Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

530: Yuexia And The Captain Spread Dog Food! Stargazers Are Crazy And Jealous!

Under Yuexia's puzzled eyes, the picture on the screen changed again and again, distorted and mixed like an ink painting.

After the scene inside was restored to its original state, it took on a brand new look.


Alicia immediately noticed the two people facing each other on the screen: "Isn't that the captain and Miss Yuexia!"


Kiyana also found out immediately: "And Miss Yuexia seems to have changed into a beautiful dress of pure white!"

"That's...the captain..."

Yuexia didn't notice her future self, but stared blankly at the figure of the captain.

In the picture, the captain and Yuexia are standing opposite each other, watching each other silently——


"I'm an atavistic vampire with great power."

Yuexia suddenly said: "So, I have worked hard for the people of the motherland."

"However, one day the vassal said that I was no longer needed."

"Grandpa said that he will be the bishop from now on...Even so, I don't care."

...Are you a saint of a certain Holy See?"

asked the captain.

However, Yuexia did not answer his question, but continued to talk about his past: "But he said that I have a strong power, which is a threat, and I can't kill me, so I sealed it up."

"I was sealed in this pyramid, and I couldn't even leave this basement for half a step... That step made of condensed sunlight, blood-sucking Guiwu couldn't get involved."]

"Wait, I remember Miss Yuexia's grandfather, who seems to be Otto from that world too?!"

The Herrscher of Knowledge pointed angrily: "Otto, you did a good job again!"

"I am wronged!"

Otto complained: "Ms. Great Herrscher of Knowledge, you can't confuse me in another world with me standing here!"

"Grandpa! I didn't expect you in another world to be so cruel!"

Teresa also expressed her disappointment: "You actually sealed Yuexia in this pyramid and didn't let her leave!"


Otto was a little embarrassed: "Little Teresa, you should also know - the previous plot is already obvious, if Yuexia is allowed to leave, the instinctive impulse of the vampire will definitely turn her into a monster who loses her mind, Grandpa has no choice but to do so." ah......"

【"So you just want to leave this ghost place?" The captain understood.

"Huh?" Yue Yi was taken aback.

"We're just going to the upper floor, so we won't take you along the way."

The captain said: "Seeing that you are quite small, don't you need to touch the steps if I lift you up directly?"


Yue Xia slightly opened her eyes wide: "Can I... get out of here?"

Captain: "I can't bear to leave a lovely girl in this kind of place.

"Thank you, thank you!"

Yuexia said happily: "Thank you for fulfilling my wish! In exchange, please let me help you too!"]

For a moment, the captain's expression suddenly became a little dazed, as if recalling some long-term memory in a trance.

Memories flooded in like a tide, occupying his mind in an instant.

It was on the rooftop in the middle of the night, a white-haired and red-eyed vampire girl danced with him, her voice was like a whisper

【"Thank you for fulfilling my wish."】

The memory came to an abrupt end, and the captain suddenly covered his head——

【"Hmmm! It's that feeling of deja vu again..."

"What's wrong?" Yuexia looked at him worriedly. 】

"Ah! The scene recalled by the captain just now is the story we saw in the Q&A space~!"

Alicia pointed at the screen: "It must be right!"

"But, judging by the captain's appearance, it seems that he has lost his memory?"

Fu Hua frowned: "What happened to make him forget the past?"

"Could it be that the captain also burned Yu Duchen?"

The Herrscher of Knowledge thought for a while: "That's why you lost your previous memories?"

On the other side, the captain who left with Yuexia suddenly found the vampire girl staggering, and couldn't help feeling a little worried.

But Yuexia shook his head, saying that he just felt dizzy suddenly, and there was nothing serious about it.

The captain was a little hesitant——

【"Really? Do you want me to go behind your back?"

"No, no!"

Seeing the captain gradually approaching her, Yuexia quickly refused, whispering: "If you are so close, I can't help it..."

"What?" The captain was taken aback.

"Nothing!" Yuexia shook her head violently.

"But you look very uncomfortable...... Is there anything I can do for you?"


Yuexia raised her head and watched the captain cautiously: "Can I hold your hand?"

"Of course you can."

The captain nodded generously, and stretched out his hand: "Lai."

The moment the two hands touched together, Yuexia's expression became quite happy: "Your hand...so warm..."

"Theresa's hands are icy and cold, and they are simply the supreme treasure in the cruel living environment of the desert.

The captain did not hesitate to praise himself.

On the contrary, Yue Xia seemed a bit embarrassed: "Treasure, treasure or something..."]

"Treasures? Where are the treasures?"

Padufelice asked with interest.

Canned food: "Oh meow~!"

"Wow~ What an intimate interaction~!"

In the question and answer space, Alicia showed quite envious eyes: "Just looking at it makes people feel so sweet~!"

Rosemary Tower: "Hehe~"

Yuexia covered her reddened cheeks.

"It's really sweet."

Braun nodded in agreement, and glanced at the star: "Miss Stargazing, don't you think so?"


"I didn't expect the ferryman to have such a gentle side...

Delta clicked his tongue in displeasure: "Why haven't I seen him treat me so tenderly before?"

Yaexia couldn't help recalling her past in the original world, and said: "The tenderness of the ferryman is always inadvertent, maybe it's just that Lord Delta hasn't felt it yet."


Delta raised his eyebrows: "So, you have experienced it too?"

Yaexia raised her eyebrows sullenly: "About this point, please forgive me for not having anything to say."

On the other side, Yue Xia, who was walking with the captain holding hands, suddenly groaned and fell into the captain's arms


"Theresa! What's the matter?"

The captain quickly bent down and asked with concern.

"No, I'm fine..."

The girl in her arms closed her eyes, her breathing was weak and rapid, as if she was enduring something irresistible alone.

"Theresa? Theresa!"

The captain called out to the girl. 】

"Eh? What's going on under the moon?"

Kiyana blinked and looked at the weak girl with some worry.

"I think, it should be the lack of blood supplement."

Rosemary Ta guessed: "After all, from just now until now, Miss Yuexia has been consuming physical strength, but she has not replenished her blood at all... It is okay to say that she has been sealed all the time, but now that she is sealed If it is lifted, I am afraid that she will face the situation of lack of blood again."

But Yuexia on the screen stubbornly shook her head, as if she heard the conversation of everyone in the Q&A space—

【"No, no..... I just need to rest for a while..."

Watching Yuexia weakly panting, the captain frowned, and some quick fragments flashed through his mind—

"(This situation... I, encountered?)"

Obviously without any memory, the next action was natural, calm, and without hesitation.

I saw the captain bit his own finger, letting his own blood fall drop by drop, moistening the girl's pale lips. 】

"What a quick move!"

Braun raised his eyebrows: "It's really without hesitation at all, the captain has such a big heart!"


Watching this scene on the screen, Yue Xia couldn't help feeling a little moved.

In the picture, accompanied by the lovely swallowing sound, the girl's breathing gradually calmed down, and she slowly blinked her magnificent red eyes——

【"Hmm...ah...it's...your smell..."

A joyful smile appeared under the moon: "Sure enough...it's as sweet and reassuring as I imagined...I...I like it very much..."】

"Miss Stargazing, don't you want to say something?"

In the question-and-answer space, Brauni asked the silent stargazer.


Silence, silence is Huberian tonight.

On the other side, the screen changed, and it turned into a scene of Moonlight waving wildly with a giant axe.

She kept repeating some words on her mouth, and there was a hint of madness in her eyes——

【"`"Take that person...that person..."

-give me back!"

"Give it back...give it back Give me back, give me back, give me back, give me back, give me back, give me back..."

"Blood, give me more!!!"

The long-awaited captain watched this scene——

The heart is beating wildly.

The burning phantom pain crazily stimulated his brain.

Canghai City, Humu Paradise, and Dingtiantai clearly flashed through my mind one by one.

"(I know her....I know her....I met her...)"

The captain vaguely recalled: "(No, what I met... was the possibility of her being in another world.)"]

In a trance, memories of the past surged up like a tide again, filling the captain's mind——

【"Dance with me, right here."】

That was the lonely girl that the captain failed to save in the end.

【"All this time, I must, must have just wanted to hear someone say something like that to me."】

At that time, he failed to save anyone.

but this time


"Um... ah....

As if being dragged by some invisible thing, the girl's actions paused for a moment.

Warm liquid gurgled down the captain's fingertips, and a faint smell of blood gradually spread in the air.

The captain cut his fingers himself—

If, if she does have the same essence as the girl I failed to save.

Then, you must not be indifferent to this taste.

Because, the girl in the memory once said that for her, his taste (well, good) way is unique.

The captain raised his head and stared at Yuexia: "Come on, if you want blood, I can give you as much as you want."

"This time... I won't let you go down alone again."]

"Captain, I seem to recall it!"

Seeing this scene, Alicia shouted in amazement: "The past that he and Miss Yue Xia once experienced

"It seems so.

Eden nodded: "Then, what about Miss Yuexia?"

As if to indicate Eden's words, Yue Xia on the screen gradually restrained the madness in her eyes, she raised her head and stared blankly at the captain—

【"Who are you...………"

The brief moment of confusion was replaced by the surprise after regaining clarity, and Yuexia wept with joy: "You... are safe and sound! Great, great...! You are fine, you are in good health here!"

Perhaps she noticed the injury on the captain's hand, her thin shoulders trembled, and her voice was tinged with panic and helplessness.

"Yes, I'm sorry......."

"This kind of small injury, just a simple bandage... Hey, you

The slightly moist coolness came from the injured palm, the girl grabbed the captain's hand without any explanation, and carefully licked the wound. 】

"Wow~! I didn't expect Miss Yuexia to be so bold!"

In the question and answer space, Alicia who saw this scene was stunned. She covered her cheeks with her hands, but watched through the gap between her fingers.

"Hmm... Gong"

Yuexia lowered her head in embarrassment.

The stargazer at the side had a cold face, as if he had been cut off on the spot.

Braun turned the camera calmly and recorded the rare expression of stargazers. .

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