Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

500: The Mystery Of Walter's Life Experience? The Real Hammer Collapses The World!

After making a decision, Ji Zi also led everyone to board the star train, and set off together to prepare for the next destination.

And on the train, everyone in the question and answer space also saw Walter, whom he had not seen for a long time.

As for the pioneer, after getting familiar with everyone, he also went to Walter and had a conversation with him.

Walter was obviously also very interested in this gray-haired girl with a star core hidden in her body, and answered her questions truthfully. However, when the pioneer asked him about his past, Walter was vague. speech

【"my past?"

Walter said calmly: "I'm going to disappoint you, I'm just a common office worker.

"In my hometown, I worked as an original painting designer in an animation studio."】

"Well, considering the changes in the future, it seems that there is nothing wrong with him saying that!"

In the question-and-answer space, when Tesla heard Walter's speech, he hesitated to speak, with a delicate expression.

"It is well known that a true lie deceives a man better."

Einstein said: "As expected of our leader, he is really good at deceiving little girls.

"Is there no doubt?"

The Herrscher of Knowledge couldn't help complaining: "A Common office worker can have such a powerful force, does he think he is a neon high school student? He also has the attribute of saving the world?

"I'm afraid everyone will doubt it."

Ji Zi was thoughtful: "But everyone has secrets that they don't want to mention. As a member of the star train, they should know it in their hearts."

In the picture, the pioneer asked Walter what happened to the power that suppressed the star core in her body—

["This is a bit of a long story..."

06 Walter paused, and seemed to be phrasing: "My strength comes from a senior. It can be said that I inherited his mission and his will."

"I can 'simulate' things that understand the principles into reality, and this ability is quite useful at work."

"As for black holes, that's a longer story."

Walter said succinctly: "I will tell you slowly when I have a chance."】


Einstein naturally knew the true identity of that senior.

"As the first Herrscher of Law, Joeys is not only Mr. Walter's senior, but also Bronya's senior.

Bronya frowned solemnly, with a sincere expression.

"But that black hole was actually created by the Star of Eden!"

Kiyana said: "After all, the Herrscher of Reason doesn't have the power to create black holes.

"I think so."

Mei nodded, agreeing.

In the picture on the other side, the pioneer asked about Walter's companion again. This time, Walter's expression became very nostalgic——

【"My partners are far away——hometown... With the help of the star train, I am also looking for a way to go back."

"—After all, there are still people waiting for me there."

Walter was silent for a moment, but his expression seemed to be a bit relieved: "But this is not a problem that can be solved in a hurry. There are not many ways to travel between worlds, and the star train generously accepted me."

"I also asked Ms. Heita to send a signal. If my family can receive it, they will know that I am safe."

"Now, my partners are this train and everyone—and you."】

"Hmph, this guy has a conscience."

Tesla crossed his arms, seemingly satisfied with Walter's answer: "I thought he had forgotten us all!"


Alicia suddenly thought of something, and said, "If I remember correctly, Mr. Walter came to this different world with Void Wanzang, right?"

"Since Mr. Walter is on the star train, where did Void and Ten Thousand Zang go?"

"Who knows?"

Wei Wei shrugged: "With the underlying code of Void and Ten Thousand Zang, since there is no collapse in this world, the only program that can restrain him will also disappear. I'm afraid I don't know where to go to be free."

As the maker of Void Manzang, Wei Wei is naturally very aware of the underlying code of Void Manzang, but there is no 'collapse' in this world, so the only underlying code is naturally ineffective for Void Manzang.

Considering that this guy has been with Otto for 500 years in the future, and his whole personality has become like Otto, it is estimated that he will do some big work behind the scenes!

"If this guy is also in this different world, there is a high probability that he will have to deal with some other moth...

While everyone in the question-and-answer space was talking, the pioneer on the screen continued to ask about Walter's enemy—

【"The enemy? The former enemy has been defeated."

Walter said with a sigh: "If you want to say, my current enemies are Nanook, the star core and the anti-matter army."

—————I want to protect the beauty of this world from being destroyed by destruction. "]

Kiyana: "In short, fighting for all the good in the world, right!"

"After all, Mr. Walter is also one of the people who personally experienced the final battle."

Bronya nodded, and then a new question arose: "However, 'Destroy' Nanook..."

Nanook, the star god who represents 'destruction', neither the pioneers nor the people in the question and answer space have any clue about it. In the final analysis, they don't know exactly what the star god is.

"Star God, what exactly is it?"

Mebius also couldn't help but fell into deep thought: "Is their existence related to Honkai?"

Just when everyone in the question-and-answer space was puzzled by this, the pioneer on the screen also asked Walter about the information about the 'Star God', and Walter also showed a thoughtful expression——

【"Seriously, what is a Star God?"

Walter raised his head: "I once confused the enemies of my hometown with the star gods, but soon discovered that the two are not the same in essence; a maharaja of the anti-matter legion can burn the galaxy, and the vanguard of the catastrophe under him can single-handedly destroy the star."

"The star gods are powerful and almost invincible. Long before the 'destruction', there was a 'breeding' plague of insects sweeping the stars; the struggle between 'abundance' and 'hunting' has caused countless lives in the world to die."

Walter breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to speak with ease: "Fortunately, there is at least one law that is unquestionable: the Star God can and can only act according to the core of its 'prime force', and we will never have to worry about the 'harmony' causing The storm that overturned the galaxy."]

"My God! Is it that exaggerated?"

In the question and answer space, everyone couldn't help being shocked when they heard Walter's words: "Even the burning galaxy came out?!"

"Qiana, can you do it?"

Bronya couldn't help asking Kiana.

"I do not know!"

Qi Bao shook his head honestly: "However, if the Herrscher of the End really has the ability to burn galaxies, I'm afraid even the Stigmata Project will be useless?"

"Then is Joachim really okay in that world?"

Tesla couldn't help worrying: "An enemy of this level is no longer something that the Herrscher of Reason can contend with, right?"

"Can even galaxies burn?"

Compared to the shock of others, Mebius seemed a little ecstatic: "Tsk! If only I could find a way to study it..."

"Snake, Sister Snake! If you use this kind of thing to study, a big accident will happen if you are not careful!"

Padufelice's eyelids twitched wildly, startled by Mebius' speech.

"To be reasonable, I'm also quite interested in some of the technologies inside."

Wilwe Conductor said regretfully: "If there is a chance, I would also like to run over to have a look!"

On the other hand, with the passage of time, the group of Star Dome Train is about to usher in the next journey, and according to Jizi, the next destination is a very small planet, numbered [Yalilo-VI]

With the completion of the leap, the Star Train and its team successfully came to the galaxy of [Yalilo-VI]. This time, Jizi proposed to let young people complete this pioneering journey.

And she and Walter kept waiting in the train. Although Walter looked a little regretful, he followed Jizi's suggestion and handed over the journey to March Seventh and the others.

So, under the watchful eyes of Walter and Jizi, San Yueqi and others stepped into this snow-covered planet. As soon as they got off the car, they encountered misunderstandings by local soldiers and had conflicts with them.

After a heart-to-heart conversation, the misunderstanding between the two parties was barely resolved, and the leading commander of 303—Jephard led them into the city where humans lived: Belloberg.

And patiently introduced the history of the planet, the city, and the current situation to the group of Star Dome Train who just arrived.

He told everyone that this planet is covered by ice and snow all year round, and cold waves often occur. In addition, the erosion of the cracks from outside has also caused their homeland to be devastated.

———Beloberg is the last home of mankind.

["This fortress is also the residence of the 'Great Guardian'."

Jappard said, looking at the huge fortress building in the distance.

"The Great Guardian?"

March Seventh was taken aback.

"It is the Belloberg leaders elected and appointed by the city builders. They have guarded the city for generations and provided shelter for the people.

Jappard continued: "The current guardian is Lord Cocolia Rand, and all major decisions in the city are made by her."]


Everyone in the question-and-answer space, especially the members of the anti-entropy side, suddenly showed a surprised expression when they heard this familiar name.

"Wait! Could it be that Cocolia exists in this world?!"

Tesla was a little surprised: "Are you kidding me?! Why did Cocolia come out, but not us! Isn't our role in the Honkai series more important than Cocolia?!"

"I also protest against this."

Einstein also rarely expressed his opinion: "The only thing I don't want to lose to is Cocolia."

"By the way, since there is Cocolia's mother..."

Rosalia showed an excited expression: "Could there be Rosalia and Lilia?! Or Xier? And Bronya?"

Lilia clasped her hands in front of her chest: "I'm a little bit looking forward to hearing what Rosalia said."

Bronya's eyes also showed a look of anticipation: "Although Bronya's counterpart Silver Wolf already existed before, Bronya is now more curious about whether Xier from the two different worlds will will exist?"

Xi'er also showed a look of anticipation: "Xi'er, I really want to know too.".

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