Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

517: Question: What Is The Captain's [Core Key]?

In the screen, the captain in the form of Otto is frantically running away from the pursuit of Kaslana sisters!

Although there is no power of false gods and no void, but after all, the body still has the strength and beauty of soul steel, so relying on the tenacious will and a pair of long legs, the captain finally escaped from this area with the help of Aiyi. area.

"Huh~ It's dangerous, it's dangerous!"

In the question-and-answer space, Qi Bao also patted his chest: "The captain was almost hacked to death by me and sister."

"After all, he still inherited the soul steel body of Bishop Otto, and the physical resistance of the body is still very high.

Ulandle said.

On the other side, the captain who managed to escape also returned to his original state, lying on the ground and gasping for breath.

Although he experienced a near-death scene, he still successfully completed the restoration task. During the follow-up rest, he gradually calmed down, but he was still a little restless in his heart.

In the end, the captain stood up and decided to talk to Aiyi.

It didn't take long to find her.

I saw Miss Administrator sitting in front of the screen, looking thoughtful.

So the captain approached and sat beside her—


Seemingly realizing the captain's approach, Ai turned her head and looked at him tenderly.

The captain pondered for a moment, imitating a certain Miss Pink Fairy: "Hi! Miss me~★"

..uh, did you touch some strange piece of data?"]

"Wow~ how come there is such a strong sense of déjà vu~!"

In the question-and-answer space, Alicia smiled happily and shook her slender index finger: "Hmm~ What's going on~? This kind of strong sense of sight seems to have been seen somewhere~"

"...tsk, don't be so good, Alicia.'

Mebius curled his lips in displeasure: "Isn't it just that the captain is imitating you? What's the matter?"


Alicia smiled even more happily: "So, dear Dr. Mebius also often imitates me?"

"That's your illusion."

Snake turned her head away, not wanting to continue talking to her.

On the other side of the screen, Ai Yi thanked the captain for his help and contribution all the time, if it wasn't for him, maybe things wouldn't have developed so smoothly——

【"By the way, in order to express my gratitude, I want to give you a gift."


"Well, a very special gift."

Aiyi chuckled and said, "I would like to ask you to leave a message for Honkai 3."


"Well, anything will do."

Aiyi nodded: "Your thoughts on Honkai 3, your feelings from playing all the way, your longing for a certain character, your blessings for the future of the game..."

"Even if it's a small complaint, it doesn't matter."

Aiyi smiled softly: "Tell me, a word you want to say to Honkai 3."

"I will keep it in this data space forever as a thank you and a memory for you.

The captain was a little surprised: "Is there any deep meaning?"

"I just want to know how you feel frankly."

Ai Hyperion looked at the captain expectantly.

For a moment, the captain had a wonderful feeling, as if she was not only staring at the here and now, but also staring at some kind of "future"

"Then, please tell me, what do you want to say about Honkai 3——"】

On the screen, a blank line appeared, as if asking everyone what they wanted to input.

"Huh? Even we can type?"

Qiyana was a little surprised, and immediately said excitedly: "If this is the case, Miss Ben will enter——fight for all the good things in the world!"

Alicia also raised her hand: "Well, just write what I say—I will always like Alicia~!"

Bronya crossed her arms and said, "Bronya hopes to be with Seele forever."

Xi'er quickly raised her hand: "Xi'er too! There is another me!"

Black Hill:

Mei: "For me, I hope to be with Kiana and everyone."

Paduofelis thought for a moment: "How about I write——Sister Mei [I don't want to die?"

The Herrscher of Knowledge let out a snort: "If I were to come, I would definitely write—the great Ms. Herrscher of Knowledge!"

Gracie also whispered: "I hope everyone can be together forever."

In the question and answer space, most of the girls said what they wanted to say with great interest, and at the same time, the captain also said what he wanted to say, but he didn't let everyone hear it. Long words, slightly nodding——


"The core key has been engraved."]

"Huh? Core key?"

Mei suddenly recalled: "This core key seems to be the words of blessing that Ai showed when she appeared in the main plot.

"Oh~! It turns out that the core key was entered here!"

Alicia suddenly realized.

"Eh? But what did the captain say?"

Kiyana scratched her head: "It's really curious."

"It must be one of the thousands of blessings."

Ji Zi said: "No matter what the captain said in the end, we should thank the captain for his support to us all the time."

Bronya nodded: "Bronya agrees."

Along with the communication in the question-and-answer space, the captain on the screen is still working hard on the repair work, but this time, the captain and Aiyi came to the map of Shencheng Medicine, where...they met only A monster that appeared in the post-Honkai book.

"Huh? Isn't this a monster that will only appear in the post-Honkai period?"

Mei recognized the monster at a glance: "Why did it appear in Shencheng Medicine?"

This kind of thing is absolutely weird!

"Maybe there is a bug somewhere.

Bronya analyzed: "With our early strength, we don't know if we can deal with such an enemy."

"Hmph! If this lady is transformed into the Herrscher of the Last End, even if there are 100 more monsters of this level, it will only be a matter of snapping your fingers!"

Qi Bao put her hands on her hips, her expression was very arrogant!

However, it is clear that Bai Lian, Scarlet, and Chariot who are the early Yu Sanjia are unable to deal with this type of enemy, and at this critical juncture—a new Hou Beng character appears on the screen.

At this moment, the picture on the screen suddenly came to a standstill, accompanied by the electronically synthesized sound that everyone is familiar with——

[Question 16: Among the following options, which character did Ai summon to help Yu Sanjia?]

【A: Raiden·Mei】

【B: Bronya Zajcek】

【C: Carol Pepper】

【D: Timido Chute】

"Post-Honkai character..."

Carol looked expectant: "Is it possible that it's me? Wow~! I really want to see the reaction of me in another world when I saw the captain when I was young!"

Timido also looked expectant: "Me too! I can see Captain Mei and Captain Bronya when I was young!"

"I want to return to thinking, but the correct answer may not necessarily be you."

Bronya poured cold water: "Analyze rationally, since we want to help us defeat that monster when we were young, our strength must not be too weak..."

"I, I'm not too weak!"

Carol was a little embarrassed: "Although it must be better than the two captains..."

"Woo, it seems that I have no hope..."

0...seeking flowers...

Timido made a bitter face and sighed regretfully.

"I hope it's Mei!"

Kiyana raised her hands high: "I really want to know the picture of Mei who will see me in the future!"

"Bronya hopes it's her."

Bronya said: "You can also take a look at how your young self will react to your future self."

"No! I still hope it's Mei!" Kiyana retorted.

"Since that's the case, I'll leave the question this time to Sister Mei to choose."

Bronya didn't argue, and directly handed over the right to choose this time to Mei.

"Eh? Shall I come?"

Mei opened her eyes slightly, seeing that Bronya, Kiyana and others had no objections, she looked at several options hesitantly: "Well, even if you let me do it" I don't know which one to choose ah...."

"I believe in Mei!"

Kiana clenched her fists.

"Bronya too."

Bronya nodded.

Carol: "Come on young captain!"

Timido: "Captain Mei, we believe in you!"

Seeing that everyone trusted her, Mei thought for a moment, and then said softly under the eyes of everyone: "Then... I choose B: Bronya Zajcek."

[The answer is correct, congratulations to Raiden·The Herrscher of Bud Origin·Experiment card time +5 minutes]

With the completion of the question and answer, the picture on the screen started to play again, and the person who caught everyone's eyes was a familiar silver-haired tall woman

【"19C, tell me, how many bugs still need to be fixed in the new Demo...․Huh?"】

The eyes of the tall, silver-haired woman were full of doubts, but when she saw the monster with teeth and claws in front of her, she seemed to understand the situation in front of her. After shaking her head helplessly, she immediately changed into another completely different look.

"It really is the future Bronya."

In the question-and-answer space, Qibao pointed to the big duck summoned by Aiyi on the screen: "Well, why not Meiyi from the future..."

"Idiot Kiana has any opinion on the future Bronya coming out to help?"

Bronya crossed her arms and asked.

"of course not!"

Qi Bao shook her head again and again: "But I still really want to see how the future Mei will react when he sees the early me..."


On the screen, Aiyi explained to Da Yaya who quickly understood the status quo——

【"Sorry to call you out suddenly, but we need your help now."

Before Miss Administrator could say more, Bronya had already taken out a delicate weapon.

"No need to explain. It's not the first time I've experienced this kind of thing."

Da Yaya said calmly: "The battlefield is like a workplace, and emergencies are just like temporary work needs, which makes no sense."

————0019, fully armed!”]

"Oh! As expected of Captain Bronya!"

Carol clapped her hands and applauded: "This mature, calm and decisive look! It's so handsome!"

"Yeah! It's so handsome!"

Timido also nodded frantically.

"No matter how many times you watch it, it's going to be amazing!"

Rosalia pinched her chin, her expression pondering: "Obviously that Bronya, who has not grown very much, and her body has not developed very much, will suddenly grow tall and mature in the future!"

"—No matter how you think about it, this kind of thing is definitely weird!"

Lilia: "I hope Lilia will have the opportunity to develop in the future..."

"Sister Bronya is amazing!"

Seele beamed with joy.

Bronya folded her hands on her chest, a trace of pride appeared on her immature face: "That's natural.

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