Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

556: Janna's Confession! Love Across Era!

At the moment when the war was about to break out, the picture on the screen suddenly fell into a muddy stagnation, accompanied by the electronic synthesis sound that everyone was familiar with.

【Question 27: Among the following options, who will win the battle between Kiyana and Janna?】

【A: Kiyana wins, Janna loses】

[B: Jana wins, Kiyana loses

[C: No winner, end in a draw]

【D: Both losers, both die】

"It feels like that has a high probability of winning...

Mei said with some uncertainty: "After all, the strength that Janna showed before... is a bit too exaggerated..."

The others remained silent and did not answer.

Because they have nothing to say.

As Mei said, Jana's strength is far superior to that of Kiyana and her group. If it wasn't for her deep love for Kiyana and her unwillingness to be an enemy, Jana would have killed everyone in this sea area long ago. Empty!

Even the human civilization of this era is doomed!

"There's no need to be so silent."

Mebius couldn't see these sensational atmospheres the most, and waved his hands impatiently: "Isn't it just something that happened in another world? After all, what does it have to do with us? Are you ready?"

"Since none of you are willing to answer, let me do it."

Mebius raised his head, his green pupils stared at option B, and said slowly: "I choose B: Janna wins and Kia loses.

[Wrong answer, the correct answer is A: Kiyana wins, Jana loses. 】

[Penalty measures: Mebius will not be able to get out of the toolbox within the next 12 hours]

Mebius: "?"


Hearing the announcement of the correct answer, everyone was stunned and stared at the screen in disbelief.

In the screen, along with Janna's declaration, finally started the fateful battle with Kiyana.

Even though her body was severely bombarded by the Brilliant Covenant before, as a Herrscher of the same level as the Herrscher of the End, Janna is still not able to compete with Qiyana and others even in a state of exhaustion.

Even if Qiyana has used the power of the saint to the greatest extent, it will not help.

......That's how it should be.

However, in reality, Kiyana and the others fought Janna evenly and indistinguishably, to the point where Kiyana had the upper hand.

"Wait a minute! The combat power of this planetary-level Honkai beast is too weak, right?!"

Tesla was shocked: "Although the combination of Qiyana, who has the power of a saint, and Jiu Xiao, who has the core of Herrscher, and Mei, is indeed very strong.

"Danna gave people the feeling before that she was an existence who could easily kill them for three seconds!"

"Well, although it sounds a little reconciled to say so..."

Mei scratched her cheek: "But it is true."

"The answer is obvious, Dr. Tesla."

Einstein sighed: "Obviously, Janna doesn't want to hurt Kiyana, so she's releasing the water... No, to be precise, it should be releasing the sea!"

"Let the sea!"

The Herrscher of Knowledge was shocked: "So that's the case, is this the origin of the 'Herserscher of the Sea'! Increased knowledge!"

As Einstein said, Janna, who loves Kiyana deeply, is not willing to hurt Kiyana sincerely, so this battle was actually doomed at the moment Kiyana chose to help mankind. result.

In the final duel, Janna gave up her resistance and let Quqiyana crush her core——

【"Qiana...you won..."

Janna smiled.

"Qiana, are you okay?"

Mei walked over worriedly, and supported Kiana by the arm.

"Mei, I'm fine..."

Qiyana shook her head: "It's just that the power of the saint seems to be used too much, I'm a little tired

"Look! There seems to be something besides the terminal in the middle of the core!"

Jiu Xiao suddenly pointed to the vicinity of the terminal, and slightly opened his eyes: "It's a person!"】

What appeared in front of everyone was Kana who reappeared after the avatar disappeared!

"How come, another Janna appeared?"

Everyone in the question-and-answer space fell into doubt: "Who is that Janna who fought with Kiana just now...?"

"Could this be the real Janna?"

Alicia guessed: "The one who fought us just now is also one of Janna's clones?"

"Isn't this Janna's clone too much?"

The Herrscher of Knowledge couldn't help complaining: "Isn't this spreading my power on purpose... It's really letting the sea go..."

Everyone's confusion was quickly answered. Janna coughed twice before speaking weakly near the terminal.

【"Ahem......that is what I created, a human body......"

Janna's voice was weak, but her expression seemed a little relieved, and she smiled: "This is the most human-like body I've ever created~"

"Jana" Kiyana stared at her silently, speechless for a while.

Jana sent a request to Kiyana: "Qiana, can you... come to my side?"

Kiyana nodded, and walked in front of Na silently.

Jana raised her hand and gently held Kiana's face, a smile of joy from the heart appeared on her face—

"It turns out... is this what it feels like to touch you... I finally feel it..."

"Na, your body

Qiyana stared blankly at Na's gradually becoming transparent body, feeling a burst of grief in her heart.

And Janna smiled gently: "This is my last one, and it is also a clone that combines all the previous powers. After this clone is broken, it is normal for me to dissipate~"

"Qiana, are you sad? Although there are no tears, I can feel your emotions...

"Great, Kiyana is grieving for me."]


Witnessing Jana's love for Kiyana, everyone was deeply moved and couldn't help crying.

"I didn't expect that Janna loved Qiyana so deeply, she would rather sacrifice herself than hurt her!"

Padufelice Maomao cried: "It's so touching, woo woo woo QAQ!!"

"Na...don't die...!"

Kiyana couldn't help but yelled.

"However, the core has been shattered...Janna is also doomed to her own death..."

Teresa sighed softly, lowering her head in regret.

【"Qiana, do you know?"

Janna's body gradually became transparent, and her voice became weaker and weaker, but she still stared at Kiyana, as if she was the only one in her eyes: "When God created me, apart from being like other collapsed In addition to the mission of exterminating human beings genetically engraved like a bad creature, there are other messages attached."

"That is to let me come to this planet, look for your trace, and work with you as the messenger of Honkai to destroy human beings."

Listening to Jana's words, although Kiyana was very worried about Janna's body, she still couldn't help asking her: "Janna, can you answer me, what was I like in the past? Was it human? Or Herrscher? Or is it the nothing monster you mentioned?"

"Hehe.....Human beings are going to be destroyed...is that important?"

Jana smiled and shook her head: "Qiana, this is what you said to me at that time.

"Qiana, if you are a human being, I am willing to be a human being by your side, if you want to destroy the world, I will become a natural disaster with you.

"This is my love for you...From the moment I saw you, it has never changed."】

In the question-and-answer space, everyone listened to Jana's affectionate confession to Kiyana, and fell silent in unison.

They never imagined that Qiyana was so important to Janna!

She even made her not hesitate to give up the mission entrusted to her by the God of Houkai, and to give up her own life in order to fulfill Qiyana.


Alicia looked at Na, who was born as a herrscher like herself. Although the two had different beliefs, they had similarities in how they treated their favorite things.

This made Alicia feel a little empathy.

She watched Janna's figure, watched her eyes full of love and whispered something to Kiyana.

【"Jana, you..."

Looking at Janna's affectionate eyes, Kiyana only felt that her chest became heavier.

"This body is for ten days to be with you."

"In order to understand your love, your pain, your injury, your hatred..."

Janna smiled slightly: "It's just that it's useless now..."

Jana caressed Kiyana's face gently, with a trace of remembrance and reluctance in her eyes——

"Goodbye... Kiyana, if I can be reborn like you, I hope I can become... a human like you..."]

Following Jana's words, her body became so transparent that she could hardly see clearly, and those blue eyes, as beautiful as the sea, also slowly closed their eyelids.

The hands that caressed Qiyana also dropped powerlessly.


In the question and answer space, Alicia couldn't help calling Janna's name.

"Jana! Don't die!!"

Kiyana also shouted loudly.

Not only her, Kiyana on the screen is also calling out for Jana

【"No, I won't let you disappear like this!"

Kiyana held Janna's hands tightly: "I will save you, and then fulfill your wish...!"】

At that moment, Kiyana's eyes shone with the brilliance of Gold, and the power of the saint poured out again, enveloping Jana's gradually transparent body!

And then——a miracle happened!

Under the guidance of the power of the saint, the core is completely integrated into the human body of Janna!

"Success, did you succeed!"

Kiyana asked nervously.


Alicia was also nervous: "It must be successful!!"


Kiyana Gold's pupils slowly returned to Zhan Blue, panting non-stop.

"I didn't expect the power of the saint to be able to achieve such a level, and the core was completely integrated into the human body of Janna..."

Dr. Iselyn was shocked: "Although she saved her life for the time being, she can't be regarded as a human being like this...

"It just seems that Janna has also fallen into a deep sleep, and I don't know when she will wake up..."

Looking at Janna's sleeping state, Jiu Xiao poked her cheek.

"There are still many ancient secrets hidden in her body, it seems that we can only ask her after she wakes up."】


Kiyana cheered happily: "Jana is not dead! Great!


"Yes, yes! As expected of Kiyana, the power of the saint is indeed very powerful!"

Alicia also clapped happily: "In this way, Jana and Kiyana can be together again! There is no need to separate again!"

"Besides, since it is a human body, it means that Na no longer needs to listen to the orders of the Houkai God, and can do whatever she wants!"

"It's so good~!"


Mei also smiled: "That's really great."

"So, what about the terminal protected by Janna?"

Among the group of people, Otto remained calm, and was the first to ask the key point: "The terminal that Janna has guarded for thousands of years, the terminal that can reveal all the truth.


Tesla also slapped his head: "That terminal is also very important! If Qiyana and the others get it, maybe it can deepen the collapse of their world


Everyone also raised their heads and looked up, only to see the green-haired doctor Iseline on the screen is quickly checking the terminal, with an anxious expression——

【"Unfortunately, there is not much time left for us. I will check the terminal as quickly as possible. It would be great if the core components can be taken out, but if there is no

If the law..."

Etherine sighed: "Let's just get out of here."

"The terminal.....are we just giving it to Otto?"

Kiyana hugged Jana with a reluctant expression on her face.

"I can only hope that there is still the last bit of human rationality in his heart, so that he will not make those crazy actions..."

Dr. Iselyn fiddled with the terminal: "Let me see how this terminal should be... um, it seems that I should press here... Huh? This is... It seems that some specific information is required

Can the information section be opened? "

"Damn it! I don't have time to study these things now!! Let me see where the core components of this terminal are. In short, take it away..."

"Damn it, you actually need information! That Dr. Mei actually put so much insurance on this machine, it's really cheap for Otto..."

Estherine was completely helpless, and said viciously: "Curse him for not being able to unlock these secrets at all, curse him for having the password and only half of it!"

"Hey, let's go...

Etherine put down the terminal helplessly: "This time our confrontation with the destiny, it seems that we have completely lost."]

"Just hand over the terminal to Otto!"

Tesla gritted his teeth (Okay Zhao): "Damn it! It's really annoying! Mingmingna was defeated by Qiyana and the others!"

"Calm down, Dr. Tesla."

Einstein reminded: "If there is no fate-shaking shelling, I am afraid that even if Jana releases the sea, Kiyana and the others may not necessarily win..."

"But...didn't you expect Dr. Mei to exist in that world!?"

Mebius narrowed his eyes: "It's really curious... What kind of role does Dr. Mei in another world play?"

"Since that terminal was left by Dr. Mei, it's probably similar to Dr. Mei's here~"

Wei Wei shrugged: "It's really unexpected, there is Dr. Mei in this world, and she seems to play a very important role.

Kevin: .....21

On the screen, with the departure of Qiyana and her group, Otto also came to the place where the terminal was stored.

He scans the empty terminal room [grinning haughtily—

【"It seems that our opponent has already fled in a hurry...... Come on, let us cheer for this victory, and then accept our victory!"

Otto pulled out a badge—

[Drip! The correct command was detected - the 'Alaya Consciousness' storage device will open in three seconds. 】

[3, 2, 1, click——]

"I didn't expect this badge to be so useful. Could it be that the anti-entropy has already studied this place? I really don't know it because I have a treasure mountain~"

Otto smiled expectantly: "Come on, the ancient terminal that has been sleeping for thousands of years, what kind of surprise can you bring me?"

"Surprise? I don't have any surprises for you here, unless you can bring me the real key.

A voice suddenly sounded: "It seems that what you got is only to activate my key."


Otto narrowed his eyes: "Interesting, who are you?"

"My name is Mana, and I am the artificial intelligence in charge of the stigmata terminal Alaya, and it is also the last artificial intelligence created by Dr. Mei. 1

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