Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

570: Qiyana Was Devoured By [Will Master]? The End Of Otto Honji!

On the other side of the moon, Mei and the others were also fooled by the [Will Master].

On the way to the moon in the spaceship, everyone fell into the illusion created by the will of the Houkai without knowing it. The spaceship was severely corroded by the Houkai energy, and a large number of Houkai creatures wreaked havoc in the spaceship.

Ninti was thrown into space.

Dr. Etherine is near death.

And because of the interference of [Will Master], Mei's body became heavier and heavier, as if another Herrscher's consciousness residing in her body would take over at any time.

As a last resort, she can only go to the equipment room to equip [Kill Divine Adornments Armor], and absorb the Honkai energy of the entire spaceship, so as to wake up everyone who has fallen into hallucinations.

Xier, who was the only one who remained awake during this period, realized that no matter what she could not wake up the others from the hallucination, she resolutely knocked them out, fixed the three of them on seats in different positions with seat belts, and prepared to deal with it. The shock of landing.

While dealing with the Honkai creatures that were still attacking them, Xier helped the unconscious Bronya, Xing and Jiuxiao get off the spaceship respectively.

Biolike tentacles sprouted from the inorganic spaceship, the original shape of which became increasingly difficult to discern.

——The spaceship is being transformed into a Honkai creature by Honkai.


In the question-and-answer space, Qiyana stared at the spaceship throbbing like an annelid, and shrank her shoulders uncomfortably: "It's so disgusting!"

"It's true, it's a bit physically uncomfortable....

Teresa also expressed a little unacceptable: "It looks creepy."

"Wait a moment!"

Paduofelis came to her senses: "Sister Mei and the others are still up there!"

"Yeah yeah!"

Alicia also nodded: "Mei is still on the spaceship!"

"Mei! Come out, Mei!"

Kiyana yelled anxiously.

And the system sound on the screen suddenly sounded, indicating that the concentration of Houkai energy in the surrounding area has decreased

In the next second, a straight cut appeared on the body of the spaceship monster. 06 was divided into two parts——

Orange-red liquid metal oozes out from the cut surface due to the high temperature, followed by a huge explosion.

Fragments of the hull and corpses of Honkai creatures splashed out, forming a sea of ​​flames.

Mei, equipped with 【Kill Divine Adornments Armor】, stepped out of it.

The sea of ​​flames soon disappeared, because the oxygen needed for combustion came only from the spacecraft itself.

The sword floating behind Mei gently lowered a small medical cabin, and the doctor was lying in it.

After doing all this, Mei suddenly became unstable for a while, half kneeling on the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

At the same time, the killing of Divine Adornments A was also forcibly dismissed.

Mei's arm had the same eroded lines as the Herrscher of Thunder.

This is the first time this happened after obtaining the Divine Adornments armor.

At the same time, Bronya, Xing, and Jiuxiao finally escaped from the hallucinations because the killing Divine Adornments armor absorbed the surrounding Houkai energy.

Sound cannot be transmitted in a vacuum, because Jiuxiao and Mei don’t have spacesuits, they can’t hear each other and other people’s voices, they can only use communication equipment to communicate through text or body language.

After sorting out the status quo, everyone understood the current predicament——

This is a situation they have never encountered before: everything infected by Houkai, especially the square-headed tentacle monster, whether living or dead, from the entire spaceship to a piece of white paper, has become a monster.

Even before they reached the moon and fought the Honkai Will head-on, they lost two companions.

This cruel fact made the enthusiasm of the people who were full of pride and ambition to destroy the will of the Houkai... instantly cooled down.

Instead, there is confusion about what to do next.

After some disputes, Bronya decided to get close to the Brilliant Covenant, which arrived on the moon first, and return to the earth by taking the Brilliant Covenant. Only in this way...Ningti and the doctor might be saved.

And Mei also said that because the Houkai isolation position is completely destroyed, in order to deal with the illusion, he can only activate the killing Divine Adornments armor to let it absorb the surrounding Houkai energy.

And because killing Divine Adornments armor will consume her lifespan rapidly, and herrsrscher's core is unstable, the speed of consumption will be unprecedentedly fast.

Therefore, weapons, defense, detection...all systems must be disabled and a minimum standby state should be maintained.

That said, she tries not to fight.

Only in this way, when reaching the target...she might not be killed by the Divine Adornments Armor.

Although no one thinks this is a good plan, there is no other way but this plan right now.

At the same moment, Bingshenji space station.

Janna looked at the moon, with a thoughtful look on her face——

【"This is interesting."

"The person who was chosen by fate and pointed to the doomed end is actually

As she spoke, she was silent for a moment, then lowered her head: "It's time for me to go..."

Then, her figure disappeared in place. 】

"Jana, what exactly do you know?"

Qiyana was a little confused, and a series of questions blurted out: "What's the matter with being chosen by fate? What's the matter with pointing to the destined ending? Where does she want to go?"

"Calm down, Kiyana."

Teresa was not in a good mood either. After sacrificing countless companions on the earth, Fu Hua finally woke up and hoped to usher in a turning point, but when the screen turned to the moon—everyone couldn't help being caught in front of her eyes. The dire situation was hit almost to despair.

Let alone challenging the will of the Moon team, it is quite difficult to maintain survival.

And Mei was forced to activate [Kill Divine Adornments Armor] before the war started, and entered the krypton mode.

——It’s hard to say how long it will last!

"If this continues, let alone bringing back Qiyana..."

Bronya frowned: "We can't even protect ourselves..."

Mei: "Kiana..."

I saw the moon in that picture, and the land was covered with one piece after another of 'water pools'

Looking inside is a piece of starry sky, with a magical power that seems to suck people into it.

Jiu Xiao threw the stone in the past, and some kind of unknown creature ate the stone in the air.

Observing with a telescope, in addition to the 'water pool', there are also large and small wriggling 'eggs' planted on the surface of the moon, which looks like a purple ocean from a distance.

Jiuxiao touched them, and there were signs of life.

Bronya and Jiu Xiao launched an attack, easily wiped out a large area of ​​water pools and hard

But after a while, they grew out of the moon's land again.

"This, what are these..."

In the question and answer space, even the Herrscher of Knowledge couldn't help but shudder: "How can a Honkai creature that I have never seen before be loyal to such a creepy Honkai creature! A normal Honkai beast like that cannot Okay?"

"After all, the collapse of this world is different from the collapse of the intrinsic world..."

Fu Hua analyzed: "Think carefully, the collapse of the Essence World is just a cocoon, without such a strong self-awareness."

"The collapse of another world not only has the same thinking and civilization as human beings, but also has a deeper understanding and cognition of collapse.

"—Perhaps it is more vicious for the collapse of another world.

"Hmm...Mei...Come on!"

Kiana looked at Mei worriedly and cheered her up loudly.

On the way to the Glorious Covenant, Bronya found a distress signal from the Glorious Covenant, but the distress signal was not so much a cry for help...it was more like a desperate one shout.

As they move on, they find Flora, who has gone mad again, which is even more disturbing.


Just as Mei Yi and her party continued to move towards the Brilliant Covenant, Jiu Xiao suddenly stopped her.


"It's a private chat, just the two of us. They can't hear it."

Jiu Xiao talked with the help of a communication tool: "Let's get straight to the point—let the three of them leave with the doctor, and I will stay with you."

Mei was silent for a moment: "Bronya must have thought about this kind of plan.

"But with her personality, she definitely wants me to go back with you."

"That's right, but..."

Jiu Xiao hesitated for a moment before speaking: "I finally saw that hallucination."

Mei was stunned: "...․eyes?"

Jiu Xiao nodded silently. 】

Kiyana, or Alaya consciousness [is gradually dissolving the illusion.

On the surface, Jiu Xiao seems to be unaffected.

But Mei could feel that Jiuxiao's Herrscher core was becoming unstable just like herself.

Jiu Xiao continued to say——

【"I once told her to trust her companions, don't bear everything alone."

"But since just now, I have become distrustful of myself."

"In that world, we thought it was an extremely long dream, but in reality it only passed a short time.

"How long has it been since we set off?"

"Are we... burdening Kiyana with everything?"

Facing Jiuxiao's words, Mei couldn't help falling into silence, not knowing what to say.

And Jiu Xiao continued: "Your feelings for Qiyana are different from those of us."

-----it is known. "

"And I don't want to go back like this, like that.

"I can't take this breath—I can't take death."

"Me too." Mei said—

"Someone has to face the will of the collapse directly."

"The doctor has unparalleled wisdom, human beings need such wisdom, it shouldn't be her.

"The others are still young, especially Xi'er and Xing, who have infinite possibilities. It shouldn't be them."

"And we... are just Herrschers..."

"The power may not belong to us, Herrscher......

Mei made a decision: "Let's do it like this."]

"Big Sister Mei and Jiuxiao...have you made up your mind..."

Watching the two people making decisions without authorization on the screen, Bronya couldn't help murmuring.


Qiyana's eyes were also full of worry.

Up to now, no one has been able to speak with such confidence that he will surely defeat the collapse.

After facing a series of blows, a shadow was cast over everyone's heart.

Also let them know how dangerous the collapse of another world is!

During the march, Bronya decided to divide the troops into two groups, with Bronya and the Jiuxiao team entering the Brilliant Covenant to replenish energy supplies.

And Mei, Xier and Xing formed another team to find the runtime module as soon as possible.

After saying goodbye to each other, Bronya and Jiu Xiao also successfully entered the interior of the Glorious Covenant, and after easily solving Karen who looked very strange, Jiu Xiao stepped forward to grab Karen and questioned her about Otto's whereabouts.

Karen spoke intermittently, speaking with difficulty——

【"My lord bishop, fight alone... directly confronting God..."

"I will definitely be able to ... win, 99


After speaking, Karen passed out, and Flora died because of Karen's irrational attack.

At the same time, the sound of the operating system cracking the Brilliant Covenant sounded. Bronya and Jiuxiao looked inside and found a dimly lit place in the dark, as if there was something wrong.


"This is.....……"

Not only the two people on the screen, but also everyone in the question and answer space witnessed the scene with their own eyes——


In the picture, a weak pulse can be felt, but Otto's body has become stiff and cold.

Those black parts like bruises are tissue fluids eroded by Hoonkai.

Seeing this scene, both the people outside the screen and the two inside the screen felt uneasy——

【"What the hell is this doing?"

Jiu Xiao looked at the tragic scene in front of him in disbelief.

"At first glance, it looks like a life support system."

Bronya managed to remain calm: "But all the energy supplied to this system is just for... sustaining life?"


Jiu Xiao pointed to a corner of the display screen. 】

Such a conspicuous position in the dark seems to be for them to see: "The Final Conclusion and Plan on Houkai Energy and Houkai Will"

A madman who has created countless tragedies for them and for the world, who used Honkai to fight Honkai, is now infinitely close to a corpse.

At the same time, the results they hoped to achieve when they set out seemed to be in front of them.

But based on their understanding of this person, no matter how crazy — defeating Honkai is his constant goal.

Everything in front of him is probably part of his plan.

【"Crack the operating system of the Covenant of Glory, input energy into the engine..."

Bronya looked at Otto: "Did he die here?"

"That's... too much as I wish?"】

If Jiu Xiao really thought so, he would kill Otto now.

This document may be the answer to all their reasons for fighting and confusion: What will happen if Otto dies now?

What does it mean to "confront God directly"?

What exactly is collapse?

And most importantly - will they find hope or despair?

【"I want to see."

Bronya looked at Jiu Xiao: "What about you?"

Jiu Xiao swallowed: "Look."

Jiuxiao and Bronya clicked on the document with their fingers.

Also displayed is the holographic monitoring screen recorded since the arrival of the Glorious Covenant on the moon, replaying everything that happened in the ship——

【You have opened the confidential document】

[Distance will leader completes the devouring of Qiyana]

[25 minutes and 45 seconds left]].

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