Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

563: [Will Commander]? The True Face Of Collapse!

Otto: Abandon me, this is an order.

When Kiana turned into the Ultimate Herrscher to fight against Honkai, Mei on the other side also returned to the space station, and after notifying Fimilis and other space station companions to wake up, they immediately set off for the moon— ————Rescue Qiyana, and completely destroy the will of the collapse!

"Oh! Is it time for the decisive battle!"

In the question-and-answer space, Qiyana watched the scene where her avatar in another world finally fought against Honkai, and the whole person involuntarily ignited: "Come on! Kiyana from another world! The end of another world!" Builder! We must defeat Honkai!"

"That's right, come on! Kiyana!"

Teresa also cheered for Qiyana from another world: "We believe in you, and we will be able to defeat Honkai in the end!"


Mei also clenched her fists involuntarily: "I can't lose!"

"Compared to this..."

Mebius, as a demon scientist who has spent his entire life studying Honkai, doesn't care much about this sensational drama, but cares more about Otto's plan: "I want to know more, How did Otto in that world summon the Honkai God to the moon, and what exactly is the Honkai God?"

As if to answer Mebius' doubts, the picture on the screen suddenly changed, and in a blink of an eye, it came to the surface of the moon——

[Moon, Glorious Covenant.

"The time has come - Bishop Tianzhe."

Due to Otto's artificial Herrscher experiment, the resurrected Herrscher Kallen has no memory of her life, and only carries out Otto's orders.

"Touch the dormant state of the Alaya consciousness, and start to concentrate the Houkai energy."

Otto gave orders calmly.

"Yes." Flora on the other side nodded.

"And, Flora."

Otto said suddenly: "There is no need to connect."

"The consciousness of 'God' has found the correct anchor in the world."

"Thank you for persevering to the end."

Perhaps realizing that this might be the last meeting, Otto's voice has softened a little, no longer so cold and heartless.

Flora was silent for a moment: "This is... my honor.


Otto turned to look at Karen again.


"From now on, you no longer need to protect me as the top priority."

"You mean..." Kallen's face showed a puzzled expression.

"There are two small escape pods inside the Brilliant Covenant."

Otto said: "If necessary, escape back to Earth with Flora."

"———Abandon me, [this is an order."]

"Hmph, it seems that the Otto of this world is not completely insane!"

It is rare for Tesla to express some more positive views: "Although he is crazier than Otto in the Essence World, he still retains a little bit of humanity and knows how to let the people around him escape!"

"After all, it is the god of Houkai, even if Otto understands its danger.

Einstein analyzed: "In the worst case, everyone on the moon is likely to be wiped out, and even Kallen and Flora, who are artificial herrschers, may not be able to play any role.

"Tsk! What is this fellow Otto's plan?"

The Herrscher of Knowledge said even more impatiently: "Obviously intending to let the Honkai God descend on the moon, but let the two strongest fighters around him flee, wouldn't he think that he alone can defeat the Honkai God?" Is it a god? Or is he going to make a deal with the Honkai God? Get the West of the False God?"

"Haha, maybe~"

Otto heard that the Herrscher of Knowledge was cueing himself, and couldn't help joking.

In the screen, with the passage of time, the overall collapse energy level of the moon has reached the upper limit, and the reduction action has begun.

Hearing the system's beep, Otto also became serious in an instant——


He raised his head, his pupils reflected the vision in the sky above the universe: "It's God.

"Our battle has finally come to this moment."

"All the chips are waiting to be cashed out.

"Let me see your true face."

———Broken Will!"]

The moon appears to be shaking slightly.

As if something is shaking the whole moon

In the endless tremors that seemed to tear apart the space, the space suddenly calmed down strangely, as if everything that happened just now was just an illusion.

【"This is......?!"】

Facing the existence named 'God', Melora was naturally mentally prepared to see anything.

In a sense, her imagination and prediction are the most accurate among human beings.

Even the appearance was more or less within her expectations.



"very good.

"Very good! Very good!!"

Frenzied emotions appeared in Otto's eyes, looking up at the huge eye that seemed to be embedded in the center of the universe: "I finally see you, the broken god!"

"In order to call you here, Destiny paid all the price it could!"

"————You have lived up to my expectations!"]

"This... is the collapsed... god...?"

In the question and answer space, everyone stared at the indescribable existence in front of them, and their brains seemed a little chaotic for a while.

Even though they are separated from the screen, they can still feel the oppression from the Honkai God!

One seems to have transcended the shackles of time and space!

Even Kevin subconsciously clenched the Heavenly Fire Sacred Order, his eyes became vigilant and dangerous.

He could feel that this was a powerful existence that surpassed any enemy he had faced before, not even the Herrscher of the Last Horse had brought him such a heavy sense of oppression!!

Whether it is the people in front of the screen or the few people on the screen, facing this existence beyond human cognition, they all fell into dead silence.

Only Otto's excited voice echoed in his ears, like crazy!

At this moment——


The indescribable Honkai God uttered a piercing and piercing sound, and Kallen, who had been dazed, woke up instantly, and stood in front of Otto.

"My lord bishop, go to a safe place!"

Seeing that Otto was indifferent, Karen not only shouted eagerly: "My lord bishop!"]

For Flora, the sense of oppression she felt, although strong, was completely different from what she had imagined——

【Destroy Humans! Destroy Humans! Destroy Humans! Destroy Humans! Destroy Humans! Destroy Humans! Destroy Humans! Destroy Humans! Destroy Humans! Destroy Humans! Destroy Humans! Destroy Humans! Destroy Humans! Destroy Humans! Destroy Humans! Destroy Humans! Humans! Destroy Humans! Destroy Humans!]

She once obtained such a simple and strong message... and thought that this was the 'truth' without any basis.

But the behemoth in front of him didn't move at all.

It seems to be completely still.

Moreover, Flora also discovered that the Brilliant Covenant received extremely regular gravitational wave signals.

【"How should I call you, the broken will?"

Among the three people present, only Otto remained calm. He looked straight at the existence above the sky without fear, as if he was asking or questioning.

0...... Ask for flowers......

Ten seconds later, a line of text appeared on the screen of the Brilliant Covenant——

[The ruler of the will. 】】

"The broken gods are actually communicating normally?"

Wei Wei made an unbelievable voice in the question and answer space: "I thought it would be the kind that starts to attack humans indiscriminately without any explanation!"

"It's really incredible..."

Einstein also took a deep breath: "Besides, he is actually using human words to communicate—[Will Master]......"

"This is, the Honkai God of another world?"

Mebius narrowed his eyelids, and his green eyes shone with a strange light.

Not only the people outside the screen were surprised by the behavior of the will of the collapse, but even the people on the screen were shocked by the behavior of the will of the collapse—

【"Why didn't you attack us?" Flora couldn't help asking.

"Hiss aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..."

Accompanied by the ear-piercing voice of the ruler of the will, brand new content also appeared on the display screen

[Because there is no need to kill you. 】

"Why are you suddenly willing to communicate with us?"

Otto's expression became a little dark at this moment.

【No. 】

【'I' has always been happy to communicate with all intelligent life, Otto. 】

"Why do I have long in your text?"


[This involves the composition of the universe we live in. 】

【Do you want to listen?】】

"I always feel that the collapsed god... is not so much a god, but more like a civilization from another universe?"

Tesla couldn't help expressing his doubts in his heart: "The same wisdom, the same civilization, and even the same rationality-I don't understand, what does this have to do with human beings?



Su also felt extremely puzzled: "From the perspective of the Herrschers we have encountered, this so-called will leader is more rational than the Herrscher..."

While everyone in the question-and-answer space was communicating, Otto on the screen faced the question of the will leader, and after a long silence, he let out a maniacal laugh——


Otto covered his eyelids, and the corners of his mouth raised a presumptuous arc: "I thought I expected everything, but I didn't expect..."

"Is this also considered a 'God'? To actually confirm the thoughts of human beings with a humble attitude?"

"Do you still want to take the initiative to disclose information about the Houkai to humans?"

【'I' know yourself better than you. 】

[You have lived for a long time, but not long enough, you have been living in a cage called "destiny",]

【Not open to the world, thinking free thinking,

[The cognition of the concept of "collapse" has always been based on imagination:]

【Think that there is a 'God' in 'we', or think that 'I' is a 'God'】

【Think that if God exists, he should be arrogant,



【Arrogant to everything...】

【When are you going to abandon these childish and lovely imaginations?】


Otto frowned, his eyes became dangerous and cold.

"Goog, ggg, buzzing, buzzing... 噫Wow, squeak, squeak..."

[The essence of 'us', your misunderstandings for tens of thousands of years, and your optimistic estimation of your own destiny,]

['I' can of course tell you without any concealment. 】

【after all...………】

[This has nothing to do with destroying you. 】Ten thousand】.

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