Chapter 0185: Xi’er and Li Suxiang Join the Q&A Space! The latest mainline is open!!!

In the picture, Raiden Bud Yi looked at Kevin, who was holding the Heavenly Fire Saint Tailor at the exit of the Promised Land of the Past, and quickly understood the situation.

“It seems that you are the last insurance here. “】

“As a result, you still didn’t make a move.”

Bud Yi looked at the silent Kevin: “… You can see that you have a lot of ‘confidence’ in your former companions. ”

“You too.”

Kevin’s words were clean, but Bud Yi fell silent, unable to distinguish the meaning of the other party’s words for a while.

She hesitated for a long time before slowly speaking: “Kevin, they…”

“I know.”

Nha Yi opened his mouth: “Even so… Don’t you want to meet ~ them for the last time? ”

That doesn’t make sense.

– she thought he would say that.

But he didn’t.

“I don’t want to disappoint her.”

He said the words calmly, as always.

Bud Yi immediately understood – this man, who has always symbolized ‘strength’, is not complaining about something… He is simply stating his ‘weakness’.

Kevin, who stands here, is not just here to act as the last insurance, but to remember, for… Farewell. 】


Alicia stared sadly at the indifferent Kevin on the screen, compared to the Kevin in her impression, compared to the ‘savior’ Kevin of the promised land of the past, this Kevin in the picture seemed more silent and desperate.

Grace: “Uncle Kevin… It’s so pathetic…”

Virgo Benme: “After all, alone bears the responsibility of the entire pre-civilization era.” ”

“In the future, I am moving towards a new era.”

Hua said: “And Kevin he… Still stuck in the past…”

Sue: “Kevin…”

Kevin: “…”

[In the long silence, Bud Yi slowly spoke: “You…”

“Let’s go.”

He doesn’t show more affection.

Or, he has revealed enough that Kevin is lonely.

Because no one had ever really noticed his loneliness.

“…… What to do? ”

Kevin answered her: “Project Stigmata”]


Of course Bud Yi knows.

The time has come when the twelfth lawyer has been eliminated, and the time has come when the thirteenth lawyer is just a lie.

Bud Yi looked at Kevin: “This day has finally arrived, hasn’t it?” ”

“If you don’t want to, then there is no point in you staying here.”

“…… Kevin, you know I never identified with this plan. ”

“That’s not important.”

Kevin paused: “After all, you can already understand. ”



Bud Yi muttered, and the voices and smiles of those heroes appeared in her mind, and she gently closed her eyes: “Maybe…”

After witnessing the whole of that era, she can even be sure that she can understand more than ever why the man in front of her has become the way he is.

“But understanding, after all, does not mean approval.”

Bud Yi raised his head and looked directly at Kevin: “Kevin, everyone has the possibility of becoming a hero.” ”

“But you… Everyone should not be required to be the ‘hero’ of your choice. ”

“That’s not what she wants.”

Kevin’s voice fluctuated again, but his expression and tone were as calm as ever, like an iceberg that could not be transformed by eternity: “… There will be no second Alicia. ”

“The result she wanted to see, he was never here…”

“It’s on you.”

There was another brief silence, and Bud Yi seemed to have nothing to say.

She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

“It seems that… I have lost the last meaning of staying in the snake of the world. ”

“So, your real purpose in recruiting a lawyer to join the World Serpent…”

Bud Yi looked at him: “… I’ve done it, haven’t I? ”


Surprisingly, Kevin responded very softly.

Bud Yi wasn’t even sure if it was a real sound.

“Well, so be it… Thunderbolt bud clothing. ”

Kevin’s voice returned to the past, and he slowly spoke.

“As the Lord…”

“I allow you to leave the World Serpent.” 】

“Sure enough, Kevin’s real purpose in wooing Bud Yi to join the World Snake is to fulfill Alicia’s wish!”

Zhibao clasped his hands to his chest: “I just said, although I only know half about the so-called stigmata plan, I also know that this plan does not require any necessary characters other than Kevin.” ”

“So… No wonder Kevin said that he wanted me to join the World Snake as well…”

Zhibao suddenly realized: “It turns out that he knew from the beginning that I was not Fu Hua, but a person who knew the law. ”

“That real Kevin has also spent 50,000 long years, if he can’t even tell if he is a lawyer, wouldn’t he have lived in vain…”

Bronia couldn’t help but complain: “I’m afraid, only a newborn lawyer will wake up to mean that he is someone else, not a lawyer…”

“Yo, Bronia? It seems that you want to compare yourself with me? ”

Zhibao could naturally hear that Bronia was angry at her in yin and yang, and couldn’t help but clench her fists and glared at the duck duck: “Declare in advance, I will not show mercy to my subordinates!” ”

Bronia directly raised her hand in surrender and admitted defeat: “Don’t, Bronia is not your opponent.” ”

Fu Hua pulled Zhibao: “Okay, Xiaozhi, don’t make trouble.” ”


Zhibao snorted, indicating that he was angry, the kind that coaxed badly!

At this moment, the electronic synthesis sound came again.

However, surprisingly, this time it was not a new round of Q&A, but new people joined the Q&A space.

【Ciel Flair joins Q&A space】

【Li Suxiang joins the Q&A space】


When Bronia heard this name, her eyes widened in surprise, and her expression was full of incredulity: “Xi’er, joined the Q&A space? ”

“Hmm… Here it is…? ”

In the space, Xi’er’s confused voice sounded, as if he had just woken up from a long slumber, and his consciousness was still a little hazy: “Where is this?” I…… Why is it here? Another me? ”

“This voice… Ciel! Is it really you! ”

Her own old girl’s voice, Bronia can never forget in her life, she opened her eyes, and her delicate Sanni’s face showed such obvious mood swings for the first time, and she couldn’t help but step forward a few steps: “Xi’er!” You can hear Bronia’s voice. ”

“This voice… It’s Bronia… Sister? ”

When Xi’er heard this voice, she couldn’t help but be stunned, and she reacted after realizing it, and her eyes widened slightly: “Sister Bronia? Is it really you? Sister Bronia! ”

“It’s me! It’s Bronia! ”

Bronia clasped her hands together in front of her chest, her expression seemed to be sincerely happy: “Great, Xi’er! It’s great to see you safe and sound! ”

Although through the spoilers of the Q&A space, she can know that there is no danger in Xi’er floating in the quantum sea at this time, but knowing that she knows, Bronia will inevitably feel anxious and worried without seeing it with her own eyes!

It wasn’t until this time that she heard the voice from Xi’er with her own ears, that she really let go of her heart!

“Great! Sister Bronia! Xi’er finally saw you! ”

Xi’er’s voice was also full of joy, but then her expression appeared a little puzzled: “But, sister Bronia, where are you?” Why can’t Ciel find you? ”

“Uh, Ciel, you listen to Bronia first-”

Bronia said what she knew about the Q&A space, and after listening to it, Xi’er digested it after a while, nodding her head in ignorance.

“So that’s the case, then this Q&A space is really powerful!”

Xiao Lizi, who had never spoken, spoke in amazement: “Even this girl’s consciousness that is still sleeping can awaken and pull in!” ”

Fu Hua opened his mouth: “Su Xiang, you now…”

“Huh? This voice is… Too Master? ”

Li Suxiang said in surprise: “I didn’t expect that even Master Tai was there, fortunately it will be lucky.” ”


“Okay, don’t talk about these useless things!”

Zhibao stepped forward and shouted at the surroundings: “Hey! Let me ask, where is your real body now? Shouldn’t it still be frozen by that Otto guy? ”

“It seems… Well…”

Xiao Lizi nodded: “In other words, how come there are two Tai Masters?” And the tone and intonation of the speech… Doesn’t feel the same? ”

“Ahem! Sushang, you listen to me…”

Just as Fu Hua was about to explain clearly, he suddenly heard the familiar electronic synthesis sound sound sound again, and a new round of questions and answers finally arrived.

[Question 16: After returning to the moon, who did you choose to let stay before preparing to face Kevin? 】

【A:Kiana Kaslanna】

【B:Raiden bud clothing】

[C: Bronia Zajček]

[D: Ciel Fleur]

Finally a new plot begins, the three families of law face off against Kevin! I feel a little recycled, but why the duck duck has not yet started to fight… Hundred million.

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