remembered his agreement with Teresa to take her to Homu Homu Amusement Park tonight.

Realizing that he seemed to have overslept, the captain hastily turned on his phone and found Jizi's missed calls and messages.

According to the news, they seem to have grasped the trace of the 'White Ghost', and they are fighting together with a certain big man of fate.

"Wait! White ghost, isn't it referring to the moon!"

Alicia exclaimed: "Could it be that Yue Xia has already been caught?!"

"Doesn't that mean that the captain's date with Yuexia tonight is going to be ruined!?"

Qi Bao also made a surprised sound.

And the moment the captain on the screen understood the situation, his drowsy consciousness completely woke up.

He didn't care much, and ran towards the roof last night anxiously.

And at the same time as the captain was leaving, the picture on the screen changed, and on the other side of the roof—Yuexia was confronting Jizi and Karen.


Seeing the familiar face in the impression, Otto's original expression of Furui Wubo also changed for a moment.

【"Sister, please give me another night.

The voice under the moon was weak and struggling, as if it was fighting against something: "Because... because... I made an appointment with someone... to visit...the amusement park... ..”

"Theresa...... Sorry, I can't promise you."

Karen shook her head sadly but firmly: "Many people have been killed, and you are too dangerous now.

Ji Zi took a step forward: ...We must give her the final blow, Lord Karen!"

"I know.…………"

Karen nodded slightly, and looked at Yuexia sadly: "Theresa, my dear sister, I was the one who brought you out.

"Before you lose your mind, at least I will..."]

When the captain panted and climbed up to the rooftop where the two danced together last night, what greeted his eyes was a devastated Himeko and another girl whom he had never met, and...kneeling on the ground dying one

Rest Theresa.


The unspeakable anger instantly captured the captain's calmness, he roared hysterically and rushed forward, blocking the vampire girl with his body.

"Hey! You idiot!"

Seeing the captain's desperate behavior, Guan Xing subconsciously cried out worriedly.

However, the captain on the screen couldn't hear it, and seeing him standing in front of the moon, Ji Zi couldn't help but widen his eyes.

【"What...why did you find this place?!"

"Just one more time!"

The captain begged anxiously: "Let me fulfill my promise!"

It seemed that the captain's decision had indeed been conveyed to Himeko and another girl, and they stopped moving for a moment.

So, he turned around, intending to send something to Teresa.

But... fate doesn't seem to be on his side again.


At a close distance, the captain could even see that the remaining emotions in the girl's blood-colored pupils were gradually fading away.

In the next second, the sharp fangs pierced his skin. 】

———— Mister Assassin!"

In the question-and-answer space, Stargazer let out a panicked cry.


Qiyana exclaimed in surprise: "How could this end!"

"That's right! This kind of thing is absolutely strange!"

Even Alicia couldn't help complaining: "It's the last step! Why did it fail at the last moment!"

"Wait, if this happens—the captain is dead?"

Mei blinked, and found a blind spot: "But if this captain is the captain of the initial time period, if he dies at this time, then the future he will be

It is how it happened?"

"Mei-san means... Maybe the captain is not dead?"

Bronya guessed.

"Surely nothing will happen."

The Herrscher of Knowledge spread his hands: "Have you guys forgotten, didn't you say that Rita in the maid outfit at the beginning, this is just consciousness mapping."

"—In other words, there is still a chance to redeem it!"

"Is that really the case?"

Although stargazing also comes from the future, but seeing the scene just now, it is unavoidable to be a little worried, and subconsciously turned to look at Rosemary.

But Rosemary just raised a slender finger to her lips, and made a secret gesture [laugh without speaking.

"Master Stargazer, please be patient and look down."

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