Chapter 0183 – The Law of Erosion VS the Law of Man! The end of the promised land of the past!!!

In the picture, Alicia and Bud Yi are also about to complete the last leg of the journey, looking at the approaching end, Alicia suddenly spoke.

“After sending Bud Yi out of the Promised Land, I want to meet the Law of Erosion in person. ”

“Don’t you just start ‘Model Six Six Six’?”

“You can do that… But until then, I still want to meet her. ”

Alicia smiled softly, her eyes flashing with curiosity: “Despite being an enemy… But as a lawyer, I still want to know what she thinks, how she feels. ”

“She is still a special presence in the Promised Land, and you may encounter danger. ”

“Hmm… Maybe. However, isn’t it also something that humans would do when they know the danger and have the courage to try? ”

Alicia put her hands behind her back and blinked: “Besides, I have to go and pick up ‘everyone’.” ”

“I live in their memory, and just as they live in my memory.”

“The lives of thirteen of us have long become intertwined and inseparable.”

Alicia smiled: “So I can do what they can, this time… It’s my turn to go to everyone’s side. ”

Bud Yi looked at Alicia and smiled with relief: “That’s right, you’ve always been like this…”

“And, it never disappoints.”

“That’s right, it’s me after all!”

Alicia crossed her hands at her waist, her expression was angry: “Even if it is the end, I hope that the story of the heroes can be brilliant and shining.” ”

“We have existed, we have fought, we have tried to live, and now we give you all hope, our future, and the right to choose our path.”

“There is no real perfection in reality. But those who accept their shortcomings, face their pain, and carry these burdens on their shoulders with courage and wisdom…”

“It is an existence that is infinitely close to ‘perfection’.” 】

“Ah! Is Sister Ellie going to face the Law of Erosion alone! ”

Pado was a little worried: “This, this is not good!” ”

“——Even if Sister Ellie has become a lawyer now, in the final analysis, the city is made of memory!”

Su agreed: “Indeed, this idea is too dangerous. ”

Eden: “But that’s what Ellie did~”

Virvi Benme: “No matter what choice Alicia makes, we will believe you.” ”

Aponia: “Yes, no matter what the final outcome is, if it is a choice you make, then we will gladly accept it.” ”

“Thank you for your trust!”

Alicia’s eyes narrowed into a crescent: “Trust Alicia!” She will definitely live up to your expectations! ”

“However, I always feel that Bud Yi and Miss Pink Goblin get along quite closely.”

In the crowd, a sour voice sounded, but no one cared.

On the screen, the wheels keep moving forward, like a turning fate, sending the two into the distance.

For the first time, Bud Yi saw the full picture of the Eternal Paradise and saw it gradually drift away from him.

At this point, it’s over.

“So now, our story… It’s really going to be over! ”

Alicia took Nha Yi’s hand: “Nha Yi, this is the last time.” Just like before, see ‘everyone’ again, and then… Okay, okay? ”

“…… Well! “】

The roller coaster drove into a field of light.

The gentle light shone on the bud clothes, and the familiar voice sounded in the ears, which was the memory of the deceased people engraved in the promised land, and their last blessing for their successors.

Finally, this 50,000-year companion came to an end.

Then, they will move towards their respective tomorrows

After saying goodbye to the thirteen heroes of the fire one by one, in the end, Bud Yi returned to Alicia.

[“Oh – finally, come back to me! ”

“After all, I was the first one.”

“Alicia is always like this, both the beginning and the end of everything, right?”

Alicia’s voice suddenly became gentle and soft.

“So this time… We’re really going to say goodbye. ”

“Thank you for coming here, meeting us, talking to us.”

“Thank you for being willing to remember our names and listen to our stories.”

“As long as Bud Yi remembers us, this story will not disappear.”

“Only humans would think this way, and only humans would turn such beliefs into reality.”

“—So now, I give you the last inscription of ‘true self’, the ‘human’ of the Shodai.”

Alicia said: “This name holds the ‘origin’ of all things, and all our thoughts and blessings will one day become your new strength.” ”

“And you, too, will give the name a new meaning.”

“We will stay in the past, and you will move into the future.”

“Then, go and bloom the flawless and beautiful brilliance that belongs to you.”

“After all-”

Alicia smiled: “Beautiful girl, you can do anything!” “】


[“Oops, what’s wrong? ”

“If you don’t set off again… Is it really too late? “] Don’t.

[“Okay… I know, you reluctant to let me, right? I’m certainly the same. ”

“But it’s okay, aren’t you already carrying my ‘all’?” 】



“Ah, are you thinking that if you stay like this, you can talk to me directly? ”

“It’s very bad, I will really cry if I tug at a girl’s heartstrings like this?” 】



【“…… All right. ”

“It’s okay, when you’re not moving forward, just stop for now.”

“Then, look beside you, look behind you…”

“…… We will always be here. ”

“It’s exactly the same as ‘then’, isn’t it?” 】

The light lit up, and it was a picture of thirteen heroes gathering together [“So, please don’t forget-”

“What was recorded in the promised land of the past is such a simple story.”

“There is pain and failure, betrayal and parting in this story, but also happiness and joy, warmth and emotion.”

“Sadness will not disappear in a vacuum, but warm feelings will always be cherished in the heart.”

“There should never be hatred and mission to be passed on to future generations. Only by experiencing the splendor of this era can future people understand the meaning of our fight. ”

“Not to be pushed, to be dragged forward, not to follow the path chosen by others.”

“It’s with this idea – what I want to do, how I should do it, to determine my own life, my own engraving.”

“With my own will, towards the goal set by myself, I will do my best to live the life of ‘me’ as the protagonist in a comfortable way.” 】

“You see, I’m like that, and so are everyone. This is true of the time I know of, and of the thirteen people it has produced. ”

“Thousands of trajectories are intertwined and haunted, and a miracle of a hundred flowers blooms is born.”

“This is the eternity of ‘beauty’, what I believe in…”

“True Self”.

“This is the promised land of the past – the story of the thirteen heroes who chased the fire.”

“This is the end of our story.”

“And from now on…”

“It’s your story~”】

【“…… Thank you. ”

Bud Yi’s voice echoed in the space: “I, I will not forget.” ”

“Goodbye, Thirteen Ying…”

“Goodbye, Alicia…”


Pado cried again: “It’s really uncomfortable!” Why do you have to separate… Obviously, obviously they are so happy together! ”

“Pado, there is no banquet in the world.”

Hua comforted the cat and cat softly: “In life, there are always too many regrets. ”

“Yes, although I am also reluctant to say goodbye to Bud Yi, but…”

Alicia smiled regretfully: “After all, we are people who stop in the past, the shadows that remain in the past, and Nha Yi is the person of the future, and she will continue to move forward and move towards the future that belongs to herself.” ”

Nha Yi: “Sorry, Alicia…”

“Huh? Why apologize? ”

“It’s just, I always feel sad…”

Bud Yi covered her chest, she could see that she was really reluctant to Alicia in the picture, and Alicia was also very reluctant to her.

But they are destined to be separated, even if there is no law of erosion, even if there is no danger of the destruction of the promised land of the past – they cannot be one forever after all.

“It’s okay, you really don’t have to be sad!”

Alicia soothed Bud Yi softly: “After all, you see, we in reality, don’t we all still exist here in the Q&A space?” You can visit us whenever you want! ”

“We’ll be welcome at any time!”

Eden: “Yes, Miss Bud.” We welcome you all at any time. ”

Aponia: “Please rest assured, Miss Bud, I will not do anything dangerous to you again.” ”

Qianji: “Just don’t bother me.” ”

Sue: “I have foreseen your arrival, I believe it will be a grand banquet…”

Grace: “I want to draw a picture for everyone, in my favorite color…”

Pado: “Sister Bud, you must come!” ”

Nha Yi: “Hmm! We will definitely come! ”

Fu Hua: “I’ll bring them here.” ”

Kiana: “It’s time for a big group building in the promised land of the past!” ”

While everyone is discussing the team building in the real world, the picture continues.

After Alicia sends off the bud clothes, she travels alone to the location of the Law of Erosion and successfully meets her.

“Hi – hello. ”

Alicia looked up at the Law of Erosion sitting on the ruins and exclaimed: “Wow~ is really exactly the same as me, sure enough, I look good in any color!” ”

“This should be the first time we meet, but you and I should be very porridge for each other.”

“-So, let’s talk, okay?”

The Law of Erosion looked at her from top to bottom, his voice full of puzzlement: “… Why? ”

Alicia tilted her head in confusion: “Huh? ”

“You… Should you understand? ”

The Law of Erosion looked at her: “You should delete the promised land with me, instead of coming to me again like now.” ”

“—because I will never miss the opportunity to erode you.”

“As long as I make you a part of me, I will completely gain control of that command, and the things that can destroy me will cease to exist, and everything they do will become meaningless.”

“Cherish the efforts of your companions and complete their hearts.”

Hopefully, this is what ‘Alicia’ will do, right? “】

“The Law of Erosion seems to be hostile to Alicia.”

Bronia was a little worried: “Although you believe first, then believe something… But Alicia, it shouldn’t roll over, right? ”

To be reasonable, if the law of erosion succeeds at the last minute, it will be a lot of trouble!

“It won’t.”

Bud Yi shook his head, his eyes were confident: “Alicia, it must be fine!” ”

Bronia glanced at Bud Yi, and then glanced at Qibao, who puffed out her cheeks, with a delicate expression: “Sister Bud Yi, I trust that pink fairy lady quite a bit.” ”

Bud Yi nodded firmly: “Well, isn’t that of course.” ”

Bronia: “…”

“You do know me well, it’s just… Not ‘comprehensive’ enough. ”

Alicia smiled and replied, “There are two sides to everything.” Your special power is indeed somewhat powerful… Therefore, I also want to do something bold through it and let the promised land usher in the grand end that belongs to it. ”

“When I told this decision to another girl who had read my life, she understood me very well!”

In Alicia’s mind, the girl who had just been sent out of the promised land by herself appeared with a light smile: “That’s why I like her so much~”

“Raiden Bud Yi…”

The Law of Erosion chewed lightly on the name: “You mean to say… Is she more qualified to be ‘Alicia’ than I am? ”


Alicia blinked in surprise: “Bud clothes are bud clothes… Not Alicia, not anyone else. ”

“In the same way, you are also a unique you, why do you have to become Alicia?”


In a brief silence, the Law of Eclipse sighed, “I don’t know and I don’t understand. ”

“But I still have time to find out… and opportunities. ”

She looked at Alicia, her eyes radiating hostility and another subtle emotion.

Alicia was a little frustrated: “Is it still like this in the end?” ”

“…… I thought about it for a long time, and sure enough, this is my ‘will’. ”

The eyes of the Law of Erosion reflected Alicia’s face, although it was the same as herself, but… She knew that there was a decisive difference in nature.

“I want to live, no matter what, just as you love human beings deeply, I also cherish my existence more than anyone.”

Alicia asked, “But there is not only one way to exist.” ”

“But we are destined to have only one ending.”

The Law of Erosion stared at Alicia: “After leaving here, I will weave the most beautiful dream for you, just with… They are in this together. ”

“Sorry, I can’t let you out of here.”

Alicia shook her head slightly: “Moreover, being with them doesn’t necessarily have to be a dream, right?” ”

“…… So be it. ”

The Law of Erosion took a deep breath and stood up: “I accept your challenger to the Law of Man. ”

Her figure was gradually shrouded in black fog and merged with the entire city.

The gradually blurred face was accompanied by a sad smile, and a faint sigh came from the darkness.

“The initial choice to be like this really only because…”

“I think you’re beautiful, that’s all…”

“Alas~ didn’t I expect it to turn out to be like this in the end?”

Alicia seemed to feel sorry from the bottom of her heart: “It’s a pity, I thought things would go in a good direction.” ”

“No, Sister Ellie!”

Pado was a little surprised: “You really want that eroding law to abandon evil and turn to good?” ”

“–She is the culprit who deleted you, and the culprit who destroyed the entire past king!”

Alicia smiled nonchalantly: “That said, I just want to know her better.” ”

“In any case, in order to prevent the Law of Erosion from descending into the real world, we must strangle her in the promised land of the past.”

Su emphasized: “Just use the model six six six.” ”

“But looking at Alicia’s appearance, it seems that you plan to have a trick with her first?”

Bud Yi looked at the picture on the screen and couldn’t help but cheer for Alicia: “Come on! Alicia! ”

Kiana echoed: “Come on! Miss Pink Leprechaun! ”

Pardo: “Uh-huh! You must not lose! Sister Ellie! ”

“Thank you all for your encouragement!”

Alicia clapped her palms: “With everyone’s support, I will definitely win.” ”

——And on the screen, the final battle between the Law of Eclipser and the Law of Man also kicked off!

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