Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

581: Detroit · Become Human, But Gray Snake.

In the early morning of the next day, Xier was awakened by the sound of the communicator very early, and she hurriedly went to the next room to wake up Suzanne.

It turned out that the investigation by Tesla and Einstein had a new result. Tesla told Xier that the owner of the voice she heard before was the former cadre of the World Snake Organization, "Grey Snake".

In other words, it is one of his remaining individuals.

And they also analyzed the sample data obtained by Seele and Suzana in Changkong City, especially the products related to the pharmaceutical company that "the faceless people tried to seize.

Bionic prosthetics, electronic prosthetic eyes, artificial organs...the models of these products can all match the artificial body of Gray Snake in the records.

In other words, the "Faceless Man" plundered Changkong City, and the medical equipment and products collected can just make up a brand new gray snake body.

"I see!"

Su Shana instantly understood: "So, the Faceless One is actually helping Gray Snake collect brand new body parts!"

"But why would Gray Snake do this?"

Bronya frowned: "Judging from the previous pictures, Gray Snake's body should be intact." There is no need to spend so much time to collect a new body.


"Perhaps it's because the parts on Gray Snake's body are already aging?"

Teresa guessed.

On the other hand, Einstein and Tesla told Seele that the target of Gray Snake's next attack is likely to be Xincheng Pharmaceutical.

In order to catch Gray Snake, Xier and Su Shanna decided to go to Xincheng Medicine to wait for the rabbit.

So, as soon as the night darkened, the two arrived at the headquarters of Xincheng Medicine.

After going through a lot of twists and turns, they finally managed to sneak into the basement of Xincheng Medicine, and saw the expected snake!

But what made them feel strange was that no matter how they spoke, Gray Snake remained silent as if it was turned off.

After a stalemate for a while, Suzanne and Seele decided to go closer and investigate carefully.

However, just as the two approached, the Gray Snake in front of them suddenly swayed, and then made a strange 'click' sound - under the shocked gazes of Xi'er and Suzana, Hui's head fell off, It landed on the palm of his waist.

【Susanna was taken aback: "Ah——!!"

JL: "..."

"Sure enough, if you use a mechanical body to perform a mechanical dance, you can only get this kind of reaction.

Gray Snake sighed regretfully.

"Eh? You, your head..." Suzana blinked in shock.

At some point, Gray Snake's head was connected to his shoulder normally again, so fast that it seemed that the horrific scene just never happened at all.

Su Shanna suddenly said: "Yes, think about it carefully, you are already a bionic body, so it's not surprising that your head can be disassembled."]

"Although, although it is a bionic body, the scene just now was indeed quite scary!"

In the question-and-answer space, Su Shanna's expression turned into [-], but then she looked at the calm Xi'er on the screen with admiration: "However, Xi'er is really amazing! There is no The slightest desolation!"

"Indeed, Bronya was surprised too."

Bronya nodded: "If it was Xier from before, she might scream like Suzana.

"If it's the original coward Seele, that's for sure."

Hexi also nodded in agreement.

Xi'er felt wronged: "Wow, sister Bronya...the other me..."

On the other side, Gray Snake apologized in a very gentlemanly manner——

【"Sorry, my silence just now doesn't mean neglect or disdain, it's all part of the show."

"Performing?" Seele frowned.


Gray Snake took it for granted: "In layman's terms, it means 'creating an atmosphere'

"As long as I don't speak, my mystery in your eyes will continue to deepen.

"When curiosity can no longer resist the temptation of mystery, you will involuntarily want to get closer.

"And at this time, it is the perfect time for me to perform the trick just now."

Gray Snake's electronic eyes flashed with scarlet light: "How about it, did it scare you?"

"Xie'er...... This guy seems to be a very strange person!"

Suzana couldn't help complaining.

"Strange? Strange...me?"

Gray Snake shook his head and denied: "No, I am a very common person, I am a very normal person.

———My dream is to be a common and normal person. "]

"Grey Snake's desire to perform is really strong."

The Herrscher of Knowledge glanced at Weiwei: "Hey, Weiwei. Did you secretly add some strange setting when Mebius made the gray snake? Why is this guy's desire to perform so fragile?"

"Heaven and earth conscience!"

Wei Wei put her hands on her chest and argued hard: "I have never done anything like sneak into Dr. Mebius's laboratory, crack her computer password secretly, and then steal confidential data from it!"

"Law of Knowledge, you are spouting blood! Slander! I want to sue you for slander!"

Herrscher of Knowledge: "...


【"Little girl, you have a question......

Gray Snake said: "If I were a natural person in a mortal body, like you."

"So, will you applaud my performance just now?"

"How can a mortal person do what you just did?" Susana said bluntly.

"Of course it is possible."

Gray Snake replied: "About 4 months ago, there was an elective program held in North America, a dancer—ah, you can also call him a magician——using his amazing body control and The ingenious coordination of costumes completes this performance."

"It was like his head fell off his shoulders and it was down to almost his waist.

"To be honest, when I saw this scene, an indescribable admiration flowed through my whole body."

Gray Snake paused, and continued: "I immediately began to imitate this kind of performance, and after less than an hour, I was able to completely restore it, and it was even more perfect in terms of visual effects——because my head is a real dropped."



"However, there was no applause."

Gray Snake shrugged regretfully: "At most, it can only be used to scare you little girls.

"Why? That dancer got thunderous applause!"

Gray Snake asked himself and answered: "The reason is that 'Only a mortal body is a real person'.

———Only real people have meaning and value. "

"No matter how neatly the machine cuts the food, no one will praise it; but a chef with a superb knife can be praised and is called an artist."

Gray Snake went on to say: "There are many examples like this—no matter how fast the vehicle is, no one will think it is agile; but the champion of the 100-meter race is even close to his reputation as a child.

"what do you want to say in the end?"

Suzanne couldn't bear his long-winded words, so she questioned him directly.

Gray Snake: "I've already said it—only real people have meaning and value. If you want to have meaning and value, you have to become a real person."]

"I see."

Mebius narrowed his eyes: "The Gray Snake plundered the virtual prosthetic body, not to use it as a spare body, but to make himself closer to a flesh and blood body."

"Isn't it enough just to have self-awareness..."

She laughed meaningfully: "In terms of desire alone, because snakes are really becoming more and more like humans.

"As expected of the bionic man created by Dr. Mebius."

Wei Wei gave a thumbs up: "It's really amazing!"

"Want to be a real person..."

Staring at the gray snake, Teresa couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

In fact, for Teresa, what Gray Snake thinks now is also what she thought in her heart a few times ago.

Also born as an artificial human, she couldn't regard herself as a real human being at first.

She wants to be a real human being, but she doesn't know how to do it.

In the end, it was Cecilia who gave her warmth and care, making her gradually become a real human being.

In the picture, Su Shana suddenly snorted coldly

【"Hmph, Mr. Gray Snake, did you forget something during your pursuit of your dream?"

Suzana put her hands on her hips: "Theft, arson, robbery, illegal possession of dangerous weapons, damage to public property, violence... Since you want to become a real person so much, please act like a person with common sense. Make atonement for your evil deeds!"

Gray Snake shook his head: "Unfortunately, before I become a real human being, I have no way to adapt to your rules and restrictions."

...... You guys, you are too double standard?!"

Suzanne was startled.

"A flexible moral bottom line is sometimes the day of the weapon that human beings rely on to survive."

Gray Snake was noncommittal: "Why don't you say... Only by doing this, will I be more like a Common human?"】

"This, this is too real!"

Not only Suzana on the screen, but even Suzana in the question-and-answer space was stunned: "Is this guy really a bionic person? This kind of thinking circuit is completely and completely human!"

"Not bad~"

Mebius nodded quite satisfied: "It seems that time is indeed the best catalyst for people to grow, even the gray snake back then has become so human-like now.

Padofelis whispered: "But I always feel that this change is not a good thing..."

Canned food: "Woo meow..."

Seeing this, Suzana and Xier on the screen stopped talking nonsense with Gray Snake and planned to arrest it directly.

After some fighting, Su Sha and Di finally cleared all of Gray Snake's inventory.

I saw that in the not-so-large underground laboratory, mechanical broken limbs and parts fragments were scattered all over the place.

Gray Snake sat casually on the side railing, no longer calling for new weapons.

He raised his head slightly, as if what happened around him had nothing to do with him.

Su Shanna wanted to ridicule Gray Snake, but after fighting for a long time, no member of [Faceless People] came to rescue him, but Xier told the truth——the so-called success of the Faceless People actually started from the very beginning. In the end, there was only Gray Snake.

And Gray Snake just smiled triumphantly, as a tacit consent——

【"I originally thought that as long as I fabricated such a seemingly huge organization, I would be able to confuse those who want to track me down and prevent them from seeing what I really use.

Gray Snake spread out his hands: "I never thought that in front of the discerning audience, these are all just poor acting skills."

Xi'er asked the doubt in her heart: "Mr. Gray Snake...why are you so obsessed with having a flesh and blood body?"

"Since you know my name, you must also know about me... what kind of existence is the 'Grey Snake'?"]

Gray Snake began to speak—

The so-called 'gray snake' is

The mechanical bionics made by World Snake have different personalities, but they all have the same material body, and share memory and even consciousness through the "Grey Snake Network".

But these prerequisites—all refer to the ‘complete type’

In fact, not all gray snakes can give birth to a complete and solid personality when they awaken their consciousness.

Due to the randomness of the generation algorithm, about 30% of gray snakes have only crippled minds - among them, they can live like the simplest robots.

Only by absorbing memory through the "Gray Snake Network" and perfecting, or repairing incomplete personality, can one have the opportunity to become a complete Gray Snake.

However, the 'Gray Snake Network' does not exist today.

【"When I woke up... the scene in front of me was no different from the so-called hell."

Gray Snake recalled the situation at that time, with a hint of unknown emotion in his voice: "All around are familiar bodies...the same hands and feet as me, the same mask as me, and the same body as me.

the same eyes. "

"I realized right away what had happened - the 'network' was gone, my brothers and sisters around me, they lost their chance to wake up forever."

"Yes, I was just lucky and awakened to full consciousness before the Internet disappeared.

Gray Snake sighed: "When I crawled along their lifeless shells, I determined the path I would take for the rest of my life."

"I want to find a real body for my soul, a temple that can really carry my soul."

"I want to stay away from this cold artificial coffin, and never recall that dark, cold, and clammy vicious feeling again.

"——This is the reason why I am so attached to flesh and blood, smart...Miss Seele."]

There was a slight pause between Gray Snake's speech, as if reviewing the content of the conversation between the two parties again...then he called out the other party's name accurately.

But this nuance of Gray Snake made Mebius, who knew Gray Snake, narrow his eyes.

She realized that Gray Snake might be doing something sneaky behind the scenes.


"Huh? Sister Snake, what are you laughing at?"

Padufelice looked at Mebius who suddenly sneered in surprise, and tilted her head.


Mebius waved his hand: "It's just that there will be a good show soon.

On the other side, after listening to Gray Snake's words, Xi'er also opened her mouth to express her own point of view

【"I sympathize with your experience and pay tribute to your tenacity, Mr. Gray Snake."

Xier immediately said: "But (Chen Nuohao) is a point of view that I can't agree with you."

"Even a mind without a body, or even a body at all, is a form of life.

"I don't agree with you...seeing it as a worthless existence."】

"Oh! Sister Xier's speech is so handsome!"

In the question and answer space, Rosalia couldn't help but cheered excitedly.

Lilia also clapped her hands.

"Xie'er is right, even if there is no flesh and blood, it is still a form of life, and there has never been anything lacking in value in this world.

Bronya showed a gratified smile.

"However, Xier is talking about another personality in her body, right?"

The Herrscher of Knowledge whispered to Fu Hua beside him.


Fu Hua nodded slightly.

【"It seems that you also have your own experience, which makes you firmly believe in something completely opposite to my belief.

Gray Snake sighed, then changed the subject: "But it's a pity..."

"The time has come."

Seele: "?"

"Honestly, I'd love to hear your story - but it's just not the time."

Gray Snake saluted slightly. 】

In the picture, the gray snake swayed again, and its head fell down again.

Only this time it didn't fall on the waist, but rolled directly to the ground.

Only then did Suzana and Xier realize that the body of the gray snake in front of them was a fake one!

And his real body has already drilled into an air vent next to him in an extremely vigorous manner, "the sound of the explosion also came.


Seele and Suzana rushed forward, only to find that the vent had been tightly blocked by gravel and debris.

"Damn gray snake, it made him escape!"

Seeing that Xi'er and Suzana had lost Gray Snake, Qi Bao in the question and answer space clenched her fists angrily.

"He's a very cunning fellow indeed."

Raven spread his hands: "If you want to catch him, my suggestion is to recruit more people and adopt crowd tactics. Otherwise, it will be difficult to catch him with only Xier and Suzana



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