“Wait! What the hell is the Law of Rice?! ”

Bud Yi couldn’t help but complain loudly: “People are obviously thunder laws!” ”

Alicia: “The Law of Rice? It turns out that on the timeline of Bud Yi, there is actually such a strange lawyer! Wow~ It’s really curious… Poof! ”

As the original lawyer born in the pre-civilization era, Alicia herself has witnessed every lawyer who appears later, but even so, she has never seen such a subtle lawyer as the ‘Rice Lawyer’.

To be reasonable, what is the power of the lawyer of rice? Cook? Use pots and pans to destroy human civilization?

Is this a little….

Bronia: “I don’t know why, Bronia’s emotional center is obviously destroyed, but she still has the urge to laugh…”

Mebius: “Thunder Bud Yi, didn’t you say that you are the Law of Thunder?” Wouldn’t that be a lie? ”

Bud Yi almost froze in Bengbu, desperately arguing for himself: “I didn’t lie!” I really am the Law of Thunder! And you have seen the previous videos just now! In the future, I am really manipulating thunder and lightning! ”

Alicia: “What about the lawyer of the meal… Burst! Ahem! Sorry, I accidentally choked on drinking water just now. ”

Bronia: “Bronia, kind of want to laugh…”

Hua: “I think Miss Bud Yi may be a good fit with Barilla, cough!” ”

Kiana: “One thing to say, the cooking of Bud Yi is indeed quite delicious!” ”

Alicia: “Shouldn’t Bud Yi really be a law of rice… Poof! Ahem! Sorry, choked again. ”

Bud Yi broke the defense on the spot: “You are obviously laughing at me!” You haven’t stopped! ”

Alicia immediately frowned: “Ms. Bud Yi, we are professionally trained, no matter how funny we are, we won’t laugh!” ”

“…… Unless you can’t help it. ”

Kiana: “No, no, now is not the time to talk about it!” Bud Yi, who is this Natasha Siora exactly?! What exactly is your relationship with her?! ”

Until this moment, the insect suddenly reacted, now is not the time to discuss whether Bud Yi is a Thunder Law or a Rice Lawyer!

Her best friend may abandon her in the future and throw herself into the arms of other girls!

This is absolutely not a no!

Bud Yi, it can only be me Kianada!

Bud Yi was also at a loss: “I don’t know what the relationship between me and that Natasha Siora in the future is!” After all, I don’t even know what she looks like! ”

Nha Yi said that she was very wronged, after all, in reality, she didn’t do anything at all, and as a result, she was branded as a thrower.

Hua: “Well, may I ask Miss Bud Yi, what kind of person is that Fu Hua in your mouth?” ”

In fact, from the very beginning, Hua was very curious.

After all, every time there is an option about herself, her and Fu Hua’s names will appear in the same option, and it is naturally impossible to say that she does not care.

But no matter how Hua searched his memory, he did not find any clues about ‘Fu Hua’.

Who is this person? Why do you appear in the same options as yourself, and does that imply anything?

With such a question, Fu Hua couldn’t help but ask about Bud Yi, who might know.

Bud Yi: “Squad leader?” Well, I don’t communicate with the class president very often, but I know that she is a Shenzhou person with excellent character and learning, and she is deeply trusted by her classmates. ”

Kiana added: “Also, the squad leader is the most nosy! Every time I failed an exam, she would come to give me homework, and whenever I tried to sneak out, she would always get caught! ”

Bronia complained: “Stupid Kiana, this is the class elder who cares about you!” In addition, Fu Hua’s squad leader is the only A-grade Valkyrie in the class, and he has also gone to the Mandate of Heaven headquarters many times. ”

Hua: “Destiny? Valkyrie? ”

Bronia: “Destiny is an organization specially established in our timeline to fight Honkai, and the warriors responsible for fighting against Honkai beasts are collectively called Valkyries. ”

Alicia: “If you think about it, I am a girl, my combat power is comparable to Kevin, and I am as smart and beautiful as a god.” So, aren’t I also a Valkyrie~? ”

Hua: “………………”

Mebius: “I have never seen such a brazen person!” ”

Kiana: “Hey, hey, hey! How did you get off topic again! Now the most important question is not what is the relationship between Bud Yi and that woman named Natasha Siorra?! ”

Bud Yi: “I really don’t know about this!” ”

Bud Yi was also helpless, she wanted to explain, but the problem was that this was what she experienced in the future, and it had nothing to do with her now!

Even if she wanted to explain, she couldn’t lower her mouth!

After all, she didn’t even know what that person looked like!

“Trust me, Kiana!” Bud Yi pressed his chest and emphasized again: “I will never abandon you!” ”

Kiana was a little uneasy: “Really? ”

So Nha Yi touched his chest with his hand and said sincerely: “Kiana, I’m not lying.” ”

Hua: “For some reason, I always feel a faint pain in my eyebrows…”

Alicia: “Maybe it’s time to clean up your memories regularly, right?” That’s right, Hua! Can you lend me a feather to use it? I only borrow this once, assure you! ”

Hua: “But you’ve borrowed from me at least 16 times…”

Alicia was shocked: “Huh? Wouldn’t you reset your memory? How can you remember such a thing…? ”

Hua was a little helpless: “I think this is very important. ”

Alicia: “… I promise it’s the last time, Hua, really! ”

Hua was silent for a long time, and then sighed deeply: “… All right. ”

Alicia: “Thank you, Hua! ”

Hua: “Alicia, can you tell me what you plan to do with it?” ”

Alicia put a finger to her lips and thought for a moment before replying: “Well~ it should be like something that a detective would do~?” ”

Kiana: “Well, okay! I believe in Bud Yi! ”

At this moment, the electronic synthesis sound sounded again——

[Additional question: After Raiden Bud Yi joined the world snake and abandoned Kiana, who is the second person to cultivate a deep relationship with him? ] 】

[A: Alicia].

[B: Hua (Fuhua)].

[C: Eden].

[D: Sakura].

Kiana: “No. 2, No. 2!?” ”

Bronia: “Sister Bud, now even Bronia has to doubt the future you…”

Bud Yi: “I, I have been wronged!!! ”



Continue to ask for flowers and evaluation votes, family please, this is really important for buddies!!! ORZ!!!

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