Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

481: Star Train? Carol And Walter Are Going To Space!

In the picture, what catches everyone's eyes is a quiet sky, a ray of dawn slowly shines down, and the light sprinkles on a young girl's face like a tide.

"Hey! Then, isn't that person me!"

In the question and answer space, Carol stared at herself on the screen in shock, and was a little surprised for a while: "Is it possible that I am the protagonist in this plot?!"


For a long time, Carol has been watching other people's stories, although it has brought her a lot of emotions, but if possible——she still wants to witness the feeling of becoming the protagonist!

What's more, even in the original post-Honkai book, Carol was the main supporting role!

"so good."

Timido whispered, with an envious expression on her face: "Carol has appeared, and I don't know if I will appear this time......"

"Hey~ Xiaoti cheer up! There will always be a chance!"

Carol cheered for Timido.

On the other side, the picture on the screen is still playing, and I saw Carol looking up at the sky with a dazed expression——

【"The rose quartz sky is beautiful though."

"But, she couldn't see it."]


Seeing the slightly sad words of herself on the screen, the expression on Carol's face couldn't help being stunned: "Who is she?"

"Why do you always feel that the development of the plot suddenly becomes sad?"

Carol scratched her head worriedly: "No, what kind of knife plot is it?"

——That kind of thing, don’t do it!

"Although it is said that Carol's world is already at the point in time when Honkai was cleared from the earth, but..."

Bronya calmly analyzed: "Considering those so-called 'people in the sky', maybe a new round of crisis will come soon.

"Hmph! These guys dare to engage in business on Earth when Miss Ben is not on Earth!"

Kiyana put her hands on her hips, her expression was very angry: "Wait for me! After I return to Earth, I will have you looking good!"

"Actually, there is no need to bother Qiyana."

Theresa slowly opened her mouth: "After all, although we still don't know how strong the 'Heavenly Man' is, after all, everyone on Earth has experienced the darkest period. The enemy will never sit still."

"Yeah, not to mention the future Mei is still so powerful."

Ji Zi nodded: "It's easy to kill Void Wanzang in seconds, and there are also Youlandelle, Li Sushang, Fu Hua, and even the Herrscher of Talking."

"Although the future Kiyana is on the moon, everyone on Earth is not a vegetarian.

In any case, they are still the most cutting-edge combat power among human beings. Even if the Houkai energy in the post-Honkai period has been reduced by more than half, if they feel powerless without the Houkai ability, that would be too underestimating The Valkyrie of Destiny.

"So, I don't know what will become of everyone in the future々!"

Qiyana said, her expression not only lost in thought: "Sister's words, will it still be the same as before?"

"Considering the future changes of Mei and Bronya, it always feels unlikely."

Teresa couldn't help but imagine: "But I think, after all, she is Cecilia's own daughter, so it is very likely that she will become like Cecilia in the future, right?"

"Mama Cecilia..."

Youlandelle's expression was slightly stunned, recalling Cecilia's appearance, she couldn't help falling into silence.

"Squad leader and Herrscher of Knowledge must still look the same as before."

Bronya crossed her arms and analyzed rationally: "After all, to the class monitor... the crickets' ten years is nothing at all.

"Who knows."

The law of knowledge spread his hands: "With the personality of the old antique, maybe he will really live in Taixu Mountain and continue to live a life of poverty and happiness."

.Not really. "

Fu Hua shook his head: "Although I really haven't figured out what to do in the future, since the future me has chosen to integrate into this era, it will naturally not be like the past."

"If it's us, as long as we can sleep well every day. It's fine if we don't go hungry!

Patofelice scratched her head with a smile.

"Well, if there is really no Honkai, I always feel that everyone will live an ordinary and harmonious life like the 'Golden Garden' I saw before~"

Alicia raised a slender finger, pressed it against her lips and said with a light smile: "How should I put it, Ellie, I really want to experience that kind of life~"

Putting aside the communication in the question-and-answer space, in the picture, with the rising of dawn, a ray of rising sun breaks the silence of the city.

The roar of machinery sounded like gears meshing and rotating, and along with the buzzing of the flute, tracks rose from the ground of the city, and the quaint locomotive roared from the tunnel.

And Carol, who followed Walter in the elevator and slowly descended to the ground, saw the train entering the waiting area through the transparent glass.

I saw that the railroad track on which the train was standing rose slowly, and then fitted into another railroad rail in an upright posture—as if it was indicating that it was going to fly to the sky.

"Hey, hello! Is this a rocket, or a train?"

Seeing this scene, the Herrscher of Knowledge couldn't hold back the emotion of complaining: "It is reasonable, even if the collapse is expelled, and the future technology has been greatly developed, it is impossible to build a road that leads directly to the moon. The railroad tracks of the universe?"

—————Please respect physics, okay?”

"However, you forgot one fact, Herrscher of Knowledge."

Einstein raised a finger and emphasized: "Although in the future world, most of the Houkai have been expelled from the earth, there are still a small amount of Houkai that can take root on the earth.

"And Honkai is omnipotent."

On the other side, with the completion of the installation of the train track, the sound of the broadcast announcement slowly spread to everyone's eardrums—

[Platform No. 4, force control begins

In the picture, Carol and Walter have already entered the train, and I saw Carol running briskly on the train, completely ignoring the gravitational force on the earth.

And as the two entered the train, the roar of the energy engine gradually sounded, indicating that the train was slowly starting.

"That... Actually, I wanted to say it from the beginning..."

In the question-and-answer space, Weiwei couldn't help but raised her hand: "By the way, you really don't think this train...is it very similar to the second God's Key I made? A Thousand Worlds One Car?"

"Is it a thousand worlds..."

Su stared at the train on the screen, even though he could barely see the tip of the iceberg, it was undoubtedly as Wei Wei said: "Indeed, the appearance is indeed very similar to that of the Thousand Worlds."

"It's better to say, besides Wei Wei's One Thousand Worlds, is there really that kind of train that can fly to the universe?"

Although he is very repulsive to some of Wei Wei's design tastes, Mebius is also willing to admit in his heart that Wei Wei's design ideas and abilities are definitely the best of their time, and no one can surpass them.

If it is Wei Wei's One Thousand Worlds, then it is very reasonable that this train can fly into the sky.

"What's more, although the collapse has been expelled from the earth, the God's Key will not disappear or completely lose its effect because of this. "

Mebius continued: "I guess based on Wei Wei's design ideas, a thousand worlds should not be so inconvenient."

"Hey~ As expected of Dr. Mebius, you really know me very well!"

Wei Wei put her hands on her hips with an arrogant expression.

"Then that means, this train is very likely to be a ride in a thousand worlds?"

Qi Bao blinked, her expression blank for a moment.

All in all, in the picture on the other side, Carol and Walter are already sitting in the seats of the train.

And Carol stared blankly at the White flowers in her palm, wondering what she was thinking.

Seeing her like this, Varta couldn't help saying slowly: "Fortunately, it will come again.


Carol woke up from the memories and turned to look at Walter.

"You are holding the words of lily-of-the-valley."

Walter explained.

Following Walter's explanation, Carol couldn't help but fall into a memory...

【"Pick it up." (Zhao Wang's) This is a scene that Carol once dreamed of in a dream. A girl with pink and white shoulder-length short hair gave her this lily-of-the-valley flower and said with a smile: " this is for you

"Now, I can only do this."】

"Huh? Who is this?"

Carol blinked blankly: "A girl I've never seen before."

"Why does it look a bit like Entangled Fate?"

The Herrscher of Knowledge broke the Dimensional Wall and complained.

The entanglement is perfect!

["Mr. Walter, I'm having this dream again... It's strange..."

Carol woke up from her dream, looked out through the glass at the fading city, and turned her head to look at the calm Walter.

And Walter just pushed the glasses frame silently. 】

"So, are Mr. Shire and Mr. Walter visiting me?"

Qiyana scratched her head, her expression was somewhat puzzled: "Although I don't mind, logically speaking, if you really want to visit me, shouldn't it be Mei or Bronya?"

"—I always feel that it's not that simple."

PS: Recommend a friend's new book: "Benghuai: Opening to save the top ten meanings is difficult to level"

In other words, no one really thinks that the star train is very similar to the second key of God......

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