Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

445: Large-Scale Philosophical Column Why Do Birds Fly?

As the conversation of the people in the question and answer space ended, the picture on the screen changed again——

Why do birds fly?

Few people speak of such superfluous questions these days.

If birds have spirits, perhaps they cannot give an answer to their own power.

Just like human beings, when they realize that their only absolute freedom is self-destruction...

They can only say this - [Suicide is the only philosophical question worth discussing].

And, never been able to find a definite answer to this question.

But a long time ago, when human beings were never so familiar with the world... They still wanted to explore all the unknowns of the world, and never accepted any unanswered questions.

Therefore, when someone looks up at the sky, he will still ask the question like this...

【"Why do birds fly?"】

"Huh? Here is...?"

Alicia stared at the picture presented on the screen. In the picture, Kevin was standing among the crowd in a monotonous retro white dress.

He didn't have the fire moth costume that he wore when he was chasing the fire moth back then, but even so, the Common people who were close at hand were still not frostbitten by Kevin's low temperature.

"It seems that this should be a new civilization born ten thousand years later after the pre-civilization era was destroyed by the Herrscher of the End.

Su slowly said: "However, what makes me curious is... those Common people standing next to Kevin didn't suffer from frostbite."

"Yeah, Kevin, what's going on here?"

Alicia asked Patriarch Kevin.

"At that time, I was able to control my body temperature more easily.

Ancestor Kevin replied calmly: "Moreover, these are indeed my past memories..."

"We saw Brother Su in the distance!" "930"

Patuo pointed to the distant figure on the screen, and could vaguely see Su, whose back was facing Kevin, talking to someone.

And that person was looking at Su in amazement, as if wondering why he could still see clearly even with his eyes closed.

"Then the squad leader at this time, isn't he also in Shenzhou?"

Qiyana was a little curious: "I don't know what the monitor is doing now?"

"It goes without saying."

The law of knowledge spread his hands: "It must be practicing martial arts or strengthening the divine music again."

"Really?" Qi Bao turned to look at Fu Hua.

Fu Hua: "..I'm afraid, it is true."

Li Sushang applauded from the side: "The Grand Master is indeed the Grand Master! You are really diligent!"

On the other hand, a related preaching was going on in that era.

If the time scale is turned back a thousand years, each of them will be a pioneer of civilization and will be remembered by history for a long time in different ways.

[Sages whose wisdom runs through ancient and modern times]——they are called so.

However, in Kevin's view, these people are no different from babies.

This is not due to his psychic nature——after experiencing prosperity and extinction, such new shoots still can't cast waves on his psyche.

【"Of course, I also thought it was an unnecessary doubt."

"Why do birds fly-they are able to fly, just like our various instincts, it is a gift from the gods.

Says the languid philosopher: "But even if it is so far-fetched, we can only explain why birds 'can' fly, not why they 'want' to fly."

—It seems that someone has quietly hissed; indeed, at first glance, this is meaningless rhetoric.

"No, listen to me—everyone standing here, we are born to see, to hear, to go far, to conquer everything."

"But it's a right, and people who choose to waive it, we've all seen that a lot."

"But why...we never see a bird give up its flight?"

All around fell silent.

Kevin listened to the conversation silently, and had stopped for a long time before he knew it.

"So, here's what I'm going to say, folks—"

"If we are lucky enough to go back to the beginning of the world and see the first bird, it must not have wings."

"It wasn't the wings it had prayed to the gods for then—

"It's a heart as noble as the moon that wants to touch the zenith."]

"Is the heart as noble as the moon..."

Otto murmured the words of his predecessors softly. Perhaps in the eyes of others, this is just a Common man's rhetoric about the unknown world, but as a man who has experienced 500 years of life and witnessed many histories, he has a completely different view .

Even he has to admire the courage from his predecessors.

"Is this the human beings of that era that Kevin saw in the future?

Mebius sneered: "His idea is interesting."

"—It's just that it's a pity that he still couldn't escape the limitations of that era."

Grandpa Kevin:

"Hmm... I'm hungry..."

Qiyana clutched her stomach, her expression turned into circles at some point: "I don't understand at all...

Mei caressed Kiyana's head: "Why don't you skip this episode quickly, after all, these philosophical topics are too raw and difficult for Kiyana to understand 3..."

"It's not so much a discussion of philosophical topics, it's more like...it's more like answering the confusion deep in Kevin's heart and his established destiny."

As a person who has also lived through thousands of years, Fu Hua himself is quite touched: "Everything he has done, the fate he has carried...and, his final destination."

In the picture, Kevin opened his eyes from the long memory, those memories in the past have lost their meaning to him, and there was no slightest fluctuation in his heart, then he turned around and walked towards the next common memory dream of human beings .

In this dreamland, the world is still running as usual.

People still repeat the mistakes they should have made, suffer the failures they try to avoid, and are shrouded in little joys and sorrows, day after day.

But this kind of mediocrity is just what a certain era can't ask for.

And in this world, which is also facing collapse, this desire is so similar.

It is precisely because of this that the stigmata project, like the collapse itself, is enough to be called the "worst".

But Kevin also knew that he had no choice—ten meters and always.

Just as Kevin was thinking, a cry suddenly came from his ear——



Kevin shifted his gaze to the owner of the noodle cart, who smiled kindly: "Young man, your share is ready.

When the man turned his gaze from himself to the outside world, he found the signboard of the ramen cart in front of him and other customers in line behind him.

Without saying a word, he was about to leave from here, but the boss's hand had already handed over the ramen bowl, and the steaming heat inside almost rushed into his eyes.


Kevin knew that he should take it over—except for himself, everyone who knew him had imagined that no matter what method he used, when he finally drove the land of Honkai, he would What should I do next.

Some people think that death would be the best ending—he was too lonely.

Some people think that maybe he can finally let go of this, hide his identity, and sit in front of his simple home every night, eating a bowl of ramen and recalling the smiling faces of certain people.

Some people also believe that he can still become a teacher of the new era and once again turn away from the identity of a sinner.

The man himself admits that these futures are not illusory...even at some point a long time ago, they briefly became his hopes.

But in fact, since the moment the stigmata project was completed, he has not planned any form of future for himself.

He had indeed searched for a burial place for himself, but he had other plans.

There is indeed peace in the lives that exist in the imagination of others...  

【......No need, sorry. The noodles are delicious.

Kevin turned and left.

——Tranquility belongs to those who end everything, not to those who 'become the end themselves'. 】

"Hey, hey, does Kevin have a relationship with Ramen in a previous life?"

The Herrscher of Knowledge couldn't help complaining: "It's fine to make noodles in other worlds, but in this serious and serious intrinsic world, there is also the intention of making noodles."

"However, looking at Kevin's appearance... it seems that he still has some knots in his heart."

Alicia seemed to see clearly the emotions under Kevin's iceberg face, and said softly: "As expected, is it because of the Stigmata Project..."

"Kevin, you also rejected the stigmata plan from the bottom of your heart."

"The stigmata plan is without a doubt the worst plan."

Mebius bluntly said: "However, there is only the Stigmata Project, which has the highest success rate and is most capable of saving a few people.

"If the human beings of this era can't defeat Kevin, and can't prove their possibility to that Kevin, then the stigmata plan... will definitely be implemented."

"In the future, we will never let the stigmata plan be carried out!"

Qiyana clenched her fists: "A ruthless plan like this can't be regarded as saving mankind at all!"

"That's right, and I also believe that the stigmata plan will never be the plan that Alicia expected!"

Mei also nodded firmly: "The future me will never disappoint Alicia's expectations!"

"For Xi'er, and for everyone in the orphanage, Bronya believes that———————the future self will never give up easily!"

Bronya also spoke.

Alicia smiled: "Mei! Come on! I believe in you! I believe in you!"

Ji Zi also agreed: "Yes, you in the future have already grown up to be able to stand alone." I believe that even if you face that Kevin again... you will never lose 5.

Grandpa Kevin:

While everyone in the question-and-answer space was communicating, Kevin continued to recall the past in [Spiritual Adam], and this time the object of his recall was still the tired philosopher

【"So, I once told you..."

"A man's destiny is his character."]

Not too long has passed since Kevin saw the philosopher in front of him last time.

But today, the number of people listening to the preaching is not as great as before.

Kevin doesn't know when he developed the habit of coming here often...

But he was very sure of one thing—the 'philosopher' in front of him was also a 'fool' who was confined by the times.

No matter how talented the Utopia imagined by the mind, it will become worthless after thousands of years and tens of thousands of years-he himself is an excellent example. in a double sense.

Kevin————No doubt quite Common, and was once teased by his peers for being slow.

But when he has more time than ordinary people, he is even enough to despise the most outstanding ideas of a certain era.

Maybe he came here just to experience the shallowness of this generation more intuitively

, so that one can make a certain decision.

Thinking of this, Kevin couldn't help but speak out for the first time

[...Fate does not distinguish between good and bad. Not so with character. "


The tired philosopher turned his head to look at Kevin, but Kevin didn't answer. He was silent for a moment, as if organizing his words, and then continued: "I once had a friend...he may have some Talented in all aspects, but quite dull, accustomed to relying on the decisions of others.

—————That was his character. "

"So he chose an excellent mind, a heart worth following, obeyed the other party's arrangements, and took the other party's fate as his own.

Kevin seems to be asking: "For him, character is destiny, can it still be established?"]

"Kevin, that friend you mentioned..."

Alicia raised a finger: "Is it yourself?"

Grandpa Kevin:

On the screen, the tired philosopher seems to be getting old. For Kevin, it is just a flick of a finger, but for the philosopher, he has already spent most of his life.

But even so, when discussing these issues, his eyes still shone brightly

["Young man...have you ever seen a hero?"

"...I've seen a lot."

"No, not the one you imagined."

The tired philosopher shook his head: "Perhaps you still remember that I once said that there is only one ideal in the world—the ideal of trampling on others."

A trace of doubt flashed in Kevin's eyes.

"Any kind of ideal can only be realized after trampling on other people's ideals.

The languid philosopher said: "If you don't admit it, it's only because you don't realize it.

"As a measure, human beings are divided into two types. Those who have done this are called heroes: others. They are considered human beings."]

"Oh? Interesting."

Mebius seemed to be interested, and sat up a little bit: "Anyway, I can't do other things in this space, why don't you just let me listen carefully, how do philosophers in the new era think about this of the world.

"Indeed, I'm curious too."

Otto also showed a wait-and-see expression.

On the other side of the screen, Kevin didn't seem convinced by this sentence.

With a natural arrogance born of a long life, his first reaction was that the other party had seen little and therefore knew nothing.

And the tired philosopher seemed to see what Kevin was thinking, and comforted him——

【"Don't worry, young man, I haven't finished yet."

He paused, then continued: "It's everyone's wish to be a hero - but we also know how bad the world would be if everyone was a hero."


So...a different kind of hero is born. "

"Their ideals are completely opposite. They 'hope their ideals will be trampled'. In fact, the rules of the world are maintained by them."】

Otto murmured in a low voice: "Another kind of...hero......"

Ancestor Kevin also whispered: "I hope that my ideals... will be trampled on..."

PS: When I was watching this episode, I thought of the "Olympus Star Legend" that was broadcast every night on the children's channel when I was a child. At that time, I wondered why the lyrics of the theme song could not be understood. Only later did I realize that it was in Korean.....

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