Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

574: The Collapse Of The Second Group Is Destroyed! Great Reunion In The Underworld!

In the screen, Mei activated the ultimate form of killing Divine Adornments at the cost of overdrawing her life.

But even so, facing the overwhelming influx of the huge collapsed biota that can cover the entire moon, it is difficult for even Mei to break through.

"Damn it! Obviously, obviously, it's almost there!"

In the question-and-answer space, Qiyana looked at Mei, who was blocked by a huge number of Honkai creatures [and couldn't help stamping her feet anxiously, "This group of fellows who are in the way! Get out of the way! Don't get in the way!


"Mei... only Mei is fighting alone..."

There was also a look of anxiety on Alicia's face: "It would be great if someone could help her..."

"However, Jiu Xiao was restrained by the [Will Master], and Bronya in another world lost her fighting spirit again...

Bronya also frowned: "Besides, even if Bronya in another world wants to do something, as a Commoner, she can't do anything about this situation."

Bronya in another world does not become a Herrscher like Bronya in the original world. Facing an enemy of this level, she can do nothing but watch from the sidelines.

"If this continues, dressing...Mei will not be able to hold on any longer!!"

Qiyana clenched her fists nervously, her fingertips turned slightly white.

And Mei's offensive is getting slower and slower, and she is tired and weak visible to the naked eye.

On the contrary, it was the more and more intensive attacks of the Honkai creatures, and the impenetrable offensive made Mei, who was alone, gradually unable to parry.

"Mei-san...!" Padofelis exclaimed.

With more and more wounds on Mei's body, her movements and spirit are gradually exhausted, and the killer Divine Adornments... is also facing the point of collapse

【【Warning, Divine Adornments armor is about to stop regenerating. 】

In the picture, Mei's eyes, ears, and nose began to spurt blood.

The parts of the killing Divine Adornments armor were smashed one after another, turning into a pair of scrap metal.

Kiyana's voice... also disappeared in my mind...


Killing Divine Adornments A has reached its limit.

Mei's body...has reached its limit.

"Is this... the end?"

[There are 0 minutes and 55 seconds left before the ruler of the will completes the devouring of Qiyana. 】

"Uh, uh...uh...

Mei collapsed on the ground, unable to get up anymore.

"The liberation called 'death'..."



Kiyana shouted loudly: "You can't die! Mei!"

"Sister Mei, hold on!!"

Paduofelis also called out loudly.

Alicia: "Mei! Stand up! Mei!!!"

How to shout, Mei's body has reached the limit, unable to respond.

Just when everyone thought that everything was about to fall to the ground——


Jiu Xiao, who was originally suppressed by the [Will Commander] and unable to move, suddenly moved.

With a strong will, he broke the shackles of the 【Will Ruler】!!

【interesting. 】

The voice of the ruler of the will echoed in my mind

[I admit that you are a soul that is not very common. 】

"This is my last power!!"

Relying on the last ounce of will, Jiu Xiao used the power of the Herrscher, and Zi Yan gushed out in an instant!

Destroyed the Honkai creatures around Mei——

"Kiana is right in front of you, Mei!!"

"do not give up!"

Jiuxiao's voice successfully reached Mei's ears


In Mei's hazy vision, she stared at Jiuxiao: "Why are you still fighting, Can?"]

Almost at the same time as this question was issued, the doubt was dispelled.

The evidence is——when Mei didn't notice it, the leader of the will fell into silence.

Also stopped regeneration.

Xier and Xing's attack greatly weakened the power of the will leader.

Afterwards, he used the killing Divine Adornments armor, a suicide attack in exchange for life.

Without a doubt, it worked!

【"Even if your belief reaches the limit, it doesn't matter!"

"No one is perfect, the savior is also a very weak person who can be shaken!"

Jiu Xiao's body was also facing the danger of collapse, but even so she still did not give up one by one

"But ah!"

"People on Earth must still be fighting!"

"Ningdi, Doctor, Xier, Xing, Bronya, and Mei... There are many, many people...

"Everyone's sacrifice must not be in vain!"]

At that moment, the eyes of the ruler of will shone brightly again——

【"To ensure that it can be killed!"

"Master Savior, you will die here!"

Jiuxiao made a realization: "At the cost of all my life, all my soul, all my existence and spirit——

"Give it the final blow!!"

"———Detonation and Burning Soul·Desperate Reverberation!!!"】

For a moment, Jiu Xiao seemed to have hallucinations in front of his eyes.

In the hallucination, Sirin, as well as her parents, are by her side, welcoming her triumphant return from the moon.

It seems that in the end, they really defeated [Honkai Will] and saved the world.

But Jiu Xiao knew that this was just an illusion——


Jiu Xiao murmured in a low voice: "I willfully want to be the savior..."

"Trouble for you."

"Bye now.....…"

"Sireen, father, mother..."

"And everyone."]

Purple's 'flame' spread to the will leader, except for one position at the core.

That blow at the price of giving up his life is also the most powerful blow that Jiu Xiao has released so far!


Gazing at the Purple flame that almost occupied the entire screen, Alicia's heart also became heavy.

It is true that under Jiu Xiao's blow with all his strength, he successfully caused heavy damage to the [Will Commander].

But as a price, Jiu Xiao also sacrificed.

So far, only Broni and Mei are left in the current team.

[There are 0 minutes and 25 seconds left before the ruler of the will completes the devouring of Qiyana. 】

However, the battle is not over yet.

The ruler of the will is still alive.

In the final battle, only Mei was left.

Witnessing Jiuxiao's sacrifice with her own eyes, the grief-stricken Mei let out a shrill scream—

【"Jiuxiao ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!"】

Herrscher of Thunder, Divine Adornments Armor......

All consumed.

Mei using her mortal powers—

Tore apart the body of the ruler of the will.

Successfully broke open the 'chest' of the ruler of the will - the terminal of the stigmata.


At that moment, the power of the ruler of the will was restored, and Mei was knocked down.


All the bones in Mei's body were broken and she couldn't stand up.

She couldn't help but think: the power of this thing...it seems to be endless...

last step.....…

This last step, the last trace of strength Lord——

If it weren't for the insignificant power of being a mortal, it would be fine...


In the haze, Mei seemed to see Kiana's figure, she was reaching out her hand towards Mei, and the warm sunset was shining on her.

It's like being covered with a twilight veil.

"Kiana... are you there..."

Mei held out her hand.

【"I finally met...the important person in my life."】

The moment Mei and Kiana's hands were about to touch, the illusion was shattered.

What came into view was the figure of Kiyana who was swallowed alive by the will.

【"If gods really exist..."】

"I'm here to pick you up..."

"Let's go home....


[Please bring our souls to a world of eternal peace. 】】

[The ruler of will successfully devoured Qiyana. 】

In the question and answer space, there was a dead silence.

"Is this......... the end...?"

until someone in the crowd asked.

No one answered.

But silence has replaced the answer to some extent——Jiuxiao was sacrificed, Mei was defeated, and Kiana was completely swallowed.

The ending is already doomed......

Meanwhile, on the other side of the earth.

Researchers suddenly discovered that the moon can be observed

The moon that had been shattered was reassembled after a few minutes.

From a spherical shape, it began to expand at a speed visible to the naked eye on the earth, and turned into a huge monster.

From the monster's mouth, "Gathering powerful energy——

The moon began to shine brighter than the sun.

The temperature of the moon is also rising dramatically.

Fu Hua looked up at the sky——

【"Is it still powerless to recover after all......"

Fu Hua closed his eyes: "Fimilis..."

"Can you hear me, Fimilis?"]

On the other side, Teresa answered the communication——

【"What did you say?"

Teresa's eyes widened in disbelief: "The moon is going to bombard the earth?"

"Situ... hello? Situ?!"

The signal is interrupted.......]

[According to simulation calculations, the moon will emit concentrated rays after 20 seconds, and the central temperature will exceed 160 million degrees Celsius!]

[Will not completely cover the earth, but.....enough to penetrate and melt the core]

【Forget it, run for your life!】

【Where do you want to run...you will die!】

Listening to the voice from the communicator, Teresa asked Femilis in her last hope—

【"Is there any way to stop the will of collapse, Millis?"


But no one answered, no response.

The global connection in the sky is gone.

After that, human civilization will be quickly destroyed by the drastic changes in the earth's own environment after the melting of the earth's core without the need for the leader of the will to do anything.

During this period, will-derived bodies and will-linked bodies will continue to indiscriminately infect and attack, and the broken earth itself will be alienated into new existences.

With the help of the 'corpse' of the earth, what will be born in the end, I am afraid that there are no living people to witness.

Although Teresa thought about the possibility of the demise of human civilization, she never imagined the specific way of demise without knowing the will of the collapse.

In an instant, Teresa understood——

Not indifferent, totally enjoying the destruction of nothingness.

The real purpose of collapse is a

["Assimilation called Destruction?"

Teresa murmured: "Forget it, it doesn't matter anymore."】

A strong light enveloped the earth.

welcome on earth

Before the last second of total destruction——


Mei said in her heart: "I just understand now that I am just a narrow-minded person fighting against Honkai."

"I don't care as much about the life and death of all human beings as I imagined."

"Because it was so big, I thought I understood."

"Saving everyone—it's just a high-sounding excuse."

"The sense of sacredness and mission for no reason is both covering up and inspiring inner pain.

"Only death can set me free."

"It's very simple——

"The battle against Honkai allowed me to harvest the treasure of Precious, but it doesn't mean that suffering doesn't exist."

Mei said——

“What I really want……… from beginning to end………”

"Actually, it's just you."

"Perhaps you already know that the world will be destroyed by 0.3."

"I'm at the last second before it's destroyed, thinking about... going on a date with you."

"after all……………"

"The journey after meeting you is only 'collapse'. 11

"We haven't even had a serious date.


"I have something important to say to you:"

"You are the most important friend, the most important person to me,"

"—I like you more than anything else in the world.

"This sentence has been repeated to you countless times in my life

"It's my only important words."]


In the question-and-answer space, Kiyana had already cried into tears: "Whoa! I, I also like Mei the most! I like it more than everything in the world!"

"Could it be that the human beings in another world are really about to be destroyed by the collapse..."

Alicia refused with a face: "That kind of thing, don't want it!"

While everyone was discussing the future of this world, the familiar electronic synthesizer sounded suddenly, but this time it was not a new round of questions and answers—

[This is the end of this question and answer, the next question and answer will start in 24 hours, please wait and see]

"Is it over..."

Only then did the crowd gradually come to their senses, showing complicated expressions.

This is also something that can't be helped, after all, the impact of the collapse of the second world on them is too strong.

It deeply shocked their hearts, and they could not recover for a long time.

So much so that this time they didn't even say parting words, and after the countdown ended, they returned to their respective realities... and they didn't even react. .

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