Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

533: The Harem Gathers! Shura Field Open?

"So, it seems that there are only Ms. Yaeka and Ms. Delta on the ferry captain's side... Oh, and by the way, Rosalia and Lilia."

Kiyana pinched her chin, thinking: "The other captain is Mr. Gazing Star, Miss Rita, Braun, Seele who seems to be sleeping all the time, and Asuka who just caught it?"

Yuexia raised her hand: "Then what about me?"

"Miss Moon, it seems that you didn't board Hyperion until the end, right?"

Teresa recalled: "If I remember correctly, it seems to be like this.

Yue Xia suddenly lowered his head in frustration: "Woo..."

"But it doesn't matter!"

Mei comforted Yuexia: "Miss Yuexia will definitely find the captain! Maybe the reason why the captain travels frequently between worlds is to find Miss Yuexia.

Yuexia raised her head suddenly, with a look of hope on her face: "Really?"

So Yai raised her brows sullenly, with a sincere expression: "Miss Yuexia, I'm not lying.

Fu Hua: ".

The Herrscher of Knowledge clasped his hands behind his head: "It's been a long time since I played this meme, so it's quite fresh to say such a sentence all of a sudden."

Just as everyone in the question-and-answer space was discussing, the picture on the screen changed again, and this time it was also on Hyperion, but unexpectedly

—There are quite a lot of girls in the same room!

【"I said."

The petite white-haired girl turned around impatiently——

"I did mention that you are allowed to stay on Hyperion temporarily."

"But I never said it once..."

She pointed at the people in front of her with her feather fan, unable to hide the anger in her eyes: "Can anyone be brought here?"

The ninja-like Miss Fox shook her fox ears, her voice was low and steady: "Mission, "360" forgive me.

The red and blue twins shrank behind the head of the big sister who was standing with arms crossed, trying to escape from the cold gaze.


The white-haired girl put away her feather fan, squinted her eyes and stared at the elegantly smiling woman beside her: "Should we regard your actions as a declaration of war, Rita Rossweisse?" 1


In the question and answer space, the expression on Guan Xing's face showed a trace of suspicion.

She turned her head to look at Rosemary Ta: "Miss Rita, do you need to explain to me...what's going on on the screen?"

"Hehe~ What exactly do you mean, Mr. Stargazing?"

Rosemary Ta smiled: "Rita, I don't quite understand what you mean~"

"Hmph, there's no need to pretend to be stupid."

Watching Xing shook his fan, staring coldly at Rosemary Ta: "Looking at the situation, you seem to be very familiar with the captain who calls himself 'The Ferryman'?"

"Huh? Is that so?"

Rosemary Rita still had that calm smile: "Maybe it's because the future Rita met the ferryman captain by chance?"

"Is that so?"

Guan Xing narrowed his eyes: "Maybe it is also possible that you already knew him before you came to this Hyperion?"

"Oh, I don't know what Master Guan Xing means by this~?"

Rosemaryta smiled happily, and blinked pretending to be puzzled.


Seeing that this woman is still pretending to be confused, she is full of stargazing spirit.

On the other side, Rita on the screen also remained calm when faced with stargazing's questioning.

【"Master Guan Xing, please stay calm."

The woman exuding the aroma of rosemary flicked the broken hair next to her ear: "Since the New Year's Eve dinner is going to be prepared, of course it will be more efficient if there are more people?"

But this rhetoric is obviously not enough to convince the first sage king known for his tough attitude.

"——This is our Hubrian's own business, I don't remember asking you for help."

The woman with rosemary fragrance has no fear, and her smile is even more charming when facing the other party's sharp eyes.

"———The security measures on the Hyperion are perfect.

"If we boarded the ship with weapons or showed the slightest hostility..."

"I'm afraid there's no chance of moving one step forward at all."

"Since we can stand here now..."

Rita Rossweisse bowed slightly and saluted: "Presumably, the magnanimous Master Stargazer must have forgiven our rash visit.

The Sage King stared at her for a long time, seeing that her face was calm and did not show any signs of wavering, he finally withdrew his gaze.

"Forget it, it's a rare good day, and it's very unlucky to go to war."

"——Go wash your hands, you have to prepare the New Year's Eve dinner before that person comes back."】

"Hehe~ Mr. Xingxing really understands righteousness~"

In the question-and-answer space, Rosemary was not stingy with her praise: "It's no wonder that the captain trusts you to manage Hyperion."

"Say no false compliments."

Guan Xing snorted softly, ungrateful: "Let me tell you first, although I forgave you on the screen, it doesn't mean I won't pursue it further.

"——After you go back, you'd better have your sister explain it to me!"

"Indeed, I'm also a little curious."

Yaexia crossed her arms and nodded: "How did Miss Rita convince us? Or, how did she convince the ferryman?"

Delta clicked his tongue: "What a mysterious guy."

"Hey~ I didn't expect that even Lilia and I would have a role!"

Rosalia was a little happy: "Okay~!"

Lilia murmured in a low voice: "However, we are just playing tricks, and we didn't even say a word..."

On the other side, with the acquiescence of Stargazing, everyone on Hyperion also started to make dumplings——

【"Master Guan Xing, is the stuffing good like this?"

"You, you, you..." Guan Xing's eyes widened with disbelief!

Rosemary looked at her puzzled: "My lord...?"

"————Why do you know that guy's taste so well!"

Guan Xing asked loudly: "Even I have been secretly observing for several days before I figured it out... Cough, it's nothing.

"Hehe, does Master Stargazer really care?"

"Hmph, stupid."

Guan Xing pretended to be serious: "That guy is also the actual person in charge of this Huberian. You, an outsider who doesn't know the details, are asking so much, what's your intention?"

"There is an old saying: the kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring."

Rita smiled and said: "Huberian is willing to provide Rita with a temporary residence, so Rita should repay this kindness.

...... Hum, I just hope it's not a story about a farmer and a snake. "

"Hehe~ Mr. Xingxing, you are too worried. If there is anything about Rita that makes you suspicious, you can check it yourself."

She leaned over slightly with a charming smile, her soft hair gently swept across the neck of the sage king, and the aroma of rosemary became more intense.

Observing the stars is obviously a little uncomfortable, and moved away in a panic—

"No, no... Let's make dumplings earlier, I'll go and see when that guy will come back."]

"Tsk tsk! I always feel an inexplicable sense of familiarity!"

Watching the scene on the screen, Teresa shrank her shoulders involuntarily, as if she felt the same way.

"Hehe~" Rita Benta chuckled lightly.

"Miss Stargazing is completely controlled by Miss Rita!"

Braun spread his hands: "It seems that I can't handle it at all."

"Who, who said that!"

Guan Xing argues with reason: "I just, just don't have the same knowledge as this woman!"

Rosemary Rita covered her mouth and smiled lightly: "Hehe~ yes. Thank you Master Stargazer for your understanding~"


Guanxing snorted coldly and turned around.

In the picture, Rosemary is staring with great interest at the seldom-seen panicked back of the Sage King and fleeing away, turning her face away, her smile is mixed with a trace of loneliness

【"Compared to knowing the taste, it is better to say it is a long-term habit."

"Unfortunately, that person must have long been forgotten..."

Rosemaryta's murmurs reached Delta's ears

"You are still the same as before, every sentence is like a riddle."

The girl with two horns opened one eye and squinted at her: "But your little tricks of concealing yourself are useless to me, I know you are dangerous."

"Is it dangerous..."

Rosemaryta returned to her usual perfect smile: "From another perspective, isn't danger a kind of temptation, Miss Delta?"

"But for the sake of each other's safety --- let's stop discussing this matter now, shall we?"

Delta snorted noncommittally: "Hmph, cunning woman."]

"Oh! This is a real hammer!"

Alicia clapped her hands: "Sure enough, Miss Rosemary knows the captain of the ferryman, and she is also very familiar with Miss Delta!"


Delta himself didn't think of it: "This is really unexpected. It seems that quite a lot of things have happened in the future."

Yaexia crossed her arms and analyzed: "Strictly speaking, maybe Miss Rita was the one who met the ferryman first.

"...Oh, Miss Rita has kept a lot of things from me.

Guan Xing has a stern face: "It seems that after leaving the question and answer space and returning to Hyperion, we need to have a good talk."

"Oh~ After all, everyone has their own little secret~"

Rosemary Rita smiled fearlessly: "Of course, if Master Stargazer really wants to hear about the adventures that Rita and Master Captain have experienced together in the past, it is not impossible to tell you~"

As she spoke, she blinked slyly).


Stargazer's eyebrows trembled slightly, it was obvious that his blood pressure was rising!

While the people in the question-and-answer space were communicating, the images on the screen continued to play, and Rosalia and Lilia were seen bouncing around without making dumplings at all.

【"Sister Delta, why is your shape different from that of others?" Meng Sally stuck her head out.

"Stupid Rosalia, that's called abstract art."

Delta retorted, looking at the dumpling in front of him, but fell silent:

"Don't worry too much about the shape, the shape has nothing to do with the taste.

The loss of the two-horned girl was too obvious, and the fox-eared ninja couldn't help but comfort her.

"Eh? Really? Then I'll try it for you!"

As Rosalia said, she picked up a dumpling and stuffed it into her mouth.

Delta hurriedly stopped: "Hey, wait, Rosalia, that's raw!"

"Don't worry, Sister Delta, Rosalia and I have good teeth."

Lilia said that the problem is not big, and she didn't panic at all: "Before, we also ate potted plant cakes with a very real taste.

.......From your description, it must be a real potted plant!"



"As expected of Rosalia and Lilia..."

Bronya couldn't help but support her forehead, and complained: "Even in other worlds, there is still a happy atmosphere

the regulator. "

Xi'er also laughed softly: "I always feel that with Rosalia and Lilia around, the atmosphere will become very relaxed and harmonious~"

"Really! Hehe~ Thank you, Sister Xier!"

Rosalia scratched her head and smiled proudly.

"Stupid Rosalia, Xihachi sister is saying that we are funny characters

Lilia could see clearly.

Delta shook his head helplessly:

On the other side, Gawang Xing, who left in a panic, turned back again, and after seeing the scene in the room, his expression showed some subtle changes—

【"Have you played enough?"

The voice of the Sage King was sullen: "If you don't hurry up, it will be too late..."

Before she could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by another spring-like voice.

"Don't worry, Mr. Xingxing, I have already completed the required total."


Hearing Rita's words, Stargazer was shocked. She looked at the dumplings on the table: "Ah, really. So fast? You alone?! How did you do it?"

"Hoohoo~ When I thought that it was a New Year's Eve dinner for everyone, I couldn't help but put in all my energy and worked a little harder~"]

"Well, Mei, I'm a little hungry too..."

In the Q&A space, Qibao couldn't help but shed tears of envy when she saw so many dumplings.

"Don't just want to eat food when you see it..."

Mei sighed.

【"This is not something that can be achieved with a little effort......"

Seeing so many dumplings, Guan Xing sighed: "Ha, you really are an incredible guy.

"4.2 Master Stargazer is absurd~"

"I'm not boasting... Forget it, in order to let that person eat hot dumplings, these are trivial things."

Guan Xing originally subconsciously wanted to be arrogant, but he shook his head and looked at Rita with a rare seriousness: "It was a great help, thank you, Rita.

"Hehe~ Lord Guan Xing, you are really cute..."

Seeing such a rare and sincere stargazer, Rita couldn't help becoming a nympho.


"Actually, I also prepared a New Year's gift for Stargazer~"

As Rosemaryta spoke, a new dress suddenly appeared in her hand: "One of the customs of the Spring Festival in China is to wear new clothes during the New Year...

"...Hey, what's that in your hand?!"

Stargazing is a bit of a bad feeling: "Are you kidding me, I don't want to wear something like that!"

"Yeah, the shy Stargazer-sama is really cute~"

Rita continued to be nympho, with a meaningful smile on her face: "If you wear this, that person will be very happy too."

"You, you, don't come here! Don't come here!!!"]

The continuous noise was unexpectedly not annoying, because for the people on Hyperion, it was a unique, warm sound that belonged to 'home'.

"It's such a warm scene~"

Alicia clapped her hands briskly: "It's so enviable~!"

"However, it really makes people curious~"

Rosemary revealed a self-evident smile: "What will Master Stargazing look like after wearing that dress~"

"It must be very cute, hehe~"

...you guy. "

Stargazing couldn't help pulling away from Rosemary Tower. .

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