Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

523: Phoenix Appearance! What Is Little Chiyuan?

"Huh? Western sword?"

In the question-and-answer space, the Herrscher of Knowledge couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he saw the blond man who called himself 'Raksha' take out a Western sword to join the battle: "Cut! I thought it would mimic Heavenly Fire Sacred Judge or Heiyuan White Flower Something like the God's Key."

"Uh, grandpa in this world, shouldn't there be void and ten thousand possessions?"

Teresa looked suspiciously.

It is not Otto's power to imitate other God's Keys, but the power of Void and Ten Thousand Zangs.

Of course, considering that Void Wanzang also came to this different world with Walter, and he has not revealed where he is so far... It is not impossible to have another fate with Otto in another world got together.

"By the way, did he just say that his name is Rakshasa?"

Little Lizi blinked: "The Raksha people in this world, are they really called Raksha?"

Tesla looked suspicious: "What is going on with this strong sense of déjà vu?"

"Really!...Otto from the different world is very similar to Otto from the collapsed world in some respects."

The Herrscher of Knowledge complained: "Actually, except for Walter, the guy who came from the collapsed world, whether it's Bronya from another world, Seele from "260" from another world, or someone from another world Ravens, etc., are very different from them in the collapsed world."

"But this Otto looks exactly like him five hundred years ago in the collapsed world!"

Zhibao analyzed: "To be honest, the big coffin behind him...couldn't really be Karen from another world?"

In the face of other people's words, Otto didn't make a sound, he just stared at himself on the screen, and muttered to himself: "Karen...."

On the other side, the battle on the screen is still going on, with the addition of Luo Sha, the battle situation has gradually turned around, and Xiao Lizi took this opportunity to release a big move

【"Take a trick from me, it's too empty!"

I saw Sushang holding the ancient sword tightly in both hands, and then the blade of the sword shone with bursts of light, and Suying swung the hilt vigorously for two seconds.

"Phoenix, manifest!"]

In the next second, a huge red kite chicken appeared out of thin air, flapping its wings and rushing towards the group of monsters angrily.

It jumped up, then smashed down hard, and sat on the heads of the group of monsters, causing huge damage!


In the question-and-answer space, Li Sushang was stunned when she saw this scene: "This, what kind of Phoenix is ​​this?!"

"Pfft ha ha ha ha....!"

Alicia didn't hold back for a moment, and laughed out loud: "What a cute little guy. It's white and fat, so interesting~"

"Isn't this little red kite?"

Fu Hua also had a dumbfounded expression on his face: "In Taixu Xingyun, there is still this trick? Why didn't I know?"

As the founder, Shangxian, he didn't even know that there was such an outrageous skill in Taixu Sword Qi!

"It's not right! It's not right at all!"

Xiao Lizi also shook his head again and again: "I'm in a different world, isn't it too strange?"

To be reasonable, if you haven't mastered martial arts, you can still say that you are not good at learning skills and have just started.

But this big move...isn't it really a joke?

"It's bad, I won't be a funny character, will I...?"

Little Lizi was a little worried: "That kind of thing, don't do it!"

All in all, with the addition of Luo Sha, Su Shang also successfully eliminated the group of monsters.

She breathed a sigh of relief, then turned around to look at Luo Sha and Dan Heng——

【"Are you two okay?"

Luo Sha and Dan Heng looked at each other, and then nodded towards Su Wo in unison.

Su Shang also patted her chest in relief: "It's fine."

"I'm Yunqi Sushang, and I was transferred here by the 'Yaoqing' fairy boat just now!"

After a brief self-introduction, Su Shang put her hands on her hips and looked up at Luo Sha: "I told you not to interfere, the sword has no eyes, what should I do if it hurts you?"

Luo Sha looked innocent: "If I don't make a move, you will be injured repeatedly."

"Ah ha ha.………"

Sushang couldn't help but smiled awkwardly: "Our Cloud Cavalry Army is here to protect you."

"——This area is under martial law, I am evacuating the crowd, you follow me, I will take you to a safe place."】

"Not bad! Although this girl in another world doesn't seem to be very skilled in martial arts, her kindness of being a chivalrous man and helping others has not changed much!"

Su Shang nodded in satisfaction: "Fortunately, I didn't join forces with the villain..."

Bronya: "Bronya seems to have heard some kind of hint..."

"This Rakshasa seems to be quite serious."

Ulandal seemed a little unaccustomed: "Is Bishop Otto five hundred years ago also so serious?"

"That's natural~"

Speaking of the past five hundred years ago, Xiao Lizi naturally vividly remembered: "The Raksha people five hundred years ago were quite taciturn and serious!"

"Normally, not only do he seldom talk, but he rarely even smiles."

Recalling the past, Sushang couldn't help complaining: "Where is it like now, every time I see him, I always have that standard smile on my face."

"Haha, don't Sushang like it?"

Otto smiled.

"Uh, how should I put it..."

Sushang scratched her head: "Maybe I'm not used to it..."

"Speaking of which, don't you all be curious - this Raksha man is clearly dressed in a strange costume, and he is not a native of Xianzhou at first glance. How did he enter Xianzhou? And what is his purpose?"

Perhaps because of his deep abhorrence for Otto, who is in the collapsed world, Tesla has maintained a considerable degree of doubt about this Rakshasa since he came up.


The Herrscher of Knowledge nodded: "Once this guy Otto appears, something will happen!"

And in the picture on the other side——

【"Miss Sushang, what happened to Xianzhou?"

Raksha asked Sushang: "I have traveled many times to do business, but I have never seen Xingchahai look like this."

"This, uh, it's not convenient for me to disclose."

Su Shang hesitated to speak, but finally shook her head: "I just received an order to rescue civilians... To be honest, I don't know either."

"——Anyway, you just go with me.

She turned her head to look at Dan Heng, who was silent all the time, and put her waist on her waist: "Hey, that... boring gourd? What's your name? I want to register, so I can't fill in the blanks for you, right? 17

"My name is Dan Heng. I have traveled here and I am going to meet up with my friends."

Dan Heng shook his head: "Don't worry about the girl, I'll leave the port by myself.


Sushang resolutely vetoed: "What time is this? There is no one in Xingchahai. If your friend is safe, he must be in the safe zone."

"Don't worry, you come with me, and you can meet them wherever you go."]

"To be reasonable, if Walter really saw this Rakshasa, the scene would probably become quite interesting!"

The Herrscher of Knowledge thought with great interest: "After all, this guy can be said to be Otto from another world!"


Tesla nodded seriously.

On the screen, Rakshasa suddenly interrupted

【"Won't the girl ask my name?"


Su Chang was stunned: "Didn't you report the fight yourself?"

"What is it called Luo-- Luo... Luo Sha...! Right? This girl remembers it.

She turned around and acted as a guide: "Let's go! Follow me closely, Yunqijun Sushang will definitely protect your safety!"

"Oh, by the way, you guys can help me sign my name...I don't know too many characters, so I'm afraid I'll make a mistake..."】

Identification at a glance: semi-literate!"

The law of knowledge sneered: "Little Lizi, I told you to study hard, don't always use knives and guns."

Li Sushang:

At this moment, the picture on the screen suddenly came to a standstill, accompanied by the electronically synthesized sound that everyone is familiar with

【Question 18: Among the following options, what is Xu Chang's nickname?】

【A: Grandma Li】

【B:Little plum】

【C: Li Da Pillow】

【D:AD calcium milk】

"Huh? What kind of weird titles are these?"

Seeing these titles, Li Sushang was confused: "I thought it would be something like a heroine, these...why are they so weird?"

"What does option D mean?"

Qi Bao blinked: "AD calcium milk? Isn't this some kind of drink?"

"have no idea."

Teresa shook her head: "But it feels better not to pay too much attention to this option..."

Because it will inexplicably make people sigh at 2.8.

"I don't think any of these options are right...

Li Sushang scratched her head in distress: "Why don't you just choose one at random... To be honest, I still really want to know the correct answer."

She thought for a moment: "Then choose B: Xiao Lizi."

"After all, only this option seems normal."


[Wrong answer, the correct answer is C: Li Da Pillow]

[Punishment measures: Automatically play the origin of the nickname "Li Da Pillow"]

In the next second, the video about the origin of the title of "Li Da Pillow" started to play, and I saw Sushang in the picture was in a book garden, sleeping soundly.

The students around seemed to be used to it.

At the same time, Sushang's distressed voice sounded——

【"My mother caught me practicing martial arts since I was a child. Before the morning bell rings, I have to get up to fight her.

"When Xuegong was in class, I could only sleep soundly..."

"Gentlemen, all Jitian pillows...】

"That's how it came from!"

Xiao Lizi suddenly realized: "So, it's similar to this girl's previous experience!"

"It's just that my mother was replaced by my master..."

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