Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

526: Goose: I'm Optimistic About Suzana, I'll Only Teach You Once!

While everyone in the question-and-answer space was still discussing, the picture on the screen changed again, and the familiar electronic synthesis sound sounded again.

【Question 19: Among the following options, what is the real name of the girl who is Jiumi?】

【A: Carol Pepper】

【B: Carol Chute】

【C: Lewis Pepper】

【D: Carl Pepper】

"Ah, this is a real hammer.

Seeing the question and answer on the screen, Bronya crossed her arms and nodded resolutely: "Basically, it can be concluded that Jiumi is Carol."

"Well, is there anyone else besides Carol?"

Mei caressed her forehead: "Whether it's hair color or skin color, they are basically exactly the same as her when she grew up, even her tone of voice and personality."

"So it looks like Carol hasn't changed at all."

"Who, who said nothing has changed!"

Carol retorted subconsciously: "I, I have also turned white a lot!"

"Oh, captain, don't mention those old things!"

Carol shook her head: "Let's make a choice first!"

"That's right.

Mei smiled lightly: "In this case, let Carol choose the question this time.

"Huh? Me?"

Carol was taken aback for a moment, a little incredulous.

Mei nodded: "Of course, this is a question and answer related to you after all."


Carol suddenly cheered. After all, this question and answer can basically be said to be a sub-question, so she stepped forward and said loudly: "I choose A: Carol Pepper!"

[The answer is correct, congratulations to Carol for getting the new costume and waiting for get out of class to end]

"Oh! It's new clothes!"

Carol happily admired her new clothes: "Haha~ Finally, I don't need to wear school uniforms anymore!"

On the other side, after the questions were answered, the picture on the screen was finally frozen in a certain scene.

After Suzanne and the others sneaked into the secret door they discovered before, they were unexpectedly separated. Alvette and Rita went to nowhere, leaving only Suzanne and Jolandelle.

Although the team got separated, Ulandale still decided to continue the investigation, and Suzana also discovered that there were materials of destiny hidden in this underground secret room——

【"Master Ulandal, come and see this!"

"What's wrong?"

Urandale walked over: "Susanna, did you find anything?"

"Look, what's printed on the bottom is the sign of destiny!"

Suzana turned on the flashlight function of her phone, illuminating the Night Catman logo on the shelf.

As if being scratched by sharp claws, there are many scratches on the spray paint on it, revealing the sign of destiny that was originally printed on it.

Suzana was startled: "Isn't it... this is the warehouse of destiny!"

"The warehouse of destiny..."

Youlandelle frowned: "You mean, the wartime emergency supplies warehouse?"】

In fact, during the period of the Great Crash, Tianming established material warehouses underground in many areas to store some emergency items for emergencies.

And here, is one of them.

Therefore, it is very likely that someone found this warehouse and transformed it into a secret base.

Including the feeding opportunity suddenly becoming a tactical robot is also for this reason.

But the question is, who did it?

Just as the two were thinking, a familiar voice from Suzana suddenly sounded. She turned the direction of the phone to illuminate the feeding machines on one side, and saw that the feeding machines were vibrating slightly

Then, the amplitude of the vibration became larger and larger, and the shell began to peel off gradually.

Youlandelle was the first to react, and she entered the fighting posture with sullen eyebrows——

【"They really seem to be deformed! Get ready for battle, then!"

"What are you afraid of?" Suzana complained bitterly. 】

"Phew, it's a good thing that Lord Youlandelle is here!"

In the question-and-answer space, Su Shana let out a long breath: "If it were me alone, it must be over..."

"Thinking about so many tactical robots, I definitely can't handle them alone..."

Suzana lowered her head bitterly, then raised her head excitedly, staring at the fighting figure of Ulandal on the screen: "Wow~ Master Ulandal's fighting posture is so handsome!"

"Your mood changes too quickly..."

Teresa was shocked.

On the other side, due to the existence of Ulandal, this group of machines was easily solved by her without any effort.

The two continued to investigate. Halfway through, Ulandal encouraged Suzana to stop thinking about it, and even used herself as an example to restore Suzana's confidence.

Suzana was very moved after listening to Urandale's speech, but immediately realized something was wrong——


"I learned about it through the video you uploaded—"

Youlandelle explained: "The bishop often organizes everyone to learn your video shooting techniques, and I have watched a lot of your videos.

"Suzanne's Training Routine is my favorite series, especially the latest one—"

As Youlandelle said, she suddenly put on a serious expression: "This blow pierces through the stars!"]


In the question-and-answer space, Suzana covered her head and wailed loudly: "It's over! Not only was Master Ulandale in the question-and-answer space heard, even Master Ulandale in the original world knew about it." !"

"—Now Zhenshe is dead."

【"It's very powerful, Suzana."

Youlandelle praised: "However, the movements can be bolder, and the position of exerting force also needs more practice.


Su Shanna looked confused and ashamed: "The daily training videos... Shouldn't they be only privately visible? Have I been putting the videos on the wrong list?"


"There is no need to review this. Hard work is something worthy of praise."

Urandale answered her: "I believe Suzana is already a mature Valkyrie, but she has not exerted her full strength."

"The next time you encounter an enemy, you might as well be bold and hit it with a 'star blow'.

As if inspired by Urandale, Suzana nodded vigorously and clenched her fists: "Okay, okay, Lord Urandale, I will remember."

"Although I don't know if I can do it well, I will try my best!"】

"Susanna, you need to keep faith in yourself."

In the question-and-answer space, Youlandelle reminded her: "Your strength is not weak, it's just that your strength cannot be fully exerted because of a lack of self-confidence."

Through the battle on the screen just now, Ulandal discovered that Suzanne's strength is not weak, but she always thinks wildly and is timid in the battle, which makes her unable to show her strength.

If she can get rid of her own psychological burden, then she has every chance to become an A-rank Valkyrie.

"I, me, me, can I really do it!"

Suzana still couldn't believe it: "Since Lord Ulandal said so, then, I will definitely work harder! I will never disappoint Master Ulandal!

"Sister is quite good at encouraging others!"

Kiyana said with a smile, and then raised a finger to her lips: "However, I really didn't know, so my sister likes cats so much."

"Eh? Uh, okay.

Dull Goose scratched his head in embarrassment: "After all, cats are really cute, and they are also very comfortable to touch..."

Rita glanced lightly at the expression of the goose, and couldn't help covering her mouth and chuckling.

"Ah! Susanna, look!"

While everyone in the question-and-answer space was communicating, Agaf Ervette suddenly reminded Suzanne, and everyone quickly looked up, only to see Suzanne in the picture taking a neat step forward, she The ground under her feet suddenly turned downwards, and she fell into a downward tunnel without any defense.

At the same time as the ground turned, the shelves around the warehouse suddenly deformed into several mechanical arms that blocked Yolandal, who was trying to reach out and grab Suzana.

Although it took only a few seconds for Ulandal to turn the machinery in front of her into scrap iron, there was no trace of another girl except for the ground that had become perfectly stitched again.

"Hey hey hey-!!!"

Seeing this scene on the screen, Suzanne couldn't help exclaiming: "I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I will be fine?!"

With worries about herself, Suzana continued to look down——

In the picture, Suzana fell into a deeper underground building, where she found Carol and the inspector maintaining the feeding machine. After a brief exchange, the inspector informed Suzana that the city The final crisis procedure has been activated, and if it reaches the third stage, the top-secret weapon arranged by the team leader——【Angry Night Catman】robot will be in charge!

At that point, it will destroy all creatures that are not cats!

【"The team leader said, 'Only a blond Valkyrie can defeat the 'Fury Night Catman'', and I'm just an ordinary Common..." said the feeding machine inspector .

"Hey, isn't this sister Susanna?"

The Mijiu girl looked at Su Shana's hair, and immediately became happy: "Sister Su Shana is a Valkyrie of fate, it is very rare to get her help!"

The inspector of the feeding machine was overjoyed immediately: "So little girl, you are the Valkyrie who ended the Great Crash? And you have blonde hair... Great, please help me, don't let Cat Town be destroyed because of me, at least Give me a chance to make amends."]

"Etc., etc!"

Suzana said loudly: "This is clearly referring to Master Ulandal, right?"

"For a mediocre B-rank Valkyrie like me, it's not good at all..."

Not only is Suzanne in the question-and-answer space lacking in confidence, even what she says on the screen is basically the same—

【"But but but...but... I am in charge of logistics in most cases! I am not good at combat work."

Suzana scratched her head distressedly: "Also, the blond Valkyrie should refer to Master Ulandal."

"No, isn't the current situation exactly the same as in the story—"

Young Carol said with sparkling eyes: "An unprecedented crisis befalls the world, but a prophesied hero happens to appear!

"——— This hero is Sister Suzana!"]

"Why do I feel that Carol is so excited..."

Seeing Carol's excited appearance on the screen, Mei couldn't help complaining.

"Perhaps, Team Carol is a natural Valkyrie."

Bronya said: "I'm afraid even in the real world, Carol has not become a Valkyrie, and there is a high probability that she will become a valkyrie."

Occupation like an adventurer. "

"Hey~ The two captains praised me so much, I will be embarrassed~"

Carol smiled and scratched her head in embarrassment.

On the other side, the young Carol is still persuading Suzanne——

【"Sister Su Shanna has defeated many robots before, but this time it is just a bigger one, so it will be fine.

"It's only with the help of other people that I can solve it smoothly, but now I'm the only one here..."

The more Suzana spoke, the less confident she became, and she gradually lowered her head.

"How do you know if you don't try? Could it be that we just sit here and wait to die?"

The young Carol said: "And there is me, Sister Suzana, don't forget, I am also a Valkyrie in preparation, if you can help me, you can tell me.

"Don't worry, let, let me think about it."

Suzanne covered her head, frowning.

"What are you thinking about, it will be too late!"

The tweeting girl said loudly: "No matter how bad it is, it can't be worse than the current situation!"


Suzana hesitated for a moment, and then she seemed to have made up her mind: "Yes, Mijiu, you are right, no matter how bad it is, it can't be worse than the current situation.

"As long as you do something, you can make mistakes, but the biggest mistake is not doing anything, so no matter what the result is, we have to try!"

"Well, Sudam."

After all, Carol is still a child. Although the momentary excitement dispelled the fear, it is inevitable that she will be a little scared after calming down now: "If the situation is not right, we will

Just, just run away!"

"Haha, okay." Suzana smiled and nodded, but what she was thinking about was——

Let’s try it first! Maybe after a while, Master Ulandal and Alvette will find us?】

After making up her mind, Suzanne and Carol set off to the place where the (angry night catman string is located.

"Woooo! Please, Mrs. Urandale, you must arrive as soon as possible!"

In the question-and-answer space, Suzana prayed tremblingly, hoping that Ulandal would come over quickly.

"Speaking of which, Carol..."

Mei was a little curious: "Since these are all things you experienced when you were young, you should know the final result, right?"

"Yes, is there?"

Carol scratched her head and acted cutely: "Hey~ Maybe it's because it's been too long, so maybe, probably, maybe I've forgotten~?"


Bronya crossed her arms and expressed doubts: "Is it intentional or not?"

Carol exclaimed, "On purpose!".

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