Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

439: The Real Ancestor Kevin Joined The Q&A Space? Everyone Was Shocked!


Teresa stared at Cecilia on the screen, with a trace of nostalgia in her eyes.

Back then, she was captured by Cecilia in the same way...

If it wasn't for some accidents, I'm afraid Cecilia wouldn't have passed away so early.

On the other side of the screen, Sirin also fell into confusion.

She knew very well that all of this was just an illusion created by Yu Duchen. She was the Second Herrscher Sirin, the enemy of mankind.

Cecilia should be her enemy logically, but in this illusion, she experienced the maternal love she desperately longed for, which made her hesitate and didn't know what to do.

Sirin was lying on the bed, her eyes lost in confusion——

【"Mom......... woo...?"

"It's been a long time...... I haven't had such a feeling of peace of mind..."

Sirin murmured softly: "She is really good to me, but...that's not my mother...

"What should I do...?"】

Just when Sirin was hesitating, the Bella doll in her hand suddenly ignited a burst of flames, and it was instantly reduced to ashes.

This doll represents Bella's consciousness, and burning it now means that Bella's consciousness will face dissipation, and she will turn back into that mindless Houkai beast.

In desperation, Sirin called Bella in her mind

["Bella! Bella! What's wrong with you? Answer me quickly!"

"My Lady Queen......... I'm sorry..."

Bella's consciousness gradually dissipated, and her figure transformed into a huge dragon again: "I can't keep my promise, and I will always be by your side."

...Please, don't feel sad for me.


Sirin's eyes widened, and the anxious call attracted Siegfried, who knocked on the door hastily, asking what happened.

However, at this moment, Sirin, the flame of hatred has been rekindled in her heart——

"This man, it was him, cut Bella's wing!"

"That's right! It must be like this! It must be like this! It's the trajectory of these ants!"

The power of the Herrscher reappeared, and Sirin, who was at a loss because of Cecilia's maternal love, turned back into the second Herrscher who hated humans because of Bella's death: "They confuse me with their happy life , and then... took the opportunity to kill Bella!"

"Damn... ants!"]

The Archon's Spear emerged, and before Siegfried could react, it instantly shattered the door and pierced through his body!

Sirin floated in mid-air, looking down at Siegfried condescendingly, her eyes filled with hatred.

She slowly raised her arm, aiming the Argon's Spear at Siegfried.

In the next second, it suddenly shoots out!

Just at the moment, Cecilia appeared in time, and followed Siegfried to avoid pressure.

Sirin was shocked that Cecilia was so calm, and why she was so agile in this world who was clearly a Common.

At that moment, she thought of a possibility - she was not hypnotized by Yu Duchen at all.

1, it's all her lies!

After thinking about this point, Sirin didn't have any hesitation in her heart, and the only trace of humanity left in her heart was completely abandoned!

"Why, how could this happen!"

In the question-and-answer space, Padofelice's expression became a little sad: "Obviously, obviously Xilin no longer hates humans!"

"Yeah, it's obvious that Cecilia will be influenced by Cecilia's maternal love!"

Alicia also nodded: "Just a little bit, just a little bit and you can succeed!"

"Everything is deterministic, everything is destiny."

Su seemed to have a feeling: "Even though Alicia made the Herrscher no longer the same as the previous civilization, there are still some things that cannot be changed......

Aponia clasped his hands together and looked sad: "Ah, it's really sad."

Accompanied by Sirin's full-scale attack, although Cecilia was unwilling in her heart, she still had to be her enemy.

However, the Second Herrscher with full firepower is not so easy to deal with. Even as the world's top combination of combat power, it still cannot defeat Sirin.

Just when everyone was helpless, Siegfried used the Houkai energy activator to completely activate the hidden gene of the Kaslana family in his body-the Houkai beast character hidden in the blood.

At the cost of his half-destroyed body turning into a beast and losing his mind, Siegfried gained power beyond the Second Herrscher [The Unfired Sacred Order in his hand also showed its true power.

With this power, Siegfried finally successfully defeated Sirin, and deprived the Tranquil Gem from Sirin's body.

But at this moment, the Houkai in the second Herrscher Sirin's body ran wild, and the huge Houkai spread to this continent in an instant!

In order to protect tens of millions of people on this continent, Cecilia decided to sacrifice herself and use her own blood to dispel the Houkai energy——

["Sorry, Siegfried. I lied to you..."

Cecilia shed tears, and the blood on her wrist was continuously pouring into the black abyss and white flowers: "This time, I can't go back with you.

"I'm sorry, Kiyana... When you grow up, take good care of Dad"

Cecilia took a deep breath, then held up the black abyss and white flower, using her own blood as a guide: "Heiyuan white flower—the liberation of the holy blood!"

"For Siegfried, open up the way forward!"

The bright red blood condensed into the shape of a flower and sprinkled the sky.

At that moment, Siegfried received the signal, and he stabbed the last dose of Houkai activator into his wrist, and a steady stream of power surged out again——Sacred Judgment of Heavenly Fire, the limit was connected.

"Sacred Judgment of Heavenly Fire, release all your power.

"Even if my body is about to be burned, it doesn't matter, in order to protect the one I love the most, I am willing to sacrifice my life!"]

Accompanied by Siegfried's words, the raging flames suddenly burned, as if they were not extinguished———Sky Fire Sacred Judgment: Tribulation Form!

He held up the great sword of Jie Mie, and then swung it down vigorously!

In an instant, a strong energy wave that seemed to divide the earth into two spewed out!

A huge wave of air swept across the entire battlefield in an instant, like a strong wind passing through, destroying everything!

This blow successfully curbed the rampaging Houkai energy, and in conjunction with Cecilia's holy blood, rescued the residents of the entire continent.

But as a price, Cecilia, who lost a lot of blood, has already reached the end of her life.

At the very end, Cecilia came to Sirin's side and hugged her gently——

【"Silin, you pity child."

"In the illusion, I saw your loneliness and pain.

Cecilia whispered softly: "At that time, I really wanted to be your mother and make up for what you lost."

"Unfortunately, I couldn't change anything at that time."

"At least, at the end of your life - so that you can feel the warmth.

Michliebedich (I love you)”]

"Mama Cecilia..."

Youlandelle looked sad, she clutched her chest, as if she could feel the pain from her heart.

Even though she lost her memory, her body and her mind still remember the warmth and touch that her biological mother once brought her.

Qiyana's eyes were also red, her voice choked up: "Mom..."

Teresa: “Cecilia…………………”

In the picture, the Houkai energy released by the Second Herrscher once spread beyond the Siberian plains, and more than 100,000 civilians were exposed to the radiation of the Houkai energy.

They can only helplessly wait for death to come.

However, a blood petal that fell from the sky saved them.

The Houkai energy in people who touched the petals disappeared.

In the end, the death toll was less than 3,000. "The second collapse—the curtain has come to an end.

"In the end, did you still not achieve the desired ending......"

Alicia felt a little sad: "Obviously, I have a chance to say..."

————A person's character is his destiny.

0...... Ask for flowers......

Su shook his head and sighed softly: "All of this is not predestined, but the path he chose."

A few years later, destiny headquarters, laboratory.

Otto's voice echoed in the laboratory——

【"The K422 experimental body also failed. The experimental body prepared with the DNA of the Second Herrscher and Qiyana's DNA has vital signs, but no consciousness.

"This time, take the risk of transplanting the core of the Second Herrscher into the body of the K423 subject."

"However, the core of the Second Herrscher was once damaged..."

Otto walked to the training cabin, looked up at the white-haired girl: K423: "Eighteen hours have passed, and the experimental subject is still unconscious."

"It seems that this is also a failure."

"Still, Second Herrscher, don't you want to wake up?"

"————What kind of dream are you dreaming?"】

At the same time, in the depths of Sirin's mind [echoes those beautiful memories——

[In the endless darkness, I have false dreams. 】

[In the dream, I was thinking about the woman who was not my mother. 】

[Remembering the warmth she once gave me, that kind of warmth made me feel at ease. 】

【I have thought more than once, if I become a Common person...】



【Can I live happily with her?】

【If you give me another chance.........】

[I want to hear her voice again. 】

At that moment, Otto suddenly opened his eyes wide -

【"This is......?!"

"Brain waves detected.....Experiment K423 woke up!"]

"I think...the real longing in Xilin's heart is that someone can care about her and love her like her mother."

Mei whispered, touching her chest with her hands: "I think I should be able to understand her feelings.

Once upon a time, when her father was arrested and imprisoned, she was left alone.

At that time, she was also hopeless, because there was a haze and gloom deep in her heart.

If Qiyana hadn't saved her, I'm afraid she would be the same as Sirin——finally stood on the opposite side of human beings and ended up in the same end.

"However, in the end, Qiyana...or Sirin, got her wish."

Teresa looked relieved: "She has been recognized by 'Qiana', and also by Siegfried, isn't she?"

Ulandal put her hand on her chest: "The current Qiyana is on the road to becoming a hero, and now she has become a Herrscher who fights for human beings.

Fu Hua nodded: "Yes, no matter what happened in the past or what will happen in the future, the current Qiyana is fighting for human beings."

.......Hey, everyone said it so that I feel embarrassed......"

Kiyana scratched her head with a shy expression on her face.

Bronya raised her peas eyes: "Idiot Qiyana, we are talking about Qiyana from the original world, not you paramecium."

At this moment, the familiar electronic synthesis sound sounded again, it was not

A new question and answer , but another new member arrives

【Kevin joins the Q&A space】


Alicia was taken aback, and subconsciously looked at Kevin who was nearby: "But, hasn't Kevin already joined?"


Su pondered for a moment, then thought of a possibility, and couldn't help opening his eyes slightly: "Could it be that this time Kevin—

"Need to say? I'm afraid it's the same situation as Fu Hua. 11

Mebius took over the conversation: "The one from fifty thousand years later, the real Kevin.

Zhen Kevin's voice was calm and indifferent, almost indifferent, but amidst that indifference, there was a hint of doubt about hearing the voice of an old friend: "This voice is, Ellie

Shia... Su, and... Mebius?"

PS: It's time to write the latest plot! I'm looking for a wave of evaluation votes and flowers family members~ Wan!.

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