Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

486: Mingyue's Favor? Witness A Long Journey Of 6 Years!

"However, I really didn't expect it——

Ji Zi stretched her waist: "Unknowingly, we have all witnessed from the first Qiyana to the last Qiyana."

"Yeah, obviously we watched Kiyana's ending in advance through the question and answer space, but it feels like a long, long time has passed..."

Teresa also seemed to feel something: "As Kiana said - when a story is about to end, we always think of its beginning.

"It's like——everything is back to the way it was before."

As if to indicate the words of everyone, the picture on the screen changed unpredictably for a while, and a brand new scene appeared in a blink of an eye.

What caught everyone's eyes was a series of pictures, and on the first picture, a door was drawn.

"Eh? What does this mean?"

As soon as Qi Bao finished speaking, her voice came from the screen——

【"Bengkai, it breeds misfortune, destroys peace, and plunges the world into unprecedented turmoil......"

"But adversity can also inspire goodwill and hope.

"A girl's story never begins with a disaster."

"It's... one after another, tiny beauty."]

"Kiana is right, everything has two sides."

Fu Hua nodded and agreed: "When difficulties make us suffer setbacks and become disheartened, they are also honing our strength and faith."

"That's right."

Teresa also nodded: "And the more difficult the predicament is, the more human beings can unite and face difficulties together!"

"But... that's not what I said..."

Qiyana blinked: "Although, the voice in the picture is indeed me..."

On the other side, the closed door suddenly opened, revealing the second scroll.

On the screen are the original three royal families—————Qiana, Mei and Bronya.

The three of them got together, and Bronya leaned on Mei's shoulder, pretending to be in a deep sleep.

On the other side, Kiyana is wrapping Mei's wound, and the faint light shines on the three girls, warm and beautiful.

【"At that time, they tried their best to escape the pursuit of the Houkai Beast."

"With exhaustion and scars all over his body, he hid in the dilapidated apartment.

"The night is so long...but with a heart-to-heart friend, it is enough to welcome the dawn."】

"So, Bronya approached us back then with ulterior motives!"

Kiyana put her hips on her hips: "Hmph! This lady has already seen it! If it weren't for Mei, this lady might have beaten Bronya away at that time!"

"Based on the stupid Kiyana at that time, Bronya didn't pay attention at all."

Bronya also responded tit for tat: "If it wasn't for Sister Mei's sake, Bronya would have driven the idiot Kiana away long ago."

"Hey! It was obviously my lady and Mei who met first! Mei must be more willing to go with me!"

Qi Bao asked Mei excitedly: "Right! Mei!"

Alright, you two.

Mei smiled embarrassingly: "It's better to watch quietly, we are not together anymore, and we can still quarrel with such vigor."

"Haha, haven't they been like this all the time?"

Teresa and Ji Zi also looked at each other and smiled: "How should I put it, after reading the story of the future, such a quarrel makes people feel very warm.

"I agree." Ji Zi smiled.

【"After the wonderful encounter, the three girls had a precious time."

"They are either wandering around the campus, or playing wildly..."

The three girls in Valkyrie uniforms, Bronya is playing with the handheld, Kiyana is looking at the screen with excitement, and Mei is smiling gently, watching the two .

At this moment, Ji Zi emerged from the grass, holding a roll of paper inside.

"Or.....fighting wits and courage with the teacher..."

Kiyana's voice revealed a nostalgic chuckle, and then said again: "Yeah, we can't go back to the past.

"But the glimmer of light given to us by the past can illuminate the future."]

"Oh~ Those times are really nostalgic."

Ji Zi crossed her arms, her eyes seemed to be recalling the past: "At that time, you were still a group of naughty children.

"Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, each of them became a Herrscher on their own... Oh no, it should be called a Valkyrie."

"I always feel that if this continues, I will retire soon~!"

"What nonsense are you talking about, Jizi?"

Theresa squinted at her: "You are still so young, why did you retire so early?"

"Haha, I was just talking casually."

Ji Zi smiled: "After all, seeing that my group of students will grow to such an unmatched level in the future, I can't help but feel the passage of time.

"But it doesn't mean—are you a good teacher worthy of respect?"

Teresa blinked and said with a smile.

On the other side, the screen transformed into Bronya in the form of Herrscher of Reason, and opposite her, a Blue butterfly turned into Seele.

The palms of the two girls slowly pressed together, as if to symbolize the reunion of the two——

[The girl of this belief, the butterfly shadow chasing color. "

In the name of reason, reach the end of the deep sea..."

"When the two people's agreement turns into a unified will, the flowers on the other side will finally bloom."】

In a blink of an eye, the picture came back to Qiyana and Mei who came to Changkong City together with umbrellas

【"And between them...

Even if words can't convey everything, even if actions sometimes deviate from the original wish...."

The next moment, the rain was over and the sky was clear. The girl put away her umbrella and looked at the sky after the rain with her companions.

"But as long as they are willing to open their hearts, they can always overcome the difficulties that they could not overcome before."

"Good friend, isn't that the case."】

"Yeah, even though Mei beat me very hard at that time, I still forgive Mei!"

Qi Bao patted her chest: "Hey~ After all, my lady's body is very strong!"

...... Hug, sorry, Kiana. "

Although this was not done by Mei at this moment, it was after all her future self, and Mei felt somewhat apologetic in her heart.

"I said it's okay~ Mei.

Qi Bao shook her head and smiled cheerfully: "Miss Ben has nothing at all!"

On the screen, in the anti-entropy salt lake base, Qiyana, dressed as Sky Ranger, was having dinner with Bronya and Xier. The surrounding people were in twos and threes, and the atmosphere was silent and dead——

【"For those who are not very familiar, the girl has deliberately avoided and did not make excuses."

""She knows where the concerns come from, and she also understands jealousy and alienation. '

That happened during the period of the Herrscher of Dominance. At that time, Qiyana, who had hurt many people because of the Herrscher of the Sky, had been avoiding contact with others in her heart, and did not want to hurt everyone again——

"But she never expected..."

"Those enthusiasm and kindness actually linger in everyone's heart."

"Just wait for time to take away the hidden worries, or the flames will ignite tomorrow."】

"This is also the moment when Kiyana undergoes a major change."

Looking at Kiyana surrounded by the crowd in the picture, Teresa said: "The courage from escaping to facing everything, finally turned into the Herrscher of Fire that burns everything.

"Although it is not the first time I have said this, but now, I still want to say it again——

Ji Zi smiled and said, "I'm proud of you, Kiyana."

"Thank you, Teacher Jizi!"

Kiyana smiled heartily.

At the same time, Mei on the other side also stepped into the paradise of the past——

【"In a distant foreign land, the girl's partner is exploring the secrets of the past alone......

"She experienced the miracle of the spiral, and also witnessed the luck of empty dreams."

"She appreciates the paintings of stars, and feels the infinite pursuit and obliterated sincerity."

"And in the more distant past, those thirteen fire chasers also had an ordinary daily life that was no different from others. (Wang Nuozhao)"

————Their stories are all firmly remembered by the girl in her heart. "]

"This is, Mei's happy experience in the past!"

Alicia smiled: "Oh~ I didn't expect it to be so long~"

"Obviously it feels like it hasn't been long..."

"Yeah, time just goes by inadvertently."

Eden said in agreement: "I really hope that time will last forever."

The playback on the screen is still going on, it is on the Hyperion in space, Bronya is looking at Walter in the sky—

【"Because of his kindness, the will of mankind can be passed on."

In the next second, Walter's figure dissipated.

The figure of Leiden Mei appeared in the picture, holding a pink crystal flower in her hand—

"Because of their dedication, the fire of civilization can continue."

The last one to appear, "It's Kiana the Herrscher of Salary——

"Because of everyone's wish...the three girls are able to stand side by side here."】

The picture finally freezes on the three people who incarnate as the Herrscher of Truth, the Herrscher of Origin and the Herrscher of End—

【”——Fight for all the good things in the world.”

"Never out of fear of losing, but out of... 'We have'."].

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