Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

460: The Cocoon Of The End Chose Qiyana? Embark On The Road To Becoming The Ultimate!

Not only the people in the question and answer space, but even Lu Sanjia on the screen were very surprised by this.

Kiyana looked around curiously, but Bronya found that Mei seemed to be very familiar with this subway station, so she couldn't help asking

【"Is Mei familiar with this place?"

"Ha, didn't she obtain the power of the Herrscher of Origin just now through this space?"

Facing the puzzled gazes of the Three Law Schools, the Herrscher of Consciousness spread his hands: "I'm sorry—the Herrscher of Power and Consciousness are integrated, and your thoughts have no privacy at all.


Mei was silent for a moment, folded her hands on her chest: "The Herrscher of Knowledge, I can explain it myself."]

"Hehe, Mei, is this embarrassing?"

In the question and answer space, the Herrscher of Knowledge raised his eyebrows: "Afraid that the matter between myself and Alicia will be known by Qiyana?"

"Oh~ even if Kiyana finds out about the matter between Mei and me~"

Alicia smiled slightly: "Right?"


Kiyana: No!"

On the other side, Mei said that this space is related to her, or the "Herserscher of Origin".

Before, in the process of pursuing the so-called 'back door', it was Wei Wei's beacon that led "267" her here.

But just now it was the complete opposite... before they explored it, it just appeared in front of them.

Considering that the signal of the final cocoon has been exposed, this may mean that...they, or someone among them - should be only one step away from becoming the final herrscher.

【"Isn't that obvious?"

The Herrscher of Knowledge couldn't help complaining: "As I said just now, all kinds of Herrscher's powers have gathered from all directions."

"...Raiden Mei, do you really know nothing about this?"

"I really still don't know what the 'power of origin' means. I'm just acting on my intuition...and the result, as you can see.

"But... isn't this a bit too smooth?"

Qiyana asked: "I originally thought that we had to locate the cores of the Herrschers who used to be our enemies in turn, and we could barely get together the power after many battles.

"I agree."

Bronya also nodded: "As far as the current situation is concerned... perhaps there are still some major deviations in our understanding of the Herrscher itself."]

"So, what exactly is the power of the Herrscher of Origin?"

Mei's expression was still very puzzled: "Obviously the future me didn't do anything, but according to Xiaoshi, the reason why they were able to go so smoothly is because of the power of the Herrscher of Shiyuan."

"At this point, maybe Miss Pink Goblin has some clues?"

Bronya asked.


Alicia blinked, then smiled and raised a finger: "Of course she is an omnipotent beautiful girl, she can do anything~!"

Bronya: ".

In the picture, Qiyana suddenly remembered an oolong incident that happened before.

At that time, both she and Bronya were looking for a certain energy. Originally, they thought that the source of that 'energy' was Kevin's 'shadow', but in the end it was Mei who had become the 'Herserscher of Origin'.

[Qiana: "So, some things are not the so-called 'wrongly hit'

Mei: "...but 'sincerity leads to spirit'.

"I want to change the status quo, I want to join you as soon as possible, I want to help Qiyana, I want to make the impossible possible... Every small and sincere wish is the strength that allows me to keep moving forward. "

"And if these desires are brought together in one place—then perhaps, it can also become a 'power'.

...... If it is true, this should be called 'romantic power, right?" Kiyana raised a finger and chuckled.

"Haha... you guys."

Bronya couldn't help but smile too.

While the Lu Sanjia were having a pleasant conversation with each other, the voice of the Lulu Master suddenly sounded—

"Perhaps, I should pour a basin of cold water here?"】

Accompanied by Xiao Shi's voice, Raiden Mei, Bronya and Herrscher Shi who were at the subway station all disappeared, leaving only Qiyana alone.

"Eh? Where's Mei? Where's Bronya? And Xiaoshi?!"

In the question and answer space, Qiyana rubbed her eyes: "Why did they all disappear all of a sudden?"

"Xiaoshi, do you know what's going on?"

Fu Hua asked.

"How do I know? This is something that happens in the future.

The Herrscher of Knowledge spread out his hands, expressing that he was completely confused about the situation.

And the Herrscher of Knowledge in the picture also didn't know what happened. When Qiyana asked her if she could contact Mei and Bronya, the Herrscher of Knowledge tried to build a network of Herrschers of Knowledge to connect Mei and Buronya. Lonya and Xia came in alive.

It turned out that although Mei and Bronya were excluded from the subway station due to unknown reasons, she could still sense the existence of the two and pull them into the Herrscher's network—


After successfully building the Herrscher Network, Mei and Bronya immediately asked about Kiana's condition.

"Mei, Bronya...I'm fine."

Kiyana said that she has no problem: "However, what happened?"

.......have no idea. If you want to make some guesses—perhaps the power of the 'cocoon' has already begun to take effect. "

Mei paused, then asked Kiana: "Are you still in the subway station just now?"

"That's right." Kiyana nodded in confusion.

Bronya was silent for a moment, and expressed her conjecture: "...Then it may be that the cocoon of the end has chosen you on its own initiative, Qiyana."]

"Death Cocoon, chose me?"

In the question and answer space, Qiyana blinked in surprise.

"So that's the case. It seems that the answers given in the previous question and answer space are indeed not wrong."

Bronya understood: "According to this situation, I am afraid that Qiyana can only become the 'Herrscher of the End'."

"However, is it really okay to let Qiyana alone bear the power of the end?"

Ji Zi's expression seemed a bit worried: "I still feel uneasy, even though the future Qiyana has already become a Warrior in charge of her own affairs.

"Relax, Teacher Jizi!"

Qiyana is full of confidence now: "I will be fine in the future!"

【"Well... But, there is only a fog here, and there is nothing else."

After a brief surprise, Qiyana regained her composure: "What should I do now?"

Herrscher of Knowledge, can you do us a favor?"

Mei asked the Herrscher of Knowledge.

"Blind. A good person will do it to the end, and send the Buddha to the west——you don't have to be polite."


Mei is no longer polite: "Right now, I can still feel the will and power of all the Herrschers are continuously converging in the direction of Kiana 0T

"I want you to screen them...and weed out the potentially dangerous ones."

"Are you equivalent to... asking me to fight against the consciousness of several Herrschers alone?"

The Herrscher of Knowledge raised his eyebrows: "Wow~ That's great."

"...If you can't do it, I won't force it either.

Mei explained: "But Bronya and I will still try to project our consciousness there, at least to help Kiana stabilize the space.

"I said... Are you looking down on the 'Herserscher of Consciousness' a little too much?"

The Herrscher of Consciousness suddenly felt that his strength was being questioned: "Fight against the consciousness of several dead Herrschers? Even if you are a big living person like you, I will not be afraid at all, okay!

Bronya flattered her wittyly: "Heh...... you are indeed the Herrscher of Knowledge."]

"Wait a minute, why do I feel like I was deceived by your teaming up again?"

In the question-and-answer space, as an outsider, the Herrscher of Knowledge obviously sensed something was wrong: "Are you saying this on purpose to lure me into taking the bait?"

"how could be."

Bronya frowned solemnly: "As the Herrscher of Consciousness, how could the Herrscher of Consciousness be fooled by such a trick like tricking a child."

"This kind of thing is impossible, non-existent, and unrealistic."

"...Hmph, that's right!"

Although the Herrscher of Knowledge felt that something was wrong, he still took it for granted: "It's okay to deceive children with this little trick, but you want to deceive me? Huh! Dreaming!"

Fu Hua:

Mei: "(hold back, can't laugh)"

【"However, projecting consciousness in such a situation...wouldn't it be very dangerous?"

Qiyana was a little worried.

"It's just the difference between active and passive."

Mei explained: "This white mist seems to be screening all Herrschers except you. In the end, we may still be reabsorbed by it.

"Or...you have found a way to master the power of the end, and now you don't need our help?"

".....…I see."

After thinking for a moment, Qiyana nodded with firm eyes: "If the responsibility of making everyone equal to Kevin falls on my shoulders-of course I will not refuse every piece of help given to me."

"Just waiting for your words."

Bronya chuckled lightly, then said sternly: "Qiana, let's try to clear up some confusion for you first.

Herrscher of Knowledge: "But doing that...the connection between us may also be temporarily disconnected."

Mei: "Well...be prepared for this, Kiyana."

"—————We are about to start."]

"Finally, is it about to start!"

In the question-and-answer space, Qiyana clenched her fists nervously, her expression a little excited and uneasy: "The future me, the road to become the Herrscher of the End!"

"Kiana.......should be fine, right?"

Mei had a worried expression on her face.

"Hmph! Don't worry, Mei!"

Qiyana patted her chest confidently, and put her hands on her hips: "Since she is the 'Hersher of the End' appointed by the Cocoon of End, I will definitely not let everyone down!"

Youlandelle couldn't help but care: "Qiana, Riding must be careful."

"Yeah! Got it, sister!"

Teresa exhorted in disbelief: "Be careful! Kiyana!"

"Got it, big aunt!".

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