Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

465: Qi Bao: Thank You, Captain Hyperion!

"This Hyperion is really different from the Hyperion we usually see!"

Looking at the Huberian on the screen, Qiyana's expression was very curious: "Although the decoration and layout are exactly the same as the Huberian we usually see, it always feels like there is something more."

"——It makes people feel very warm."

She caressed her chest, feeling that it was warm there, like a stove in winter.

Bronya also muttered to herself: "Indeed. For some reason, Bronya also feels an inexplicable sense of closeness to this Huberian.

Mei also nodded: "Me too. Is it because this Hyperion is the same as the Hyperion we usually see?"

Aiyi smiled without saying a word.

"But how did I get on Hyperion?"

Qiyana looked puzzled, but soon, her question was answered.

Because the picture on the screen changed again, we came to the familiar St. Freya

St. Freya Academy, a brief farewell is being staged.

【"Is everything ready? It's time to go."

Teresa looked to the three families of the law, seeking their advice.

"......OK, I understand."

Qi "083" Yana nodded: "We all hope that this is the last battle."

"———We are also ready to bring the best ending for everyone to this world."

"The three of you together are already equal to Kevin's strength."

Fu Hua said: "And Kevin... is probably waiting for you too."

"—For a long time, in endless torment, he has been looking forward to our answer."

"We will give a fact-based answer."

Mei's voice seems to be recalling the past, which is the memory she experienced in the paradise of the past: "Whether it is him, or those names that have been buried by history... I hope our answer, It can make them smile with joy.”]

"Oh, Mei, did you think of us?"

Alicia smiled in surprise: "It's really happy, even at this critical moment, Mei still hasn't forgotten our agreement~!"

"Well, yes."

Mei also smiled slightly: "After all, we made an agreement."

"The future me must also think the same way, and bring your expectations, your blessings, and your beliefs to the future Kevin."


On the other side, Seele also said goodbye to Bronya—

【"Sister Bronya, Kiyana, Mei, please do your best."

Tesla: "Yeah, it's make or break - it's up to you!

Einstein: "The fate of mankind is in our hands at this moment."

"Don't worry, Doctor."

Bronya said: "We are not lonely Warriors. Outside of this battle, we are just a part of hundreds of millions of human beings, the insignificant bits of 'civilization'.

Kiyana answered: "But——we took over their important treasure;"

Mei also said: "I also inherited those heavy and contradictory ideals."

Bronya: "We will step on their footsteps...and then, beyond the end."

Kiyana took a deep breath, and when she opened her eyes again, there was only determination in her eyes: "So, shall we go?"

"Yeah." Mei nodded.

"Bronya will build a 'star gate' here to transport us back to New Atra.

Bronya said: "And then——we set off from there, confronting Kevin and pulling him off his eternal throne."]

Just when Bronya was planning to use the power of the Herrscher of Reason to build a stargate and return to New Atra on the moon, a familiar voice suddenly entered everyone's eardrums.

In the next second, the figure of Aiyi Huberian appeared in front of everyone.

She told everyone that she has a gift for everyone, if you don't mind, can you accept it?

Facing Aiyi's request, Bronya was a little puzzled

【"Seele told us about you. But why

Before Bronya finished speaking, Aiyi took over the conversation——

"Why did I suddenly appear here? Why did I choose to help you? Or... I am clearly more similar to the dream, but why must I stand on the side of humans?"

Aiyi smiled: "To be honest, it's all my willfulness."

"In the 'Pseudo Time Crystal', I witnessed everything about you, and saw all your past and future."

"Although this is indeed just a one-way emotion...but unconsciously, I have already regarded myself as your partner.

Ai continued: "So, as this story is about to come to an end, I want to join this story, and I want to be your help."

.......Everything I do, just start from this simple idea. "

She paused, then suddenly said again: "You who are in another dimension"... There must be someone who thinks this way, right?"]


Qiyana was stunned: "Aiyi, who are you talking to?"

Mei said uncertainly: "It should be, not us?"

"You who are in another dimension—clearly not us.

Bronya said.


As if thinking of something, the mechanical life named "Ai Huberian" showed a gentle smile

【"Since I will witness your stories countless times in the future, at this moment, I hope you can also listen to me tell a story."】

In the picture, Aiyi slowly tells the story——

Once upon a time, there was a lonely boy...well, maybe a girl?

Girls live aimlessly, don't know what they want, and don't know what kind of person they will become.

In this way, she wandered around the world...meeting many people and experiencing many partings.

The girl is constantly growing... She has done many wrong and stupid things and hurt some people; she has also done more right and smart things and saved more people.

She accepted everyone's love, and she endured everyone's hate.

There are many, many people who love her, and those who hate her even include herself.

Just like that... the seed called 'humanity' gradually matured in her body, sprouted, and bloomed into beautiful flowers.

But now, she has finally found the way she wants to go, and she is determined to realize the future she pursues.

Above, this is the story about her——a story that is not yet finished.....

"Uh... what you said..."

In the question-and-answer space, Qiyana couldn't help being a little confused after hearing Aiyi's story.

Mei was also a little dazed: "Aren't you really talking about us?"

【"If you have to say that, then this is your story."

Aiyi smiled: "But... this is also the story of thousands of other people."

"I don't really care who the protagonist of this story is - because it could be your story, my story, the story of many people."

"Just like the stigmata project you are facing... The 'story' itself also has power."

"Similar stories attract similar people. Maybe it's just a moment, a sentence, maybe an experience, or a long conversation. They found themselves in each other's shadow

Aiyi said softly: "So, the story is no longer just a story, but has become a mirror; in this vast world, they have never seen each other, but they have a good friend."

"They are happy because of the happiness in the story, and sad because of the sadness in the story."

"These emotions, like drops of water, converge into streams and oceans."

"And thus...in the story itself, there are ripples."】

Accompanied by Ai Yi's words, countless blessings from captains outside the world gradually appeared on the screen, and a short sentence of blessings appeared on the screen, gradually occupying the entire screen.

【Fight for all the beauty in the world!】

【Humanity will eventually defeat Honkai!】

[This world has never been beautiful, but there must always be someone who moves towards the better and brings laughter to everyone]

【I love Alicia forever!】

【Sister Mei, I don’t want to die!】

【Fire burns forever, virtue never dies

【No matter what the price is, mankind will surely defeat Honkai!】


Qi Bao opened her eyes wide: "I didn't expect so many people to pay attention to us!"

Mei put her hand on her chest and smiled sincerely: "Although I can't talk to him, thank you for your continuous support.

A smile appeared on Bronya's face 0.8: "Bronya is too, thank you for your attention all the time.'

Alicia happily waved her arms: "Me too~ Thank you everyone~! Ms. Fairy will continue to work hard in the future~!"

Patofelice: "Wait a minute! Why did that line appear?!"

【"Please believe that every story of yours, every smile, every tear...someone will firmly remember it for you."

Ai said: "This is me, this is the reason we are here..."

"Please set off bravely——we are with you."]

Countless grand rays of light bloomed from Aiyi's body, condensed in the brilliance of the galaxy, and finally constructed the outline of Hyperion.

"I see..………"

Kiyana nodded lightly: "This is, everyone's Huberian......"

【"Thank you, Aiyi."

Kiyana whispered: "There is also...'you' standing behind her.

"Haha, since you learned about and witnessed all our experiences from Huberian, it's okay for me to call you that—"

Kiyana smiled and said, "Thank you, Huberian's 'Captain'."].

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