Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

496: Lord's Birth? March 7Th, Artificial Respiration!

"Wow! That silver wolf's weapon looks so cool!"

Looking at the weapons used by the silver wolf in the battle, Qiyana's expression was very surprised: "At first, I thought that even Bronya in another world would use cannons or summon a weapon similar to a reloaded bunny. Such an existence to fight.

"————I didn't expect such a cool sword!"

"Indeed, even Bronya herself did not think of it."

Bronya stared at the weapon Silver Wolf was fighting with: "However, this weapon... feels really cool.

"Unfortunately, Bronya is not very good at using this kind of black sword."

She shook her head regretfully: "Small knives and daggers are fine, and long-range weapons such as ordnance are also familiar. This type of weapon... I really haven't learned it systematically, although I often play games. Just use those types of characters."

"So, isn't that woman named Kafka the samurai sword she used?"

The Herrscher of Knowledge pointed out: "Mei and Sakura should be familiar with this, aren't you two professionals?"

Mei nodded slowly: "This is..."

Sakura said earnestly: "Forgive me to be blunt, this Miss Kafka's sword skills are only playing a supporting role [her combat method is closer to the combination of spear and sword that Kiyana used in the period of Herrscher of the Ultimate. "

"Combine gun and sword to fight!"

Kiyana put her hands on her hips and smiled: "I will look like a dad in the future!"

"I just hope that Kiyana won't learn from Siegfried's bad habits..."

Teresa sighed worriedly.

At the same time, on the other side of the screen, Kafka and Silver Wolf also successfully defeated this group of antimatter legions and arrived at their destination——

[Kafka looked around for a week: "Where is the star core?"

"Elio's script did not mention the specific location of the 'Star Core', that is to say, in the future he saw..."

Silver Wolf paused for a moment, but Kafka already knew what she was going to say, so she took the bait—

"We did not find the 'star core' through physical means of movement."

Silver Wolf was noncommittal: "There are so many unimaginable things in this space station, and it's not surprising that there are such objects."

"Using 'strange things' to hide 'wonderful things' is indeed something that woman would do... You've been looking through the catalog for so long, so you must have a clue?" Kafka asked.

"The necessary clues are all there, and then only a little skill is needed."

Silver Wolf poked his waist confidently: "Help me investigate the terminal equipment in the room, the 'strange thing' may be inside."

"Okay, let's see your performance~"]

"Hey! Bronya, you're right!"

Kiyana pointed: "It's too late to turn around now!"

"Stupid Kiana, Bronya in another world obviously can't hear it."

Bronya shook her head.

"And, even if you hear it, you probably won't care about it."

Braun shrugged too.

As [Bronya], although they are all individuals from different worlds, they are well aware of [their own] character.

Even whether it is Bronya or Braun, both of them have had similar hacking experiences...Of course, these are secrets that cannot be said.

And on the other side of the screen—

【"How about it, what did you find?"

While Yinlang was busy with himself, he casually asked Ka Huang Ka beside him.

"Do you know how many monitors there are in this room~?" Kafka asked her back.

"I don't know, and I don't need to know."

"Then what's the importance of investigating these things?"

"I won't let you sit idle." Silver Wolf said solemnly.

Kafka: 1

"Wow! I feel that this Bronya is so disgusting!"

Qi Bao showed a delicate expression: "It reminds me of the days when I was teased by Bronya!"

"Sure enough, no matter which world Bronya is in, they all have something in common."

Mei seemed a little nostalgic.

【"Hey, the storage device of this terminal is missing...

"This is the monitoring room. It's a tradition in the industry to delete the database and run through it."

Silver Wolf responded casually: "You better come here, this kind of investigation is not efficient at all."

"So, what's your plan?"

Kafka walked over, folded her arms and said, "I'm all ears.

"It directly hacked the surveillance system," Yinlang said.

"Ah, so it is."

Kafka came to a sudden: "The collection of the Black Tower must be independent of the system, so what is not affected is the target."]

With the conversation between Kafka and Silver Wolf, the same sign appeared on the electronic screens in the entire monitoring room in an instant, and Silver Wolf looked at one of the monitors calmly.

【"Simple and crude but effective. You see, I found it."

Kafka smiled, then walked to the only unaffected computer screen, looked at the screen: "What is this?"

"Wonderful item number 211 'Blind zone of vision': a simple deflected light field, making things in the zone less noticeable, but as long as other things are no longer conspicuous, it will be revealed."

"Heita hides her treasure with such a simple gadget?"

Kafka was a little surprised.

"The simpler the trick, the harder it is to see through. Isn't this our motto?"]

In the picture, after the silver wolves successfully cracked the secret of the black tower, they also successfully found the hiding place of the (star core.

Although this star core has been equipped with layers of protection measures, it was easily cracked by the technology of the top hacker Silver Wolf, and was finally successfully taken out by Kafka.

...Is this the star core?"

Mebius stared at the gleaming star core, as if he could still feel the powerful energy fluctuations from it even from the other side of the screen.

"It feels a bit similar to the core of the Herrscher..."

Qiyana also muttered to herself: "Is there any relationship between these two?"

"Who knows."

Tesla crossed his arms: "Another world naturally has another world's operating rules, and judging by the level of technology in their world, they can travel freely in the universe. It’s already something that has been studied clearly.”

"I never thought that Joachim would travel to such a dangerous place."

Einstein couldn't help frowning: "I'm afraid even the Herrscher of Reason may not be able to protect himself in such a world."

On the screen, as Kafka took the star core, Silver Wolf also sent the carrier that had been prepared to her.

It was a girl with gray hair and long hair, she was falling into a deep sleep at the moment, her sleeping face was peaceful and her breathing was even.

It was as if he had no idea of ​​the future he was about to face.

Kafka walked up to her, admiring her sleeping face——

【"How much does she remember?"

"At least I will remember you." Silver Wolf said while manipulating the system.

Kafka showed a meaningful smile on her face, and then forcefully pressed the star core in her hand into the gray-haired girl's body.

"--Time to wake up."】

The light of the star core poured into it instantly, and the sleeping gray-haired girl gradually woke up, and she slowly opened a line of eyelids.

What appeared in the field of vision were the faces of Kafka and Silver Wolf.

She stared blankly at the two of them for a while, then looked back at Kafka, who was close at hand, and slowly said——

【.......Who are you?"

There was a flash of surprise in Kafka's eyes, and then he looked at Silver Wolf, as if he was asking: "Didn't you say you will remember me?"

Silver Wolf shrugged: "Maybe you are not as important as you think?"

Kafka sighed softly, then stared at the gray-haired girl, her voice sounded as if it came directly from her mind, revealing some kind of fatal temptation——

"Listen to me: there's a lot of confusion in your head right now. You don't know who you are, why you're here, what you're going to do next; you feel familiar [but don't know whether you should trust me——"

- but none of that matters. "

"The important thing is that I'm leaving, and I'm going to leave you alone in this space station. So from now on, you don't have to think about the past, and you don't have to doubt yourself anymore."

Kafka’s voice seems to possess some kind of magical power, and one cannot help but want to calm down and listen to her words: “Listen to me: you will encounter many dangers and be in dire predicaments; but you will also encounter So many wonderful things. You'll have company like family and embark on adventures you never dreamed of..."

"And at the end of the journey, all the mysteries that plagued you will be solved."

Kafka smiled with rare tenderness: "This is the future that Elio foresees and the future you will arrive in... Do you like it?"

The gray-haired girl nodded slowly.

"now it's right."

Kafka's smile was even happier, and she continued to induce with words: "Listen to me: remember the feeling at this moment. As long as you have a direction in your heart, you will definitely reach the end of the story.

- I just like you like this. "]

"Well, why do you feel that Kameka's tone and atmosphere have changed?"

Qiyana scratched her head in a daze: "There is an inexplicable feeling.

"Maybe it's some kind of 'speech spirit'?"

Otto replied in a rare way: "In other words, just like the hypnotic ability of 'Yu Duchen', I am afraid that this Miss Kafka has such a special ability."

"Hmph! Compared to my Yu Duchen, it's still far behind!"

The Herrscher of Knowledge crossed his arms and dismissed it with disdain: "If it's the Herrscher of Basic Knowledge, you don't need to talk at all, you just need to snap your fingers and you're done!"

"But who is this gray-haired girl?"

Li Sushang pinched her chin, with a suspicious expression: "Silver Wolf and Kafka have worked so hard to get the star core, why did they hand it over to her so easily?"

"Also, listening to Miss Kafka's speech, she seems to be very clear about what will happen in the future?"

Youlandelle also fell into deep thought: "Could it be that she knows about the future of this gray-haired girl?"

"This question may not be answered until later."

Rita explained respectfully.

On the other side, Silver Wolf's urging voice sounded——

【"How much longer do you want to talk? According to the script, the people on the star train are coming soon, we shouldn't take photos with them.

"I know, Silver Wolf."

Kafka said: "After a while, it will be red."

Tight (Wang Wang's) Then, she fixed her gaze on the gray-haired girl's face again, and whispered

"It's almost time, I should go...Listen to me: someone will find you soon, so go with them. You don't remember anything but me."

"When you have the opportunity to make a choice, don't let yourself regret it..."]

Accompanied by Kafka's words, the gray-haired girl's consciousness suddenly became groggy, and the scene in her vision was also blurred.

The moment Kafka got up and turned away with Silver Wolf, she never

Unable to support his consciousness, he passed out on the ground.

The field of vision also fell into darkness.

"By the way, have you noticed—"

Fu Hua was keenly aware of the clues in Kafka's words: "Whenever Kafka uses the ability that can hypnotize people, he will add the prefix 'Listen to me'."

"Then how to stretch?"

The law of knowledge asked back.

"It may not be useful for us in the question-and-answer space, but for people in that world, it can at least play some defensive role. 11

Fu Hua explained: "It is not possible to be recruited unconsciously.

On the other side, after an unknown amount of time, in the pitch-black picture, everyone in the question-and-answer space vaguely heard voices in twos and threes

["The coordinates of this person are not sent by the space station..." This is a serious male voice.

"What's the point now.

The lively female voice said: "Such a living person is right in front of our eyes, so it can't be fake.

.......Heartbeat and pulse are weak. "

The male voice continued: "March, prepare for artificial respiration. It's 11.

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