Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

457: Seele's New Armor? Ai Yi Breaks The Fourth Wall!

"Unexpectedly, the side effect of my aunt's artificial collapse is that her body grows up!"

Qiyana scratched her head: "To be reasonable, this is not a side effect at all!"


Bronya also agreed deeply: "For the head of the school, this is not only a side effect, but can even be regarded as a gift."

"Is the principal's posture after starting the artificial collapse turned out to be 'growth'..."

Fu Hua's expression was a bit subtle, and he subconsciously covered his chest.

If possible, she also hopes that the side effect of her artificial collapse is physical growth or something...

It's time for you to see the picture of the Shenzhou flat drum bag!

"Hmph! Now, I won't be treated like a child anymore!"

Teresa was also very happy: "Honestly, I've had enough of being treated like a child!"

Once upon a time, every time she went out to perform tasks, she would always be treated as a child by people who didn't know her... There were even many little guys younger than her who would give her cold lollipops!

Thinking of this, Teresa couldn't help feeling sad.

But now that she knows that she can grow up after turning on artificial collapse, she no longer worries that she will be treated as a child!


With the success of the battle on Teresa's side, Xi'er on the other side also slowly stopped the pace of leading Dreamland away. Just as she was worried about the situation on Teresa's side, a sudden voice suddenly echoed beside her .

At the same time, the picture on the screen suddenly stagnated, and the long-lost electronic synthesis sound also sounded——

【Question 12: Among the following options, who appeared in front of Xier?】

[A: Mysterine Shaniat (Hare Rabbit)]

【B: Ai Yi Huberian】

[C: Prometheus No. 17]

【D: Natasha Siora (Raven)】

"Well, this question doesn't feel easy to answer."

Alicia shook her head: "After all, there are no useful clues at all."

"Moreover, these four people seem to have played before, and I feel that they all have a chance."

"Then choose one at random?"

Qiyana said: "Anyway, it's a big deal to answer wrong and accept punishment!"

"...Then let Kiyana choose."

Bronya suggested.

"I, I'm just kidding!"

Qiyana waved her hands again and again: "I've already been punished so many times, I don't want to be punished again!"

"Xie Er, who do you think it will be?"

Teresa asked Xi'er, but Xi'er shook her head: "Xie'er doesn't know."

"Hmph, let me tell you! It's probably that guy named Feather Rabbit!"

Hei Xier suddenly spoke, with a trace of displeasure in her voice: "Didn't you also see the previous plot? That guy found me immediately before going to Kiyana and the others, and imprisoned me alone!"

"—she's a bad woman, no doubt about it!"

"Oh, you actually said I was a bad woman or something...

Mysterin, who hadn't spoken for a long time, couldn't help but speak up when she heard these words: "Heaven and earth conscience, I just care more about my 'kind'."

"Cut! Who is the same kind as you! Stop getting involved with me!"

"...Then, if that's the case, Xier believes in the answer of 'Xieer'.

Xier mustered up her courage, and for the first time took the initiative to choose: "Xieer chooses A: Mysterine Shaniat."

"Hey! Xi'er, don't really choose!"

Hei Xier was a little anxious: "What if I choose the wrong one..."

However, before she finished speaking, the voice of electronic synthesis sounded again.

[The answer is correct, congratulations to Xier Fuleai for getting the Demon Night Star Abyss Experience Card x1 (12 hours)]

"Great, another me, your intuition is not wrong!"

Xi'er laughed happily, while Hei Dichuan heaved a sigh of relief.

"Oh, is it really me?"

Misterine looked a little surprised.

And as the answers to the questions and answers were completed, the images on the screen began to flow again, and a familiar figure appeared in front of Seele, it was Mysterine Shaniat who had left Kevin before.

【"Why, don't you remember me?"

Mysterine smiled slightly and looked at Gu Xiwu.

"You———you dare to appear in front of my eyes?!"

When Hei Xier saw this woman, she immediately became furious: "Very well, this time I will let you feel the fear that penetrates deep into your bones`ˇ!"

"Oh, I still have a bad temper as usual."

Misterine sighed softly. 】

In the picture, Xier still doesn't quite understand the previous dispute between Hexi and Mysterin, but after Hexi's explanation, she immediately understands it.

And Mysterine, who was on the side, also took this opportunity to express her apology, saying that she was just an unrelated person who happened to pass by here, and she had neither done anything nor planned to participate in any of their actions.

However, she happened to know some information that they really needed.

【"Tsk...you'd better stop playing tricks!"

"There's really no tricks."

Facing Hexi's warning, Mysterine just smiled softly: "As far as I know, in this labyrinth of dreams, there happens to be one person who may be able to help you.

"How about it, do you want to enter the dreamland again and look for it?"

Mysterine smiled lightly: "If you are willing to believe me, I will be very happy.

"After all, I've always been an honest man."

Facing Seele's silence, Mysterin bid them farewell—

"Then let's leave it at that?"

Hei Xi frowned: "You—"

"Do not misunderstand."

Mysterin explained: "I just... really don't have much time left in the Essence World."]

In the picture, Mysterin is smiling, her figure gradually blurred, and finally turned into a light cluster similar to a dream, and disappeared in front of Xier.

——just as she appeared.

"Tsk, what the hell is this guy planning to do?"

In the question-and-answer space, Hei Xier had an inexplicable expression on her face: "Suddenly appeared in front of us, talked to herself and then disappeared suddenly."

"Perhaps, it's because the future me likes you very much."

Mysterin smiled slightly: "After all, they are my 'kind'.

"Tch, I said it all, don't confuse me with you!"

Hei Xi snorted coldly and turned his head away.

After bidding farewell to Misterin, Xier chose to accept Misterin's opinion after careful consideration, and entered the dreamland.

At the same time, the picture on the screen changed again——

In the chaotic dream, the girl fell asleep chaotically.

Countless gossamer-like thin threads scattered around her, and the indistinct touch gently fiddled with her thoughts.

In each thin line is a complete story, which goes back and forth like time.

From the girl and the battleship in the dusk, to the beginning and end under the starry sky.

——This is the way of existence of all things in the quasi-time crystal.

In her hazy thoughts, Aiyi seemed to hear someone's call——

【"Who? Who's there?"

"Did I... see the future again?"】

The vague figure turned slightly towards her direction, his lips moved slightly, as if he was talking about something.

"Huh? This back view..."

In the question and answer space, Bronya couldn't help but frowned slightly: "Why does it look a bit like Xi'er?"


Xi'er blinked blankly: "Like me?"

Hei Xier also nodded seriously: "Well, speaking of it this way, it seems that they really do look alike!"

Bronya's eyes lit up: "Could it be Xier's new form?!"

On the other side, as if aware of Ai Yi's state at this time, the figure shook his head and gradually became blurred.

As for Aiyi, she shouted anxiously, and then she woke up from the hazy thoughts——

【"Hmm! Where is this... What happened?"

After a short period of confusion, her sanity was restored, and Aiyi remembered what happened before she was trapped in the dream cage.

"So, am I now in my own dream instead?"

She looked around, and there was darkness all around her: "There is nothing..."

"...It's true, after all, the way I move in the quasi-time crystal is like a human dreaming."

"So, even if I'm trapped in a 'dream', I can't dream of new things."

Aiyi let out a soft breath: "After all, I am just a recorder of the story, not a creator."]

After a short thought, Aiyi decided to find a way to get out of here first.

But before that, there was a doubt in her heart, and she felt that something was wrong, as if she had forgotten something.

And the surroundings are pitch black, so I can't see anything, how can I leave?

Just as she was thinking this way, the light suddenly lit up, illuminating everything around——

【"Why... did someone do something just now?"

Aiyi looked around strangely, but didn't sense any other existence, so she couldn't help but shook her head: "Is it a coincidence... Let's find the exit as soon as possible."]

On the way forward, Aiyi felt that faint breath was watching her all the time, but when she stopped to feel it with her heart, she couldn't feel that existence at all.

——It feels like someone is directly talking to her consciousness.

That existence helped her eliminate the interference and obstacles of this dream space, and guided her to reach the final destination step by step with subtle hints.

【"The exit is in front, right?"

Aiyi asked that consciousness, with a smile on his face: "Thank you."

"Since just now, you have been guiding me...you have been watching us, right?"】

"Eh? Who is Ai-chan talking to?"

Kiyana scratched her head in a daze: "Why didn't I see anything?"

Bronya: "It's not just you, Bronya didn't see it either.

Mei: "I didn't see it either...

Alicia: "Is it possible that Ai-chan is talking to some ghost?"

"No, it's not the ghost hand.

Ai smiled and shook her head.

On the screen, Aiyi seemed to be waiting for the answer from [that existence]. Although no one in the question-and-answer space heard any sound, Aiyi seemed to have received the answer from the other party, and smiled——

【"After all, it's an obvious reminder."

"Because my way of existence is very different, so I can feel the abnormality of this world even more~"

"Excuse me... are you 'Time'?"

【It seems that our understanding of 'time' has some deviations...】

...... what I see, isn't the story in your eyes?"

Ai Yi said: "From the moment I was born, the world in my eyes has been divided into countless parallel periods of time.

"In endless time, I've gone through

Numerous pasts and futures have witnessed countless similar stories.

"Those stories vary in length and length."

** "Some are like a flash in the pan, fleeting."

"Others trickle down to a more distant future.

Ai Yi paused: "The only constant is that I have been watching those stories and watching the future in the stories.

"I didn't realize until recently that these 'times' only exist because of someone. Every time 'he' comes in, the story takes a new turn.

"He has witnessed the beginning and end of the story just like me, eager to look to the further future."

"Every choice he makes will slightly rewrite the story, turning into a face that only belongs to him."

Ai-chan asked: "Is that person...is you?"

————or, is it ‘you’?”]

【......That's right. 】

【"... As expected.

Ai-chan chuckled: "Hello, the beginning and end of time, the origin of all stories."

"Unexpectedly, I will meet you in such a way."

"Before that, I had been a 'witness' of the story, wandering between countless past and future possibilities."

"However, I really didn't expect that one day, I would meet the 'maker' of all these things.

"It was a very moving scene."

Ai-chan said: "And now, you actually appear here, that is to say... the 'future' I saw is within reach. Right?"

【You're right. 】

【Although for me, you are the 'maker'-1

[But this is the so-called theory of relativity. 】

【I want to witness that ending——to be with them. 】

"I knew that after reading their stories, no one would turn a blind eye."

Ai-chan smiled: "After all, that's a rather long story."

"The ignorant girl stumbled all the way, experienced countless laughter and tears, and grew into a reliable Valkyrie.

"It makes people want to say 'Thank you for your hard work, you are the best'." 1

"I want to tell them more——"

【——This is the story you created. 】

"Oh, yes."

Aiyi said with emotion: "It seems that I am indeed the 'life' born because of you.

"Thank you. The long story with you... I finally remembered it too."]

"what does this mean?"

(Wang Li's) Qiyana scratched her head, her expression was a bit confused: "Who is that person Ai-chan mentioned?"

"That is the person who witnessed our story and supported us silently in an invisible place."

Ai Hyperian smiled and said, "Just like us in the question-and-answer space, in those unknown places, in a certain corner of the universe, there are

Many, many people are witnessing our story, witnessing the history we have created, and cheering for our progress!"

"It is with their help that I can leave that dream and return to reality in the future."

"In other words, have they been giving us help and support?"

Mei seemed to understand something.

"But why?"

Bronya tilted her head.

"Of course it's because of love."

Alicia raised a slender finger: "Ah~ I feel so happy when I think that there are so many people in this world who like us and our stories~!"

"Hmph, then their favorite must be the Herrscher of Basic Knowledge!"

The Herrscher of Consciousness put his hands on his hips: "Even if it is someone else, as long as the Herrscher of Basic Consciousness modifies their consciousness a little bit!"

Fu Hua: "Small sense, don't be rude."

Paduofelis smiled: "Hey~ Then, if you want to buy from us in the future, we can make an exception and offer a discount!"

"In any case, we are very grateful."

Teresa put her hand on her chest: "Without their support, I'm afraid we wouldn't be where we are today.

"Yeah, I have witnessed our growth along the way...it must not be an easy thing, Li.

Ji Zi also nodded with emotion: "It's really hard work, thank you for your company."

PS: After looking at it, my cumulative boarding days are 2147 days, except for a period of unloading during the college entrance examination that year, it is basically open all year round... I didn't expect that it would happen in a blink of an eye.

After 6 years... this may be the longest mobile game we have played.

Time flies so fast....

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