Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

537: The Second Savior Of The Collapse, Penglai Temple Jiuxiao!

——Purple's long hair is tied into a side ponytail, and strange decorative items such as suspected crosses and chains are added, as well as highlights of a considerable length, and a large number of bandages are tied to the left arm and neck.

Although she looked like she was dressed in the style of Zeng Shamat, but because the girl's face was too fair and beautiful, she looked quite cute.

But even so, this outfit is quite explosive when looking at the entire Qianyu Academy!

Whether it's Kiyana, Mei, or just anyone, anyone who sees this purple-haired girl's outfit~ will be deeply impressed!

However, neither Mei nor Kiana, even Bronya, who came to the vicinity of St. Freya Academy in Changkong City because of a mission, had no impression of this strangely dressed girl in the south.

"To be reasonable, for this kind of... um, people dressed in a wonderful style, if I really saw it, I should never forget it..."

Mei thought hard, but still couldn't think of it: "It's so strange, she is indeed wearing the uniform of Qianyu Academy..."

"Mei, you are not alone."

Kiyana scratched her head: "I have no impression at all either!"

While everyone in the question-and-answer space was still guessing about the purple-haired girl, the familiar electronically synthesized voice sounded again, signaling the arrival of a new round of questions and answers—

【Question 21: Among the following options, what is the real name of the purple-haired girl?】

【A: Nine Heavens of Penglai Temple】

【B: Raiden Mei】

【C: Kiana Kaslana】

【D: Bronya Zajcek】

"Uh......... is that almost a sign?"

Qiyana blinked, her expression was a bit subtle: "Is there no other option in the question and answer space?"

"At a glance A option!"

The Herrscher of Knowledge crossed his arms and complained: "Graish can choose the right one when she comes!"

Gracie: "?"

"Then here comes the problem~"

Alicia raised a slender finger: "Who should choose this question?"

"Well, since this girl named Horaiji Jiuxiao is also a student from Senba Academy, let sister Mei or idiot Kiyana choose.

Bronya suggested: "By the way, do Kiyana and sister Mei really have no impression of this girl?"


Qiyana thought for a second, then shook her head decisively: "Could it be a new transfer student?"


Mei rubbed her chin, and couldn't help recalling the long past in her mind: "However, in my impression of Qianyu Academy, it seems that there are not many transfer students... ah!"

"Speaking of transfer students, isn't Kiyana a transfer student......

"Ah this."

Qiyana was taken aback, but she didn't expect to mention herself: "That's right, but does it have anything to do with that girl named Jiuxiao in Penglai City?"

"Mei, Kiyana, think about it carefully... The origin of everything comes from Qianyu Academy, or the two of you in Changkong City."

Fu Hua made a rational analysis: "In addition, judging from the scene of Qiyana's death just now, the world has finally restarted.

It's an old antique, so don't leave it here. "

The Herrscher of Knowledge interrupted Fu Hua impatiently: "What exactly do you want to say, just say it!"

"...Don't worry, Xiaoshi."

Fu Hua sighed: "I just want to say that according to the law of the final restart of the world, every time the world is restarted, it is just entering the next reincarnation, and there is actually no difference between the people in the previous reincarnation.

"In other words, if Mei and Qiyana are sure that they have never met this girl named Jiuxiao Penglai Temple, then she should not appear in this reincarnation

...Squad leader, why do I not understand what you are saying?"

After all, Qi Bao still read less and could not understand Fu Hua's analysis.

Mei is also half-knowledgeable, only Bronya knows.

"Bronya understood. What the squad leader meant was that the reason why Qiyana and Mei didn't know the existence of Jiuxiao in Horaiji Temple was because she didn't exist in the previous one that had been destroyed by Qiyana, the herrscher of the end. in the world line."

Bronya expressed her own conclusion, and Fu Hua nodded affirmatively.

"If nothing unexpected happens, this should be the conclusion."

"People who don't exist in the previous world line?"

Mei frowned: "In that case, isn't it just like Alicia, a unique existence that can only appear in this world line?"


Alicia raised her eyebrows in surprise: "Really? That cute girl should be called Penglai Temple Jiuxiao. Could it be that she is also a natural Herrscher like me?"

Looking curiously and pleasantly at Jiuxiao of Penglai Temple, Alicia blinked: "In this case, Mei ~ Kiyana ~ leave the choice to me this time, is that okay~

"Huh? I'm fine."

Kiana scratched her head.

Mei also said that it doesn't matter: "Then leave it to Alicia."

"Wow~thank you~!"

Alicia laughed happily, then turned her head to look at the options on the screen, cleared her throat

"Then, I choose A: Penglai Temple Jiuxiao."

[The answer is correct, congratulations for the time increase of the Herrscher of the Alysian Trial Card by 2 hours]

The time limit for the Herrsrscher of Man's experience card has increased, but Alicia doesn't care about this reward, and now she wants to know more—after witnessing Yana, the Herrscher of the End of Another World, restart the world, this The girl named Penglai Temple Jiuxiao, this girl did not exist in the previous world line.

——Will it be possible to change the established destiny?

0...seeking flowers...

Wait and see Alicia!

But at this moment, the second question and answer appeared on the screen again——

【Question 22: Among the following options, what is the nickname of Penglai Temple Jiuxiao?】

【A: Savior】

【B: Patients with Zhong Er disease】

[C: Beautiful girl programmer]

【D: Beautiful girl game producer】

"Ju, there is actually a new question and answer!"

Alicia blinked in surprise, not only her, but also the other people present did not expect this result.

I thought that after answering the questions, the story about Jiuxiao in Penglai Temple would be played, but just after the last question was answered, the next question and answer appeared immediately!

It’s been a while since I came to the Q&A space, but this is the first time everyone has encountered this situation!

Even so, they quickly adjusted their status and began to analyze——

"It's an analysis, but we don't have any clues about this Penglai Temple Jiuxiao?"


Paduofelis said in frustration: "How do I analyze this?"

"Then it will be the same as before, find an answer with the best luck~"

The Herrscher of Knowledge spread out his hands: "Padofelice and Qiyana, lucky to choose one!"

"Eh, me?"

Kiyana blinked: "It's not impossible."

"Our words are fine!"

Patofelice nodded.

"Let me come~!"

This time, Alicia still volunteered: "I always feel that I seem to be able to guess the correct answer~"

"Eh? Is Ellie-san coming in person?"

Paduofelis was a little surprised, but she didn't have any other opinions: "We don't care, it depends on what Kiyana says!"

"I have no opinion either!"

Kiyana said: "Since Miss Fairy wants to continue answering questions, let Miss Fairy answer!"

"Thank you~"

Alicia smiled slightly, then focused her eyes on one of the options, stretched out a delicate finger, and pointed to that option—

"I choose A: the savior!"

[The answer is correct, the reward for this mission is to automatically play the follow-up story of "The Savior Penglai Temple Nine Heavens"]


Alicia clapped her hands happily when she heard the task reward.

In fact, as the data in the Paradise of the Past, whether she can use the power of the Herrscher of Humans is not important at all.

The important thing is that she wants to know more about the outside world and more about the future!

——This is the reward she wants most!

And as the questions were answered, the pictures on the screen gradually began to play—

The story about the savior, Horai Temple Jiuxiao.

PS: Ask for a wave of flowers and evaluation votes, thank you family and friends!.

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