Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

549: Beng Er Otto Is Cold-Blooded And Ruthless! Saint Qiyana's Decision!

In the picture, Qiyana relied on the power of the saint to easily suppress Angelia's Herrscher core and successfully defeated it.

But after all, Qiyana has just mastered the power of the saint, and her proficiency in this power is too low, and she consumes a lot of unnecessary energy when using it, which eventually leads to exhaustion and fainting.

Fortunately, Mei, who arrived in time, caught her and took her back.

At the same time, Tianming's large army has also arrived. Although Cocolia led the Titan army to try their best to stop them, it was still a drop in the bucket [the defense line was soon broken through.

At this moment, Otto finally appeared.

He successfully persuaded Cocolia to defect to the Mandate of Heaven and be used by him, and led the Valkyrie team to move forward, looking for Walter.

"Tsk! This female fox has indeed rebelled again!"

In the question and answer space, Tesla looked unhappy: "Let me just say it! This guy is born rebellious!"

"Mama Cocolia in this world... always feels so scary..."

Even Rosalia, who has always been so naive as to be a little silly, and Cocolia, who is watching the world of Beng II, can't help but show fear in her eyes.

.......Indeed, Mama Cocolia from another world gives people a crazy feeling. "

Bronya also expressed her agreement with "Zero Six Three" and couldn't help frowning.

On the other side, without the blocking of Cocolia's Titans, Destiny suddenly felt like no one was in control, and soon Walter and the others were forced to the point of no return. They hid in a laboratory and were preparing to Take a break for a while.

But Walter suddenly let them all leave, and wanted to have a private talk with Kiyana.

After Mei and the others left, Walter took out the core of the Second Herrscher taken out of Jiuxiao's body and showed it to Qiyana.

Kiyana originally wanted to seal the core of the second Herrscher, but was stopped by Walter. He said that with Kiana's current power, it is basically impossible to seal the complete core of the Herrscher

But there is one thing that only she can do——that is to fuse with the Herrscher's core.

【"Qiana, the power of your saint has the ability to control the collapse. The artificial herrschers created by Otto just used experiments to force them to control a small part of the core fragments of the herrschers. Compared with your power It's trivial to say."

Walter explained: "If you can successfully grasp the power of the Herrscher's core, then the undead troops will be vulnerable... You will also become an existence on the same plane as the Herrscher and surpass human beings."]


In the question-and-answer space, Qiyana quickly said, "But, I remember that in the last world line, wasn't it because I fused with the core of the Second Herrscher that I finally became the Herrscher of the End and destroyed the world?"

"Even if I have mastered the power of the saint in the world line after the restart, but compared to the power of the end...it should still be not enough..."


Einstein nodded with a serious expression: "After all, Walter has never personally witnessed the scene of Kiana's annihilation in the form of the Herrscher of the End, so I'm afraid he doesn't know this information.

"As far as I am concerned, we must not allow Qiyana to fuse with the core of the Second Herrscher! Otherwise, the world will be restarted by the Herrscher of the End!"

Tesla said anxiously: "Qiana, you must not agree!"

In the screen, after hearing Walter's remarks, Kiana fell into silence.

After a while, she slowly raised her head, as if thinking of some sad past——

【"Because of the power of my saintess, countless conspiracies and battles have surrounded me since I was born... and took away countless loved ones around me..."

"But now, you let me absorb the core of the Herrscher as they wish, and become what they expect..."

Kiyana's eyes suddenly became firm, she looked directly into Walter's gaze, and shook her head slowly but firmly: "Walter, I refuse.

"I am very grateful to you... Although you once killed your mother, it also made Jiu Xiao fall into a coma.

"But you did help me unlock the power of the saint, and you also helped the ninth floor take out the Herrscher's core.

Kiyana said softly: "Including everyone from Anti-Entropy, we have all fought against the Mandate of Heaven and Honkai on the same front."

"But if I were to use the core of the Herrscher and become the same existence as Houkai to fight against human beings, I would definitely not be able to do it..."

"Not only because this is no different from what Tianming did, but more importantly, it is the agreement between my mother and sister Qiluo.

Qiyana pressed her chest: "They let me understand that I can stand up bravely and fight against powerful opponents without relying on others."

"Even though there have been failures, even tears and pain, those are the proofs of my growth and the journey I have completed step by step!"

"I don't want to use this form to achieve a powerful purpose, even if it can really help me defeat the destiny, help me to avenge my mother and sister Qiluo......

"But this is not the result I want, what I want is to defeat them with my own power!"】

"Kiana said it well!"

Teresa applauded first: "I knew that Qiyana would not disappoint everyone's expectations!"

"Hey~ Auntie, I'm a little embarrassed that you praise me so much..."

Qibao scratched her head shyly.

"...No, you misunderstood.

Teresa shook her head solemnly: "I'm talking about Kiyana from another world, not you.

Kiyana: "?"

"No matter which world Kiyana is in, although she has experienced setbacks and pains, she also did not give up easily.

Mei was very happy: "It's really reassuring to see such a mature Kiyana."

"Phew, it's a good thing that Qiyana didn't agree with the leader's suggestion."

Tesla breathed a sigh of relief: "Otherwise, the end will probably come early again.


Einstein also nodded in agreement: "Although Kiyana at this point in time has matured a lot compared to the previous world line, it is really impossible to control the power of the Herrscher of the End.

In the picture, after listening to Kiana's speech, Walter asked her again——

【"Qiana, what if we really have no hope of winning this war?"

"If that's the case, then I will also protect you from harm."

Qiyana looked directly at him firmly: "This is a dispute that started because of me, and I want to end it because of me. Even if the result is a failure, then I have fought and fought with my own strength, and I will fight on my own. It is the result of my ideal and the will of my mother and sister Qiluo."

"—Even if I fail, I will not regret it!"

"...Looks like you've already decided...."

Walter seemed to see Kiana's determination.

"Well, don't worry, all Otto wants is my power, as long as I'm here, he won't hurt you easily."

Kiyana nodded: "Walter, let me be the last line of defense against entropy."]

Hearing Kiana's answer, Walter's originally tense face finally relaxed, and he let out a hearty laugh.

He told Kiana that now she is much more mature than when she was in St. Freya Academy, and she can no longer see the confusion she once had. Compared with her at that time, she is a completely different person.

Seeing Qiyana like this, Walter decided to respect her determination.

He called all the people outside, and told Qiyana to let her and Mei take Jiuxiao and the doctor to the artificial sun on the top of the tower to wait for him.

As for himself, he stayed to deal with Otto.

"Wait a minute, does Walter want to face Otto alone again?"

In the question-and-answer space, Tesla was a little excited: "Tsk! How come one and two are like this, obviously they come from two completely different world lines, and obviously their own experiences are completely different, yet they both make such similarities?" decision!"

"That guy, is he really not afraid of death?"

"...Trust him, Dr. Tesla."

Einstein sighed: "After all, it was Walter's choice."

Although Qiyana and the others on the screen were not at ease, they could only nod when they saw that Walter had made up his mind, turned around and left first.

And not long after everyone left, a familiar blond man also entered here.

Here comes—it is Otto!

He looked at the instruments around him, and finally settled his eyes on Walter, who seemed to have been waiting here for a long time, with a haughty smile on his face.

【"This area...is exactly the same as the underground facility of St. Freya Academy. It seems that this is the instrument Walter used to awaken the saint."

"It's a pity that you can only become the enemy of destiny despite having such skills and talents.

"What, O0.9 Tor."

Walter looked directly at him: "Do you also want to take me under your command?"

"Oh, Guert."

E smiled coldly: "I'm sorry, it's the living place for those who don't obey the law."

Walter snorted: "Hmph, that's really a pity."

"It seems that you are finally willing to confront me head-on."

Otto saw that he had no intention of backing down, and examined him: "As the leader of anti-entropy, first of all, let me pay tribute to you, Mr. Walter."

"Hmph, he's still a formalist guy as always.

Walter didn't like this at all: "Don't be so extravagant, because you will disappear into my black hole soon!"]

Accompanied by Walter's words, a strong gravitational force instantly covered the area, and a pitch-black wormhole that looked like an abyss hell appeared near Otto and Walter!

"Hey! This guy, Walter, doesn't want to die together again?!"

In the question-and-answer space, looking at Walter who directly included himself and Otto within the scope of the black hole as soon as he came up, Tesla was a little nervous.

"It fits the leader's style very well.

Einstein made a sharp comment: "It seems that no matter which world Walters are in, they seem to have something in common."

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